The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1412: Follow clues

"This is the place where the last ray of energy fluctuations remained. They moved their hands, and they quickly finished it, and they were cleaned up afterwards. They were cleaned up very cleanly. They were very skillful. They should be done by veteran hands." In the relatively secluded alley, Leo looked at the surroundings and gave the analysis results.

"I smell a bit of the abyss." Sylvia said, frowning slightly.

"Abyss?" Leo asked suspiciously, "Why didn't I feel it?"

Sylvia explained: "Because the smell of this abyss is very messy, I don't know how many times it has been converted, and the smell is almost as weak as not. Even if I don't perceive it carefully, I am afraid I can't tell it."

After listening to Sylvia's words, Leo couldn't help laughing: "A power from the abyss attacked a quasi-palladin, a psionic apprentice, in a city dominated by a church in a city dominated by a church. It's really interesting!"

After speaking, he looked around again, walked out of the alley, and then turned to look at the weird avenue on the left leading to the black city.

Although the dock area is located in the Baicheng District, it is very close to the Heicheng District. From here, there is a special road that leads directly to the Heicheng District. Call it Porter Avenue.

In order to avoid the whim of the porters, they took advantage of the opportunity to work at the wharf and ran to other places in Baicheng District, so when the avenue was built, they built two rows of high walls with special shapes on both sides of the avenue. The body is inclined inward and the surface is very smooth. It is a high wall that ordinary people cannot climb. Moreover, the porters walking under the high wall will inexplicably have a feeling of being suppressed. This feeling will make them old on the dock. Don't make trouble honestly.

Sylvia walked over and after seeing Leo's actions, she confirmed it and asked: "Do you think the people who attacked Joanne and Petunia came from the Black City, and they were also taken to the Black City?"

"Misery is not only a hotbed of faith, but also a fertile soil for sin." Leo said with deep meaning.

After speaking, Leo lowered his head to look for clues. This time he didn't use any extraordinarily power, but with his five senses that his body was beyond ordinary, he quickly found the traces left on the ground to confirm the attacked Joan and Petunia. After leaving the alley, he was loaded into a carriage, and the carriage came in the direction of Chamber of Commerce Street in the dock area, and the place to which it was headed was Heicheng District.

"Go to Chamber of Commerce Street first." After Leo told Sylvia of his discovery, Sylvia immediately made a judgment and said.

Leo also nodded in agreement. Although Joanne and Petunia could be easily found along the traces of the tiny tracks crushed by the carriage, they wanted to know at the moment that the attack on Joanne and Petunia was just an accidental action and was still targeted. Sexual, if it is targeted, and who is behind the scenes, is it related to the two of them?

With a series of questions, Leo and Sylvia followed the subtle clues on the ground to the Red Sail Chamber of Commerce, the source of the carriage.

Leo and Sylvia quickly understood the situation of this chamber of commerce through their own methods, but the doubts in their hearts not only did not abate, but became stronger.

Because, this chamber of commerce is a typical black market chamber of commerce. They mainly sell stolen goods to some ugly things. They also occupy a place in the black market in the black city. The Chamber of Commerce has no contact either.

But such a chamber of commerce sent people to attack the knights of the False Heart Church. This can only be described as madness to describe the behavior of this chamber of commerce. You must know that the people of the False Heart Church are all lunatics, and they can usually do it. Self-restraint, once there is an excuse, let alone a black market chamber of commerce, even other churches dare to do it directly.

However, judging from the current situation of the spiritual network investigation, the people in this chamber of commerce are obviously not lunatics, they are all normal people, which is a bit puzzling.

Leo and Sylvia did not stay outside the Chamber of Commerce for too long, and went directly into the Chamber of Commerce. They easily blocked the perception of the people around them through witchcraft, making them invisible in front of these people. Then they came to the Chamber of Commerce. The president's office on the second floor stood in front of the plump president.

At this moment, the president has not noticed that there are two more strangers in the room. He is looking at the ledger on the table and cursing in a low voice. It seems that he is extremely dissatisfied with the amount of money he has recently given to the forces behind him. I think I have taken too much money.

Sylvia was not in the mood to wait for this person to finish complaining, and directly stretched out her hand to press on the head of the guild leader, and when her hand touched the top of this person's head, a pendant worn on this person's neck suddenly radiated. There was a burst of black light, but this light just flashed and was quickly shot out under the power of Sylvia's powerful abyssal dragon, and the guild leader also fainted.

"There is an aura of abyssal power on this." Sylvia used an abyssal spell to search for the memory of the guild leader, while removing the pendant from his neck and threw it to Leo.

Leo took it in his hand and looked at it, and said: "It is made very rough, with a little primitive shamanistic style. The material should be bones, not the bones of extraordinary creatures, but ordinary bones, but there are a lot of bones attached to them. These negative energies are not power from the abyss. Obviously, the bone provider must have been tortured extremely painfully during his lifetime, and it was only under strong emotions that such a strong negative energy was produced."

"Through torturing living creatures to produce pain and resentment, this technique is really rough, and only those low-level races in the abyss will use it." Sylvia looked at the pendant with disdain, and then moved his hand. Removed from the guild leader's head, and the guild leader has passed out, lying on the table unconscious.

"Any clue?" Leo asked.

"Common meeting, have you heard of it?" Sylvia said solemnly.

"Common Association is like a street mutual aid club in the Heicheng District." Leo's spiritual network once covered the entire Port of Saint-Pelia, and the level of understanding of the various forces in the Port of Saint-Pelia surpassed even the managers of this city. .

Although the Common Association is a humble small organization in the eyes of the managers of Port Saint-Pelia, Leo knows that the coverage of the Common Association has spread throughout the entire black city, and they have helped the people of various neighborhoods in The people of Heicheng District already have a certain degree of influence, because what they did did not touch the bottom line of the church, and the members of this organization did not try to gain higher power and status, so the city council has an influence on them. Also open one eye and close one eye.

Sylvia stated: “Today there is only one carriage going to the black city. This carriage is a carriage specially used to transport property together. This black market chamber of commerce was opened with the support of the joint association. What this guy said just now The gold is handed over to the common association. Today, the carriage is to transport a sum of money, but that sum of money is temporarily added.”

Leo frowned and said, "The carriage that transported goods stopped to transport people on the way. There is something wrong with it."

Sylvia continued: "In his memory there is no content related to Joanne and Petunia, not even content related to the abyss."

Leo asked, "Where did this pendant come from?"

Sylvia smiled and said: "You must have never imagined that it was given to him by a missionary of the Daru Church stationed in the Black City. The relationship between the missionary and the Union is unusual, and it can be regarded as the umbrella of the Union in the church. "

"Daru Church?" Leo quickly found the information of Daru Church in the brain database.

The Dalu Church is not a church of True God in the conventional sense, because it was a church born in the New World, and its area of ​​believers is not very wide, so Daru Church was not recognized as the Church of True God in the Old World. The New World only believes that the Dalu Church is not an evil heresy.

The Dalu Church was born on the coastline of the New World. Dalu is a mysterious existence that wanders the coastline of the New World and its surrounding waters. It often appears in sea storms to help people and ships in distress out of danger, so it will soon be there. A group of believers.

Later, people who were blessed by Daru appeared among the believers. These people became the earliest missionaries of Daru Church. Under the propaganda of these preachers, Daru Church gradually took shape and eventually became a complete system. Church.

Because Daru appeared to rescue shipwrecked people every time, he was also considered a kind god, and he did not encounter too many obstacles in the process of preaching.

What’s more important is that compared with the land **** system with many gods and complete system, the sea **** system is still very chaotic, and there is no other ocean gods competing with believers or other resources. So in the end, Dalu Church was taken over by the True God Church of the New World. Acceptance was also very smooth.

With the increase in maritime trade, Daru’s beliefs have gradually spread. Almost all ships traveling between the two continents will have Daru’s shrines. When they encounter a shipwreck, they will pray to Daru. This makes Daru church believers Rapid growth can be said to be the fastest growing church in the New World.

Among the churches in Port Saint-Pelia, the Daru Church is the last to settle in, so it does not have a lot of power in this city, and because Daru’s theocracy is on the sea, his church temple does not have Set up in the Baicheng District, but on a reef protruding to the ocean at the junction of the wharf area and the Heicheng District, it means that he is the only church in the city that has built its own temple.

Leo didn't expect that a little investigation would involve the Church of True God, and he couldn't help but wonder whether he would continue to investigate whether the entire church in Port Sainte-Pelia would be involved.

Afterwards, the two looked through the various books in the room. In addition to discovering that the joint will use this chamber of commerce for various smuggling activities, they also found that the joint will seem to be engaged in some child trafficking activities, and the children who were trafficked were not Not from the countries of the New World, but from the Old World.

Although in the name the New World countries do not allow any slave trade, human trafficking is not forbidden, because the New World has been developed for so many years, but there are not so many suitable places to live. Many countries have poor environments and are willing to live. Naturally, there are not many people there, so in order to maintain the country's reproduction, some countries often secretly conduct a large number of population transactions to fill their own national gap.

In human trafficking, adults are not the most popular, because adults already have their own ideas. Don’t sell them. Even if they are given normal resident status, they will not live in peace of mind. They will find ways to leave, even There will also be deliberate disturbances, rebellions, etc., so unless there is an urgent need to supplement adult labor, there will not be a large number of adults trading.

In the population trade in the New World, children are the main business of the trade, because children can be cultivated and reshaped, and their abilities are not enough to allow them to return to the old world. When they have the ability, they have already regarded this place as My home will never leave.

Although the countries of the New World are not opposed to human trafficking for their own reasons, this is not a good reputation after all, so they will not proceed with fanfare. Most of them are just entrusted to different ocean-going chambers of commerce. Almost New World can be named. Large chambers of commerce will secretly engage in such businesses.

However, this kind of business will never be handed over to the current black-market chambers of commerce and lower-level organizations in those countries with poor populations, because these lower-level chambers of commerce and forces are unreliable in their eyes.

Therefore, the human trafficking of the Common Society is definitely not because of those countries with scarce populations, and the church does not need to cultivate believers in this way. In this way, there is only one answer that can be thought of, and that is the heresy that is completely suppressed by the various churches. , Only these unseen forces need to maintain their number of followers through this method of human trafficking.

"What do you think of throwing these ledgers into the lobby of the city council?" Sylvia easily analyzed the secrets hidden in these ledgers, and selected several important ones from them, and then went to Lei. Ou said.

"I have no opinion." Leo nodded, and UU reading added: "But you have to wait until someone finds it."

After speaking, the two looked in the room again, and after confirming that they did not find anything useful, they left the office and walked out of the Chamber of Commerce directly in full view.

After that, Leo continued to follow the traces of the carriage and walked in the direction of the Heicheng District. He quickly passed the Porter Avenue and came to a very large central square.

This square presents a triangular shape, with a statue at the top of each corner. The statue should have been erected later, and should be a well-known figure in the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

The square is like a steel knife that splits the Porter Avenue, which is rushing straight up, in half, half extending to the black city, and the other side leading to the Daru church temple on the cliff in the distance.

Because of the Daru Church, this square is also called the Salvation Square. Many Daru church members who have attended the morning ceremonies will gather in this square for daily exchanges. It is not unsightly from the crowds in the square. The origin of these believers, because the believers in the Heicheng District and the believers in the Baicheng District will not talk to each other.

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