The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1312: Infiltrator

"This is the last batch of supplies shipped out. Check carefully. I don't want to see any mistakes at the end of the matter." As several trains full of supplies stopped at the station checkpoint, the soldiers stationed here Surrounded and picked up the weapon in his hand, a prosecutor yelled at his officer, and skillfully climbed into the car, and opened the waist cage, releasing a pine mink, cooperating with the inspector's compartment. The material situation.

The pine marten is the most common species in the Otter Federation. Because of its cute appearance and closeness, it is easy to be domesticated. Early immigrants had the habit of domesticating the pine marten into pets. Later, it was discovered that the pine marten has a very strong sense of smell and danger. Sensing ability, so he trained it as a hunting assistant, and now the Otter Federation has trained the pine marten as a special tame animal that specializes in inspecting dangerous goods.

After inspecting several carriages full of cargo, no problems were found. Until the inspector arrived at the last carriage, all the pine martens quickly avoided the carriage as if they had encountered natural enemies, regardless of their tame animals. No matter how the staff commanded, they were unwilling to approach that train car.

This sight immediately tensed everyone's nerves. Under a command, a large number of soldiers gathered around the train carriage, and at the same time the weapons in their hands were aimed at the carriage.

At this time, the dispatcher of the truck was also brought over by several soldiers. This dispatcher was just an ordinary young man. How could he have seen such a formation? When he walked over, his body was already shaking. The officer in charge of the inspection After asking for a long time, he couldn't even say a word.

As a result, the officer had no choice but to ask his subordinates to find the dispatcher's supervisor. It didn't take long for the dispatcher's supervisor to be taken to the checkpoint. This supervisor was not someone else but Barto.

Compared to this young dispatcher, Barto looked calmer. When the officer asked what cargo was in the train, he immediately pulled out a notebook from his pocket. After flipping two pages, The Caichao officer said: "They are all medicinal materials, mainly cane, which seems to be used to make pain-relieving medicine."

"Ma Teng?" Before the officer spoke, an animal trainer seemed to think of something, and said: "I remember the pine marten seems to hate Ma Teng the most. It seems that the smell of this thing can paralyze the pine marten's sense of smell, and it will make The pine marten fell into a manic state."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around them realized that Song Diao's abnormal reaction seemed to have a reasonable explanation, and some soldiers were also relieved.

However, the officer in charge of the inspection did not take any relaxation. On the contrary, his face became very serious. He raised his hand and made a gesture. Seeing that the soldiers around the gesture, the originally relaxed spirit of the soldiers tightened again, and The weapon in his hand aimed at the carriage.

"Immediately send someone to unload all the goods in this train compartment." The officer said stiffly.

Barto frowned and immediately explained: "Sir, it may be difficult to find enough porters at this time. Moreover, if you move the cane like this, the dried cane is easy to break. When the time comes, the cane can easily break. I am afraid that the efficacy of rattan will also be compromised."

The officer ignored Barto’s explanation and said forcefully: "Did you not hear what I said? I demanded that all the cargo on this truck be unloaded."

Seeing this, Barto knew that he would continue to persuade the officer to change his mind, so he turned around and followed the officer's instructions to find enough porters.

After a while, porters came over cursingly and began to move the goods on the train. Each bag of goods would be placed on the platform of the checkpoint, and as soon as the goods were put down, a soldier would come over with a short knife. It was inserted into the cargo bag and inserted several times in a row. After no abnormality was found, he turned around and returned to his original post.

As the bags of goods were moved to the platform, the situation in the carriage gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone, and everyone was a little relieved at this time, because no people or abnormal things were hidden in the carriage, and it was empty. There is nothing superfluous.

"Receive the team." The officer gave an order, and then ordered Barto to direct the porter to move the things back directly, and then let the train stop at the designated stop, and wait for the trailer to tow them away tomorrow.

Upon hearing the officer’s order, the porters couldn’t help cursing one by one. They only moved their things down a moment ago, and now they have to move them back, and they still don’t have any wages to get them. This makes them feel like they are being taken by these Union soldiers. I was playing tricks, so they all said that they didn't want to do it anymore, and clamored to go home.

Fortunately, Bator still had a certain prestige among these porters. He soon appeased the porters and took the initiative to lead the porters to move the things back to the carriages, and then ordered the trailer to tow these carriages away, and finally said Treated himself and left the checkpoint with the porter.

However, none of the porters noticed that three of their companions were missing. Their bodies were full of exhaustion, and their minds were a little dizzy. All they thought was to have a drink in a nearby pub and then go home. rest.

And the three disappeared porters all hid under the bottom of those freight cars. Under the towing of the trailer, they smoothly passed the security circle arranged by the station garrison and arrived at the temporary stop area of ​​the railway station.

Not long after the three porters stopped in the car, they got out from the bottom of the car, and put on the prepared patrolmen's clothing, put on the corresponding work certificates, and then saw them put their hands on their faces. After rubbing quickly, it didn't take long for the muscles on their faces to start to squirm like worms, changing their positions and sizes. When the abnormality subsided in the end, their appearance completely changed to another person.

At this moment, they glanced at each other and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly saying that it was dangerous.

The infiltration method provided by Barto is to let their people pretend to be porters and use the opportunity to move goods into the station.

However, there is a difficulty here, that is, all military supplies are handled by the army’s own logistics soldiers, and the porters at the station can only be responsible for the removal work outside the station, so in order to allow the porters at the station to enter the station. A sudden incident must be created so that the inspectors have no more time to convene the army logistics soldiers who have returned to the barracks to rest.

He remembered how many train cars were in the last military supplies, how many goods were loaded in it, and what kind of goods were in it, so he took advantage of his position to gather all the mateng in all the goods in one carriage.

He is very familiar with the inspection process and knows that the personnel responsible for the inspection will definitely use pine marten to cooperate with the inspection, and the pine marten hates marten, so the pine marten will definitely behave abnormally when inspecting the carriages equipped with marten.

If it is an ordinary officer who encounters this situation, he may be confused and will not do further inspections. The officer in charge of the inspection now is a very serious, cautious and suspicious person, so when he encounters this kind of After the situation, the officer would definitely ask the porter to clean the cargo in the carriage and thoroughly check the situation inside the carriage, so that ordinary porters could easily get into the station taken over by the army.

The follow-up development of the matter was exactly as Barto expected, but the three intruders had some problems. The three of them were wanted, and their appearances were all hung on the wanted notice on the bulletin board.

So they originally planned to use church secrets to change their appearance to patrolmen in the station, and then disguised as porters, but because of insufficient preparation, they were not ready to use the secrets when Bator called the porters. So he came to the checkpoint in his original form.

Fortunately, everyone’s attention was on the cargo and carriages. No three wanted men disguised as porters were found at all, and they were also grateful that they did not perform church secrets because they found the officer in charge of the inspection. A device specially used by the Otter Federation to find special talents in the church is worn on his waist. Once someone has performed the church secret technique and the device is close enough there, then the device will definitely react and expose them.

A crooked coincidence allowed the three of them to pass the level smoothly. Even if they performed many missions, the three of them couldn't help but be grateful for their good luck at the moment, and hope that this good luck will continue.

The task of the three of them is very simple. It is to find out who is in the golden carriage. If that person is important and if there is a chance, take that person away. If necessary, it can be used as a bargaining chip with the Federation, otherwise. , Just kill the person directly and solve a possible trouble ahead of time.

It is not the first time for the three of them to perform such a mission. With the secret codes they knew in advance, they cooperated with each other to pass through the secret and open posts in a tacit understanding, just like real patrol soldiers. Soon they came to the festival of gold. The location of the carriage.

In advance, they have investigated the situation of this golden carriage. After other people's trains are stuck at the station, the people on the train, whether ordinary passengers or the dignitaries of the golden carriage, will be temporarily dismissed at the request of the military. Car, go outside the station and wait for the driving notice. The cost of renting a hotel is borne by the company where the train is located.

However, the dignitaries of this golden car did not get off the car, and the person responsible for the security of the car seemed to have extremely high authority and was able to refuse the request of the garrison. All they guessed that the person in charge of the security might be the special security guard of the Prime Minister’s Office. As a result, the people in the carriage are likely to have a very high status and status. Therefore, the church spies hiding here will not hesitate to take the people in the golden carriage at the risk of exposure. After all, compared to The price to be paid, the harvest after success is too great.

Compared with the security guards in other places, the guards of this carriage seem to be very lax. There are no soldiers arranged by the military to guard it. I don’t know if it is because the security personnel in the carriage and the military have some conflicts. Fang's people deliberately didn't send anyone to guard around, or because the security personnel in the carriage were too confident, so no other security measures were needed.

Although the three church spies are very confident of their own strength, they dare not take it lightly. After all, the security personnel in the carriage may be the special security guards of the Prime Minister’s Office. They are definitely the most experienced fighters. It is definitely the stupidest to confront them head-on. way of doing.

The three cautiously approached the golden carriages from all directions. In order to avoid disturbing the people in the carriages, they almost crawled on the ground. For a distance of less than 100 meters, they climbed abruptly. Many hours.

Their cautious approach is not without effect. During their crawling process, the security guards in the carriage seemed to have noticed something and came out to check the situation several times. Obviously, these security guards had extraordinary capabilities.

After arriving at the predetermined location, the three took out an idol from their pockets and placed it on the ground.

This idol looks a little weird. It is a monster with a human upper body and insects on its lower body. Five eyes are carved on its body. Each eye has no eyeballs, only hollow eye sockets, but if you concentrate on looking at those When it is in the eye socket, it will make people feel that there is something in the eye socket to look at him.

After the three of them took out the idol, they didn't dare to look at the idol for a long time. They each took out five emeralds and stuffed them into the eye sockets of the idol, and then lay their heads down on the ground and did not dare to look up.

Not long after they lowered their heads, dark green patterns suddenly appeared on the three idols. These patterns covered the entire body of the idols and connected the five eye sockets with emeralds together. Then the idols burst out of ordinary people. The green light invisible to the naked eye enveloped the entire carriage. The iron skin of the carriage was empty and could not prevent the penetration of the light. The light eventually surrounded the people in the carriage, and these people were quickly unconscious. Falling down, one by one lying on the ground unconscious.

The light burst and spread quickly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com disappeared very quickly. After only a few seconds, the light disappeared and the idol returned to normal, but the valuable emeralds in the idol's eye sockets also disappeared.

The three people lying on the ground did not raise their heads immediately, but after a while, they raised their heads after they were convinced that the explosive power of the idol had passed.

At this time, they were no longer as cautious as they were just now. They seemed to be very confident in the power of the gods. They stood up from the ground, picked up the gods again and put them in their pockets, each slapped the dust on their bodies, not worrying about disturbing the others. People seem to be.

They cleaned up their things, then each took out their daggers, gestured to each other, and jumped onto the row of golden carriages and entered the carriages.

I saw that the people responsible for the security of the car fell in the aisle of the car, one by one unconscious. They walked over and directly raised the dagger. They must be dealt with to prevent them from waking up later. Cause unnecessary trouble.

However, when their daggers were about to stab the target's vitals, their bodies suddenly became completely settled in place as if they were petrified, and they didn't know anything in the dark.

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