The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1280: Giant's Shield

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Although Emerald Island is one of the largest islands on Lake Beluk, it is not very suitable for human habitation, because most of the entire island is composed of bare rocks, no soil, and naturally no vegetation. , Very desolate.

However, a gem called green fluorite is abundant here. In order to facilitate mining, early mine owners built some houses on Emerald Island to form a miner’s village.

However, as the mining difficulty of green fluorite mines has increased, and the benefits that can be obtained from mining are already very small, the mine owner can only stop the mining of the minerals, seal the pit, and wait for future mining technology innovations before considering Reopen the mine.

Although the mine has stopped, the miners who live here have not completely left. Some people have become accustomed to this island life, so they stayed and formed a village, which is the only village on the island, Greenstone Village. .

The villagers of Lushi Village usually fish for a living. In recent years, with the introduction of cage culture from other countries, the people of Lushi Village have also built the largest cage aquaculture in the Otter Federation by taking advantage of their superior geographical advantages. Factory, this also made the villagers in Greenstone Village a lot of money.

Although the money earned is not enough for them to improve the environment of the entire Emerald Island, it is enough to improve the living conditions of Greenstone Village. The simple houses that were originally piled up with shale and glued with lake mud have now been rebuilt. The small apartment in the urban area, if you ignore the surrounding environment, the small island village of My Green Stone Village does not look much different from some urban areas in the urban area.

The state of Greenstone Village surprised people who came to Emerald Island for the first time. In their opinion, Greenstone Village should be a primitive village full of old-fashioned houses, which makes many people who hope to show the superiority of urban residents. People feel a little disappointed.

For the people in Greenstone Village, the people who have poured into the village these days are not only an opportunity to make money, but also a troublemaker.

The total population of Lushi Village is less than 1,000 people, but in just a few days, almost 10,000 people poured into Emerald Island, which seriously disrupted the order in the village. More importantly, the houses in Lushi Village couldn’t live there. Many people, on the day so many people came in, many people slept directly on the small square in the middle of the village.

Fortunately, the Baptist church that organized the evangelistic activity discovered the problem in time. The next day, it cleared the abandoned residential area in the nearby mining area, arranged some temporary daily necessities, and reluctantly placed the people participating in the evangelistic activity.

However, their troubles did not end there, because these people who came to Emerald Island in advance only accounted for less than a quarter of the total number of people who came to participate in the evangelistic activities. When the evangelistic activities began, there were still several times like this. The number of people will flood into Emerald Island, so the Baptist church in charge of the evangelistic activities has to continue to clean up the old mining area, so as to clear out the large square and rest area that can accommodate tens of thousands of people before the evangelistic activities begin.

Regarding the choice of Emerald Island as the venue for evangelistic activities, most people in the Baptist Church did not understand it, especially those who had been to Emerald Island to investigate the situation directly opposed, and also selected some more It was suitable as a venue for the baptismal evangelism, but in the end, the upper level still ruled out other more suitable locations and decided to choose Emerald Island as the venue for the evangelistic activities. This really made the inside of the church feel a little strange. Everyone was curious about the end of Emerald Island. There is something special that will be valued by the upper echelons of the church.

In fact, not only the people in the church who remained in this evangelistic activity were puzzled by this, but even all those who followed this evangelistic activity were also surprised. Therefore, before the official launch of the activity, many people and forces sent themselves out. His eyes and ears sneaked into the emerald island to check the situation.

However, what is regrettable is that no matter how you check it, nothing useful is found in the end. The only thing that people think may be related to the evangelistic activity is the legend that there was a mysterious object in the nearby waters that year, but To many people, that legend is just a rumor, just as ridiculous as most unfounded urban legends.

However, compared to the church, many of those who participated in the evangelistic activities were very interested in this legend. They even thought it was part of the evangelistic activities, even though they all knew that the federal government had carried out a lot of activities because of this legend. After careful exploration, they found nothing, but many of them still believe that this legend is true, so these boring people hired the boats and boatmen of Greenstone Village to look for something in the nearby waters before the preaching activity started. , I hope I become that lucky person.

Some people even think that the reason why they did not find something in the water is because they found the wrong place. In fact, the legendary mystery item is not in the water at all, but on the land, on the island, so there are many more. The people searched the island in groups, and even ran into the deserted mine. Many people lost their way in the mine. As a result, people from Greenstone Village and the Baptist Church had to organize manpower to rescue them.

Fortunately, there was no trouble in the end. Everyone was rescued safely. Except for the weak body and some frights, there were no other problems. In order to avoid people from running into the mine again, baptized the church. People blocked each mine entrance with stones and sent people to guard here.

After all, this evangelistic activity is the first large-scale public evangelism carried out by the Baptist Church after obtaining official permission from the Haute Commonwealth. If an accident occurs during the activity, the reputation of the entire evangelistic activity will be severely damaged, even if an accident occurs. The people who take the blame are themselves, but in the eyes of others, there is a problem if the organizer of the event does not protect the participants.

I don’t know if it’s because the Beluk City government is worried about problems with the activity, or because the Baptist Church feels that they can’t take good care of the people on the day of the activity. The day before the activity, Beluk sent police officers. Two thousand people, including reserve soldiers, are stationed on Emerald Island to help the Baptist church maintain order. The entrance of police and soldiers has also improved the originally chaotic situation. At least on the surface, everything has been smooth.

Leo and Sylvia came to Emerald Island on the day of the event. At this time, too many boats had been docked at the small pier of Emerald Island, which made the new ships have to stop in the outer waters, and then came to Emerald Village. Of villagers drove small boats through the gaps between ships to send people to the island.

After boarding the island, looking at the bustling crowd on the pier, Leo and others couldn't help but frown. On the side, Solander frankly said in front of the greenstone villager who was acting as a guide: "I don't like it here. dislike."

Hearing Solander's words, the villagers smiled bitterly and said, "I don't like it the same as you."

"Can you refuse?" Solander said again.

The villagers just smiled, looked at Solander, and said nothing.

Although the villagers didn't say anything, everyone present could feel that what the other party wanted to express was that they had already known it and rejected it, and used what you said.

"Don't take us to the venue," Leo took out the map of Emerald Island, pointed to a place, and said, "Go to this place first."

"Giant's Shield?" The villagers looked at the location of Leo's place, immediately recognized where it was, and smiled deeply, and said: "You also believe in those legends, want to find the lost in the water Is there a mysterious item in it? It's useless. Many people have already explored it and can't find anything."

"Take us there." Leo said without explaining to the other party.

"Okay, you are employers, listen to you." The villager shrugged, then turned and led a few people across the pier square, detoured a small road on the edge of Greenstone Village, climbed a stone step, and then opened up along the edge of the island. On a small road, walked towards the spot Leo pointed out.

While on the way, the group also encountered an episode. The police responsible for maintaining order on the island recognized Solander, and also recognized Leo and Sylvia. He felt very much about how many people would appear on the island. Surprised, he wanted to come forward to ask Soland, but was dragged by the crowd around him, and could only watch a group of people leave.

The villagers as guides are very familiar with the road on the island. After leaving the dock, it took less than half an hour to arrive at the location designated by Leo, the Giant's Shield.

The reason why it is called the Giant's Shield is because it is a cliff, and the shape of the cliff is very similar to a shield. Although after a long time of wind and rain, the surface has become cratered, but if you look closely, , But it can still be seen that the cliff is very flat, and it feels like it was cut out with a huge knife.

The Giant's Shield is very famous in Beluk City, and it is also a place that anyone who comes to Emerald Island will inevitably visit. The reason why it is so famous is not because of the appearance of the Giant's Shield, but because there was once in the New World. After the very famous man Barron wrote his long poem about the game of the gods, he chose to jump off the giant's shield and ended his short life of less than thirty years old.

Later, for a while, this place became the preferred suicide location for some people who committed suicide. According to incomplete statistics, at least two thousand people chose to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff here. Of these, less than half of the bodies were recovered, and the remaining Half of it has either sunk to the bottom or has been eaten by fish growing in the water.

The reason why Leo and Sylvia came to the Giant's Shield as soon as they arrived on the island was also because of the great poet Barron.

When Sylvia was reading the information on Emerald Island, she accidentally saw the introduction of the poet Barron, learned about his life, and became interested in reading the game of the gods written by the poet Barron last, so she I found this long poem to look through, and soon discovered that this long poem turned out to be about the religious war that year. In the poem, Barron described the war as a boring battle by some gods. Game.

Although a lot of modification, adaptation, and beautification are mixed in the poems, Sylvia, who is particularly sensitive to all kinds of intelligence materials, can still find the hidden real content under the cover of these gorgeous words and phrases. The content recorded the small war related to the mysterious object.

After extracting this content and removing a lot of descriptions about the battle process and the personnel on both sides of the battle, Sylvia found the most useful part, which is the place where the mysterious item last appeared, and this place is near the giant's shield. Waters.

Leo and Sylvia didn’t know if anyone had passed this poem in the past and discovered that the Giant’s Shield was the place where the mysterious item last appeared, but from some information in the past, it can be ascertained that the various forces that searched for the mysterious item had also searched it. The waters of the giant's shield, but the result was nothing.

Even so, Leo and Sylvia still chose to take this trip, mainly because they felt that the people who searched the waters might have found the wrong place.

They have read Barron’s life and found that Barron’s reputation has reached unprecedented heights after he wrote the long poem “Game of the Gods”. He is hailed as the New World poet who is most likely to become a Golden Crown poet. In fact, it is indeed the case. , Because shortly after Barron’s death, the Old World Poetry Association transported his golden crown to the new world. Judging from the speed of the spread of poetry and the time of transportation of the golden crown, it should have been confirmed before Barron’s death. It's a poet with a golden crown.

At that time, Barron was not only extremely successful in his career, but also very proud in love. Before he died, he was already engaged to the only daughter of a certain principality at the time. It is no exaggeration to say that after the death of the principality, he was the principality. Heirs of, such a person does not look like a suicide person.

But at that time, the whole world generally had a prejudice against poets. UU Reading believed that poets were extremely unstable and could easily do unexpected things because of impulse. Suicide is the most common impulse of poets. Almost half of the famous poets ended their lives by committing suicide, so Barron’s death is also considered a tragedy after this emotional impulse.

However, Leo and Sylvia didn’t think so. They thought that Barron’s death might be an accident, and Barron would choose to come to the Giant’s Shield on Emerald Island alone because he was collecting various materials and writing poetry. At that time, I found the location of the mysterious item from the information, so I came here to search, but he obviously overestimated his abilities, and eventually fell off the cliff and was regarded as suicide.

As for the location of the mysterious item that Barron guessed, it should not be in the water. It is most likely on the cliff. From the data point of view, everyone stared at the surrounding waters and looked for it, but none of them had looked for the giant. Shield cliff.

"Have you found anything?" After arriving at the Giant's Shield, Sylvia asked Leo in a low voice.

Leo responded with a smile.

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