The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1283: Extreme nausea

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At this moment, Greenstone Village seems to have fallen into a very strange chaos. The original three-way melee situation has become a big melee. Everyone seems to have lost their minds and attacked people around them in various ways. , Even if this person was still a relative or friend at the first moment, the next moment it was like becoming an enemy of life and death, even if they were beaten to the blood, as long as they could still shake their fists, they seemed to have no intention of stopping.

If you stand on the lighthouse of Greenstone Village and look down at this time, you will find that all the visible ground in Greenstone Village is covered with wounded people, and many of these people are probably already dead. The blood also stained the ground and the walls of the surrounding houses, it was like a purgatory on earth.

But something weird is that on the pier, the open space near Lake Beluk seems like another world. The people crowded there didn’t show any crazy attacks. They looked at just the front line with as much fear as normal people. A large group of people confided and killed themselves, and what was even more weird was that no matter how fierce the fighting was, they would never enter that line of open space, let alone attack those who were in that line of open space.

Even some bold people stood on the side of the open space and stretched out their hands to pull the few people who were fighting on the other side. Those red-eyed people would calm down immediately after entering the open space, and collapsed and fainted.

At this moment, those lucky people who are still awake in the open area know that something is wrong with Greenstone Village, but they don't know what the reason is. They can only pray that a ship can come and rescue them in time.

At the same time, Leo and Sylvia who entered Greenstone Village avoided the frantic scuffles in the village. Even if they met a few, they easily solved them. Soon they both came to the building. Go up to the very old house.

From the weeds around the house, the dilapidated walls and roofs, etc., it is not difficult to see that this house has not been inhabited for a long time. However, judging from the style and scale of the house, at the beginning of its construction, the people who lived here Man is definitely a person with some status, either the owner of the mine on Emerald Island, or a supervisor-level person who is specifically responsible for managing the mine.

As for the cause of the ruin of this house may be related to some violent conflicts, because a large number of damages in this house have traces of man-made damage. It can be imagined that when the house is in good condition, many people have damaged the outer wall of the house through violence. Rush into the house and continue to destroy.

Sylvia took a look at the house and analyzed the situation, "Maybe the miners in the mine rioted and rushed into the house and killed the people in the house. Afterwards, the people on the island felt that living in the house of the dead was not Okay, so I left it idle and didn't repair it."

Leo nodded in agreement, and then asked with a serious look, "Do you feel it? This power."

"Yeah." Sylvia nodded, not saying much.

In fact, compared to Leo, Sylvia is more sensitive to the strange power emanating from this house, and perceives its details in more detail.

The strange power emanating from this house is the source of this disorderly riot that is erupting in Greenstone Village. They both felt it when they were outside the village just now. After all, this power is too obvious. There is no hiding.

At first, both Leo and Sylvia subconsciously thought that this power might be an abyssal power, because the breath of power gave them the feeling of disorder, chaos, and violence, very similar to the abyssal power, but after reaching the source of power, They realized that their judgment was wrong. This force was not an abyssal force, but a force they hadn't felt before.

This power has the disorder, chaos, and violence similar to the abyss, but also the order, vastness and majesty belonging to the gods, as if it is a mixture of gods and the power of the abyss, and it is this that makes Leo and Sylvia feel uncomfortable. Although the strength is not strong for them, it is as infectious as ink. Just standing next to the house, they already felt the strong noness, as if they were standing next to a cesspit. Make them feel sick inexplicably.

"This is the most disgusting power I have ever felt!" Sylvia frowned, resisting the discomfort in her heart, and said with a look of disgust.

Although Leo also felt discomfort, it seemed better compared to Sylvia, because his psionic energy seemed to have a neutralizing and restraining effect on this power, so that he could avoid being affected.

"If you feel uncomfortable, leave the village first and leave it to me to investigate." Leo said with concern.

"No, I haven't seen anything more disgusting than here." Sylvia shook her head, gave a brief response, and then returned her attention to the house and passed her I checked the method and said, "The source of this force is underground, and it should be the foundation."

Leo tried to use the spiritual net to check the underground situation, but he stopped immediately after displaying the spiritual net, and cut off the connection with the spiritual net, because this force can corrode the spiritual net, and It can also spread to his spiritual consciousness along the spiritual web.

Although this erosion force is very weak, Leo was not sure what hidden effects this erosion force would hide, so he did not take a risk.

When he couldn't use the spirit net, Leo could only use other methods to collect the underground situation. He squatted down and punched the ground like a madman. The power of his fist was very strong. It even made the ground shake.

The ripples produced by this vibration are like a spiritual net, spreading outward from the position of Leo's strike, and when it hits various objects, Leo will give back some data information of the object.

Later, when the shaking stopped, he also collected enough information, stood up again, and used his psychic energy to create an illusion that fully revealed the condition of the foundation of the house.

It turns out that the foundation of this house was not built together with the house, but was chosen to be built on a flat ancient architectural relic. This architectural relic is just a fragment and it is impossible to judge the complete form of the relic, but from the stone used in the relic From a point of view, this ruin should be a large building when it is complete.

In addition, the surface of this relic has very complete and complex patterns. These patterns look like a bunch of messy lines, but if you look closely, you can find that these lines are mixed with some very mysterious symbols.

From various perspectives, the mysterious power that leaks out from the house and affects the emotional state of others is the pattern from the foundation, and this pattern is like a Turing radical when combined in a certain way, it will produce a kind of Extraordinary power.

"Damn it! It's disgusting." After seeing this foundation symbol composed of Leo through psionic energy, Sylvia couldn't help turning her head as if she had seen something extremely uncomfortable. Stepped aside, and cursed.

Seeing Sylvia's reaction, Leo couldn't help but was stunned. Although he also felt some discomfort when he saw this symbol, as if this symbol was like a cosmic dirty phone that kept spitting swear words, he still Still able to bear this degree of discomfort, there is no such a big reaction like Sylvia.

When Leo was about to inquire about Sylvia’s feelings, Sylvia suddenly shot, a hot beam shot from her hand to disperse the psychic illusion gathered in the air, and hit the house in front. The house melted directly into a pile of lava, and the foundation naturally melted under the hot lava burning.

As this foundation melted, that strange power disappeared at the same time, and the affected people in Greenstone Village who had lost the influence of this power recovered one by one, and while returning to normal, I also fainted directly because of mental damage or excessive physical wear.

Sylvia’s sudden behavior was naturally beyond Leo’s expectations. When he was about to inquire about Sylvia’s situation, Sylvia took the initiative and said, “I just felt that symbol was really disgusting. It was disgusting to me. It’s hard to control, and I don’t know where this feeling comes from. Maybe it’s from the soul. After that, I have a strong destruction. I want to destroy this thing, and then I instinctively cast the spell." She paused, and said in confusion, "The light of destruction that I used just now doesn't seem to be out of control. It has been fully displayed, and the effect has reached the expected effect. What is going on?"

"I want to know too." Leo's face also showed a puzzled look. He could clearly feel that Sylvia's power has not been adjusted by any man-made, but it is instinctively displayed, although there may be power in it. It is weakened, but it does not have the chaotic and disorderly effect like other times when you use your own witch power or bloodline power.

"You try again." Leo suggested. "Use simpler ones."

After Sylvia heard this, he used the blood power to directly create a ball of flame in the palm of his hand. However, as soon as that ball of flame formed, it instantly turned into a ball of black shadow, and then the shadow directly rushed to the sky, blacking the sky. A large amount of water and gas gathered together in a short time and turned into dark clouds. Under a burst of lightning and thunder, big raindrops fell down.

Looking at the sun-drenched and cloudless sky the moment before, it turned into a dark and cloud-filled storm in a blink of an eye, and Leo and Sylvia were a little speechless for a while.

After a while, Sylvia murmured to herself, "It looks like it was just an accident."

Leo didn't say anything, and pulled Sylvia back for a certain distance, avoiding the heavy smoke caused by the rain falling on the lava.

At this time, Solander, who was waiting outside the village, also saw the smoke billowing here, and saw that the melee in the village seemed to be over. After she tried to enter the village, she didn’t feel anything unusual, and followed She looked at the center of the village that had calmed down in the distance, and then at the place where the smoke was rising. After hesitating, she rushed towards the place where the smoke appeared.

"Your Excellency Leo, Ms. Sylvia, what happened just now?" When he came to the place where the smoke was generated, he saw Leo and Sylvia standing next to him, and looked at the cooling lava next to him suspiciously. Chi, in her memory, Emerald Island does not seem to be a volcano, and naturally there should be no such thing as lava. But now a piece of cooling lava appeared in front of her, and it seemed that the lava here just now was still intact, which made her very confused, and the only people she could inquire about were Leo and Sylvia.

Leo looked at Solander and did not answer. Instead, he pointed to the center of Greenstone Village and said, "Now that the danger has been eliminated, isn't your most important thing to rescue those people?"

Soland was stunned, and couldn't help but frowned. She knew that she would definitely not be able to ask anything else from Leo and Sylvia, so she didn't continue to ask questions, turned her head and ran towards the village.

After Solander left, Leo and Sylvia did not leave Greenstone Village, but walked towards the center of the village in the same way. They are also ready to take action to treat the wounded here, which can help them gain some good reputation and facilitate Live better in Beiruk City or the Haute Federation.

Soon they came to the center of the square in the village. At this moment, the square was full of people. These people couldn't tell the difference between life and death, because they all had injuries, and raindrops hit them, making them wet. , They didn't respond either, they looked like they were dead.

Solander seemed to have seen such a tragic sight for the first time. She was completely stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Don't be stunned, there are people on the pier who avoided the riots. Tell them that the matter is over and let them come together to rescue them. If these people are allowed to get caught in the rain here, it won’t take long before they won’t die from their injuries. , Will die from hypothermia.” Leo said loudly to Solante, and then he grabbed a still-breathing person on the ground. was carried on his back and transported to the empty room next to it.

Sylvia did not move the people on the ground. She went into the house to check and deal with the wounds of the wounded. She did not use any extraordinary powers. She just performed some simple battlefield dressings to stop the wounded. bleed.

As Soland called those who had escaped the pier, the speed of moving the wounded was much faster. Soon all the wounded on the square were moved to the house, and the moving team began to move towards the pier. It’s just that compared with the number of people transported on the square, not many people can be treated in the direction of the dock. Most of the people here are due to excessive injuries and heavy rain cooling, resulting in hypothermia and shock. death.

When the last wounded person who could be determined to be alive was moved to the house for treatment, the corpse lying on the ground still covered the entire ground, as if the people treated just now were all hallucinations, and everyone stopped looking blankly. Seeing the miserable situation in front of me, I don't know who cried first, and all kinds of crying suddenly appeared one after another in the sound of heavy rain.



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