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"Leo Dodd."

"Roger Hans."

There was no highlight moment that was worth recording when the two met. It was just an ordinary meeting between two strangers. They introduced each other and shook hands.

"Does our library help you?" Roger Hans asked abruptly after Leo sat down.

"It's helpful." Leo answered briefly and directly, and then asked: "Your Excellency Roger, I don't know why you came to me?"

"I asked Bojie to come to your Excellency, mainly because I want to get to know you, because I also like the shotgun you made by yourself. If possible, I hope you can make one for me." Roger Hans Explained.

Leo shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid you have disappointed you. I have too many orders on hand now. These things have taken up most of my time. I don't plan to take any orders anymore. "

"In this case, it is assumed that I have not said this." Seeing Leo rebuffed himself and Roger Hans did not act too disappointed, he went on: "There is one more thing I want to ask. Your Excellency Leo."

"Please speak."

Roger Hans asked directly: "Why did your Excellency Leo choose the haunted house of Mont Manor where serious crimes have occurred? In my opinion, in the Great North Point area, there are many better manors than Mont Manor..."

Leo interrupted the other party and continued: "But there is no cheaper and larger estate for me to choose from than Monte Manor. Our couple just decided to settle here, and we don’t have too much money. Have to plan carefully."

Roger Hans couldn’t find any rebuttals or doubts for this reason, because Monte Manor is the largest manor in the Great North Point area, and the price of the entire manor is very low, not as low as one. Ordinary apartment villa.

The reason why no one at Monte Manor has taken over for so many years is because the case that year was too big, and the missing Monte family has not been found yet, and there is a lot of information about Monte Manor, cultists, and evil sacrifices. Things were linked together, so that those with no money could not afford to buy the manor, and those with money were reluctant to buy it, and finally fell into the hands of Leo and Sylvia.

In fact, the Hans family originally liked the manor, not only because of the property value of the manor, but also because of the mystical knowledge that Roger Hans has not fully understood in the manor. It is a pity that other dignitaries in Beiruk were This objection is that the Hans family’s real estate in Beluk City is already large enough. If you buy Monte Manor, the total area of ​​the real estate is likely to enter the top three. This is why the majority of the rich and powerful in Beluk City do not Would like to see.

Although the Hans family has gradually integrated into the upper circle of Beluk City, in certain things, the Hans family is still regarded as an outsider.

Roger Hans did not struggle with the issue of real estate. He bluntly led the topic to the places he was interested in. He said: "Some time ago, when you heard that your Excellency asked people to renovate the manor, something weird happened. Can't you tell me something?"

"Your Excellency may be disappointed," Leo said flatly, "Those so-called weird things are just the workers and servants responsible for the reconstruction work, because the hallucinations caused by various rumors about the manor in the past did not actually happen. What a weird thing, they are just frightening themselves."

Although Leo made an explanation, Roger Hans was not satisfied with the explanation at all. He took out the box that had been given to Boge Hans before, put it on the table, and asked: "How do you think about it? s things?"

"Very interesting." Leo replied, "That's why I came to meet with Lord Roger. I have seen similar runes before, but I don't understand what it means?"

Roger Hans did not answer Leo's question head-on, but was a little surprised and asked, "Have you seen it? Where?"

"On Emerald Island." Leo gave the answer.

Hearing these words, Roger Hans couldn't help but fell into contemplation, but Boje Hans, who was quietly listening to the conversation between the two, was shocked and quickly said: "Your Excellency Leo, please don't say this is unfounded. If this is the case, how could this thing appear on Emerald Island? If it spreads out, it will have a very negative impact on our Hans family."

It’s no wonder that Boger Hans was so shocked, because the Emerald Island incident has recently become a taboo for the entire Otter Federation. All churches have been expelled, and all people and forces related to Emerald Island have been affected. A severe blow, if at this time it is circulated that something in the Hans family is similar to something on Emerald Island, and this thing has occult symbols on it, this will definitely arouse the attention of the federal government, plus the Hans family People have lessons learned, so the final result is likely to cause the Hans family to suffer a heavy blow.

Thinking of this, Bojer Hans even had the urge to leave Leo in the manor and put him under house arrest to prevent him from leaving, lest he left talking around and causing trouble to the Hans family.

It’s just that this idea just came to his mind for a while, and he immediately sank, because he didn’t think he could take Leo. It was very likely that when he did it himself, he had already been given the gun by Leo’s body. Headshot.

Now Leo is almost recognized as a dangerous person in the upper class of Beluk City, because he killed the mutant attackers as easily as a few bugs on Emerald Island. This matter had already passed at that time. Those who were still in the venue spread, and some people expressed disbelief, but there were still many people who believed that Leo had this ability, especially Bogehans, who had hunted with Leo before, believed even more. One of them.

Roger Hans contemplated for a while, then came back to his senses and said: "No! The symbol inside cannot appear on Emerald Island."

Leo didn't argue with him either, but directly picked up the pen and paper on the table, and quickly drew the extremely uncomfortable symbol he saw from Emerald Island on it.

Although Leo didn’t add any extraordinary power to the symbol, but the symbol itself seems to contain a mysterious power that cannot be detected by any means. This mysterious power is also affecting those around who see this symbol. , Such as the Hans brothers.

Bojer Hans just looked at Leo’s painting, and he was uncomfortable to the extreme. He rushed out of the house and vomited in the grass outside, while Roger Hans performed better. , There was no major uncomfortable reaction, but the sweat constantly oozing from his forehead and the violently trembling face were not difficult to see that he was trying his best to endure the discomfort.

"Enough, don't paint anymore!" Just when Leo was almost halfway drawn, Roger Hans yelled loudly, worried that Leo would not listen to his orders and directly grabbed Leo's hand. Passing the pen and paper, tearing it apart, as if only by doing so can the strong discomfort in his spirit disappear.

After a while, he eased his discomfort, then shook his head, and said, "It's not the same, my symbol is different from it. It's a blasphemy rune." He paused, very much. Seriously said: "Did you really see this rune on Emerald Island?"

Leo replied truthfully and falsely: "Yes, I saw it on a house built on the foundation of an abandoned ruin."

"Abandoned ruins? It's possible." Roger Hans seemed to know something, he didn't say it completely, he just muttered a bit, and then asked Leo as if he had deliberately changed the subject: "Are you a super soul? "

When Leo heard the name, he asked, "The Supersoul? Are you talking about the Supersoul investigator mentioned in the Diary of the Supersoul by Brantwood?"

"Yes, the investigator is only a kind of supersoul." Roger Hans seemed to identify Leo, and said: "You can draw the desecrated rune, but you won't be affected by the desecrated rune. Influence, there are only two types of super souls that meet these two conditions, one is detached, and the other is ignorant. Obviously you are not detached, otherwise, it will respond. A decorative object like a lamp on the table continued, "So you should be an ignorant."

Leo said unexpectedly: "Ignorant, it sounds like a curse."

Roger Hans explained: "As the so-called ignorance is blessing, our world has too many mysterious things beyond the limit of human understanding. These mysterious things will infect and stifle the so-called smart people through knowledge transfer, so the ignorant Immune ability to these things is the best force that can live well in this world."

"Interesting statement." Leo smiled, as if he had regarded Roger Hans's words as a chat topic after dinner, and seemed to not care at all.

"Interesting?" Roger Hans looked at Leo displeasedly, and said: "This is not an interesting thing. You may have just come into contact with the truth of this world. When you really understand this world, you I would never describe this world as fun."

Leo shrugged and didn't argue with him. He didn't seem to take Roger Hans's words seriously. He just said in a somewhat boring tone: "Your Excellency Roger, you called me to talk about these things. ?"

"No, I just want to know a fact, now I know it." Roger Hans said, took out a sealed black envelope from the drawer, handed it to Leo and said: "When did you If you’re interested in what I’m talking about, you will open the envelope whenever you want, and someone will take you to a secret place, where you can learn the truth about the world."

Leo took the envelope and looked at it, without asking more, he stood up, turned and walked out of the house, just in time to meet Boge Hans who had already vomited and walked back.

When Bojer Hans was about to ask Leo why he left so soon, he suddenly saw the black envelope in Leo's hand. The look of surprise on his face made no secret of his surprise. He knew that Leo had passed by him before he returned. After passing by, he quickly followed, and according to normal interests, sent Leo out of the manor.

After a while, Borg Hans, who had delivered Leo, hurriedly walked back. He opened the wooden door, entered the house, and unceremoniously questioned Roger Hans, who was thinking: "You Crazy, give that thing to Leo Dodd, do you want to kill him? If Leo has an accident there, it will definitely be found out by those guys in the federal government. Then we Hans family Will really be expelled from the federation."

"Don't worry, Leo Dodd will not only be fine when he goes there, but he will thank me." Roger Hans said very confidently.

"Is he really a super soul?" Boj Hans asked.

Roger Hans nodded and said, "It should be, and it is very likely that he is still an extremely rare ignorant. If that is the case, his value is not only reflected in the special steel. I am afraid. The Super Soul organizations in the Special Federation and neighboring countries will be eyeing him."

"Isn't he dangerous?" Boj Hans asked.

"You don't need to worry about him. I think what is really going to happen to him. What should be worried about should be his enemy. I think he should hide something." Roger Hans spoke and took out from the table. He handed a piece of cloth to Bojer Hans, and said, "Blindfold your eyes and don't peek."

Boger Hans seemed to know what his cousin was going to do, and hurriedly folded the cloth skillfully, and then blindfolded.

After blindfolding, he only heard Roger Hans seem to be pushing something, and then there were some crunching noises around him, it sounded like a mouse was biting the floor, and finally he heard Roger Hans Suddenly he said in a very strange tone: "You saw him just now, what do you think of him?"

Boje Hans did not hear the sound of people and the answer, and the surroundings were silent.

But Roger Hans seemed to have heard the answer and said to himself: "Is it just an ordinary person? Impossible, you must have read it Ordinary people can't be so relaxed. The fact that the profane rune was written down alone is enough to prove that he is not an ordinary person."

After a while, I heard Roger Hans and something say: "Impossible, it can never be that. That is rarer than the ignorant. I even doubt that it is a legend. After all, there is no evidence, and If it's that, the light will definitely respond."

After speaking, after a moment of silence, Roger Hans gradually calmed down and said, "This is the only way to go, I hope it won't interfere with us."

Not long after saying this, Roger Hans motioned to his cousin to remove the blindfolded cloth, and then said formally: "You and Leo can maintain a friendly relationship, but don't be too close. Now, that person is very dangerous, too close, and it is not a good thing for you and the whole family."

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