The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1413: Dalu Temple

"Which way to go?" Sylvia looked at the road leading to different directions, then looked at the bustling crowd in the square, and turned to ask.

"The traces are broken." Leo looked down at the ground. The previously indistinct traces of the car track were completely covered by the traces of other car tracks and people trampling on it. He could no longer tell the carriage finally drove. Where.

"If you want me to choose, I will choose over there." Sylvia thought about it after listening to it, and said, pointing to the Daru Temple.

Leo nodded when he heard the words, and said, "I think so too."

In fact, when he discovered that the carriage that took Qiao'an and Penny was from the black market chamber of commerce, the black market chamber of commerce was related to the joint association in the black city, and the backing supporter of the joint association was Daru Church, his search target was already Set on the temple of Dalu Church.

The reason why he made the judgment so quickly is because when his spiritual network scans the whole city, only a few places are difficult to penetrate, such as the main churches and temples of various churches. Dalu Temple is one of them. one.

In addition, Penny’s own abilities may not be strong enough, but her use of basic psionic skills is no longer inferior to any psionicist. With her own hunter abilities, even ordinary church knights can hardly cope with it. What's more, there is a quasi-palladin Joan next to her. If you want to control these two people cleanly in a short time, I am afraid that ordinary people cannot do it. Obviously, there should be no such people in the black city, and there are only various churches. The bishop-level figures of the People’s Republic of China have the ability to do this.

The more important point is that Leo just scanned the black city through the spiritual network just now, trying to find the Daru church missionary who sent the pendant to the president of the black market chamber of commerce, but found that he was not in his mission church, but in the church. In the conversation with the servant of the gods, it was mentioned that the missionary had gone to the dock area early in the morning, seemed to be in a hurry, and received a letter from him before leaving.

Leo didn’t know exactly what caused Joanne and Petunia to get involved in this matter, or whether it was directed at Joanne or Petunia, but now he needs to find JoAnn and Petunia before talking about other things. of.

The two who made the decision walked in the direction of Dalu Temple. Although the daily missionary ceremonies have ended, there are still many people coming and going on the street leading to Dalu Temple. Not all of them are. They are followers of Daru, many of them are looking at the scenery of Daru Temple.

The Daru Church’s choice to build the temple on this protruding cliff was not the result of a whim, but a final decision after careful inspection. After the temple was completed, this place became a part of the Port of Sainte-Pelia. Scenic resort.

Now this calm and cloudless weather is not the most suitable time to see the scenery at Daru Temple. The most suitable time is in the storm and rain, because at that time, there is a chance to see Daru appearing in the storm, and also because of this. The reason is that a large number of Daru believers go to the observation deck of Daru Temple in a big storm every year, hoping to see Daru’s figure. Some people are lucky to see the miracle in their hearts, and some are bad luck and are caught by the storm. Blowed off the cliff and disappeared in the stormy waves below.

However, even so dangerous, every time a storm occurs on the sea, there are still a large number of believers going to the Dalu Temple. In order to protect these believers, Dalu Temple has erected iron chains and other protections on the road leading to the cliff and the viewing platform. Measures, but the effect is not significant.

Dalu Temple does not oppose non-believers to visit the observation deck, and is even willing to accept it, so there are no checkpoints or the like on the road. Leo and Sylvia also came to the Dalu Temple smoothly with other tourists. Small square.

The main body of the Dalu Temple is located at the top of the cliff. A high wall is built around the edge of the cliff. The entire temple is wrapped in the high wall. The small square and viewing platform are on the cliff below the temple. This is also for ordinary tourists and believers. The end point can be reached, and the forbidden area is the one that goes up.

After Leo and Sylvia came to the small square, they all headed to the stable not far away. There were more than a dozen carriages parked there. Most of the carriages were very gorgeous, and they should be rich and rich. The carriage only used by the nobles, only one carriage is very old and rough. At first glance, it is the carriage used to pull goods in the Heicheng District. It is just that there is nothing on the carriage. The original carriage is no longer visible. The bolts and locks on the board show that the carriage part is detachable. It should be that the carriage part has been moved away after parking.

"It should be that car." Sylvia said solemnly.

Leo glanced at the wheel, and easily distinguished that the wheel was consistent with the previous traces, then nodded, then turned to look at the Daru Temple above.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Dalu Temple is a majestic and solemn building. Anyone who comes to it, even believers of other gods, will involuntarily respect it.

The entire temple does not use the white wall stone commonly used in Saint-Pelia Port, but black stone transported from the cold north as the building material. The overall architectural style is completely different from those gorgeous churches and temples in the Baicheng District of Saint-Pelia Port. , But simple, crude and cold, even if it is a hot summer, you will feel a cold breath when you enter the temple. The deep environment created by the surrounding rocks can't even penetrate the sun outside the window. Anyone who enters the temple can It seemed to be on the dark and deep seabed.

In this case, even outside the temple, it can make people feel the deep chill. This kind of chill makes the non-believers who come here dare not even look up at the temple building on the top of the cliff, as if the soul will be affected by a glance. As if the temple was sucked away, one by one lowered their heads to the viewing platform. After taking a look at the rumored scenery, they hurriedly bowed their heads and left.

Among the many people with bowed heads, Leo, who looked up at the temple, should have been particularly eye-catching, but the witchcraft runes on him affected the people around him, not only making ordinary tourists ignore him and Sylvia next to him. , Even the Daru church knights stationed at the entrance turned a blind eye to them.

"What did you see?" Sylvia asked curiously, seeing Leo staring at the temple for a long time.

Leo didn't answer, but reached out and grabbed Sylvia's palm, and then passed the things he saw to Sylvia through the spiritual link of psionic skills.

In an instant, the Daru Temple in front of Sylvia disappeared and was replaced by a huge black figure crawling on the top of the cliff. This black figure has no fixed form. It can only be vaguely seen that he is in the form of a beast, just this form of a beast. But there is another fish-like tail.

Although I only saw the image transmitted by Leo, instead of looking at him directly, and could not intuitively feel the invisible pressure from this huge shadow, Sylvia could still feel an inexplicable pressure. Fall on the body.

"Is it Daru?" Sylvia said solemnly.

"It should be." Leo nodded, and then said: "However, he is much weaker than I expected."

"Being a **** is indeed weak." Sylvia also nodded in agreement with Leo's opinion.

Regardless of the bonus caused by environmental and geographical factors, the Darul clone projection that is integrated into the temple is powerful, but in the eyes of Leo and Sylvia, it appears to be strong and capable, and it is not even as good as the white deer. If you follow the psionics In terms of the level of, Dalu is almost equivalent to the eighth-level psionicist who is about to be promoted, only slightly stronger than Sylvia, provided that Sylvia can fully exert all his strength.

As far as a **** is concerned, Dalu is really not worthy of this title. No wonder Dalu Temple will be built on the cliff alone. If his temple is built in Baicheng District, among the churches and churches of the old churches, he will not Speaking of the projection being integrated into the temple, I am afraid that it would be difficult to even respond to the prayers of the churches. After all, the true gods behind the several churches in the city are true gods, not demigods like Daru who can only wander in a sea.

"Let's go, go in and take a look!" Leo exited the state of spiritual vision, and stepped up the steps leading to the temple, and Sylvia followed.

Under normal circumstances, the Daru Temple will not be open to the public without any ceremonies. The church armed and knights guarding outside the temple will stop those who try to enter. If there are people who continue to enter, they will Kill that person without hesitation.

But now, Leo and Sylvia walked the long steps in front of these people and entered the temple, but these people did not show any intention to stop them. On the contrary, some people saw Leo and Sylvia. He greeted the two of them as if he had met an acquaintance who often met, and even took the initiative to open the door of the temple for them.

"Your ability is much more useful than my abyss spell, and my method can't do that." After entering the main hall of the temple, Sylvia said with some envy.

Leo shook his head and said: "You can do it, but you haven't fully grasped your power. Your power has increased too fast, and it is almost beyond your control." As he said, he looked at the person in front of him. The main hall asked: "Look if there are any traces of abyssal power here."

Hearing Leo's words, Sylvia also got serious, carefully checking the surrounding situation through the perception and abilities of the upper race of her abyss.

At the same time, Leo was not idle. He took a serious look at the buildings in front of him, paying special attention to the murals engraved with various mysterious patterns and religious stories. At the same time, he also used spiritual nets and other methods to check the surrounding situation. .

The main hall is very dim, even if the sun is shining outside, the windows around the main hall are tightly closed, sunlight can't come in, a very cold breath fills the whole building, except for the oil lamps specially made for fish oil at the top. Apart from the dim light, there is no other light source.

In the middle of the main hall is a deity statue, but this deity statue is a bit weird, showing the shape of a human fish tail, which made Leo couldn't help but think of the aquatic people he saw in the world of Poseidon. In addition, the face of the deity was not carved out. , But a huge brazier. There is no flame burning in the brazier, but a special kind of deep sea ice is piled up. This kind of ice can only be collected in certain places deep in the seabed, and it will not melt all the year after being dug out of the sea. , But affected by temperature changes will produce a kind of fluorescent ice fog, this kind of ice fog will condense in a group of constantly changing shapes, and will not disperse for a long time.

Although many members of the Daru church who had been shipwrecked had seen the image of Daru in the storm before they were rescued, they could not remember Daru’s specific appearance after returning to normal. The vague legend of evidence added the shape of a human fish tail to him. As for the head, which could not give a unified answer, he simply cancelled it and used the special ice fog of deep sea ice to imitate the ever-changing shape of Daruna in everyone’s memory. .

Although outside the temple, Leo and Sylvia could clearly feel the invisible coercion and powerful divine force field emanating from the incarnation of Daru in the temple, but the weird thing is that after entering the temple, all the abnormal powers disappeared. , At least on the surface it feels like it has disappeared, and the use of powers such as psionic skills and witchcraft has not encountered any obstacles.

However, after careful inspection, Leo can still capture the power contained in the surrounding black stones through the spiritual net. These powers are hidden and converged, like a snake with a twisting body, ready to face the Lord at any time. The enemy in the hall issued a fatal attack.

Discovering this situation, Leo did not allow the spiritual net and other powers to penetrate into the black stone of the temple. Instead, it blew across its surface like a breeze, and then moved to other places, without giving the power contained in it any chance to trigger.

On the other hand, Sylvia obviously had to get more than Leo. After she used the power of the abyssal dragon, she became particularly sensitive to the abyssal powers that existed around her. She quickly discovered something and pulled it. Leo's sleeve pointed to the brazier filled with deep sea ice on the head of the Dalu god.

After receiving clear instructions from Sylvia, Leo also placed the scanned object of the spiritual web in the brazier, and also tried to mobilize the power of the abyss serpent, trying to stimulate the power of the abyss, but the final result was He still couldn't perceive the existence of any power of the abyss.

However, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Leo did not suspect that Sylvia had a wrong perception. He could only think that his sensitivity to the power of the abyss was far less than that of Sylvia. In addition, the power of the abyss here was very weird and could not be taken by common sense. To judge.

Sylvia saw the look on Leo's face and knew that Leo must have found nothing, so he explained: "He should be an abyss high-level species, but a reborn abyss high-level species."

"Rebirth? Is there any rebirth in the abyss?" Lei Ou was stunned, questioning.

The reason why he has such a question is because the memory he has obtained from the Abyssal Serpent knows that it is impossible for the upper races of the abyss to have a real rebirth. They only have the kind of projection to enter other worlds with clone projections, and clone projections. After dying in other worlds, the projected consciousness will return to the abyss ontology, but this situation cannot be said to be rebirth.

Rebirth in the true sense is the complete death of the body, and then resurrection for some reason. This is the ability of the abyss upper races that does not exist, because no matter where the abyss upper races are, they will return to the abyss after death and be transformed by the abyss. Become a new abyss life, rather than regain life.

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