The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1277: Conjectures of the world

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"The place where everything ends?" Sylvia couldn't help revealing a trace of doubt after hearing Leo's words about what he had seen and heard in Southtown.

In the past, Leo had also mentioned all the things in the Land of End, but at that time she always regarded all the Land of End as a certain boundary of the abyss. After all, the abyss is endless, even if it is the abyss dragon or the abyss serpent. These high-ranking races in the abyss can't see everything in the abyss either.

But now that Leo mentioned this place again, she felt inexplicable. She felt that her previous thoughts might be wrong, and that the place of end might have nothing to do with the abyss.

The reason why she feels this way is because as her bloodline promotion is completed, she can be regarded as a semi-abyss upper race, and her bloodline imprints have a strong response to everything related to the abyss. For example, the abyssal power contained in the crystalline serpent in Leo's arm can be clearly sensed no matter how much Leo hides and conceals it. As long as she mentions everything related to the abyss, she can also have a vague feeling.

But just when Leo mentioned all the places of the end, she did not have that vague sense of familiarity, just like Leo mentioned the mysterious starry world, which also made her almost certain that all the places of the end are not Part of the abyss, but at the same time that the familiar feeling did not occur, she had another feeling that she had never had before, and that feeling could be called falling into the abyss.

The upper races of the abyss will have a feeling of falling into the abyss when they hear something. It sounds ridiculous, but in fact it is normal, because Sylvia has basically acquired all the memories of the inheritance of the abyss dragon. Knowing that there is a place deeper than the abyss, it's just that almost all abyssal creatures, even higher races, are reluctant to approach there. Knowing there, except for the abyss serpent who likes to continue to drill down.

"What's wrong? Did you find any problems?" Leo asked when seeing Sylvia's expression change.

Sylvia recovered from her thoughts and returned to the topic: "You said that the end of all civilizations is the end of all civilizations. Since the Ash Butterfly is the product of that, then will our current world..."

"Impossible." Leo shook his head and said: "If this world is really in the place where everything ends, it will only look like another."

Afterwards, Leo carefully narrated the things he saw in all the end places, especially the scene where the fragments and ruins of countless civilization products were superimposed and squeezed there.

After listening to Leo’s narrative, Sylvia became more and more affirmed in her heart’s guess that the place where everything ends is the place deeper than the abyss, because in his memory, those worlds dragged into the abyss will eventually Will be swallowed layer by layer in the endless abyss, leaving only a pile of fragments, abandoned by the abyss, and fell into that deeper place.

"Can all the races that appeared in the End of Land leave there and enter other worlds?" Sylvia asked after thinking about it after listening.

"Should it be possible?" Leo said uncertainly: "Since many people, including me, can enter that place and leave, the races generated in that world can naturally leave."

"No, it's not necessarily." Sylvia shook her head and said: "The races in the upper world want to enter the lower world and leave the lower world very easily, but the races bred from the lower world want to enter the upper world very easily. Difficult, just like the abyss races wanting to enter another world, they must first corrupt that world and drag that world to a place close to the abyss before they can invade that world, even if it is an upper abyss race like the abyss dragon. To enter the upper world like the world of Vinylon, it would be difficult to do without a suitable springboard." She said, she paused, and said: "The place where everything ends is deeper than the abyss. It is very difficult for a race to enter the abyss, so there are few legends in the abyss about all end places. In this case, as the original race of the gray butterfly, as all end places, I am afraid that we have to cross the abyss and enter the world we are now in. It’s even more difficult. If this world is not in the place of all endings, then there is only one possibility, that this world has some kind of unclear connection with all the ending places, and it is a very deep connection."

"The gods of this world!" Under Sylvia's analysis, Leo suddenly thought of something, and said: "Could all the gods believed by the churches in this world be the native races of all end places?"

"It's possible." Sylvia nodded, and put forward a different idea, and said: "But I think there is another possibility, that is, this world may be an exalted world."

"Hold up the world?" Leo was a little puzzled when he heard this unfamiliar vocabulary. After thinking about it carefully, he quickly found some clues from the inherited knowledge of the Abyssal Serpent, and nodded slightly as he recalled it, seeming to agree with him. Sylvia's guess.

Lifting the world up high is a way to invade other worlds in the abyss that only stays at the stage of illusion. It is impossible to test who proposed this method. Some people say it is the abyssal serpent known for cunning, while others say it is the mysterious abyssal wise man. No matter who proposed this method, any abyss race that knows this method will think that the existence of this method is absolutely a lunatic, and this method is also considered the craziest method.

This method is very simple. It is to directly transform a world in the abyss, and then gather the powerful forces of countless high-ranking races in the abyss, lift this world high, penetrate the abyss barrier above the abyss, and throw it into the upper world. This way, Once the abyss is created, it is equivalent to creating a frontier position in the upper world. If the abyss wants to swallow a world, there is no need to spend manpower and material resources to corrupt that world and pull that world near the abyss. You only need to enter this exalted world. , And then directly invade the upper world from the upper world.

In the inherited knowledge of the Abyssal Serpent, Leo knew that after this method appeared, for a long time, the higher-ranking races of the abyss tried to implement this method, but in the end all ended in failure without exception, and the closest one was to success. , Seems to be the work of the abyssal dragon clan, so for this method, Sylvia, who has inherited the bloodline memory of the abyssal dragon, has the most say.

Before Leo asked, Sylvia explained what he knew about exalting the world, most of which were details that Leo didn’t know. After listening, Lei Ou couldn't help feeling that it was almost impossible for the existence of the Supreme Council of the universe to accomplish this kind of thing.

Not to mention how to create a world in the abyss that will not be repelled, and keep this world in close contact with the abyss, it is almost impossible to just penetrate this world through the barrier and lift the abyss out of the abyss. The difficulty is no less than that of pushing a normal ecological planet in the normal universe into subspace, and it is also necessary to ensure that the planet’s ecology is intact.

Although the power of the Supreme Council of the universe is extremely powerful, many of the higher life forms of Omega can even easily destroy a galaxy, but compared to destruction, it is very difficult to create a galaxy, except for the mysterious light of origin. , There is no Supreme Council of the universe that can create a complete circle of life.

Although the upper races of the abyss are extremely powerful and mysterious, Leo does not believe that the power of the upper races of the abyss is stronger than the supreme beings of the Supreme Council of the universe. What's more, the power of the abyss is chaotic and disorderly. Destroy, it has nothing to do with creation, the abyss, so it is basically impossible to create an exalted world in the abyss.

The abyssal dragon did not create a high world at all, but directly transformed a world that fell into the high world, and then tried to send it out of the abyss. As you can imagine, it was destroyed directly when it touched the abyss barrier. Because of this incident, the abyssal dragons also suffered heavy losses. The bloodline of the abyssal dragons also began to spread after this incident. Because of the need to supplement their ethnic groups, they can create various descendant races. From a certain perspective, the bloodline of the abyssal dragons began to spread. , Sylvia’s abyssal dragon bloodline is more or less a result of this.

After narrating the knowledge of the exalted world, Sylvia said: "Although the exalted world is difficult to appear, it is not absolutely impossible. The powerful existences we know cannot be achieved, nor do they represent other powerful ones. Existence cannot be done. If you think about the situation in this world carefully, don’t you think this world is weird? This world is so huge, there are so many countries in the world, and almost every country has different civilizations. These civilizations There is no contact at all, don’t you think it’s too weird?"

"This world is indeed very strange, but..." Leo pondered for a moment, and said: "But it has nothing to do with us. We only need to wait for you to fully recover, and then look for someone who leaves this world and returns to the world of Velen. As for the method, as for how the world is going, just get curious about it. It’s best not to get involved too deeply. What do you think?"

After listening, Sylvia nodded and agreed, but did not say any more.

In the next few days, Leo stayed in the manor to help Sylvia get familiar with and master her bloodline power after promotion as soon as possible. As Sylvia's power is complete, the more devilish mutations she has will be. Weak. In just a few days, she has almost returned to her normal shape, and the scales on her skin have faded. Only some scales on the back of the ears, neck and private parts have not completely disappeared, and it is not known whether it is caused by blood. Under the influence of, her hair color changed to blood red, and faintly exuded a very charming light, which looked very gorgeous.

If Sylvia’s appearance, charm and temperament were already ten points before, then she has now exceeded ten points. There is an inhumane special aura. The most intuitive manifestation is all the ordinary people who see her. People will bow their heads involuntarily, and will inevitably produce a feeling of reverence, as if seeing the incarnation of a god.

It is not wrong to say that Sylvia is the incarnation of a god, because now Sylvia can also be called a demigod. Although this demigod is only standing on the edge, the gods are gods, and they are in the form of life. The difference is already in two stages.

Perhaps because of the power of the abyssal dragon, Sylvia’s power now has more destructive power than most of Leo’s psionic skills and witchcraft, unless it is a strategic-level spirit such as a thunder gun. Ability skills, otherwise his various offensive powers can no longer be compared with Sylvia's power in terms of lethality and destructive power.

After Sylvia's body returned to normal and there were no obvious features of mutation, she left the basement and appeared in front of the servants of the manor, announcing that her illness was cured, and that night, she and Leo were together , Went to a barren mountain not far from the Great North Point area to test how powerful the power he had newly mastered had reached, and the result was that the barren mountain became a deep pit under her attack.

For this reason, this incident has also caused a huge sensation in Beluk City recently, because soon after the incident, the Beluk City Police Department received an alarm from the dignitaries in the Greater North Point area and sent a large number of people to the incident. I only saw a piece of gravel and a deep hole at the place where I was sent, and then I asked the local people to know that there was a barren mountain here, but now it has turned into a deep hole. There are still a lot of rubble and dust around the hole.

As a result, the police detective in charge at the time guessed without thinking that someone was experimenting with a secret weapon, and the secret weapon caused a huge explosion, which would blow a barren mountain into a deep pit.

After the spread of this inference, it immediately caused a shock in the entire city of Beiruk and even in the Ottoman Federation. As a result, various investigations into this incident were launched, and the results were soon obtained. It is that none of the weapons-related departments and organizations of the Haute Federation has any test plan related to it, and this result has also led to the panic and vigilance of the entire Haute Federation government.

It is important to know that Beiruk is located in the hinterland of the Haute Federation. It is also the key waterway and transportation center of the Haute Federation. It is also the center of finance, commerce and other industries in the Haute Federation. Its importance is not much worse than that of the Federal Capital. On the outskirts of such a major city, an unknown weapon test has caused such horrific destruction, which made the government and the people involuntarily think of the various terrorist attacks that took place in war-torn countries.

As a result, a panic spread inexplicably within the city of Beiruk and the Haute Federation, and elite investigators from all over the Haute Federation have also gathered here one after another. Investigations were conducted on this, and it is unlikely that one will be investigated. As a result, the feeling of vowing to never give up.

Leo and Sylvia, who were the initiators of this incident, are sitting in their own manor garden at the moment, drinking tea, reading newspapers, and leisurely handling various documents sent over.

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