The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1282: Riots in Greenstone Village

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"Let's get out of here! I don't think this evangelistic event can go on." Leo said to Sylvia after putting away the gun in his hand.

"Aren't you going to see what it is?" Sylvia asked, pointing to the mutant assailant's body wrapped in the Ministry of Education.

Leo turned his head and looked over there, and said, "There is no need, and there is no chance, they should not let us see." Then, he asked Soland, who had not recovered yet, and asked: " Detective Solander, what about you? Are you staying or leaving with us?"

"Me? I'll leave with you!" Soland hesitated a little, and quickly made a decision. Although she doesn't like politics, she is not ignorant of politics. She knows that this incident will definitely be needed. If some people are held accountable, the Baptist church as the organizer will naturally not be able to escape, and the police, soldiers, and the Ministry of Education who are responsible for maintaining law and order will also be counted among those who are held accountable. If she gives up protection now Leo and Sylvia’s security missions, if they take the initiative to join in, will definitely be included in the list of accountability, so in order to avoid being involved, it is best to leave with the person she protects, even if these two people look at it. Going up does not need protection at all.

The group of people left the platform of the venue in this way, but they did not return to the pier of the village and left by boat, because now the Greenstone Village must be full of people, and there may even be other mutant attackers hidden, so they In the end, I chose to go to a relatively remote and abandoned miner’s residential area nearby. I prepared to stay there. When things calmed down and the situation stabilized, I went to Greenstone Village. Some of the rich and powerful who had not had time to escape just now also chose to follow. Behind the two, after all, judging from the situation just now, even if there were any mutant attackers, it was definitely safer to stay beside Leo than to stay in other places.

Because Emerald Island is located in the depths of Lake Beluk, there is some distance to and from downtown Beluk. Even the fastest boats will take about an hour to go there. So when the accident on Emerald Island reached Beiru In the city of Keshi, it was almost two hours later. Everyone who heard the news was shocked. The first time they thought it was a rumor, not only the high-ranking powers, but also the people at the bottom were listening. After the news, a similar idea came up.

After all, the city of Beluk has rarely experienced such a large casualty event over the years. The last time there were more than 30 casualties was sixty or seventy years ago, so now I’m hearing that it happened in Emerald. The island matter, and there are some absurd elements such as humans mutating into monsters in this matter, which is even more difficult to believe.

It’s just that some people came back from Emerald Island one after another. Among them were civilians, but also powerful, and what they heard from them was the same. At this time, everyone realized that the matter was true, and there was a large-scale appearance on Emerald Island. Casualties.

The authorities of the city of Beluk responded immediately and sent a large number of people to Emerald Island, including both the police and the permanent army, because there were not only a large number of people on the island, but also many dignitaries who did not leave. The three persons with the highest authority headed by the mayor, justice and the chairman of the city council formed an investigation team and started investigating the matter.

The first to bear the brunt was the Baptist church. The Baptist churches in and out of Beluk were immediately surrounded by the police and the army. The name was to protect the Baptist church from the second attack, but in fact it was to protect the Baptist church from the second attack. The Baptist Church was put under surveillance, and the senior members of the Baptist Church were taken to the city police station for interrogation.

It’s just that the people in the investigation team soon discovered that they couldn’t interrogate anything from these people. It’s not that the people in the Baptist church were uncooperative and unwilling to go back to any questions. It’s just these. People don't know anything at all, because their positions in the church are just ordinary priests, and they have never been exposed to any actual church things.

Those high-level officials who really master the affairs of the Baptist Church in Beluk are all on Emerald Island. They obviously attach great importance to this evangelistic activity, so basically people with a few positions have already gone to the island, and those who stay behind are just Just some fringe priests,

After understanding the situation, the investigative team thought about sending people to Emerald Island to bring back the high-level members of the Baptist Church and others under house arrest, so as to prevent the Baptists from fleeing when they heard the news from the city, but new problems emerged. Because they found that they couldn’t find a boat now, because all the boats from the urban ports and surrounding fishing villages went to pick up people on Emerald Island, and the remaining boats were fishing boats that could only fish nearby, and they couldn’t go. Deep in the lake as far as Emerald Island.

There is not much that the investigation team can do now. Either it is to wait for the boats from the emerald island to come back, or to go to the farther lakeside villages to recruit boats. Either way, it will eventually take a lot of time.

At the same time, on Emerald Island, the situation did not develop in a good direction, but became a bit out of control.

Those who left by boat first drove the boat away when the boat was not full, or even only a few people got on the boat, so that a large number of people stayed on the pier, fear, fear, etc. emotions were not caused by The mutant attackers on the other side of the venue were killed and weakened. On the contrary, they became more frustrated and desperate because they could not leave the island. Especially there are rumors that there are some mutant attackers hiding in the crowd, and they will attack again at any time. Some people who are already emotionally unstable are completely out of control, and these out-of-control people also affect other people. The way for them to vent their emotions is to destroy what they have seen before, and then target all the targets of the attack. People who baptize churches and government officials who maintain law and order.

Originally, people from the Baptist church and government still had a way to control the situation, but when they discovered that some high-level members of the Baptist church, including the preaching bishop, had left Emerald Island by boat, and the news had leaked out, they were When everyone knew it, they could no longer control those excited crowds.

Many church members were attacked, and the police and soldiers sent by the government had to attack the angry people in order to save the church members who were attacked. So the two sides went crazy in Greenstone Village and attacked each other. As if treating the other party as an enemy.

In addition, the innocent villagers of Greenstone Village were also involved. They were also used as accomplices of the church by crazy people. They were dragged out of their homes and killed on the street, forcing the people of Greenstone Village to take up arms. Protect yourself and attack all non-Greenstone villagers, including citizens of Beluk City, church members and government officials.

A small-scale three-party melee started in the village of Greenstone Village and the dock area. Although the people of Beluk City accounted for the majority, they did not have weapons or an organizer to direct the battle. All were fighting separately. , The casualties far exceeded the other two sides, but they seemed to be blushing, even if they were against the enemy's weapons, they would rush to and die with the opponent, so the overall situation was that they looked more dominant.

However, not all the people are in the predicament of losing control of their emotions. Before the chaos happened, they temporarily left Greenstone Village and went to some relatively quiet abandoned mining areas to stay temporarily. When they heard that Greenstone Village had fallen into chaos , Were frightened, and moved deeper into the island away from Greenstone Village. Although they were temporarily safe and were not involved in the melee, their condition was not very good, because they lacked food and water, if they could not If they find food and water on the island, they still need to return to Greenstone Village.

Among these people, an ordinary team that looked like a few citizen families happened to choose an abandoned miner’s living area determined by Leo and Sylvia as their temporary foothold. When Leo and Sylvia, who had cleared an open space and set up their tents, hesitated a little, they leaned forward and asked if they could join in.

They have no other bad thoughts. Although most of these people are adults, there are still many children in them. They just saw Leo and Sylvia have weapons in their hands, and some of them are powerful. There are also guards and bodyguards around, which seem to be safer. Of course, the most important thing is that Leo has water and food here.

"Yes! But you have to follow the arrangements and don't walk around at will." Without waiting for everyone to discuss, Sylvia took the initiative to make a decision for others. Leo naturally didn't mind this, but some other government officials and rich people did. They were slightly dissatisfied, but they did not dare to show it, because both the tent and the food and water were found by Leo in the abandoned residential area. It looks like the water and food stored by the people on Emerald Island. In fact, They didn't know that these things and water were taken directly by Leo from his storage space.

After these people sat down, Sylvia asked about things in Greenstone Village, and they heard that there was a riot over there, where several forces were fighting each other unreasonably, and there had been heavy casualties. , I felt a little unbelievable, and I couldn't figure out why this situation happened.

And those who choose to follow Leo and Sylvia and come to this abandoned miner living area can't help but be thankful for their choice, otherwise they will all be involved in this melee.

Compared to others who were just fortunate to be lucky and were not involved in the conflict, Leo and Sylvia thought more, exchanged glances, and understood each other's thoughts.

In the eyes of the two, the current melee in Greenstone Village is obviously not like what should happen under normal circumstances, but more like being manipulated by people, causing the most primitive beasts in their hearts to burst out and attack the people around them.

However, the two did not feel any abnormal power aura or energy fluctuations around them.

"Just in Greenstone Village?" Leo whispered.

"It's possible." Sylvia nodded slightly, and then said: "Could it be part of the attackers' plan?"

Leo hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let's go and see."

"Alright." Sylvia nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.

When the two of them told others about their decision, the others immediately objected, because they knew from the population that Greenstone Village was very chaotic, and it was easy to get involved in danger in the past. Solande was particularly concerned about this. Opposed.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone on the island can pose a threat to us." Leo took out two guns and put them on his waist, took out two more guns and gave them to Sylvia who put on hunting suit.

The ordinary people who had just joined in didn't understand Leo's meaning, but everyone else had witnessed how Leo used the two guns to eliminate the mutant attackers, and they couldn't refute it.

"I want to go with you. I am the bodyguard designated by the city government." Soland did not stop, she also took out her gun and hung it around her waist and said.

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other, and both nodded, and then the three of them followed the path of those people and walked in the direction of Greenstone Village.

The speed of the three of them was very fast, and it didn’t take long for them to arrive outside the Greenstone Village. At this time, the chaos in the Greenstone Village seemed to continue. Various shouts, screams, and painful shouts spread one after another. Coming over is enough to let the three people understand how chaotic the situation there is.

However, at this time, Leo and Sylvia invariably stopped, glanced at each other, and through Leo turned their heads and said to Solander who was following: "You stay here, don't go in."

"Why?" Soland frowned, and Uukanshu asked rhetorically.

Sylvia bluntly said: "Because you will become the same as those in the village if you go in."

Solander didn't figure it out for a while, was stunned, but soon realized what Leo and Sylvia were talking about, and said in a deep voice, "Is there a mysterious power here? The kind of Belmont Manor?"

Leo and Sylvia did not explain further, but once again solemnly told her not to follow up, and then stepped into the Greenstone Village.

Solander originally wanted to follow up, but after two steps out, he felt an inexplicable panic. He instinctively stopped and didn't go inside anymore. Instead, he stepped back a few steps, until that kind of panic. The feeling disappeared before stopping.

At this time, she had already believed Leo and Sylvia's words, and at the same time she was also confused about their identities, because judging from the current situation, the two of them are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface. A foreigner with a noble status and settled in Beluk City is more like the legendary figures mentioned in the stories she has heard before who often come into contact with occult things.

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