The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1276: Goodbye Ash Butterfly

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This residual energy fluctuation captured by Leo gave Leo a familiar feeling. This feeling came from the place where everything ended. It was an energy fluctuation that made people feel dead.

No matter what was stored in that compartment before, the power contained in that thing was absolutely contrary to the purpose of the Baptist Church, and also to the special divine power contained in the land of Southtown.

"Does the Baptist church set up the regional main church here to use the special divine power here to ban an object?" Some speculations surfaced in Leo's mind, and he said to himself: "But, why then What about moving things? Is it finding a more suitable place?"

Just when Leo was thinking, a carriage came from a distance and stopped at the door of the villa as the main church. The low-level clergy who was in charge of guarding the main church immediately stepped forward, opened the door, and removed the people in the carriage. Welcoming it down.

At the moment when the carriage appeared, Leo recognized from the obvious badge on the carriage that it was a special carriage for the Baptist Church, and it was a carriage for high-ranking clergy, and the people in the carriage were at least preaching bishop-level priests. personnel.

After the person in the carriage got out of the carriage, Leo immediately recognized that this person was the patriarch of the Baptist Church in the capital of the Haute Federation, because the Baptist Church was recognized by the city of Beiruk and the Haute Federation. , Agreeing to preach publicly in the city, and news related to the Baptist church is also the headline of the major newspapers, and the senior level of the Baptist church is naturally the main target of various newspapers. Among them, the highest authority of the Baptist Church of the Haute Federation The patriarch occupies more than 40% of all relevant reports, and his appearance has also been known to people in the Haute Federation in a short time.

I have to say that the Patriarch of the Otter Federation of the Baptist Church has a good appearance, with a thin body and a thin face. The wrinkles on his face not only did not make him look ugly, but made him look peaceful, giving him a sense of peace. He feels like a grandfather. In addition, his clothes are different from those of other church leaders. He is not dressed very luxuriously. Instead, he wears an ordinary robe like ordinary believers. The religious accessories on his body are also very simple. Bargains such as wooden rosary beads look very poor overall, which makes people think that preachers should be like this.

However, the face of the patriarch at this moment is not as calm as he usually does. After getting off the bus, he directly asked the clergyman in charge of the reception about where the archbishop of this main church had gone. After learning that the archbishop entered the city in the morning. After not coming back, he walked directly into the villa church, climbed the stairs very familiarly, and came to the completely enclosed compartment.

"Open it!" The patriarch looked at the newly nailed plank in front of him. He had already guessed what was going on inside, but he seemed to have a hint of expectation and said armed with a church behind him.

The church armed with chainmail immediately removed a two-handed sledgehammer from behind when he heard the word, raised the sledgehammer and smashed the newly nailed plank, directly smashing the plank that was not very thick. The empty compartment behind the plank was revealed.

Seeing the empty compartment inside, the patriarch looked particularly ugly, muttering to himself: "He did it anyway, what does he want to do?" While talking, he walked into the compartment again. Standing in front of a piece of dust with obvious marks, he was silent for a while, turned his head to follow the clergyman of the main church and said: "Go and call the archbishop of your church back, and tell him, I'll wait for him here, let him He should not make any more excuses to avoid me. If he does not come to see me, I will not go back."

Hearing the words of the patriarch, the clergyman was a little frightened. Although he did not know what happened between his archbishop and the noble patriarch before him, he was quite sure that such things were not such a small thing as him. It is accessible to the clergy responsible for the daily cleaning of the main church.

So after hearing the order, even though the clergy was full of doubts, they did not dare to ask any more, turned around, ran out of the church with a small trot, boarded the carriage belonging to the main church, and headed towards the city. Drive past the direction.

The patriarch then ordered the accompanying church to wait outside the main church. When the archbishop of the main church arrived, he would let people in directly without blocking, but he stayed in the compartment, kneeling down and sitting in front of the dust mark. , Holding the rosary in his hand, praying in a low voice.

At this moment, Leo’s spiritual network also covers the entire main church, and controls all the movement in the church, including the prayers and the power generated by the prayers that the patriarch is now chanting.

The prayer chanted by this patriarch is not a special prayer. It is the salvation prayer often used by all religions with the myth of the doomsday judgment. The genre and the use of words and sentences of this type of prayer are similar. Replace the **** of salvation with the object of his faith.

However, the wood-carved rosary used by the patriarch is not ordinary. The rosary was originally an ordinary rosary in Leo’s spiritual network perception, but I don’t know why it cooperated with the prayer chanted by the patriarch. The rosary radiated a wave of energy, which fell on the patriarch and made him seem to be a magnet. This magnet is designed to absorb any trace of special energy remaining in the compartment and let it converge. On the patriarch, this suction even spread to Leo, making it faintly felt that the energy he had captured was similar to all the energy of the Land of End.

According to common sense, after this deadly energy enters the human body, even if it does not have the side effects of death, the deadly breath will definitely make the absorbed person fall into an inexpressible despair, and even have a tendency to self-destruct, only like Leo. A person who has reached the level of a demigod can avoid this side effect, but the problem is that even if the patriarch has absorbed some of the remaining dead energy, he still keeps it well and has not been affected at all. What’s more interesting is the sect. The bishop is just an ordinary person, as if he is simply using his will to fight the peculiar side effects of dead energy.

"Will, or something else?" Leo was curious about the mental state of the patriarch, and wanted to check it through the spiritual network, but when his spiritual network was close to the patriarch, it was immediately affected by a powerful force. The power is repelled. The source of this power does not come from the patriarch. It seems to be generated out of thin air. Even with Leo’s strength, it is still possible to forcibly disperse this power through the spiritual net. Yes, in that case, the patriarch in the compartment would surely be alarmed, so he chose to retreat instead of forcibly intruding.

After about an hour or so, all the remaining energy in that compartment was collected by the patriarch of the Baptist Church, and the patriarch suddenly accelerated the reading speed of the prayer. At this time, Leo passed the spirit The net clearly sensed a very weak force emanating from the patriarch, and it overflowed uncontrollably.

"Ember Butterfly?" Leo turned on Lingshi and looked towards the top of the main church, and he saw the energy emitted from the patriarch gather in the air, forming a very vague ember butterfly shape. However, this Ash Butterfly form quickly dissipated, and the power emanating from the patriarch also disappeared.

The patriarch stopped praying and sat on the ground very tired, gasping for breath, as if what he had done just now exhausted all his strength. After a little recovery, he took out a bottle from his waist. He even drank a few sips of the liquid in the bottle. As the liquid was being absorbed by him, his pale complexion quickly returned to normal, his breathing calmed down, fatigue gradually subsided, and everything returned to its original state.

After resting for a while, the patriarch did not stay in this compartment any longer, but went downstairs and came to the preaching room, sitting quietly, waiting for the return of the archbishop of the main church area.

More than half an hour later, the carriage driven by the priest of the main church appeared at the corner of the road in the distance, and quickly drove to the entrance of the main church. The priest at the position of the carriage driver parked the car. , Jumped down, prepared to open the door, and let the archbishop who was sitting in the carriage down, but apparently the archbishop of the area was impatient. Before he could open the door, he took the initiative to open the door and walked down, and then walked straight into the main church. Inside.

Obviously, the regional archbishop and the patriarch of the Haute Federation are two types of clergy. The appearance of this regional archbishop is more in line with the world’s view of the clergy of the church. He wears a robe woven with high-quality fabrics. The surface of the robe is embossed with various religious symbols and patterns with mysterious colors. Because of the rich nutrition, he looks a little obese. The various religious ornaments worn on his body are made of precious metals and are inlaid with various gems. .

The archbishop of the region walked directly past the armed church personnel blocking the door, opened the door, stepped into the main church, and saw the patriarch sitting on the preacher’s chair in front of him, his expression changed from somber. It became more gloomy, he didn't seem to see the other person, and directly questioned: "This is my site, not your general church. That chair is exclusive to me, not yours."

"This is the church of the Baptist Church. I can sit anywhere." The patriarch also retorted unceremoniously.

The regional archbishop snorted and did not continue to quarrel with him. Instead, he went straight to the subject and said: "You will definitely not come from the general church just to fight with me. You are also not to renew the past with me, but to explain you. Come on! I have other more important things to do and I don’t want to spend too much time on you."

"Are you still doing that?" The patriarch stood up from his chair and walked to the area's archbishop with a serious face.

Although the patriarch looks thin and weak, his aura is very strong, and when standing in front of the regional archbishop a few heads higher than him, he has a feeling of suppressing the other party.

The regional archbishop also felt the pressure from the opposite side, and knew that he was impossible to confront directly, so he stepped back a few steps, separated from him a certain distance, and weakened the feeling of being suppressed on his body, and then said calmly: "It's not your business, it's the secret affairs hall's business, and what I did has been approved by the High Hall. You have the ability to go back to the old continent to get the ban on the High Hall, and stop me!"

The patriarch stared at each other, and after a while, he said, "Although you have the consent of the High Hall, don't forget that any decree issued by the High Hall in the Old World can be vetoed by the mainland church."

The regional archbishop sneered and said: "You can go to the mainland church to get the veto decree. As long as you bring the decree, I will stop everything now."

The archbishop fully clarified the other party’s thoughts and said: "You know very well that it will take me at least half a year to go to the mainland church to apply for the prohibition ordinance. You want to make things a reality during this period, even if I get the ordinance. Useless."

"Yes, that's what I think." The district archbishop said without concealment.

The patriarch was silent for a moment, did not say anything, bypassed the opponent's body, and walked outside.

However, the attitude of the patriarch made the originally confident regional archbishop a little guilty. When the other party was about to walk out of the main church, he suddenly couldn't help but worry in his heart. He turned his head and asked, "What do you want to do? ?"

There was no answer to this question. The patriarch only paused for a while, then moved on, walked out of the church, and got on the carriage and drove out of the town.

The district archbishop stood there for a long time, and then as if thinking of something, he walked quickly to the cubicle upstairs, entered the cubicle and stayed for a while, walked out again, and ordered his subordinates to look after the church. UU reading www.uukanshu. com then left Southtown in a carriage.

Leo has spied on what happened in the main church through the spiritual network from beginning to end, and heard their conversations. Although there is not much substantive content, he knows at least two things. One thing is the total area here. The bishop is doing something, and this thing has been approved by the Baptist Church on the Old World, but the patriarch of the Haute Federation maintains an objection to this matter, and it seems that he intends to prevent it. Another thing is that what the district archbishop has to do is related to the things stored in the compartment, and that thing is most likely to be related to all the ashes butterflies in the Land of End.

If this incident is linked to the various baptismal rituals performed by the Baptist Church in Beluk City, Leo has reason to believe that a certain existence in Beluk Lake may be the key to the district's archbishop’s plan. .

Leo didn't follow the archbishop when he left, and he didn't need to follow it, because the whereabouts of the archbishop was very easy to inquire, and he could easily find him if needed.

Now he feels that such a fun thing is too boring to participate alone, so Sylvia should also participate in it.

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