The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1311: Spy in action

The most dangerous place for navigating in subspace is not the mysterious subspace lifeforms. The most dangerous thing is to get lost in the subspace. Once lost, the spacecraft can basically not fly out of the subspace again. If you are lucky, you can reach a suitable place. In the subspace plane of survival, the one with poor luck will drift in the subspace forever, until it becomes a dust in the subspace.

The danger of this kind of trek is not limited to the subspace spacecraft, even the Omega-class advanced life forms also have the danger of trekking in the subspace.

In order to solve this danger, the Supreme Council of the Universe concentrated all the advanced cosmic civilizations to build countless lighthouse directors in subspace. It is this kind of lighthouse director that makes later subspace ships basically impossible as long as they don’t find death on their own. There is a danger of getting lost.

The manufacturing method of the lighthouse guide and the principle of its ability to navigate in subspaces have always been secrets held by the Supreme Council of the universe. Even those ancient higher cosmic civilizations who participated in the construction of the lighthouse guide have learned about it out of skin.

In the universe, there are various rumors related to lighthouse directors, and one of the most widely circulated rumors is that the core of the lighthouse director is made of the remains of Omega-class higher life bodies. of.

Although this rumor was widely circulated in the universe at the time, few people believed it, because the Supreme Council of the universe placed great importance on any Omega-class advanced life form, and even its remains would be properly handled, and it is said that it would be placed until it is called. It is a mysterious location in the eternal land, and it will not be desecrated. After all, the higher life forms of the highest council of the universe do not want to fall behind, and their remains will be ruined by some lower life.

However, it now seems that the rumor may be true, because from these data, the core of the weapon called the lighthouse director is the remains of the gods, and the Omega-class higher life forms are equivalent to the existence of these world gods.

However, Leo took a closer look at the information on hand. Although it is not clear how the Haute Federation knew the name of the lighthouse director, he was certain that the research on the thing in their hands by the Haute Federation might even be considered a fur. You may not even know its usage.

In addition, he was also quite sure that what was in the hands of the Otter Federation was definitely not a complete lighthouse director, it was probably a very small part of it.

Leo didn’t know exactly how big the lighthouse director was. In fact, no one except the Supreme Council of the universe knew how big the lighthouse director was and what shape it was. You can't see the lighthouse itself, you can only see the guiding light through a special instrument.

But judging from the huge energy it emits, its body shape is definitely not small, at least the size of an asteroid, and the weapon in the hands of the Otter Federation is only as large as a half train according to the data.

In any case, Leo is very curious about this thing and hopes to see this thing as soon as possible, but from the current form, it is obviously somewhat difficult.

The reason for this difficulty is not on him, but on the side of the Haute Federal Government, because the Haute Federal Government has captured a lot of spies these days, and most of these spies are foreigners, which makes Haute The Federation began to lose much trust in foreigners. If Leo wasn't because of Langnus as a guarantee, perhaps the Otter Federation had temporarily stopped cooperating with him and put him under house arrest.

However, even if there is no conduct such as house arrest, the assistants arranged by the Haute Federation are obviously not only assisting Leo in processing the data needed for the research, but more likely to be for surveillance.

For Leo, these people’s surveillance capabilities are really limited. If he really wants to do something, these people can’t stop or detect it. He can also understand the Haute Federation’s approach, and it happens. He also needed a few people to help himself with some miscellaneous things, so he accepted these people in desperation.

"Mr. Leo, depending on the situation, it will take at least one day before the resident soldiers of the group army can be transported, and the railway will be released." An assistant went down to inquire about the situation at Leo's order, and soon there will be In return, he paused for a while and said: "If you are in a hurry, you can arrange for you to take a troop transport train. Later, two troop transport trains going north will start, and they will all pass through Fort Josh."

"No, I'm not in a hurry." Leo shook his head, and then instructed this assistant and several other assistants in the carriage together: "You go to the new and old continents to make and improve weapons over the past century. Collect a copy of the information and bring it here."

Hearing Leo’s instructions, these assistants were all stunned, because after these days of assistant career, they have been able to analyze what they want to complete Leo’s requirements. The information they need to organize will be like massive, not short. Can be completed in time.

Just when these assistants didn’t know whether to accept Leo’s assignment and were in a dilemma, Sylvia, who was sitting aside elegantly tasting tea like a lady, relieved them: “You’re too difficult. They are already. With the abilities of a few of them, I am afraid that they may not be able to sort out so many materials in two or three years." Then, she said: "You only need to sort out the materials for the last ten years. The improvement is very rapid, basically one generation in ten years, just use this generation of weapon improvement ideas as a reference."

Hearing Sylvia's words, these assistants couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at Leo with a little nervousness. Although Sylvia helped them out, Leo was the one who could make the decision. .

When everyone was uneasy, Leo thought a little bit, then nodded, and said, "Just sort out the information for ten years!"

Hearing Leo's words, the assistants couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then saluted Leo and Sylvia separately, walked out of the car, and returned to their own car to start sorting out the information.

In order to make Leo and Sylvia's journey more comfortable, and to allow Leo to concentrate on researching weapons and avoid being disturbed, the high-class carriage he was in became his exclusive carriage, not just like a normal residence. In addition to the bedroom, living room, and bathroom, those assistants also have special assistant rooms, and the documents sent by the federal government are also kept in separate compartments. The federal government has also specially arranged several special security guards who are responsible for protecting the Leo couple and the data. Safety.

This measure of the federal government is undoubtedly showing that they attach importance to Leo, but they did not know that this approach of theirs had caused some people to misunderstand.

The military camp near Tap is the most important military training base of the Otter Federation, but it is not as famous as the capital military academy, but as long as the Otter Federation enters a state of war, the troops stationed here will be the most important in the entire Otter Federation. It is a place where military power is exported, so when the neighboring church countries that are ready to start war send various spies to the Otter Federation, this place must be the focus of spy observation and intelligence gathering.

Bartow is a native of North Province of Morton in the northwest of the Ottoman Federation, but his identity is his secret, even his wife does not know it, and he sometimes wonders if his status is in North Province. An illusion or illusion, because the time he spent in the Otter Federation far exceeded the time spent in Morton.

His parents died of illness at the age of seven, and his family property was taken by his uncle. He was sent to an orphanage established by the church, where he was trained by the church, and became a second-level acolyte at the age of twelve.

Originally, he thought he would stay in the church for a lifetime, growing up from the second-level acolyte, and eventually becoming the most respected diocese chief priest, but he did not expect that he would be found by the secret department of the church on the fifth day of becoming a second-level acolyte. , And assigned a long-term task, and what he didn't expect was that this long-term task was forty years old.

In the past forty years, all the traces of the North people on him have disappeared. He is no different from the other Josh people around him. He likes to chew a kind of sour berry from Josh, and he likes to drink in a tavern after get off work. A cup and so on. He hasn't even recited a prayer for more than 30 years. He feels that things before the age of twelve are like in his previous life.

Until some time ago, when he got home from get off work at the station, he found that someone had drawn a pattern with white chalk in the corner of the doorway. For others, this pattern was just a strange-looking graffiti, and for him, this pattern was an imprint. The mark in the depths of his soul, the mark that he can't get rid of in his whole life.

As a result, he found the contact person according to the plan he had planned forty years ago, and received his own task. From that day on, another identity he had forgotten for many years was reawakened.

As the train dispatch supervisor, Barto has mastered the ins and outs of every train at the railway station. These information that is useless in the eyes of others is important information in the eyes of some people, especially the whereabouts of the military trains, which is enough to help Europe. The enemy of the special federation analyzed the ratio and distribution of the federation army.

Although the federal government has a special investigation team stationed in the station to investigate spies, and indeed caught a few spies, Barto was not at all nervous about this, because he didn't think he would be discovered, and even if he was discovered, there would be nothing. evidence.

The way he transmits information every day is very secretive. With inhuman memory, he can remember the complicated numbers and words on the schedule that change every day. There is no need to copy them down with a pen, and he does not need to use paper to transmit information. The pen only needs to patrol the train situation according to the daily work, pass the code words to the secretly observed responders through the continuous change of the hand gestures, and then compare the code words to obtain relevant information, without having to contact anyone in the whole process.

It’s just that there was an accident yesterday. This accident did not happen to him, but to the responder. He actually violated the rules and met with him and assigned him another new task for him to investigate. Who are the people in a train car?

Barto knows the dispatching situation of the train to which the mission is directed. If it were not for the mission instruction, he would not take a look at that train, because there are too many civilian trains stuck in the stop area of ​​the station like that train. There is nothing special about the train.

But now that the new task points to it, it shows that there must be a problem there. He had to use his authority to conduct some investigations, and soon he discovered that there was a problem in the end car of the civilian train.

Almost all civilian trains will have one or two special carriages at the end. Those carriages are luxuriously decorated, equipped with high-end equipment, and equipped with dedicated service personnel. Only the rich can rent the carriages, so the carriages are also called jokingly. It is a golden carriage.

The wealthy and powerful people like to rent such a train when traveling. Many golden cars are rented in the trains that stop at the station. However, the golden car that his mission points to is different from other golden cars. There were no service personnel arranged by the train in the train car. Instead, there were soldiers and clerks with obvious government temperament. Moreover, the security level of the car was very high, even the management officer of the train station could not approach him.

After two trials, Barto became very clear that unless he was willing to reveal his identity, he would not be able to get close to the train car at all, because those two trials had already made the security staff of the car suspicious and even made the station. His supervisor came to ask him about the relevant matters, but fortunately he had prepared a response plan a long time ago before he passed the customs smoothly.

He is naturally unwilling to give up everything he has now because of such a task, so he directly contacted the responder through the secret code, and carefully told the other party what he knew about the car, and at the same time repeatedly emphasized After understanding his own difficulties and his own importance, he hoped to let the other party take back the task assigned to him. UU reading

However, what he didn't expect was that the other party did not force him to continue the mission and continue to investigate the situation inside the carriage. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the information he provided now and admitted that he had completed the mission.

However, before Barto was happy, the responder gave a new task, which was really a very difficult task for him, that is, let the responder and his subordinates mix into the station.

If in the past, such a task was a breeze for Barto, but now the entire station has been set up by the military with various temporary checkpoints to strictly check the identity of everyone who enters and exits the station, even the station staff. To be repeatedly checked, in this case, it is impossible to let some people who cannot withstand any scrutiny enter the station.

However, the respondent obviously does not want to listen to his difficulties, only the results.

Seeing the attitude of the respondent, Barto immediately thought of a very dangerous but very successful method, so he said: "If you can endure hardship, I have a way to get you in, but This process will be a little dangerous, and it is very likely that you will die on the road."

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