The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1285: Malicious guess

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"They are looking for a scapegoat!" Sylvia immediately gave the answer after reading the relevant report, saying: "They must have found nothing, but they can't drag on indefinitely. They must give it to the people. An explanation, so the organizer of this evangelistic event has naturally become the object of their primary accountability.” After speaking, she revealed doubts again: “But they dealt with it too quickly and too aggressively, so they directly baptized it. The church and even other churches are expelled together. This is obviously not a radical decision that politicians should make. It seems that the background of this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

Hearing Sylvia’s analysis, Leo pondered for a while, and said: "You mean that the Godless Edict has already been prepared. Someone took the opportunity to use this matter to secretly push the Godless Edict to pass Otter. Constitutional review of the Federal Congress?"

"Take the opportunity? Maybe!" Sylvia smiled and said: "It's also possible that it's not an opportunity, but a guide."

"Guide?" Leo was stunned, as if thinking of something, and guessed: "Do you think the people on Emerald Island were made by the Otter Federation themselves?"

Sylvia nodded slightly, took a sip of the drink on the table, and said, "The Otter Federation was founded because of the religious war, and their founding fathers are almost all victims and survivors of religious wars, so They have always maintained a hostile and repulsive attitude towards religion. If it weren’t for the great influence of religion on the old and new continents, they might have included religious bans in the constitution as early as the founding of the country. When dealing with religious affairs in the past, they adopted an ambiguous attitude. A country like this one where the core power of the country is extremely repulsive and hostile to religions would actually agree to a religion to preach publicly in such an officially approved way. This makes people look at it. It feels weird."

Leo agreed with what Sylvia said. When he learned about it, he felt a little weird, but it was an internal affair of the Haute Federation, and what he was concerned about at the time was Sylvia successfully completed the bloodline promotion, so he didn't think much about it. Looking back now, it is not difficult to feel how weird this permission made by the Otter Federation is.

Sylvia took a newspaper from the federal capital from a pile of newspapers, handed it to Leo, pointed to one of the small reports in the fourth page, and said, "Look at this."

Leo took it over and looked at it. The content was not too much, and it was finished soon. The content of the report is that the federal government started to count the legacy of the churches after they were expelled.

Leo closed the newspaper and asked, "Do those churches have a lot of inheritance?"

"Many." Sylvia nodded and said: "Although the Federation has never allowed the church to preach and preach publicly, it does not reject the church’s investment in various federal industries. According to my understanding, only the city of Beiruk Land, almost 90% of all industries have investments from various churches.” She paused and reminded: “Do you remember the additional conditions that the other party put forward when we purchased the smelter?”

Leo thought for a while, and said, "Is that five percent of the shares?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded and said: "I initially thought that the five percent of the shares were taken by the Beluk City government or the federal government. Later I learned that those shares had been taken away by three. A different church organization was divided up."

"Three churches? So many!" Leo was also a little surprised.

"They are the Mother of God Church, the Immobile Water Church, and the Fog King Church." Sylvia said: "The three churches are not too much, and some of the properties are divided into 10% of the shares of more than a dozen churches. "

"How do the names of these churches sound so weird?" Renault frowned.

"Not only the name, but their doctrine is even stranger." Sylvia smiled and said: "For example, the Church of the Mother of God, they claim that the object of their belief is the mother of all the gods in this world, and the form of the mother of God But it is a group of darkness without a fixed form, and this group of darkness often appears in front of her believers in the form of a black goat, and what is more interesting is that anyone who has seen the mother of God will immediately die..."

"Wait!" Leo interrupted Sylvia immediately, questioning, "Since he died immediately, how did the form of the Mother of God come out?"

"This is the most interesting point," Sylvia signaled Leo to stay safe, and continued: "The Church of the Mother of God was actually born out of another very mysterious church. This church is called the Twin Church. This church The **** of faith is a conjoined twin. One of the conjoined twins is kind, one is evil, one can resurrect the dead, one can turn healthy people into corpses, one can make people lucky, and the other can bring people back to life. Doomed, so this church is also called the Disaster and Lucky Church."

"Church of Calamity and Lucky? Where have I heard of this church?" Leo showed a pensive look on his face, and he quickly remembered and said, "I remember that the first church that migrated to the New World seemed to be Disaster and Lucky Church?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded and said, "So this church has also become one of the most influential churches in the New World by taking advantage of the forerunner. The church of the Mother of God was born out of disaster. And a sentence in the Supreme Gemini Code of the Lucky Church, that sentence seems to say, the source of the Gemini God, the mother of all gods, the black goat of all things, everything begins with you, and everything belongs to you."

"Isn't the twin church contradicting the emergence of the Mother of God Church?" Leo asked again.

"I don't know this, but from the perspective of the development of the Mother of God Church, it should not have been suppressed by the Gemini Church." Sylvia shrugged and said: "The Mother of God came out of the owner of our smelter. In addition to shares, they also hold shares in other large and small businesses in Beiruk. The same is true for other churches. In addition, they also have various real estate in the suburbs. It is no exaggeration to say that although the Otter Federation is known as a godless country, But in fact, religion has a very large influence on this country, but these influences are hidden and unknown."

Leo thought for a while and said, "It looks like the Otter Federation should be anxious."

Although it is only a guess, Leo already feels that Sylvia’s statement may be true. The Emerald Island incident is likely to be a self-directed and self-acted play by the Haute Federation, in order to pass the constitutional amendment to the Godless Act. Incorporated into the constitution, and justifiably expelled all the churches entrenched in the Otter Federation, by the way, it can also take over a large amount of church inheritance.

Thinking about the Emerald Island incident, the rapid response of the Otter Federation makes people feel incredible. Through the godless decree, the expulsion of the church, the appeasement of the victims of Emerald Island, etc. were almost perfect.

Not only did the Baptist Church, the protagonist of this incident, have not had time to react, but even the other churches in the Otter Federation may be at a loss at the moment of being driven out, and it also makes people feel that Otter Federation is prepared. What came was that although the action of expelling the church was hindered in some places, it was quickly resolved, and it did not have any impact on the entire expulsion.

It is important to know that the Haute Federation expelled not one or two churches, but dozens of churches entrenched in the Haute Federation for hundreds of years. In Leo and Sylvia's eyes, the difficulty is no less than that after the destruction of a country. Reconstruction, but after the emergence of the emergency, the Otter Federation completed so smoothly, it can be seen that the entire church's expulsion operation has definitely been arranged in advance by the Otter Federation, and it is waiting for an opportunity or excuse.

Leo suddenly smiled when he thought of this, and said: "It seems that we have to be more careful when dealing with the people of the Otter Federal Government. They are so cruel that they even dare to be bait and find excuses to deal with our two foreigners I'm afraid it's not difficult."

Although he expressed his concern about the Otter Federation, Leo’s tone was not nervous, but very relaxed. Obviously he was just talking about it, and he didn’t care about the possible annexation of the smelter in the Otter Federation. .

"This matter will not end here," Sylvia looked a lot more serious compared to Leo's ease, and said: "Those churches who have been expelled should not just give up their own inheritance, they are sure What will it do against the Otter Federation, forcing Otto to jointly amend the law of Godlessness."

Leo also became a little serious, and said, "You mean those churches that have been expelled might encourage neighboring countries to wage war?"

"It's not possible, it's for sure. Think about it. If you find an excuse to take away the countless properties you have accumulated for decades, what will you do?" Sylvia said solemnly. I'm afraid you will try your best to regain what you lost, and even start a war." As she said, she suddenly stopped and said: "If I'm not mistaken, the federal government should send a commissioner to Beluk City. "

"For the Emerald Island incident?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"No, it should be for us." Silvia explained: "If the surrounding countries are encouraged by various churches to start wars, then the quality of weapons will inevitably determine the key factor in the direction of the war, our smelters. It is an important material for new weapons, so the federal government will definitely send commissioners to the smelter to urge the increase in production."

Although Leo agrees with Sylvia’s point of view, he does not think that the Otter Federation will send any commissioners at this time, because he thinks that even if the smelter is fully started, he wants to replace all the troops of the Otter Federation. I'm afraid it will take several years to install it. It can't be done in a short time, and it's useless to send a commissioner.

However, Leo obviously underestimated the emphasis on special steel by the Haute Federation. On the second day of their conversation, the special commissioner from the federal government came to Beluk City and directly found Leo, hoping to smelt The output of the factory can be increased, and even said that the three smelters confiscated from several churches will also be merged into his smelter. Leo does not need to pay. It only needs Leo to increase the special steel in a certain period of time. Yield.

In this regard, when Leo was still a little hesitant, Sylvia had already agreed to Leo, but with one more condition, that was to allow Leo to read the occult books collected by the Haute Federation.

However, this request was directly rejected by the commissioner as soon as it was put forward. Obviously, the Otter Federation has very strict control over occult knowledge, but he did not say anything to death. Instead, he made another proposal, namely, and Leo's previous transaction was similar to that of Boj Hans, that is, allowing Renault to enter the private library of the ancient family in Beluk City for a certain period of time to read.

After hearing the commissioner’s proposal, Leo immediately said: “This family won’t be the Hans family? If it is, it’s not necessary, because I’ve already had a deal with Boge Hans. These two days I will go to the secret library of the Hans family to read."

"It turns out that your Excellency has already had a deal with Borg Hans." The commissioner was stunned, and then said: "I did think of the Hans family just now, but since you have already had a deal with Borg Hans, Then I will switch to a family secret library. What do you think of the Zorn family?"

"The Zorn family?" Leo didn't know much about the noble families in Beluk. He felt a little unfamiliar when he heard the name, so he turned to look at Sylvia.

Sylvia thought for a while and introduced: "This Zorn family is not a powerful family. He is a federal scribe family. This family produces literati and scholars. Now the dean of the School of Humanities in Beiruk is a member of the Zorn family. Although the history of their family is not ancient, because of the particularity of the family, their library has collected a large number of books. It is said that even the Federal National Library sometimes needs to borrow some ancient out-of-print books from their family."

After listening to Sylvia's Leo said nothing more.

Increasing the output of specialty steel is not just a matter of merging several smelters, adding some workers, and lighting up a few furnaces. There are many things that need to be dealt with, such as transforming other smelting furnaces to allow the smelting furnaces to operate. Standards are unified, steel workers are retrained, and they are familiar with new smelting procedures, and so on.

All in all, on the second day after the commissioner left, Sylvia was already stationed in the smelter to take charge of the transformation of the smelter and the improvement of steel output. Because the federal commissioner was able to coordinate from it, all matters were met. There are some technical troubles, but there are no major problems in terms of manpower and material resources.

As for Leo, in these two days, he prepared enough catalysts and fusion agents for a month. After that, he was about to leave the manor and, at the invitation of Boge Hans, went to Glu, a suburb of Beiruk. The private estate of the Hans family in the mountains.

It was just another matter that affected his itinerary, because the federal commissioner found him again and expressed the hope that he could help the federal design a long-range weapon capable of large-scale lethality.

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