The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1411: Accident accident again accident

Overnight, almost half of the small gifts Leo threw out were picked up. What's interesting is that most of them were picked up and handed over to the churches of their respective faiths as soon as they got them. Only a few Several collections by yourself.

For Leo, it doesn’t matter even if things are handed over to the church. When those things come into play, even the devout believers of the church will be affected. As for the final effect, it’s unclear. , Everything is left to fate to decide.

Early the next morning, Leo and his party left the hotel, took the ferry tickets, and went to the pier to board the Lisa Beauty cruise ship that the couple had booked for them.

However, there seemed to be some accidents. When a group of people arrived at the pier, they found that the pier was blocked by the church's armed forces. It is not difficult to tell from their costumes that they should come from different churches.

Later, from the conversations with people around, Leo and the others learned that a cruel and secret massacre occurred in the dock area last night. Several ships docked at the dock were affected, and the sailors who remained on the ship were killed. Died on the ship, and the Lisa Beauty that Leo and the others were going to board was one of them.

After hearing the news, Leo couldn't help turning his head to look at Sylvia, as if asking if it was done after she left the hotel yesterday.

However, Sylvia also showed a dazed look on her face, and after seeing Leo's eyes, she gave Leo a dissatisfied look, and then shook her head.

In fact, while looking at Sylvia, Leo knew that his guess must be wrong, and even if Sylvia wanted to do, it would definitely not affect their own itinerary.

Leo released the spiritual net and checked the situation on the dock. He soon discovered the internal and external conditions of the accidental ships.

Just as the rumors around, the sailors on those ships were indeed dead, and they died terribly. Their bodies were split by sharp weapons and broken down into many segments. The ground was covered with blood, and the walls were covered with blood. .

Investigators and detectives dispatched by churches and chambers of commerce were responsible for each accident ship, but because the Lisa Beauty was special, the senior clergymen who had returned to the Old Continent to participate in the holy rites would reach the Lisa Beauty, so this ship There are several times more investigators on board than on other ships.

Judging from the current investigation situation, it seems that the people who caused the tragedy came from the precious items stored in the cabins of these ships, because these ships have lost various items, and these items The value is very high, high enough to buy more than a dozen similar ships.

The lost items seem to come from the same chamber of commerce. The reason why this chamber of commerce did not entrust all the goods to a ship is mainly because it was worried that if that ship had an accident at sea, all the goods They were all lost, and they were carried separately as they are now. Even if some of the goods are lost, as long as the other goods can still be delivered to the destination, they can make up for the loss and even make a lot of money.

This method of shipping goods is the most common method here, so when the investigation came here, no one had any doubts about this chamber of commerce, but began to look for opponents and other enemies of this chamber of commerce, because there were signs from the scene. It can be seen that the people who attacked these ships came for these goods, so they have been eyeing these goods for a long time. They didn’t act decisively until they saw the opportunity last night, so they just looked for the opponents and enemies of this chamber of commerce. It has become a major clue. After all, with such a large amount of goods, even if this chamber of commerce is strong, it will inevitably hurt itself.

However, after Leo learned the complete situation of the accidental ships through the spiritual network, he felt that the detectives and police detectives of the church and the chamber of commerce should all have made a mistake.

Although the lost goods are of great value, there are other more valuable goods in those ships. If the people who killed people and grabbed the goods really watched the goods on these ships for a long time, then they would definitely know that. There are other cargoes of higher value on several ships.

Since those people can unknowingly remove a large amount of goods after killing people, they can also move other goods of higher value calmly, but the actual situation is very strange, those with higher value. The goods were placed next to the lost goods, but nothing happened at all. This is obviously counterintuitive.

Some of those detectives also discovered this and said it, but they were quickly rebutted. The reason given by the rebutting person was that those people came for that chamber of commerce, so other goods came to those people. It is not important, there is no need to spend extra effort to move away.

Leo felt a little bit eager to laugh about this statement. Obviously, those who rebutted it completely regarded the murderers as moral models, and the task was enough to complete the task, and the huge benefits that could be obtained at hand could be ignored.

More importantly, Leo felt that these people’s investigations were in the wrong direction at the beginning. They completely regarded this incident as a vicious murder and robbery incident, and it was aimed at a certain chamber of commerce, so their investigative directions were all on The goods themselves and the chamber of commerce.

However, Leo analyzed through some small clues that the detectives and policemen had not found, and analyzed that the person who did this was probably the sacrament ritual group sent by the church to the Old World.

The reason why he made such a judgment is because of all the ships in the accident, only the hull of the Lisa Beauty was damaged, and the damage was still the first class cabin, which means that the ship’s first class cabin was not repaired before the damage was repaired. It was no longer suitable for receiving guests, so the church members had to change to other ships to go to the Old World to participate in the holy sacrificial ceremony.

Although on the surface, this does not seem to be a problem and does not affect the schedule of those in the church, in fact, a careful comparison will reveal that the schedule of the church has been affected, and it has been greatly affected.

The Lisa Beauty cruise ship is a land cruise. After starting from the port of Saint-Pelia, it will not directly cross the ocean and arrive at the old continent on the opposite side. Instead, it will continue to the northern port until it reaches the northernmost port. Cross the ocean to the northern port of the Old World.

In terms of route distance alone, it is obvious that the route of the Lisa Beauty will be more than twice as long as that of a transoceanic ship that sails directly from the port of Saint-Pelia, and the time to reach the destination of the church personnel will naturally be twice as long. .

Although Leo didn’t know exactly what mystery was hidden in it, he could feel that the choice of route, changes in voyage and time, etc. should be very important to the person who planned the accident. Otherwise, he didn’t. Will risk offending the Saint Perlia Port Chamber of Commerce and the church to do such a bad thing.

At this time, the couple inquired that the Lisa Beauty might need to be detained at the pier and waited for the follow-up investigation to reach a certain stage before being released, so they apologized to Leo and they thought there was a problem with their arrangements.

Sylvia relieved the two of them a few words, and then asked them what they planned to do.

Faced with Sylvia’s question, the couple were also at a loss, because the captain of the Lisa Beauty they knew had been taken to the police station at the pier. It seemed that it would be impossible to get out in a short time, so Both of them don't know what to do now.

Sylvia asked the two to go back to the hotel with them, and at the same time told Petunia and Joanne to find out if there were other ships heading to the Old World on the dock.

The couple also had no objection to Sylvia's arrangement, so the group of people separated and worked separately. Leo and the others also returned to the previous hotel, rebooked the room, and stayed temporarily.

After returning to the room, Leo told Sylvia the results of a comprehensive analysis of various information after scanning him on the wharf through the mental network. Sylvia quickly made a judgment after hearing this: " It should be related to the main churches of these churches in the Old Continent. The sacrament ceremony they participated in this time is probably not simple. If I guess right, the transoceanic ships that the people from those churches changed this time are probably not easy. Something will happen too."

After hearing this, Leo frowned and said: "If this is the case, we must leave as soon as possible, otherwise when they have an accident, the Port of Sainte-Pelia will definitely use the method of closing the city to stabilize the situation."

"Seriously, I really want to stay." Sylvia said with a look of excitement instead.

Leo heard the words and looked at Sylvia to determine if she was joking, then nodded and said, "In this case, let's stay for a while."

"Forget it! I'm just talking about it." Sylvia quickly changed her mind again, shook her head, and rejected her previous thoughts.

After hearing this, Leo was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with you? You are not the kind of hesitant character. Now you have something wrong."

"Aren't there something wrong with you?" Sylvia retorted with a smile: "You didn't talk about fate before, but you don't believe in fate."

After the two said these words, they couldn't help but froze for a while, and then looked at each other, the expressions on their faces also became serious.

Although the conversation between the two of them just now was just ordinary jokes, they also said some key content, that is, their personalities seem to have changed unknowingly.

Afterwards, the two individually checked their physical and mental states, but neither of them found anything unusual.

"When did it start to appear abnormal?" Sylvia asked to herself.

Leo directly extracted the memory of the past period of time from his own memory, then quickly compared and analyzed the results, and quickly got the results, saying: "Joan."

Sylvia was stunned when he heard the words, and said: "He has such a powerful ability, can it affect you and me subtly?"

Leo thought about it calmly, and said: "He may not have one, but the existence behind him is unknown."

"You mean vain heart?" Sylvia said solemnly.

Leo nodded and said, "Voidheart is one of the most mysterious gods in the world. From the point of view that the missionary sites of the Voidheart Church exist independently, it is obvious that the gods of other churches in this world should all be against vanity. The heart is scrupulous. As for the reason for the scruples, it is unclear whether the vain mind will subtly affect the minds of other gods, or for other reasons."

Sylvia was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Does Joanne know about this?"

Leo smiled and said: "I guess he shouldn't know, maybe he doesn't even know that he has been paid attention to by the vain heart, otherwise he would not choose to go with us instead of staying in Nice and becoming The paladin of the False Heart Church."

"Why does the vain heart care about him?" Sylvia frowned again, questioning.

Leo thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid it's because of the real eye."

Sylvia heard the words, thought for a moment, and nodded.

Although the real eye and the false heart are in nature of strength, they conflict with each other and restrain each other, but this kind of conflict and restraint can also play a complementary role in a specific opportunity.

It’s just that Qiao An’s body made from the flesh and blood of the Eye of True Eyes is too small in quality or quantity to produce a large enough effect, so even if the vain heart pays attention to Qiao An’s situation, I’m afraid it’s too small. Will not invest too much energy.

Thinking of this, Sylvia suddenly smiled and said: “Although the accident at the pier seems to be obstructing the itinerary of those churches, if we analyze it on our own, it may also be a delusion in the dark, wanting Stop us from leaving."

Hearing Sylvia’s guess, Leo couldn’t help but was stunned, and he also felt that it might not be possible. If Joan was deliberately left behind by the vain heart to catch the big fish, then Leo himself might have gotten from a certain On the one hand, it should be regarded as a big fish, because he has the imprint of the gods of the real eye, which is closer to the essence of the power of the real eye than the strange **** cell in Qiao An.

Therefore, it is only natural that the vain mind will do something targeted, such as using Qiao'an to influence the mentality of people around him, creating turmoil to prevent Leo from leaving his focus and so on.

However, after calmly thinking about it, Leo quickly rejected Sylvia’s conjecture, because from the common sense, even if the vain mind has produced any thoughts, UU reading should not. It will prevent Leo from leaving the New World and going to the Old World, because the Church of False Heart is more powerful in the Old World, and it is easier to use the power of the Church to deal with him.

Leo said solemnly: "No matter what, wait until Qiao An comes back to see what happened to him."

Sylvia also nodded, agreeing with Leo's suggestion.

However, what surprised both Leo and Sylvia was that Joanne and Petunia didn't come back in the afternoon, and Leo scanned the whole city through the Spirit Web, but they didn't even find any trace of them.

This incident not only didn't make Leo and Sylvia feel embarrassed, but it made both of them happy, because no matter what happened, at least they wouldn't be bored.

Just when Leo and the others were about to go out to find Joanne and Petunia, they were suddenly stopped. The person who stopped them was from the Port of Sainte-Pelia Police Station. The reason for stopping them was because they had been with them before. The couple who were together, it turned out that the couple was assassinated on the street at noon, so people from the police station came to the hotel to find out the situation, and learned from the hotel waiter that the couple and Leo were staying together. , And seem to be very close.

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