The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1281: Major casualties

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The entire evangelistic activity of the Baptist Church will be held for a total of three days. The first day is the Mass of Enlightenment. The evangelistic archbishop of the diocese is responsible for presiding over the mysterious ceremonies of the baptized church. The second day is the official evangelism, mainly about baptism The religious ideology and theological system of the church. The third day is the baptism of believers. The first baptism is for those who are new believers, and for those believers who have been baptized for the first time and have been active in various church activities. For baptism, only believers who have undergone deep baptism are qualified to be missionaries of the baptized church.

Most of the believers of the Baptist Church and some ordinary people who are not believers will participate in the full three-day event, because during the event the Baptist Church not only provides food, but also some medical priests of the Baptist Church will also participate for free. Provide medical services, including medical treatment and medication, which undoubtedly saves them a lot of money for the vast majority of poor people who are sick.

As for those dignitaries who are curious about the Baptist Church, most of them will only attend the Mass of Revelation on the first day. As for the activities of the next two days, they will not be interested.

In order to receive these dignitaries and provide them with better protection to avoid any accidents, the Baptist Church found a relatively high place next to the cleaned up meeting place and opened up a separate area. The area and a passage leading directly to the terminal to facilitate the entry of these powerful people.

When Leo and Sylvia came to this area under the guidance of their guides, many people had gathered here. They were government officials and wealthy businessmen in Beluk City. Some of them had also participated in Belmont. At the manor’s banquet, they both showed a little surprised look when they saw the two of them, and then quickly returned to normal. They came forward to salute the two and asked about Sylvia’s physical condition. Elvia's health is also one of the hot topics in Beluk City.

Leo was not used to this situation, so he retreated to a slightly back position, while Sylvia knew exactly what Leo was thinking, stepping forward, standing in the front place, and these Beirut The officials and wealthy businessmen in Kerr talked and quickly became the center of the crowd.

Although Leo made himself a bystander, he didn't do nothing. After scanning the people in front of him, he keenly discovered something interesting.

Although these people who came to participate in the evangelistic activities of the Baptist church are considered powerful and powerful in Beluk City, their identities are slightly worse. Although the government officials among them are also officials with real power, their ranks are not the highest, at best. It can be regarded as the middle level of the officialdom. For example, there are several judges from Beluk City, and these judges are all civil judges, the most junior judges in the entire judge system, and those wealthy businessmen have a lot of business with the Baptist Church. There are no wealthy businessmen in the city, but there are no real dignitaries in Beiruk.

At this time, Leo also understood why these people would be surprised when they saw the arrival of the two of them just now, because according to the influence of the two of them now, they should also belong to the real dignitaries of Beluk City. Among these people It seems that the two of them shouldn't be here.

From these small details, Leo couldn’t help but speculate about the evangelistic activities of the Baptist church. The powerful class in Beluk City should have reached a consensus that none of the real powerful class would participate and only send a few times to one level. The people from came over to express their attitude. As for Leo and Sylvia, perhaps because of their closed doors and thanking guests, those people thought they would stay in the manor, so they didn't send anyone to inform them.

After talking with those people for a while, the church priest who was in charge of managing the location of this area led Leo and Sylvia to a place with a higher ground and a full view of the venue. This place was supposed to be for Bei. It was prepared by the real high-level dignitaries in Luke City, but now it is clear that Leo and Sylvia are the only people who fit this status.

As for other people, although they can also sit here, they obviously know that if they sit here, they may cause bad consequences, so they all sat in the lower area obediently.

"It seems that the attitude of the upper class in Beluk City towards the Baptist Church is somewhat subtle. Is this hostile or..." Leo whispered to Sylvia after sitting down.

"It should be cautious, not to mention hostility. They are just watching, but not watching the performance of the Baptist church, but watching the attitude of other parts of the Haute Federation towards the Baptist church." They are very familiar with this type of political game. Sylvia saw through the thoughts of the leaders of Beluk City at a glance and explained.

When Sylvia said this, Solander, who was standing by as a security guard, looked at Sylvia in surprise, and was surprised that Sylvia could have such an opinion, because according to her Understanding the attitude of the upper echelons of Beluk City towards the Baptist Church is like this.

"Sergeant Solander, I am a little thirsty, can you help me get a glass of water?" At this moment, Sylvia suddenly turned to Solander and said.

"Uh, okay." Soland was stunned, feeling that Sylvia was deliberately distracting her, but did not ask more. After responding, he headed to the church not far away in charge of reception. The priest went.

After Solander left, Sylvia immediately asked Leo: "What did you find in the Giant's Shield just now? Did you find that mysterious item?"

"No." Leo shook his head, but then added: "It can't be said that there is no such thing."

"Why do you say that?" Sylvia looked at Leo puzzled.

Leo replied earnestly: "Our guess is correct. The poet came to the Giant's Shield not to commit suicide, but to hide the mysterious objects hidden in the Giant's Shield cliffs, but unfortunately, the things there have been lost. I took it away, leaving only a container box with the breath of mystery items remaining. It seems that someone discovered the mystery of the poet's death back then, and found it here along the mystery, and took away the mystery items stored in the box. "

"Then our trip is not here in vain." Sylvia said with a little regret.

Leo explained: "It's not for nothing. I will go down the cliff at some time and take out the box. Maybe I can find some clues."

"Is that box still surviving power?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course it is impossible. If the storage location is isolated from the world, it is also possible. On a cliff by the sea, the residual energy fluctuations that do not wait for a month will be eroded to nothing."

While speaking, there was a commotion in the front meeting place. The people at the center of the commotion seemed to be avoiding something, shouting and squeezing out, while those around those who couldn’t see the situation squeezed in curiously, pushing people away. Pushing it back again, soon the screams and commotion spread like water waves, and all those who knew and those who did not know panicked.

At this moment, Leo and others standing on the high platform on the side of the venue were able to see the situation there. In the middle of the commotion, more than a dozen people attacked and killed with various weapons like crazy. There are as many as dozens of people who have been hacked to death by them on the ground in such a short period of time.

Seeing this situation, the powerful and powerful all moved towards the specially set aside, while Solander, as a policeman, had already taken out his weapon and was ready to rush to the place of the incident to solve those people.

However, before she jumped off the platform, a group of Beluk city police and soldiers who were hidden in the crowd and responsible for maintaining law and order had emerged from the frantically fleeing crowd and directly faced the crazy attackers. Without hesitation, he took out the short-range gun hung around his waist and fired at these people.

Hardly any aiming was needed. The shotguns flying out of a dozen guns sifted the dozens of attackers, and all fell to the ground and wailed in pain.

This kind of police short-range firearms all use low-lethal, wide-range iron sand shotguns, which can basically make the hitters lose their combat effectiveness, just like now.

Seeing that the assailants had been subdued, Soland did not jump off the platform anymore. She believed that those who were shot no longer had the ability to resist, and there were those who had the same views as her who subdued the assailants. The police and soldiers, they all put their guns away, took out the batons and handcuffs, and planned to knock these people out, then handcuffed them, took them back to the city police station for interrogation, and investigated who the attackers were and whether they were behind them. Things like human instructions, obviously the current situation has caused a major accident. If you don't investigate it clearly, those who maintain public order will definitely be in trouble.

"This matter is not over yet!" Leo and Sylvia said in unison at this time.

Soland happened to retreat to the two of them. Hearing what they said, he was taken aback, and immediately looked towards the scene of the incident.

I saw that the attackers whose bodies were full of bullet holes, howling loudly, and felt completely incompetent at the previous moment, all showed incredible mutations. I saw their bodies swelled rapidly and grew to more than three meters, like little giants. The same, and the hair on his body also grew vigorously, and his teeth became weird and hideous, as if he had become some kind of primitive beast.

Those police detectives and soldiers had never seen such a situation, and could not help being stunned. When they came back to their senses, they pulled out their guns and loaded bullets again, ready to shoot at these monsters who had become monsters again. The mutation has also been completed and attacked them.

With a gunshot, the bullets were successfully launched and hit the target, but this time the shots did not work. The hard bodies and thick hairs of the monsters blocked the bullets with little lethality. After coming down, the attacks of those monsters are obviously far stronger than these bullets. The palms that have turned into sharp claws slashed across the police and soldiers, and instantly saw these people who were still majestic and regarded as saviors by the surrounding people. Torn to pieces.

The fear that was stronger than before has spread at the speed of people again. Everyone tried to escape from here. Some people were pushed to the ground, and the people around did not give these people a chance to get up. In the past, there were only a dozen people who died under the attack, but now there are hundreds of people who have been trampled to death. Negative emotions such as fear, panic, and despair instantly filled the entire venue.

After the mutant attackers in the middle of the meeting killed the police and soldiers, they immediately refocused their targets on the fleeing people around them. At this time, seeing the mutation happening in front of them, Solander also instantly. Frozen at the same place, I don't know if it was frightened, or because of other reasons, I didn't rush forward without hesitation as before.

Although Solander did not rush forward, Leo, who has been a bystander since just now, has already moved. Seeing that he seems to be in his arms, he actually took out two from the storage space. Some time ago, he made a special burst shotgun. Standing on the platform, he shot continuously at the mutant attackers in the distant venue, directly lighting up ten bullets from the two guns, and after lighting up, quickly drew out Two quick loaders were taken out, ten spare bullets were reloaded, and the gun was raised again and aimed at the mutant attackers.

However, after he fired a few shots, he stopped and did not fire any more, because it was no longer needed. All the bullets just hit the mutant attacker's head accurately, and the penetration power of the bullet itself was straightforward. It penetrated their mutated and thickened skull and penetrated into their brains, and then the bullet exploded in their brains, exploding their entire brains from the inside out.

Although the mutant attacker was killed by Leo on the spot, the panicked people on the venue did not stop their escape. At this moment, they have lost the ability to calmly think. There is only one thought in their minds. Fleeing, so that even if the attacker died, the surrounding pushing and stamping still did not stop, and the casualties due to stamping were also increasing.

On the contrary, the dignitaries who were standing on the platform were ready to flee. They clearly saw that the attacker had been killed and calmed down. They looked at Leo with a strange emotion, and more of them looked at Leo. The two self-made one-handed shotguns in his hands obviously shocked them by the power of the shotguns here.

At the same time, the police, soldiers, and people from the Ministry of Education in other places have also emerged from the chaotic crowd. They did not care about tidying up messy clothes. They all took out their weapons and prepared to launch an attack on the enemy. What I saw were corpses all over the floor. Some of the corpses could be seen as dead colleagues, while others were mutated monsters.

Among these people, the police and soldiers have never experienced this kind of thing. Looking at the sights in front of them, especially the mutant monsters, they can't help but develop inexplicable fear in their hearts. They want to escape here, but the people in the Ministry of Education seem to know something. Yes, one by one quickly took off their clothes, rushed forward to cover the bodies of the monsters, and loudly covered the monsters' bodies according to their methods to those who were still stunned around them.

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