"Did you ask anything?" Leo put down the idol in his hand, turned his head and looked at Sylvia who came out of the temporary interrogation room, and asked.

Sylvia responded briefly: "They are spies from the Church of the Mist Guider. They are here for our carriage."

Leo was stunned, and said, "For those of you who came to us, did we get into the eyes of the surrounding high-level neighbors so quickly?"

"You're misunderstood, it's not for us, but for our car." Sylvia smiled and said: "They don't even know who the person in the car is. It's just a few days ago. The special treatment in the carriage felt that there might be big figures of the Otter federal government hidden in the carriage, so I decided to take a gamble to see if we could kidnap the people in the carriage, and if it didn't help, we had to assassinate all the people in the carriage."

"In other words, all of this is a misunderstanding?" Leo couldn't help but smile inexplicably and said.

Sylvia nodded, then poured a glass of wine for Leo and herself, sat next to Leo, handed the glass over, then raised her head towards the idol on the table and asked: "This How are you doing your research?"

Leo responded: "This is made of real flesh and blood. It is estimated that the flesh provider is not a fanatic, or the family member of the Mist Guider."

"This is in line with the story written in the church books of the Guide of the Mist." Sylvia did not show any disgusting expression, but rather curiously picked up the idol, placed it in front of her and looked at it repeatedly, and said : "If you don't say anything, I thought this thing was made of stone, and the surface looks really like stone."

The Guide of the Mist is one of the few ancient churches that are widely spread in the world. It was once one of the three major churches in the Old World that surpassed all other churches, but for some reason, it quickly declined. At that time, the number of believers decreased and the diocese disappeared, becoming like ordinary churches. Later, they had to join the ranks of pioneers and come to the New World to open up diocese.

After so many years of development, although the Mist Leader Church is still far from its heyday, it has recovered a lot, and even several countries have designated it as the state religion. Among the churches in the New World, it is considered to be one of the few powerful churches. One of the churches.

Compared with the size of the church of the Mist Guider, the reputation of the Mist Guider surpasses a lot. Almost everyone in this world has more or less heard his name when listening to his mother's bedside story after he disappeared. The Church of the Guide is regarded as the three major churches of God, precisely because it is indeed very old.

According to legends, this world was initially in the mist, and there were countless monsters in the mist. After humans came to this world, it was very difficult to survive. At this time, three main gods appeared in front of mankind and gave them different directions. Among them, the mist guided them. Those who have given humans the ability to discern directions in the fog, and endowed humans with five excellent qualities with five eyes, finally helped humans through the most difficult period, and provided very critical help for human reproduction and continuity.

Originally, according to the contribution made by the fog guide to mankind, he should always occupy one of the three main gods. Mankind should be grateful for his help for the continuation of mankind, but the problem is that the fog guides are the three major gods. Among the Lord Gods, there is the only church that advocates sacrifice, and what he asks for sacrifice is not livestock, but humans, and even the most devout believer in his own church.

Later generations analyzed that the strength of the fog guides was greatly reduced and they were excluded from the list of the three main gods. It was probably because they sacrificed too many devout believers, but the church was clinging to the hands of some pan-believers and faced external pressure. Not thinking about maintaining the majesty of the gods, resisting or countering the external forces that create pressure, but thinking about grasping a little authority and converged wealth in his hands, and compromising those churches that he thinks are too powerful. The decline of the church of the guide has become a matter of reason.

The materials used to make these three statues in Leo’s hands prove that the Church of the Mist Guider is still practicing their church’s ancient sacrifice custom, but they have changed a little bit, that is, the body of the believer after the sacrifice. It is the sacred body, and they no longer send it to the cemetery to offer it, but make these sacred bodies into statues of strange things that can exert mysterious power.

"How to use this thing?" Sylvia asked, taking a look at the idol.

"Looking at them, they just stuffed a few emeralds in, and then the idols started to operate on their own." Leo's spiritual net had captured those people's whereabouts before they approached, so they used these idols. The process was completely captured by Leo.

Sylvia heard the words and took out a few emeralds about the same size as the five eye sockets of the idol from his pocket, and then stuffed them into the idol one by one, before putting the idol on the table and waiting for the idol to turn around. A moment.

Before long, patterns began to appear on the surface of the idol just like just now, and all the emeralds were connected together, and then a circle of green light that could not be seen by the naked eye burst out, and then immediately disappeared. The emeralds were also in the process. It was exhausted, leaving only some off-white powder.

"A divine weapon that anyone can use, what's the use of making this thing? If the idol falls into the enemy's hands, won't it become the enemy's weapon?" Sylvia said with disdain after seeing this scene.

"It's not as simple as you think. The reason why we are not affected is that we are strong enough, that light cannot affect us, but ordinary people will be greatly affected." Leo retorted Sylvia Then he pointed to the assistants and security guards who were unconscious outside, and added: “And the devout followers of the Mist Guider can be immune to the effects of this light as long as they don’t look directly at the light. I guess this idol at first It is for discerning the piety of the believers, which means that this idol made of sacrifices is used to select sacrifices."

"It's ironic enough." Sylvia couldn't help but ridicule when she heard it, and then asked: "This thing doesn't seem to be of any use to us?"

Leo didn't answer immediately, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "You try to stuff rubies inside to see what the effect is."

Sylvia also showed a curious expression when he heard the words, and then took out a few rubies of the same size and variety and stuffed them into a statue of a god.

Immediately afterwards, the same pattern appeared on the surface of the idol, connecting the five rubies, but the light did not appear as promised. On the contrary, the idol began to vibrate strongly from the inside to the outside, and the patterns seemed to be turning into cracks. Something tried to burst out of the idol.

Leo immediately stood in front of Sylvia, cast his psionic energy to form a psionic enclosure the size of a safe, enclosing the deity that was about to burst inside, and in order to prevent a layer of psychic enclosure from being insufficient, he Two more layers were added.

Just as Leo sealed the psychic powers and strengthened it, the stability of the idol itself finally collapsed. A violent force burst out of the idol, and it felt like another cannonball on a battleship had exploded. Leo The innermost psionic enclosure shattered under the impact of this explosive force, but the second level of psychic enclosure blocked the explosive power, only on the surface because

Because of the high impact force, a wave-like pattern appeared.

Just like the green light before, this powerful explosive force appeared very quickly and disappeared very quickly. After it disappeared, the idol and the ruby ​​disappeared together, and even no dust was left behind.

"The power is not bad. If you don't have your psionic power to seal the world, I am afraid this car and the surrounding trains will be affected by this explosive force." Sylvia quickly measured the scope of this explosive force and The magnitude of power, said with a little surprise.

Leo nodded and dispelled the remaining psychic enclosures, then picked up the remaining two idols and said with a smile: "The weapons needed by the Otter Federation are now available."

Sylvia was stunned, then smiled, and said: "This weapon is too expensive, even if the Otter Federation can get it, I'm afraid it is not willing to use it."

"Whether it is used or not is something I need to consider." Leo showed a disapproving expression, and then asked Sylvia: "How are the three people?"

"Still alive." Sylvia replied simply.

"Can you erase this memory from them?" Leo asked again.

Sylvia thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"Then erase their memories and throw them outside." Leo decided.

Sylvia nodded, then pointed to the special security guards, and said, "Do you need to wake them up?"

Leo shook his head and said, "No, they are tired enough during this period. Let them sleep all night!"

So Sylvia captured the three church spies from the temporary interrogation room and erased the memory of the three being interrogated by the method she learned from the bloodline memory of the abyssal dragon, and threw them out of the car. Then Leo and Leo went back to the bedroom to rest.

Cardi is one of the special security guards attached to the Prime Minister’s Office. He is one of the few mountain people in the Prime Minister’s security. Unlike other mountain people who are unwilling to serve the federal government, he has decided to join the federal government a long time ago. The reason is very simple, that is, to be able to eat and wear beautiful clothes.

When a federal reserve force enters the mountain for combat training, the training site is not very far from the hill tribe where Kadi is located. The logistics of the reserve force will also come to the tribe from time to time in exchange for some mountain products to supplement the food of the reserve force. It was at that time that he joined the federal army, only the logistics department of the reserve.

After that, with this reserve force, he became a full-time official service, and in the following border battles, with the extraordinary physique of the mountain people, he killed many enemies on the battlefield and saved his place. The commander of the army was promoted and began to receive formal military training from the Haute Federation.

Originally, when Cardi thought that he should be in the federal army for a lifetime, when the prime minister's special service security selected reserve members, he was taken by the inspection officials at the time and joined the prime minister's special service security.

As a mountain citizen, Kadi is naturally subject to all sorts of squeeze, but Kadi knows that these squeezing can only be done secretly. As long as he successfully completes each task and shows his best state, those guys will take advantage of it. He can't help it.

Therefore, whether it is in the various trainings of the secret service department or in the completion of the task, Cardi will always be in the top three. Such outstanding performance naturally makes some caring people find no excuses for making things difficult, and He is still in this kind of exclusionary environment, with his outstanding achievements, he has been continuously improving his position, and now he is the first mountain people task team leader of the secret service department of the prime minister's office.

His deeds have also become a legend in the secret service department. Many secret service security guards who do not discriminate against the mountain people have also gathered beside him, becoming a small force in the secret service department.

Although it seems to outsiders that Cardi’s promotion is smooth sailing, and nothing can stop him from going further, Cardi knows that there are still many people who discriminate against mountain people in and outside the secret service. These people may use the most. Talking to you with a cordial smile, but when they turn their heads they will curse you in the most vicious language, so he knows he can’t make a mistake, and he doesn’t even have a chance to make a mistake, so he will go all out for every task. To be foolproof.

He shouldn't have taken over the protection mission this time, because this mission is an easy task, and this kind of easy task is usually booked in advance, and it is impossible to fall into his hands.

However, what is unexpected is that there was a sudden incident in Beluk City. Most of the special security guards were transferred to the Ministry of Education to investigate in Beluk City. As a result, this task fell into his hands when he was idle at the time. .

Although he knew from the beginning that the task was not difficult, that is, to protect a foreign couple to go to a manor in Trub Mountain, Josh County, he still did not relax at all. The daily security work was arranged very tightly, and even he was being taken by the army. Inside the protected station, he would also arrange a fully-armed vigil at night. Even if the last day is reached, the train will be able to depart again for Fort Josh tomorrow, and the guard work is still not relaxed.

However, on this last day, something unexpected happened. He clearly remembered seeing a green light sweeping across his body before he became unconscious, and when he woke up from the coma, his mind was still drowsy, only remembering that one. Green light.

However, he soon woke up and saw his colleagues lying next to him who were still in a coma. He immediately realized what had happened. He didn't care about the discomfort in his mind, so he immediately got up from the ground and took up his weapon. , Rushed to the protection target's bedroom, ready to open the door to check the situation.

"Who is outside?" Just when Cardi found that the door was locked and UU was about to hit the door, Leo's voice suddenly came from the bedroom and asked.

Cardi was stunned, and immediately replied: "It's me, Cardi." Then he asked: "Mr. Leo, are you okay?"

"What will happen to me?" asked the inside of the house.

Cardi didn't know how to answer for a while, but he cautiously explained the situation outside and reconfirmed whether Leo was safe.

Leo responded: "I'm fine, do what you want to do by yourself, don't come to disturb us to rest!"

Cardi heard that there was indeed no problem in the house, so he was a little relieved, then took a weapon to check the situation of each room carefully, and finally found no trace of intrusion, which made him very confused.

But he cautiously awakened his colleague and other clerical assistants who were in a coma, and armed the clerical assistants to keep them in the compartment. He and other colleagues went outside to check the situation until they found three Suspicious object lying outside the car.

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