The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1291: Divine weapon

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"Divine body?" Sylvia suddenly interrupted Leo's narration after hearing Leo's description of the information he had compiled, and asked curiously: "Is this the kind of divine body we understand? "

Leo nodded and said, "Yes, it is the body of the gods, the body of the gods of this world."

What Leo mentioned just now is the secret weapon of mass destruction in the hands of the Otter Federation. This secret weapon is also the weapon that led to the formation of Lake Beluk and the weapon that ended the religious war. That weapon is the body of the gods. .

In the library of the Hans family manor, there is a diary that records events related to the religious war that year, and this diary was written by a former ancestor of the Hans family. At that time, he was one of them named Dream A believer in the Church of Zikai.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s because of Hans’s own mental problems, or because of the pressure of the war that caused him to have hallucinations, which affected his normal state. The content in that diary is very confusing, and most of the content is It is some disordered vocabulary, or some words similar to prayer texts, and some paintings like children's graffiti.

It was precisely because the content of this diary was too messy that ordinary people could not read anything from it, so Boger Hans did not clean up the diary before Leo came.

When Leo saw the diary, he didn’t understand it at all, and didn’t understand its meaning. He could only learn from some fairly clear words and sentences about the religious war in the diary, so he I recorded it directly at that time and analyzed it later when I had time.

Just when he sorted out the books and materials he had harvested, he also analyzed the diary by the way. After removing the religious prayers and some meaningless neurotic babbles, he finally took some of the diary. Useful information has been cleaned up.

In this information, apart from some personal experience such as daily battles and mental changes, the remaining content that attracted Leo the most attention was the record about a secret weapon that could destroy the world. There is no record in this record. Mentioned about the origin of this weapon, but mentioned that this weapon was made from the body of a god, and the power of the weapon is enough to change the entire battle.

The content of the diary after this record is more messy than the previous part. Half of it is composed of some prayers similar to asking for forgiveness, and the other half is composed of a mixture of words such as God’s Scourge, God’s Wrath, We are all wrong, and it looks like The owner of the diary has completely fallen into a mood of fear and regret.

The content before and after the diary, plus some date records in the diary, gave Leo reason to believe that the owner of the diary personally experienced the use of secret weapons and witnessed the horrible scene after use. In the end, the spirit could not bear what he saw and heard. collapsed.

It's a pity that the back pages of the diary are artificially dead, and there is no way to analyze the follow-up content.

Leo told Sylvia about his analysis of the diary. After Sylvia heard it, she was puzzled and asked: "Does the body of the **** have such power?"

Sylvia is indeed qualified to raise such a suspicion, because as the arbiter, she has seen the remains of gods more than once. Although most of those remains are the remains of false gods, the essence of these remains can still be regarded as It is a god.

What's more, she has now also been promoted to a height equivalent to a demigod. Although her power is different from a true demigod, she can already understand some details about the power of the gods. She thinks that even her own power has reached At the top, no matter where the power of the world of Vinylon will not be too much suppressed, it is absolutely impossible to cause such great damage to Lake Beluk.

And the people here are only weapons made through the body of the gods, and they are not the power of the gods themselves, and they have caused such huge damage, which naturally makes her suspicious.

"If it is a real body or remains of a god, it is indeed possible to cause such a huge destruction!" Leo is different from Sylvia. He has personally felt the residual power of the remains of the predecessor of the Lord of the Sky, the Eagle God, so He knew very well that the body of the true god, even the decayed remains, still possesses immense power.

And Leo also knows that although it is difficult for the higher Omega-class life forms in the universe to die, some will encounter irreversible cosmic power attacks and die, and their bodies will still have strong power after death, or Become the core of a brood warship, or be taken away and made into a terrorist weapon powerful enough to destroy a galaxy.

If the divine body mentioned in the diary is the true **** body, then it is not impossible for the damage caused by this physical weapon to form a lake, but the problem is how the people here control this **** body, even if it is now thunder Ou is still unsure of being able to get close to the wreckage of the eagle god, and how did the person who controlled the god's body to cause destruction in the first place did this. What is even more doubtful is how this **** body fell to Ou. In the hands of the Special Federation.

We must know that for any kind of church, the body of gods, even the bodies of pagan gods, or the bodies of false gods and evil gods, are extremely precious. No church will give up this precious resource. So if If there was a divine body in the original religious war, the divine body should be taken back by the relevant church after it was used. It is impossible to leave it to those war survivors who later established the Haute Federation, unless the Haute Federation now has control over it. The secret weapon is not a divine body.

"What are you going to do next?" Sylvia asked at this moment.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked puzzled.

"It's the war that is about to break out." Sylvia said with some seriousness: "If we don't plan to participate in it, we must be prepared to leave, lest we can't leave when the war breaks out. If we also participate in it, then we must now Be prepared for war, such as the hoarding of logistical materials and the establishment of an intelligence network, etc. Now it is time to start operations."

"What do you think?" Leo didn't say what he thought, but asked rhetorically.

"Life here is pretty good, I have no plans to leave for the time being." Sylvia said her thoughts euphemistically.

Hearing Sylvia's words, Leo nodded and said, "Just do what you want!"

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Sylvia asked Leo again.

"I'll meet the commissioner first." Leo got up from the chair, took the coat off the hanger and put it on, tidying it up a bit, and was about to leave.

"Wait, I'll go with you too." Sylvia stopped Leo and explained: "I know why you went to see the commissioner, but you are not good at negotiating deals. Since we want to get involved, Naturally, we must maximize our interests."

Leo nodded when he heard the words, waited for Sylvia to change his clothes, walked out of the study together, got on the carriage and headed towards the city.

As soon as the carriage left the Great North Point area, Sylvia turned her head and looked out the window and smiled: "It seems that they take us very seriously, so they sent a military police team to protect us secretly."

I saw that a group of heavily armed cavalry followed far behind the carriage. They were always a distance from the carriage, not too close, but even this still attracted the attention of those powerful and powerful living in the Great North Point area.

Soon news that Leo and Sylvia received special protection from the federal government spread throughout the Greater North Point area, and quickly spread to the upper circle of Beluk City. Some interested people noticed something and sent their own Manpower to find out the news.

Along the way, under the protection of the cavalry, the carriage drove unimpeded on the urban roads, and soon came to the hotel where the federal government commissioner stayed.

"Commissioner, waiting for you two, please come with me." After hearing the request of the two, the service staff at the hotel's front desk consulted the commissioner and said respectfully to the two.

After speaking, he led the way, led the two people around the hotel lobby and the bar behind, entered the small garden of the hotel atrium, crossed a long and narrow forest path, and came to a villa at the end of the path. He signaled Leo and Sylvia to enter.

After the two entered, they found that they were not the only guests here. In the living room of the villa, there were several top dignitaries in Beluk waiting for the commissioner's summons. They saw Leo and Sylvia greet them and asked How is Sylvia's body recovering?

Although Sylvia has been in the upper circle of Beluk City for a short time, her amazing appearance and temperament, coupled with those rumored mysterious backgrounds, made her a man of the city in a short time. , Even the taste of clothes has become the dress standard of the ladies in the upper circle, so her condition has always been a hot topic in the upper circle during this time.

Although Sylvia has been dealing with affairs in a smelter on the outskirts these days, she still did not appear in the upper circle, so the topic of guessing her physical condition has never stopped. Now she and Leo appear in the urban area. The people in the upper circle naturally asked about Sylvia's body.

Although Sylvia did not want to answer such questions, she responded a few words in accordance with etiquette, and then chatted again, until the person who was meeting with the commissioner in the study came out, and a Beilu who had been waiting at the door long ago The K city official stood up and was about to walk into the study, but was stopped by the assistant commissioner standing at the door and motioned him to wait a while, then turned towards Leo and Sylvia, and said: "Your Excellency Leo Dodd , Ms. Sylvia Belmont, the commissioner wants to see two of you."

Hearing the words of the assistant commissioner's assistant, the people present couldn't help but look at Leo and Sylvia, with some dissatisfaction, envy and jealousy in their eyes.

The two of them ignored the gazes of the people around them and stepped into the study. They saw that the commissioner was already standing by the desk. When they saw the two coming in, they greeted him and said, "I can see them at this time. That’s great. I was just thinking about visiting both of you tonight."

"Your Excellency, is there anything important?" Leo asked.

The commissioner turned around and picked up a letter from the table and handed it to Leo, saying: "This is the letter I just received. Look at it."

"Is it convenient?" Leo asked instead after looking at the letter with the seal of the special department of the Haute federal government.

"It doesn't matter, the content in this letter is related to you." The commissioner replied.

Leo took the letter and opened it and read it quickly, with a slightly surprised look on his face, then passed it to Sylvia. Sylvia didn't show any unexpected expressions after reading it, but just smiled.

I saw two things written in the letter. The first thing is that the Otter Federation has recruited smelters in Beluk City and surrounding cities and counties. These smelters will be integrated and transformed, and after the transformation , To form a joint smelting group, Leo and Sylvia’s smelters can use existing assets and technology to buy shares, accounting for 60% of the shares, and become the group’s leader.

There is no doubt that this is simply sending money to Leo and Sylvia. Once this joint smelting group is established, then Leo and Sylvia will become the smelting giants of the Otter Federation. It seems like a good thing in every way. .

It's just that when Leo and Sylvia saw this place, they could see the careful thinking of the Otter Federation. Although the entire smelting group belongs to them in terms of shares, they are after all two outsiders, the smelter. The actual managers and workers are all natives of the Haute Federation. According to the commercial law of the Haute Federation, the regional government where the smelter is located also has certain jurisdiction, so the two of them can easily be emptied and become two that only provide technology. Puppet.

But this kind of thing is not a big deal for Leo and Sylvia. They have enough ability to control the smelting group without the Otter Federation noticing it. In the end, the Otter Federation will only be a waste of water. .

The other thing is related to Leo, because the Federal Government of Haute allowed to provide Leo with a blueprint of weapons of mass destruction that they did not complete for follow-up research. The only condition is to complete it as soon as possible.

Although there are not many related texts, it is not difficult to feel between the lines that the Haute Federal Government seems to be in a state of tension. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"We have no problems with these two things, and we are very willing to cooperate with the federal government." Sylvia returned the letter to the commissioner, then turned to look at Leo, exchanged glances, and took the initiative to stand up and represent the two. People, said.

The commissioner was a little surprised when Sylvia spoke on the initiative. He looked at Leo and didn't say anything. He just asked Leo what was going on through the look on his face.

"Her words represent me." Leo responded simply.

Seeing this, some patriarchal commissioners also adjusted their status and said very formally: "Thank you for your trust in the federal government, we..."

Sylvia interrupted the other party and said: "Wait! We promised to cooperate with the federal government is conditional."

"What? Conditions?" The commissioner was stunned, as if Sylvia was speaking the language of another country. Obviously, in his opinion, the content mentioned in the letter would be regarded as a benefit to the two of them. Even dared to put forward conditions.

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