The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1275: Town of South

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Although the Baptist Church has only recently obtained the consent of the city of Beluk to preach in the city, in fact the Baptist Church has been preaching in the suburbs and villages of the cities and counties of the Otter Federation for many years because of its simple doctrine. The Shang has never asked for money from his own heart, and he often does good deeds, so he has a certain foundation of believers and has built a secret church.

Because their mission had not been officially approved by the Haute Federation at that time, their churches were disguised with residential houses like most other secret churches. The church specifications also vary greatly depending on the region, such as those in remote areas. The church is just a slightly larger home housing, while in a commercial town like Beiruk, the church is a villa with a garden.

The town of South is located in the outskirts of Beluk City. It is based on mushroom farming. Most of the mushrooms produced are sent to Beluk City for sale, and a small amount is sold to other places. The income of farmers living here is not bad, although Not comparable to those merchants in the city, but at least much better than most villages.

In the past, the town of South was not well-known. Anyone who heard the real name of South would only feel as if they had heard of such a town. However, as the Baptist Church was accepted by the mainstream society of the Haute Federation, it became the city of Beluk. The town of Soth, where the original main church of the Baptist Church is located, has gradually come into the eyes of the mainstream society of Beluk.

Although the town of Soth is where the main church of the Baptist Church is located, few people in Soth Town believe in the Baptist Church. Every time the evangelistic meeting of the Baptist Church, even a small preaching room is not satisfied. This is mainly It is because the town of Sos had its own beliefs before the appearance of the Baptist Church. They believed in an earth **** named Gaia.

Gaia belief is very old. It has spread to all countries in the mainland during the Old World period. Later, it spread to the New World along with the Great Migration. Almost all countries will have people who believe in Gaia, but it is very interesting that even if the Gaia belief spreads So far-reaching, believers spread all over the world, and the inheritance of beliefs is extremely ancient, but Gaia faith has never produced a thing that can be called a religion.

All religious rituals related to Gaia belief are as if they are a certain custom. For example, believers will pile up a plump female mud statue near the entrance of the house they built. The mud statue does not need to be carefully crafted, as long as it looks like A woman is fine, and after the mud statue is made, there is no need to pray or pay respects to the mud statue. Just use a small plate to put some daily food in front of the mud statue on certain festivals.

In addition, people who believe in Gaia will dance an ancient dance called the dance of the earth at some festivals, weddings, funerals and other funerals. The dancers can be anyone, and there is no need for special priests.

All in all, the entire world has Gaia beliefs, but there is no Gaia church. It is for this reason that even countries with the most stringent restrictions on beliefs, or religious countries with only a single belief, will not have Gaia beliefs. The performance is harsh, and Gaia's belief in other gods is also very tolerant.

Although Gaia belief is a pan-belief for most people, just like certain habits in life, there are also many people who are devout Gaia believers. Although these people will not change Gaia beliefs. Become a religion, but they will not abandon their Gaia beliefs and switch to other beliefs. It just so happens that the people in Soth are devout Gaia believers, so the Baptist church has been established here for many years, but The missionary effect is very low, almost equal to nothing.

After the Baptist Church was recognized by the city of Beluk and agreed to preach in the city, some powerful and wealthy Baptist church members proposed to relocate the main church of Beluk City to the city, but this proposal It was rejected by the archbishop of the main church of Beluk. He only agreed to build a sub-church in the city, and to build a preaching church in the four port towns around Lake Beluk. As for the main church, the main church is still open. In the town of Sos.

Everyone was puzzled by what the archbishop did. They didn’t understand why the archbishop did it. However, some people speculated that the reason why the archbishop did it was probably because of the hidden treasures in the town of South. The baptismal church will put its main church in this place where it is impossible to develop any believers, and it is unwilling to move away.

In this regard, the Baptist Church did not deny or admit it. After hearing such rumors, many good deeds went to Southtown to hunt for treasures, which made the locals in Southtown start talking about them. I think there might be some treasures in my town.

For the mayor and other managers of South Town, although this will have some adverse effects on the town’s public security, it can also drive some commercial activities in the town in a disguised form, allowing the town residents to earn some extra income. For example, selling souvenirs, serving as guides, etc., so they did not come forward to stop this kind of nonsense treasure hunt, but were happy to see it happen.

Some people did not find any clues about the treasures in the town of Soth, they looked for clues in the town history of Soth town, and indeed found some strange places.

These people discovered that the town of Soth appeared earlier than the establishment of the Haute Federation, even earlier than the religious war. The history of Soth before the religious war is no longer available, and the town of Soth is in the religious war. Once became a gathering place for refugees, few of those refugees returned to their homes after the war, and most of them stayed in the town of South. Because they personally felt the suffering of the religious war, the residents of South town had a natural resistance to religion. On the contrary, there is no church, only the faith of Gaia has become their spiritual sustenance, which has continued to this day.

This period of history was recorded in the town’s history written by the town of South, and the people who had outstanding achievements in the early days of the town’s establishment were recorded there, and those who were interested found several very special names from these names. , The missions behind these names are all pioneer families in the vicinity of the early religious wars.

These pioneer families were the first group of migrants, and they were also the first to establish settlements in the New World. These people may not have the same surname and blood, but after the settlement was established, these people intermarried and married each other. The change of surname eventually formed the later pioneer family.

It is mentioned in many legends that the reason why the Pioneer family was able to gain a foothold on the land full of primitive beasts in the New World, establish settlements, and thrive, is entirely because they came to the New World from the Old World. , Carried some treasures with mysterious powers with him. These treasures protected the migrants at that time and allowed them to avoid all kinds of dangers on the primitive land and live and multiply safely on this new continent.

However, most of the Pioneer family have been obliterated in the long river of history, and related legends have not been confirmed, but even so, many people still believe that the treasures of the Pioneer family are real, just like now. Few people think that there are descendants of the pioneer family among the people who founded the town of South, so perhaps the treasures of the pioneer family are hidden here, and the Baptist church is unwilling to move the main church to other places because of this reason.

After various rumors spread in Beluk City and surrounding counties and cities, many people came to Southtown. Not all of them came for treasure hunting. Some just watched the excitement, but this is also a disguise Sizhen became extremely lively, and even in order to receive these people, some local residents even changed their houses into temporary hotels.

After Leo settled the manor, he went to Soth Town. Although Soth Town was a suburban town, Leo's speed and the help of Psionic Wings took him less than half an hour. Just came outside the town of South.

This trip allowed Leo to discover some problems after using psionic skills in this world. For example, when he used psionic wings to fly in the air, he could clearly feel the pressure he felt as the altitude climbed. The bigger it is, when he is about a hundred meters in the air, he can’t waste it any higher, even if he increases the output of psionic energy, the same is true, as if an invisible wall is blocking it, so that he can only Can fly so high.

This situation does not just appear on him who is using his psionic skills. The birds are also the same. They are not even as good as Leo. They can only fly to a height of tens of meters and cannot fly anymore. It also gave Leo reason to believe that the sky of this world has a force similar to forbidden air, or the environment, so even if people in this world have invented extremely mature iron-clad ships, they still cannot invent any aircraft.

Leo didn't use the various powers he mastered too much. He just tasted every power. After understanding the limitations and consumption of these powers, he stopped and temporarily put the matter aside.

Before coming to Soth Town, he naturally heard the rumors about the treasures in Soth Town, so he opened the spiritual net as soon as he came outside Soth Town, spreading to the whole town, it will truly be inside and outside. , Even the underground carefully scanned it again.

However, unfortunately, he did not find any treasures in this town, but he discovered another interesting thing, that is, the land of South Town contains very strong gods and supernatural powers.

Leo possessed more than one kind of imprints condensed by gods and gods, and he was naturally very sensitive to gods and gods. Although this kind of gods and the land of Soth Town were perfectly integrated and nearly one, he could still clearly feel it. The existence of divine power, and I can feel that this divine power is very powerful, so powerful that it is almost comparable to the gods of the level of the Lord of the Sky in the world of Velen.

However, what makes him a little strange is that although this land has divine power, this divine power does not have the imprint of the gods that the divine power should have.

It is important to know that each **** possesses different divine powers, just as each psychic possesses different psychic powers. Each divine power has a special energy wavelength. This wavelength is like a label imprint to identify the attribution of the divine power. The best way to do this, but the divine power Leo sensed from the land in Soth Town had no energy wavelength at all, which meant that this divine power was probably just pure divine power, and there was no corresponding god.

Such a situation has not never happened in the **** system of the world of Velen. There are many evil gods in the gods of the world of Velen, and their divine power will remain in the artifacts and other related items that they survived after death. With the passage of time, the imprint of the gods contained in this divine power will gradually wear away, and the remaining divine power will eventually become a masterless divine power, and finally completely dissipate and merge into the world.

Reminiscent of the Gaia faith in the town of Soth, and then think of the Gaia faith that never formed a church, which made him suspect that the power of the town of Soth belongs to the mysterious earth **** Gaia, and that Gaia may have fallen. So there is no church.

But he turned his head and thought again. He felt that this kind of speculation had a big loophole, that is, if the divine power was not supported by the gods, it would be difficult to preserve it, and it would only be swallowed by the integration of this world.

If you look at the source of Gaia’s faith, then Gaia, the **** of the earth, may have already fallen, so no church has been established since ancient times. If this is the case, then the divine power associated with it should have already declined, and eventually It’s right after it dissipates. It is absolutely impossible to integrate into the land of a town, and it can still be so strong, strong enough to make Soth Town a place where there has been a goddess ritual.

"Is it because the Baptist Church is unwilling to move the main church to other places for this reason?" Leo couldn't help but a speculation emerged in his heart, and he looked at a seemingly ordinary villa on the other side of Sos Town.

However, this idea was quickly denied by Leo again. If the Baptist church believes in a certain deity, it may be able to increase their sensitivity to divine power by staying in such an environment full of powerless divine power for a long time. , And then, when communicating with the gods, it is easier to perceive the existence of the gods and get the enlightenment of the gods. UU Reading does this in the churches in the world of Velen. For any gods, their beliefs are more like another Gaia belief. In this case, whether they are sensitive to divine power is not so important.

Leiou, who could not find the reason, came directly outside the main church. While checking the internal situation of the church through the spiritual network, he tried to turn on the spiritual vision to find out the true situation of the main church.

As he thought, he didn’t find anything of value. The only thing that attracted Leo’s attention was that the roof of the main church remodeled by this villa had a small compartment on the roof, and this compartment had no door. The exit was blocked by a wooden board. Judging from the state of the wooden board, it should have been blocked for a short time. The dust in the compartment also showed that some things were put in the compartment not long ago, but those things were removed not long ago. Perhaps the compartment was completely closed at that time.

"It seems that this baptismal church is not easy!" Although the contents of the compartment were removed, the residual energy of the things stored here still did not dissipate, and was captured by Leo, which also made him Have some thoughts about the Baptist Church.

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