The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1290: Analysis harvest

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"How is your harvest?" When Leo returned to the manor, Sylvia also came back from the factory, and asked curiously after seeing him.

"The harvest is great," Leo said seriously.

Sylvia waited for Leo to continue, but Leo suddenly fell silent and couldn't help but urged: "What then?"

Leo explained: "It still takes a while to sort out. The books I saw have a lot of contradictory content, and many of the book materials use some lingo, and I want to fully understand the content. It will take another day or two to sort them out."

"One or two days is not too long." Sylvia nodded and said, "It just so happens that I can handle all the things in the factory in a couple of days, so I don't need to be permanent. Over there."

Leo reminded: “Don’t worry too much about the factory. Don’t forget that we just use the resources of the factory to collect information for us. Once we find what we are looking for, there is no need to continue here. If you stay here, everything here will be abandoned."

"I know." Sylvia responded disapprovingly.

Leo seemed to think of something again, and said, "By the way, I saw one person in the Hans family manor this time, that is Roger Hans."

"Before we seemed to suspect that Roger Hans was actually disguised by the smiling Taudrudolf Hans," Sylvia asked curiously, "How is it? Is he?"

Leo was silent for a moment, and said, "It might be."

Sylvia was stunned, and said, "It might be? What's the answer."

Leo replied: "Roger Hans has a power in his body that does not belong to him, but I am not sure that that power comes from Rudolf Hans."

"Is that power strong?" Sylvia asked.

Leo thought about it carefully, and said: "It's not powerful, but it makes people feel very ancient. Maybe it comes from a fallen ancient existence."

Sylvia seriously analyzed: "I remember that when Rupert Hans was arrested, I thought and claimed that he had communicated with an ancient existence and gained knowledge from there. Do you think this Will the two be the same ancient existence?"

"It may be, or it may not." Leo still did not give an affirmative answer, and then added another sentence: "There are too many ancient existences in this world, and no one can be sure whether there is a person around him who contains it. The thought and consciousness of ancient existence."

Hearing Leo's words, Sylvia looked at him with some confusion and said, "Is this one of your gains?"

"Yeah." Leo nodded and said: "This world is far more complicated and dangerous than we expected. If you insist on comparing it to a certain era in the world of Velon, you can think of this as the world of Velon. In the earliest barbaric period, the time when gods walked on the earth, and the number of these gods was dozens or even hundreds of times that of the world of Vinylon."

Sylvia couldn't help being shocked when she heard Leo's words, and asked, "Is this what you saw from the Hans family's library?"

Leo shook his head and said, "Not exactly."

Afterwards, he did not continue this topic, but exchanged some things with Sylvia about the nearest smelter and the urban area, and went to the basement alone, and then just sat on a chair in the basement and started Organize the knowledge gained from the Hans family in the brain database.

Although there is not much knowledge related to occultism in the library that Boge Hans led Leo to, it can be seen from the placement of the books on the shelf and the traces of dust that the books there have been sorted in advance, but even In this way, these books still brought Leo a lot of the most needed information.

For example, the ancient legends recorded in these books confirmed one of his speculations that even if this world is not the colony of Pulis, the humans in this world are definitely related to the immigrants of the Earth Federation on the colony of Pulis.

Because in several ancient books about ancient times, the name Worcester is clearly mentioned. This name corresponds to an Ark. According to legend, human beings were transported to this world by this Ark, and Pulis Colonial Star The immigrant spacecraft is called Worcester.

In addition, there are some totem symbols that are considered to be ancient tribes in those books. Although those symbols are somewhat deformed and deleted, the overall shape can still show that the original shape of these symbols should be the Colony of the Universe, the Federal Fleet, etc. Badges of other departments.

In other words, people in this world knew from the very beginning that they were not born and raised in this world, and it is not difficult to see from some long poetry records in ancient books that for a long time, people in this world tried to leave this world. Returning to their starry homeland, it was only for unknown reasons that they all failed in the end, which made most of them abandon this ideal and chose to compromise with reality.

However, there are still some people who insist on their ideals. However, due to historical changes and man-made tampering and other reasons, these people’s ideals have gradually evolved into some religions, believing that mankind is the son of God, and the ultimate goal of mankind is to return to God By my side, these religions still exist in this world today, and there is a branch of this kind of religion in the churches expelled by the Haute Federation.

In addition, some information is hidden in the records of a few words about the gods in some church books. This information is generally ignored as a metaphor, but after Leo sorted it out, it was able to form a complete The message of, the meaning of this message is very simple, that is, people come down from the starry sky and awaken the sleeping gods, and the gods have brought the world into the cage, imprisoning people and themselves forever.

The meaning here is simple and straightforward. If the world is a colony of Pulis, then the disappearance of the colony is likely to be because humans have unintentionally awakened some powerful beings in this world that are sleeping, and these powerful beings are produced after waking up. The power of, caused the Pulis colonial star to enter a mysterious space, this space has the power of imprisonment, not only the human beings who also had spaceships at that time were imprisoned, but even those powerful existences that were awakened were also imprisoned.

Leo didn’t know what happened at that time, and he didn’t know whether the information was true or not. But if you analyze the situation in the current world, the world is now not just a cage, but more like a breeding farm. The powerful beings called gods are breeders, and humans are the livestock they raise.

There are many religions in this world. This is something Leo knew before, but he didn't know how many religions there are in the whole world. Perhaps only a few people know this number, and the Hans family is obviously not among the few.

In the Hans family's library, most of the books are religious books from certain churches in the Old World. Except for the overlapping parts, Leo finally counted that the number of gods involved in these books is as many as four thousand. There are many, and every **** seems to have a complete church system, and basically all the highest levels of religious beliefs are related to sacrifice, some are sacrifices of their own belief, spirit and soul, and some are sacrifices of livestock , Sacrifice prey, even sacrifice yourself.

Even the Baptist Church, which has nothing to do with sacrifice from the point of view of doctrine, records in its secret scripture that the final stage of baptism is sacrifice, and almost all rituals involve sacrifice. The idea is that some are plainly said to be sacrifices, and some are put on a disguise.

If there are no accidents in the evangelistic activities of the Baptist Church on Emerald Island, then before the last day of the event, the Baptist Church should conduct a sacrifice activity. They will collect the hair, nails and underwear of the believers, and then A mysterious existence that has no name recorded makes sacrifices, and this mysterious existence is the ultimate belief object of the Baptist Church.

When Leo was still a biochemical man, the automatic learning system injected a lot of knowledge into his brain, and in this knowledge, there was also knowledge about religions and gods in the Old Earth era.

Although there were a lot of gods in the Old Earth era, there were not many gods that could form a complete religious system and spread around the world. The situation in the world of Vinylon is the same. There are countless kinds of gods, but The gods who own the church are very rare.

However, this world is different. Almost all gods have a complete church system and are spread all over the world. What is even more amazing is that even if these churches conflict for various reasons, they will not participate in these conflicts. The churches caused devastating losses, and these churches will still exist.

For example, in the religious wars in the Haute Federation, according to the information that Leo saw, there were a total of thirteen churches, but the names of these churches were not written down, and they seemed to be deliberately hidden.

In the thirteen churches, the number of churches involved in the melee was more than 4 million. The number of casualties was several times that, and several small countries were destroyed, but the final result was only these thirteen. The church has withdrawn from the area of ​​the Otter Federation, and the church is still spreading in other countries in the New World, and it has not even been annexed by other powerful churches. On the contrary, those powerful churches are like patrons who shelter these churches and let them gradually Recovered.

This situation does not only appear in this religious war in the Haute Federation, but all religious wars in the world are like this, as if these wars are just a game of the gods, or a sacrifice.

When Leo saw the various religious wars of various sizes that took place in the Old World recorded in the books, his first impression was sacrifice, a large-scale sacrifice that took killing and death as rituals.

This obvious intention was clearly seen by some smart people, such as the founding fathers of the Haute Federation, so they formulated a constitution that does not allow the church to preach publicly in the country.

There are many countries with similar constitutions in this world. At least from the data point of view, almost all the new countries on the New World were anti-religious at first, but in the end these gradually changed.

Even if there is a constitution as a warning, the role of the constitution will slowly fade after a long period of time. Coupled with the temptation of money and power, the church will naturally infiltrate an anti-religious country like the Haute Federation.

These data and analysis also allow Leo to be sure that the Haute Federation allowed the Baptist Church to publicly preach permission, the Emerald Island incident, and the subsequent expulsion of all churches. It was a play directed and acted by the Otter Federation. The purpose is to purify the various churches in the country.

Although Leo does not have any relevant statistics and does not know how far the private churches in the Otter Federation have developed before the Emerald Island incident, the Otto Federal Government does not hesitate to obtain it through this self-mutilation method. With nominal justice and the expulsion of religions within the territory, it is conceivable that the situation should not be optimistic.

At the same time, Leo also understands why he has such an important position in the hearts of the Otter Federal Government, why the Otter Federal Government is so eager to change the entire army, and why the Otter Federal Government will so abruptly ask him to develop a new one. A weapon of mass destruction, because the senior officials of the Otter Federal Government should be very clear that as the churches in the territory are eliminated, the Otter Federation is bound to usher in a war, and the initiators of this war should be those around the Federation. Countries, religious countries dominated by religious forces.

Judging from all the signs, what the Haute Federation did was not like a whim, but a deliberate plan. The only accident may be Leo. No one of them could have expected it. Someone can improve the steel formula, UU Reading produced a special steel with hardness and toughness far exceeding the existing ones, so this change of the whole army should be a temporary motive, and in order to complete the change before the start of the war. Several smelters in that generous place gave it to Leo in order to increase the number of finished steel products and speed up the army's reloading speed.

However, Leo is not optimistic about the initiative of the Haute Federation this time, beating the various churches, and trading a war against the surrounding churches in exchange for hundreds of years of peace, because in his opinion, if there is a church war, then Ou The odds of victory for the Special Federation in this war are not very high.

In addition to external reasons, what’s more important is that the dignitaries in the Haute Federation and the Haute Federal Government are not of one mind. Take the Hans family as an example. Many of them are invisible believers. Although the objects of faith are They are different, but their attitudes towards the church are the same. These people will definitely drag the Otter federal government back when the war breaks out.

But Leo also believes that the Otter Federation should have a weapon that can turn the war over. This weapon is the weapon of mass destruction that the commissioner inadvertently revealed. The Otter Federation government should have a weapon of this type. However, from various circumstances, if this weapon is used, it will probably be a result of almost the same end.

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