The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1424: Barbarisa's problem

"Barbarisa, calm down, calm down!" Seeing her husband so gaffe, Vera quickly reached out and took her husband's arm, said.

"No, they really know, they really know!" Barbarisa's emotions were not eased by his wife's comfort, he still looked very excited.

Seeing this, Leo used a psionic technique to soothe the soul, and said: "I think it's better for you to calm down, otherwise we can't continue talking now!"

When Leo’s voice fell, Barbarisa’s emotions were also slightly calmer under the influence of psionic energy, but this time he seemed to be wearing some kind of artifact that should have originated from an unknown church, in Leo’s psychic energy When Barbarisa's mood was further affected, it interfered with it, and the appeasement psychic energy did not fully play its role.

It's just that even if he didn't completely calm the emotions of Barissa under his chin, at least he didn't think that he was so excited that he couldn't control it.

In this way, the four people and two couples sat quietly in the room for a while, until Barbarisa's mood completely calmed down.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry just now!" Barbarisa, who returned to normal, apologized to Leo and Sylvia, and explained: "This question has bothered me. I have looked for various people and have not been able to get the answer. As for the two of you, I saw the hope of answering, so my emotions were a little out of control, and I made the rude behavior just now. I hope the two will not be offended."

"It doesn't matter." Leo waved his hand indifferently, and then continued: "The question we asked just now, you have not answered us, we hope you can answer truthfully, so that it will not affect our judgment, we Only then can I give you the most correct answer and tell you the problem of your body."

"What kind of reward do you want?" Vera asked at this time.

Sylvia said: "We haven't thought about it yet. After we tell you what you want to know, then you can decide what kind of payment you should pay, okay?"

Although this approach looks like Leo and the others are at a disadvantage, the other party can completely fall back after knowing what they want to know from Leo, but based on Leo and Sylvia's judgment on the personality of the couple in front of them, they fall back. It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. They will inevitably get a corresponding reward, and judging from the couple's emphasis on Barbarisa's physical condition, the final reward may even exceed expectations.

Hearing Sylvia’s proposal, Vera couldn’t help frowning, because she knew very well that this condition without a limit was the most difficult condition to master. On the surface, it was beneficial to them, but it actually made them. Very passive.

However, after seeing her husband's anxious look, the worries in her heart disappeared. As she said during the day, as long as she can solve the problems that have plagued her husband for many years, she will not hesitate to pay all the fortune.

"Okay! We agree." After making sure, Vera nodded to her husband, who was already in a hurry next to her, indicating that he could speak.

"What should I say? If you just answer the questions you just asked are somewhat incomplete, it will cause some misunderstandings." Barbarisa did not immediately answer Leo's questions, but muttered to himself. Sentence, it seemed that he was thinking about the rhetoric, and in the end he seemed to have made some major decision, and said: "Let’s start from the beginning! Anyway, you have answered your questions, you must continue to ask, just start from the beginning, and even more. It's easier to understand."

Seeing Barbarisa making such a decision, the wife Vera on the side frowned and wanted to stop, but in the end she did not speak, and chose to sit quietly next to her.

Later, Barbarissa explained Leo’s question from the beginning, but what Leo and Sylvia could not think of was this from the beginning, really from the beginning, because what Barbarissa was telling turned out to be the situation before he was born. In other words, what he said was from when he was just forming a baby in his mother's womb, because he remembered everything he had in his mother's womb.

The question of whether there is the most basic consciousness and memory of living creatures when the baby is in the mother's womb has long been answered in the Earth Federation, that is, the baby does have memory and consciousness, when a person’s life form has evolved to be equivalent to At the level of a seventh-level psionicist, he can use the cell memory in his body to extract memories from the mother and fetus period.

It's just that, except for a few people with psychological problems, other slightly normal people will not extract the memories of the fetal period in the abdomen, because there are records showing that the memory is only painful, and there will be nothing worthy of nostalgia. thing.

Think about it, when the fetus is in the mother's body, even if there is amniotic fluid in the mother's body, the uterus is very soft, giving the fetus the greatest degree of protection, but the fragility of the fetus itself will still be hurt, and this kind of damage is still every moment.

This is not over yet. After the baby is born, although the items that wrap the baby may be made of fabrics or blankets that are very soft to ordinary people, the soft cloth is as sharp as a knife for the delicate skin of the baby and wrapped in it. The pain is no less than a thousand cuts, and this situation will continue for a period of time until the baby's skin begins to toughen.

A powerful psionicist in the Earth Federation was curious about what happened to him in the fetal period, and tried to trace the origin through cellular memory, but the extremely painful memory almost drove him crazy.

A determined psionicist is so unbearable when facing his baby’s memories, let alone ordinary people, but Barbarisa in front of Leo said that he had complete consciousness and memory in the fetal period, and He didn't go crazy. If all this were not a lie, then this incident was simply a miracle, and it could even be considered that Barbarisa's will was strong enough not to fear any pain.

However, from the performance of Barbarisa before, he is obviously not the kind of firm-willed person. It can even be said that his will is only slightly better than ordinary people. So when Barbarissa recounts his memories of when he was a baby, Leo had more doubts in his heart.

After that, Barbarisa continued to talk about some strange things that happened in his childhood, such as being able to easily control certain objects, being able to understand the words of animals, and so on. Perhaps it was because there was no previous draft, so he spoke very casually, often digressing, and needed his wife Vera's reminder before turning the topic back.

Although Barbaryza talked about his childhood experience for a long time, he still did not get to the point, but Leo and Sylvia did not show any impatience, but listened quietly. This attitude also made Barbary The Sa couple changed their previous impressions of Leo, and they liked it a lot.

It’s just that the Barbarissas don’t know that the content in their eyes that is not worthy of attention contains some very important information, because these content contains the evolution of pure mental superpowers, combined with the similarities in his mind. The fusion trajectory of the **** cells is enough for Leo to deduce a complete evolutionary program for pure mental superpowers.

I don’t know if it’s because of his wife Vera’s reminder, or Barbarissa feels that he has said too many irrelevant things. When he had a serious illness, after the serious illness, his body appeared abnormal. This abnormality was very simple, that is, he would often do things beyond his control.

In order to let Leo know more about his uncontrollable situation, he described in detail what he did when he was out of control.

He was participating in a hunting activity initiated by a certain nobleman. When he started hunting, he was completely unable to control his body. Originally, he was just a newcomer who had been in contact with hunting, but when he lost his body control, his body was Like an old hunter who has completed countless hunts, he easily found the prey in the dense jungle and hunted it easily. With this state, he became the chief hunter of that activity.

According to his description, he was completely awake in that state, but his body was not under his control, as if there was another person controlling his body.

He was terrified at that time, but later he showed no abnormalities in his body. Coupled with his outstanding performance in that hunting activity, he received unimaginable glory, and even received the king’s appreciation and gained a lot of honor. Good, so he didn't care about it anymore.

And in the various hunting activities that he was invited to participate in, he also lost control again, and every time he lost control, he gained fame and financial benefits, which made him completely forget the possible dangers.

Later, he enlisted in the army like other noble children in his own country, and was assigned to the front line to participate in the war. During the war, his physical loss of control happened more and more frequently, and the benefit of such frequent loss of control was that he had countless times. Survived from the danger, and achieved a military exploit that most other people could not achieve in their lives.

The downside is that his loss of control has changed. When his body was out of control at the beginning, his consciousness was still sober, and he could clearly know what happened when his body was out of control. But as the loss of control occurred frequently, he found that When he was out of control, his consciousness became a little fuzzy, and his memories of when he was out of control became fragmented just like dozing off.

In a frontline encounter, he encountered a sniper from a local area and suffered very serious injuries. The whole person fell into a coma, but when he recovered his consciousness, he found that the dangerous encounter was over, and they unexpectedly Victory was almost impossible.

Afterwards, he knew from other populations that the victory was entirely due to his single-handed intrusion into the enemy’s rear command post, killing all the command’s generals, causing the local army to be uncommanded and eventually collapsed. He didn't have this memory related to it. Obviously, he lost control of his body again when he lost consciousness and dominated the entire battle.

Originally, Barbarisa thought this was just a single case, but soon he discovered that things were worse than he had imagined, because when his body was out of control, his consciousness seemed to fall into a deep sleep, ignorant of what was happening outside, and After he was sober, he found that he had done some amazing things.

And the most frightening thing is that when other people talked to him about the things he did when he was out of control, he obviously had no memory of those things, but he was able to naturally make answers and reactions that were completely out of the control of his thoughts.

In this way, this situation has continued until now, and the only person who knows about this is his wife Vera except for himself.

Vera knew that this incident was also an accident. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she found that her husband was not by her side. She found that her husband was more like another person at the time.

At the time, she thought her husband had some sleepwalking disorder, and it was not until later that Barbarisa talked about it to Barbarisa that he brought out his problem.

Because of this, he felt that his loss of control problem was getting more and more serious, so he tried every means to find out the problem and solve the problem that had plagued him for many years.

He has consulted many people, including the pope of the church, the university of the medical school, and the doctors from all over the world. The vast majority of people have no idea about this problem. Only a few people expressed different In my opinion, he believed that this incident was related to his body's normal consciousness since he was a child, but that was it. The few people didn't give any cures. Only one person mentioned going to the New World to see.

The reason given by this person is very good. One is to see if the out-of-control situation will improve after changing to another illusion, and the other is that the new medicine now popular in the New World may have a better treatment for his physical problems.

Barbarisa came to the New World according to this proposal, and the situation has indeed improved. Not only has the physical loss of control reduced, and even if it is out of control, there will be no complete loss of consciousness. Moreover, the New World has a special medicine for mental aspects. Several therapies proposed by this kind of medicine also had a certain effect on him. So he decided to live in the New World for a long time, so he took his wife and children.

The situation got better and better in the next few years. Until a few months ago, the unconsciousness of the body out of control reappeared, and it returned to the bad situation before coming to the New World in a short time. After receiving several treatments, there was no effect. Later, he decided to go back to the Old World to meet the person who proposed him to the New World again to see if he could get a good offer again.

After finishing a very long introduction, Barbarisa began to answer Leo’s question formally. It was not his intention to choose to take the petting ship. He rested in the Port of Sainte-Pelia and was about to board another cruise ship. , His body lost control again and lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had already bought first-class tickets for the pets for his family, servants and bodyguards, but the ship they were on boarded had an accident and could not set sail normally.

After seeing the captain Hareza, he lost control of his body again, but this loss of control was a bit special. He did not lose his consciousness, nor did he completely lose control of his body. Instead, he suddenly had an idea in his mind and his body. He also followed the idea. The idea was to take out the pass from his pocket and give it to Captain Hareza, but the problem was that he didn't even know when he had this valuable pass.

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