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At this moment, Sylvia, who has turned into the incarnation of greed in the eyes of the commissioner, has not received the influence of the other party’s attitude at all, and said in a calm and powerful tone: "Your Excellency, do you think that the smelter is expanded and the majority of shares are given to us. The couple made the biggest profit, but commissioner, have you ever wondered whether we are willing to expand the smelter."

The commissioner tried his best to restrain his emotions, and said in a harsh tone: "Don't you want to expand the smelter into a group that dominates the federal smelting industry?"

"If we need this kind of thing, we don't have to live in Beirut at all, we can..." Sylvia deliberately stopped halfway through the conversation, giving people some room for reverie, and then continued: "There is no doubt, The large-scale expansion of the smelter in a short time is only beneficial to the Federation. After the expansion of the smelter, it will be able to produce special steel products faster and complete the military refit as soon as possible to cope with future wars..."

"Wait! You...what do you mean by war?" The commissioner interrupted Sylvia's narrative, and just wanted to directly question, but soon paused again, making his words a little tactful.

"Literally, we also have our own intelligence channels, and the news will not be much worse than the federal government." Sylvia deliberately fabricated a false intelligence channel to let the other party fall into conjecture, and then the other party has not slowed down. Before passing God, continue to say: "The expansion of the smelter is what the federal government needs, not what we and my wife want."

"But you can also get huge benefits from it?" The commissioner couldn't see through the two foreign settlers in front of him, and said with some lack of confidence.

"But the problem is that we don't need such benefits, and how does your federal government know if we care about these so-called benefits?" Sylvia smiled disdainfully and said: "It is no exaggeration to say that The huge interest in our eyes is worthless in the eyes of our couple. What's more, your so-called absolute shareholding is nothing more than a piece of paper. The smelter is built on federal land, and the federal government hires federal people as workers and managers. There is also a part of jurisdiction. Do you think our couple can really control this smelting group?"

"The Federation will not..." the commissioner immediately defended.

Just before the commissioner finished speaking, Sylvia interrupted: "The federal government may not, but can you guarantee that those people in the government will not? You know that once the smelting group is established, this group will rely on our husband and wife. The special steel formula of ”will inevitably dominate the entire federal steel market, and then spread its influence to neighboring countries, and even the entire new and old continents. The huge benefits are absolutely beyond imagination. By then you can guarantee that no one will be tempted by us. What do the couple’s shares do?"

The commissioner fell silent. Of course, he could not give any guarantee, because he knew exactly what the guys in the federal government were. The smelting group had grown to the extent that it affected the old and new continents, even if it only affected the Otter Federation. The guy will definitely do something. When the time comes, let alone the control of the group, the couple will be able to maintain the dividends of the shares they hold.

Sylvia did not go on, but waited for a moment, letting the commissioner in front of him think calmly for a while, and then continued: "As for my husband to help design weapons, shouldn't I give my husband the treatment and treatment he deserves? Remuneration? If my husband designs a weapon that meets federal requirements and plays a decisive role in the federal war in the future, shouldn’t the federal government pay for it? If the federal government is really stingy with reasonable rewards and If the remuneration is unwilling to pay, then the federal government may not be able to attract capable foreign talents in the future."

The commissioner did not speak, and his gloomy expression revealed his heart. Although he wanted to refute Sylvia's statement, he couldn't find a suitable sentence to refute it, and he could only lower himself like a student who was reprimanded by the teacher. Head, don't mention too much aggrieved heart.

At this time, the commissioner also regretted why he had to spend so many means to take over this errand. Originally, he thought that the special commissioner of Beluk City was a good job, and he didn’t need to think too much when he came here. He just needed to stay within the scope of his authority. In this case, it is enough to lie down and collect various benefits from all parties. After all, these political investments are tacitly approved by the federal government, and there is no danger of being held accountable.

But now the main goal of his trip has given him a problem, and his good mood for the past two days has completely disappeared, because he knows very well that if this matter is not handled properly, his political career may be over.

He really wanted to deal with the people in front of him by dealing with some officials in Beluk City, but this thought only surfaced slightly in his mind, and it faded quickly, not to mention that Sylvia was unpredictable. Leo’s background identity, just the change in Leo’s attitude is enough to make him feel frightened. If his behavior makes the other party feel dissatisfied, and then becomes passive in the smelter, then he must wait for him when he returns to the capital. After a series of inquiries, he was finally thrown into a low-level pension department and kept cold. If his political opponents seized this opportunity to attack him, he would probably end up even worse.

Thinking of this, the commissioner changed his previous serious and unhappy look, showing the most kind smile he could think of, and said to Leo and Sylvia: "The two of you have some misunderstandings. The content of this letter is just It’s just the first draft of the cooperation agreement. I will show it to the two of you, just to let them know the situation. The specific cooperation agreement must be discussed with the two before a final decision can be made. I believe it will be given to both of you at that time. A satisfactory condition of cooperation."

"Is it just a first draft? That's right. I don't think any formal and cooperative project can be decided by just a letter." Sylvia also followed the other party's words and said.

"I don't know what specific conditions the two have on these two matters. I can report the conditions." The commissioner lowered his stance and said in a low voice: "The government must be a guarantee in cooperating with the two. Yuyou is very sincere. As long as the conditions are not too harsh, I believe that there will be no problem with the final cooperation agreement."

Hearing what the commissioner said, Sylvia showed a smile on his face, and then directly offered some conditions. These conditions seemed excessive to the commissioner, but they did not exceed the psychological tolerance range, and he asked himself. , If he opens the conditions, I am afraid he will open more excessive conditions in exchange for more benefits.

However, when Sylvia made the last condition, he was stunned, and looked at Sylvia with a strange expression, as if asking why such a condition was offered.

It turned out that Sylvia's condition was very simple, that is, the mineral mining rights of Emerald Island.

With the outbreak of the Emerald Island incident, the surviving villagers on Emerald Island have long since moved to live in other areas. Now the Emerald Island is empty, and there are even some rumors on the market that the Emerald Island has been The curse of evil forces will cause tragedies and so on. Now the Emerald Island has become a taboo existence, and the world hopes to forget the existence of this island as soon as possible.

But now Sylvia has proposed the mineral mining rights of Emerald Island. This makes people feel abnormal. The mineral deposits on the First Emerald Island have almost been hollowed out, and the remaining mineral deposits are hard to find. Mining deep underground, mining these minerals not only consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, but also has great safety hazards. More importantly, even if the ore is released, it is difficult to sell for a big price. So all the mines on the island were abandoned.

Such useless mineral deposits have been seen by people, and it is really hard to see their intentions.

When the special commissioner was thinking about this condition, he immediately rejected Sylvia’s plan to reopen the abandoned mines and continue mining, because the benefits of continued mining are too small, and they will even lose money. In the current situation of Emerald Island, it is difficult to recruit enough miners in the Otter Federation.

At this time, he was very keenly thinking of the jurisdiction of Emerald Island, because according to his understanding, the mining right of Emerald Island also involves part of the jurisdiction of Emerald Island. As long as he has the mining right, then the mining right With the control of, you can set up a secondary administrative village on Emerald Island, which governs this village and town like an ancient lord, but Emerald Island itself is very barren, and people with a little money will not be willing to stay there and be a barren lord. , Just like the former owner of the mining rights of Emerald Island, he would rather give up everything on Emerald Island than to leave there and become an ordinary small merchant in the capital.

The commissioner believes that if Sylvia's intention is to go for the jurisdiction of Emerald Island, then she should not be for the barrenness and cleanliness of Emerald Island, she must be for other purposes, and this question also makes him Could not help but fall into contemplation.

Sylvia did not bother the other party, nor did she intend to stay any longer. She winked at Leo, who had acted as a bystander from just now, then stood up and said to the special commissioner: "My condition. That's it. Please report these conditions truthfully. As long as these conditions are met, we are willing to cooperate with the federal government in the expansion of the smelter and develop a weapon that meets your requirements for the federal government."

At this moment, the special commissioner was still in deep thought and did not recover. He just ordered the assistant to send Leo and Sylvia for him, and then ordered him not to meet with the guests, and stayed in the study alone, thinking about what to do. How to report this matter to the above, and not let the above think that they have messed up, but also must let the above to give him the power to continue negotiation and cooperation. This will be a very critical test for him.

After leaving the hotel, Leo and Sylvia did not return to the manor immediately, instead they began to wander around the city of Beiruk like two travelers.

On the way, Leo asked Sylvia, who was holding his arm in some doubt: "Do you really intend to take the jurisdiction of Emerald Island?"

"Of course not." Sylvia shook her head and smiled: "They can't let us manage Emerald Island, not to mention that they are still doing those things on Emerald Island. With a guilty conscience, they will never allow anyone. Getting involved there will only let it go to waste."

Leo asked inexplicably, "Then what is your real goal for setting this condition?"

"I actually fancy Trub Mountain." Sylvia said with a smile.

"Trub Mountain in Josh County?" Leo quickly thought of the location of this mountain and related information, and then said clearly: "Do you think there is value for exploration?"

"Don't you think?" Sylvia laughed: "I remember that most of the mysterious legends in the Otter Federation are more or less connected to the Trub Mountain, or the source of the mysterious power in the story is Trub Mountain, either the important characters in the story have some connection with the mystery of Trub Mountain’s seclusion, and there are so many expedition teams missing in the dense forest of Trub Mountain. If it is said that this country is the easiest When encountering a mysterious event, Mount Trub is definitely the first choice."

Leo stopped Sylvia's narrative, nodded in agreement, and then said: "I remember that there seems to be no mine at Trub Mountain. What excuse do you plan to use?"

Sylvia shrugged and said, "That's not easy, wood! Hunting ground! It is not difficult to find a suitable excuse. It is rare that those people recognize this statement and give us what we want."

Leo agreed with Sylvia's statement and asked: "You are right. Even if they agree with the excuse, I am afraid they will not be willing to give you the jurisdiction of the entire Trub Mountain. After all, Trub Mountain The land is inland, which is completely different from the situation on islands."

Sylvia seems to have thought about it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com quickly replied: "So don't think about the jurisdiction. We can directly allocate a piece of land in that area and rebuild the villa."

Leo nodded slightly, and was about to continue discussing with Sylvia about which land to choose at that time, he suddenly stopped and looked at the golden nest on the opposite side of the road for a night, with surprise and surprise on his face. The look of doubt, as if seeing something incredible.

Sylvia naturally noticed Leo's situation, she also looked over there curiously, but when she looked at it for the first time, she didn't see any abnormalities on the opposite gold coin pocket that did not open the door. Because of her knowledge of Leo, she naturally didn't think Leo would show such a surprised expression for a skinny shop, so she felt that she must have found nothing that caused Leo's surprise, so she looked at it again carefully.

This time, she finally discovered what was causing Leo's surprise and doubt, because when she saw the thing, she also showed the same expression as Leo, and she felt the same in her heart.

I only heard that she couldn't help being surprised, she couldn't help but say a name, and said: "Ms. Huzhong?"

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