The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1284: How to deal with the Haute Federation

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After cleaning up the wounded, Leo and Sylvia did not stay in Greenstone Village to clean up the corpses on the ground, because the people who had fled to the island were also called back at this moment, and the manpower was enough.

The two of them left the village when the others were not paying attention, and followed the path they had walked before to the Giant's Shield.

Leo let Sylvia stay on the cliff for a while, and then he jumped directly off the cliff. After falling to a certain height, he reached out and grabbed a protruding rock on the cliff, firmly stabilized the fallen body, and then followed. The reverberating power of the body seemed to be a dexterous rock sheep, moving quickly on the steep cliff, and soon came to a not very big cave on the cliff.

At this moment, the cave has an owner, and a couple of waterfowl have built a bird nest for themselves, and there are four bird eggs in the nest.

When Leo appeared at the entrance of the cave, the waterfowl instinctively launched an attack on Leo, but before the waterfowl’s claws and beak fell on Leo, a burst of spiritual energy radiated from Leo’s body and landed on Leo. On the waterfowl, the waterfowl instantly stopped attacking and became quiet, acting as if Leo was their closest person.

Leo reached into the hole, moved the bird's nest, and took out a decaying wooden box from under the bird's nest.

I don't know if the box is too decayed, or tired and exerted too much force. As soon as he picked up the box, the box immediately shattered, and a very strange-looking stone idol fell out of the box.

And when the idol fell out, Leo clearly felt a faint energy fluctuation emanating from the idol. This energy fluctuation was a bit like the power of the abyss, but there was a clear difference, if it was an abyss. The power of the power will have a sense of chaos that is almost characteristic. Whether it is violent or cold, there is such a sense of chaos, but the core of this energy is not chaos, but depth. This depth is not the abyss. Profound, and more like the depth of the universe.

Waterbirds are particularly sensitive to this kind of abnormal energy, but the moment the energy appears, the waterbirds that have been comforted immediately become fierce, as if they have seen some natural enemy, and they don’t care about the eggs in the nest, and they spread their wings directly. Going out, diving into the torrential rain outside, as if only cold rain can wash away their fears.

Leo picked up the idol and looked at it before his eyes. The idol was not big, only slightly larger than the palm of his hand. The stone used to carve the idol was ordinary rock, not a special material, and the carving technique was very rough. It's like a person who has never sculpted a sculpture according to the shape of his heart. It is also because of this that the appearance of the idol looks very distorted and weird. You can only barely see the idol from the characteristics of the various parts of the idol. It is a monster composed of the lower body of a beast, the upper body of a human, and a fish-like head.

After getting the idol, Leo immediately searched for the corresponding information in the database, but there was no result. I thought it was because he had not collected enough information.

Leo took the idol, returned to the cliff, and gave the thing to Sylvia to see if Sylvia had seen it elsewhere.

However, after Sylvia got the idol, the look in her eyes seemed to be looking at a fragrant delicacy, and she couldn't help swallowing.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked immediately after realizing something was wrong with Sylvia.

"I don't know why, but there is an impulse to swallow it, and it is very strong," Sylvia pondered again, and said: "This impulse should come from blood, it is the abyssal dragon. His blood has the desire to swallow the gods."

"Is it a natural enemy?" Leo guessed.

"No." Sylvia was extremely sure that there was no natural enemy that could correspond to her bloodline memory from the abyssal dragon.

"You put it away first!" Leo said without suspicion.

"No, you should keep it better. Put this thing with me, maybe I can't help but eat it," Sylvia shook her head and pushed the idol back into Leo's hand, then asked Said: "Is this the mysterious item?"

"I don't know." Leo shook his head and said, "But in this area, only this thing has something to do with the mysterious item."

While speaking, he tried to retract the things into the storage space. The idol in his hand disappeared smoothly, but then his face suddenly showed a hint of surprise, as if he had discovered something magical. Then he took the thing out of the storage space and put it in his hand to look at it repeatedly, as if looking for something.

"What's the matter?" Sylvia asked suspiciously when he saw Leo's abnormal performance.

"This thing is a bit weird!" Leo didn't turn his gaze away from the idol, and while inspecting it carefully, he explained the reason for his reaction just now.

It turned out that when he returned the idol to the storage space, the otherwise ordinary idol gave off an amazing light, and this light also formed a very peculiar penetrating light wave that directly penetrated his storage space. The object-space barrier spreads out toward the void outside the space, and the frequency of this light wave appears very regular, as if it is sending some kind of signal wave toward the void.

It's just that this kind of reaction will only appear in his storage space. Once he takes out the things, that kind of reaction disappears, and the idol has returned to its ordinary appearance.

"Maybe, what this thing is really calling for," Sylvia also made a guess after hearing this, and proposed: "We can use this thing as a bait to see what kind of existence is behind this thing. ."

Leo was silent for a while after hearing this. In the end, he shook his head and said: "If this thing can really attract some powerful existence that travels through the void, then it may be difficult to keep my storage space, and it will be too much for the loss."

Without agreeing to Sylvia's proposal, Leo found a piece of cloth to wrap the idol, and then put the idol in his pocket for temporary storage.

After doing all this, Leo and Sylvia left the Giant's Shield and returned to Greenstone Village, and those who were busy in Greenstone Village, including Solander, did not realize that they had left.

Because it was handling the corpse, the participants did not carry the corpse to a house where there was not much space, but just laid out the stacked and staggered corpses neatly, covered their faces with clothing, and the untidy clothing put on clothing. Let them die decently.

When the body was almost half sorted, the ships that carried the people left returned one after another, and also brought police and soldiers. They just went ashore because the corpses on the pier were moved into the village, and the blood on the ground was covered by rain. It was washed away, so he was very calm, and some people felt that the people who had returned to Beluk City were spreading rumors and so on.

It wasn't until they walked into Greenstone Village and saw the rows of corpses that had been paved in the street, they showed shocked expressions one by one, and realized that it was not just a conflict between a small group of people as they thought. , But a large-scale casualty incident. Although they have not calculated the number of corpses carefully, they have roughly estimated that there are at least two to three thousand corpses lying on the ground. Such a huge number of casualties is far beyond. Given their jurisdiction, only the exclusive agency of the federal government has the right to handle this matter. The only thing they can do is to maintain the scene and wait for the federal government to send someone over.

The original idea was to leave everyone on the island. After all, no one knows what happened on the island, but one thing must be related to the mutant attackers on the venue. No one is sure whether the living people are still there. There are mutant attackers, so the best way is to let everyone stay on the island and have a federal government commissioner to deal with them in a unified way.

Although the idea is good, it is very difficult to implement. Not to mention that many of the living people are seriously injured and are anxiously waiting for medical treatment, otherwise they will die. The officials and tycoons of Beluk City, although their individual strengths are nothing, but if they are united together, they can still have a huge impact on the upper class of Beluk City.

What's more, there are two special existences of Leo and Sylvia among these people. It is no exaggeration to say that because of the special steel, the hidden status of the two of them in the Otter Federation is no less than some important ones. At the top of the country, obviously some of the people who supported Emerald Island understood the status of Leo and Sylvia.

As a result, they had to adopt a compromise method and treat them in special cases. First, they sent important people and people who were seriously injured to be treated to Beluk City. Others waited for the next batch of ships to arrive and leave, and they too. You can take this opportunity to send people back to report the situation, send additional staff, discuss follow-up countermeasures, and so on.

In the end, Leo and Sylvia, along with the dignitaries who had not had time to escape, as well as a large number of seriously injured and caring for them, returned with the first batch of rescue ships that would be in Beiruk. In addition, the police and the police who came to the rescue before. The soldiers also sent some people back to Beluk City under the name of protection, hoping to report the tragedy here.

Solander did not leave by boat. She strongly urged to stay, take care of the remaining wounded, and maintain law and order with other police officers. Neither Leo nor Sylvia persuaded her. Obviously, the tragedy in Greenstone Village caused her. Great psychological influence, it might be good for her to let her do something within her capacity.

I don’t know if it’s because of the heart-to-heart mentality, or because of the wind and rain outside. Most people on the ship feel that the speed of the ship is much slower than usual. In fact, they don’t know that the speed of the ship is actually slowed down deliberately. Yes, because when leaving the pier, a ship full of wounded people speeded up and rushed back to Beluk City. It seemed that it had to arrive in Beluk City to report the situation before other ships arrived. Good follow-up reception.

Therefore, when Leo and his ship arrived at the port, the pier was already waiting for them. The wounded were taken away immediately, while those without hands were registered one by one. Some people were temporarily recruited after registering their identities. The gendarme who came over took it away, and the rest sent them home, and Leo and Sylvia were obviously members of the privileged class.

Basically, they did not receive any troubles, and they did not even have a hierarchical status. After several officials in charge of related affairs recognized the two, they directly sent a carriage arranged by the city government to send the two back to the manor, and then they continued. Some dignitaries in Beluk City came to visit the two of them, and did not ask them what they saw on Emerald Island, but expressed the hope that what happened on Emerald Island would not affect their impression of Beluk City, and He also said that he would investigate the truth of the matter as soon as possible.

In this regard, Leo and Sylvia did not make any remarks, but only responded politely, and then expressed their willingness to pay a lot of money to support the investigation of this matter by the city of Beluk.

Afterwards, both of them stayed in the manor for a few days, thanking guests behind closed doors, and they felt as if they were frightened and recuperating.

From the servants of the manor, they also know that there are a lot more people patrolling outside the manor, and most of them are heavily armed soldiers, but these patrols are not just protecting the Belmont Manor family, but the entire North Point area. Protected by these heavily armed soldiers, after all, the people who live here are either rich or noble. They belong to the ruling class of Beluk City. If something goes wrong here, Beluk City will really be messed up.

Although the incident was very violent, there was no newspaper in Beluk City that reported on the incident in detail. There were only fragmented news indicating that there were accidents in the evangelistic activities of the Baptist Church in Emerald Island. , There will be no more follow-up content.

At first, Leo thought it was the Baptist church suppressing the and planned to negotiate with the upper levels of the Haute Federation to eliminate the adverse effects of this matter, but Sylvia saw it more thoroughly and felt This is the city of Beiruk, or the Otter Federation is making preparations, temporarily suppressing this matter, she guessed that the Otter Federation will make big moves in the near future.

Sure enough, on the fifth day after they returned to the manor, the Haute Federation issued a constitutional decree, which completely overturned the previous decree that allowed the Baptist Church to preach and preach in the Haute Federation city, and completely expelled it. The Baptist Church, not only the Baptist Church, but even other churches have also been completely expelled, as if to completely build the Haute Federation into a godless country, and this decree that was codified into the Constitution is also It is called the law of the godless by the people of the Haute Federation.

Because the previous press suppression was very thorough, the outside world did not understand what happened on Emerald Island, so they also resisted and disliked the promulgation of this godless decree.

The Otter Federal Government also anticipated this in advance, so almost at the same time as the promulgation of the law of Godlessness, it also announced the complete details of the Emerald Island tragedy to all newspapers and media across the country. War casualties are defined as national disasters, followed by a series of national rituals and memorial activities, etc., which immediately mobilized the emotions of all citizens and completely eliminated the original opposition to the godless law.

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