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"Excuse me, do you have anything to do?" Leo asked casually after looking at the few people in front of him.

When Solander was about to say something, a woman from the Ministry of Women's Education stopped her and stepped forward to replace Solander, saying, "Your Excellency, it's for Todd's inheritance, right? "

When I said this question, the people from the Ministry of Education were all watching Leo. Among them, the abnormal energy fluctuations in the middle-aged man who appeared to be very old suddenly magnified dozens of times, far beyond the ordinary transcendents. The category is almost equivalent to a second-level psionicist.

This made Leo very surprised. Although he was able to use some special skills to improve his psychic, divine power, witchcraft and other powers in a short period of time, he was only improving a little. He wanted to be like that. It is absolutely impossible for the middle-aged man of the Ming Education Department to suddenly increase his strength by several dozen times. This will only make him completely lose control of his power and eventually be defeated by the power, and the middle-aged person of the Education Department obviously did not appear. The situation of power backlash, but he seemed to be struggling to maintain control of the explosive power, and sweat permeated his forehead.

Although Leo was very surprised by the way the middle-aged man from the Ministry of Education used his power, he was not distracted by it. I know that Todd is the smiling Todd. But I investigated it after Detective Solland came to investigate the case. I didn’t know in advance what the manor had to do with the smiling Todd. As for Todd’s legacy is also the first time I heard it, from your questioning."

After listening to Leo’s words, the woman from the Ministry of Education turned her head to look at the middle-aged colleague, and the middle-aged colleague seemed to be able to use some kind of power that could distinguish what people said was true and false. When the female colleague looked at each other, she nodded slightly.

"Where is your wife?" the woman asked again.

Leo replied: "She is sick and very sick."

The woman said again: "Can I go and see her?"

"Are you a doctor?" Leo asked.

"No," the woman replied.

Leo smiled and said nothing more.

Another young man stood up and said: "I am a doctor and I worked at Bates State General Hospital."

Leo looked at him, smiled and said, "Do you often feel pain in your waist, and the pain will spread to the thigh and back, and sometimes you can only curl up with your body."

"How do you know?" the young man asked with a shocked expression.

"You are sick," Leo said.

The young man frowned and asked, "What disease did I have?"

Leo glanced at the other person and said flatly: "If you are an experienced and qualified doctor, you know what disease I am talking about. Now it seems that you are not." As he said, he got up from the chair and looked away. I scanned the people in front of me and said, "I don't have so much time to play with you. You should tell me what you want to do? Or please leave by yourself and don't bother me."

Hearing Leo's words, the few people looked at each other and seemed to be exchanging views.

The middle-aged man also put away his strength at the moment, and wiped his forehead, showing a little fatigue, then stood up and said to Leo: "I believe you have already investigated this manor. I know What's going on in this manor? There are some powers that ordinary people can't understand, but we believe that your Excellency Leo should have been in contact with this, and we and you should know that the mysterious power that caused the disappearance of the Monte family has not disappeared from this manor. , On the contrary, because people’s occupancy has become intense, even Ms. Sylvia’s illness may be related to this, so we think you should temporarily move out of Leo, and leave the matter here to our professionals to solve. Consider moving back again."

"Are you crazy? You made such an absurd request?" Leo couldn't help but smile: "Do you know how much it cost me to buy this manor and rebuild this manor? You even let us move and hand over the manor? Give it to you?"

The middle-aged man explained: "This is for the sake of your husband and wife. There is an evil force here..."

"If I remember correctly, this manor has been abandoned for more than ten years. It has always been under the escrow of the Beluk City Government. If there is an evil force here, why has it been in the past ten years? You didn’t solve him inside. Now I paid to buy this place and refurbished it to live in, but you people from the federal government came to tell me that there is evil power here. Let me move and hand it over. I'll deal with it for you, don't you think you are ridiculous?" Leo sneered, and then turned to Solander, who was aside, and said, "Ms. Detective, I talked with you before and thought you were a savvy person. , I didn’t expect to see you again, and I was with a group of fools and madmen. I advise you to be careful, fools and madmen can be contagious.”

"I'm not with them, just to receive them for the city government." Solande doesn't seem to be a person who likes the Ministry of Education very much. Maybe he has been a little angry these days. Hearing Leo said this, he quickly disassociated himself. .

The people from the Ministry of Education looked at Solander with a displeased expression, but they seemed to be worried about Solander and didn't dare to say anything.

When the middle-aged man wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Leo. Leo sat back on the chair again and said with a tired look: "If there is nothing else, everyone Please leave! I want to rest."

"Resting?" Everyone looked at the big sun outside the window and knew that this was just a structure that could not stand scrutiny. Although they were dissatisfied, they couldn't say anything. They looked at each other and walked out of the study. Under the leadership, left the manor.

When they left the manor with their front feet, the manor on their back feet shook slightly due to the eruption of a powerful force. The people in the manor had long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and did not show any panic. They just realigned the fallen furniture. Replace the broken utensils.

The people outside the manor felt this power for the first time. They all had a sense of suffocation at the time. They felt like some extremely terrifying existence was staring at them, their bodies tight, even breathing. Stopped, fortunately, this force appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, and it did not cause a greater adverse effect on them.

"Damn, he must have a ghost! We should..." the young man breathed, trying to calm his panic, and staring at the manor extremely angrily.

"What should I do? Should I break into the strong action?" The middle-aged man seemed to be the leader. He interrupted the youth with a displeased expression and said, "Don't forget his current identity, as long as we do something extraordinary. , Let alone whether we can get out of Beluk City, even if we return to the headquarters, the big figures in the capital will give him us as gifts in order to please him."

"What shall we do now?" the woman asked.

"Report this matter directly to the above, and deal with it as it is handled above," the middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "Don't forget that we came here this time not for this matter, but for the baptism of the church. It's just incidental, regardless of priority." As he said, he turned to look at Solander, who was silent on the side, and said: "Miss Solander, the owner of this manor doesn't have much opinion on you. You can pay more attention to this in the future."

"I still have to investigate the case, there is not so much time..." Solander said dissatisfied.

The middle-aged man asked seriously: "You should have read the relevant files. Do you think it is possible for you to find out something? And what do you think is really good for you? Although your family has some power, in this matter..."

The middle-aged person did not say everything completely, but the meaning has been shown. Although Solander is still very unwilling, the harvest she has returned to the capital this time also shows that she is now unable to intervene in such things, and even her family cannot provide her. Any protection.

The middle-aged person seems to be very optimistic about Solander and said: "You have good abilities and are very suitable to be an investigator of the Ministry of Education. If you are still interested in this aspect after two years, you can apply to the Ministry of Education. As long as you pass the assessment, you can join us."

Solander wasn't commenting on this, but she could tell from her look that she should have been thinking about it.

After that, the group did not stop outside the manor anymore, and after boarding the carriage waiting outside, they hurried back towards the city.

At this time, Leo also took back the spiritual net that was released.

With the continuous in-depth study of the mysterious powers of this world and the methods that lead to them, he has created some suitable methods that can use the various powers contained in his body, and can ensure that the effects after casting will not appear. deviation.

The only flaw is that all the psionic skills and witchcraft after casting will be suppressed to varying degrees, otherwise, after the power exceeds the control limit, it will return to the same.

However, the strange thing is that the spiritual network of psionic skills does not seem to be subject to this restriction. The spiritual network displayed through the improved method can still maintain the effect of directly casting the spiritual network through the psychic energy, but it consumes more power.

Because of the power eruption just now, Leo went back to the basement to check Sylvia’s situation, only to see that Sylvia’s figure had shrunk a lot, and she also changed back to a human form, but the surface of her body was still full. With the scales removed, the pupils are still the eyes of the abyssal dragon, and the dragon horns on the forehead are still there.

However, even so, Leo could see that Sylvia's situation was changing in a positive direction, and she believed that it would not take long for her to fully control her promotion power.

"Finally changed my body back." Sylvia looked at Leo, who was still much shorter than herself, and then smelled around her body, frowning, and said: "The smell on my body is so unpleasant. So I can prepare some water for a wash."

"No need to wash." Leo walked to Sylvia, reached out his hand and touched Sylvia's thigh, a psychic power instantly spread around her body, stripping away all the dirt on her body surface. , Gathered into a mass of mud and dirt that fell on the ground.

However, even after doing this, the smell around Sylvia's body did not change much, and it still smelled of sulfur like rotten eggs.

Leo sniffed the scent, and did not show any abnormal expressions. He explained plainly: "This scent comes from the power of your blood. It is impossible to eliminate this scent until you fully control your power. ."

"Should I continue to carry this smell here for half a month?" Sylvia said displeased.

Leo said in a puzzled way: "You didn't have the same smell before, and it was stronger, why..."

Sylvia interrupted: "I didn't smell it at that time, but now I smell it." She shook her head again, reluctant to continue this topic about her body odor, and changed the subject and said, "That's right. When my body was undergoing transformation just now, I sensed something."

"What is it?" Leo asked.

"There is something in Lake Beluk." Sylvia explained, "Where is a life with strong power hidden?" After speaking, she paused, and then said: "That thing makes me feel very hungry. I have a very strong urge to eat it."

"Eat it?" Leo was stunned. Obviously, this targeted hunger pang did not originate from Sylvia, but from Sylvia's bloodline, that is to say, the bloodline of the Abyssal Dragon. .

However, Leo's memory from the Abyssal Serpent shows that the Abyssal Dragon is extremely picky about food, and ordinary abyssal species will not join its recipes. It will only eat those intelligent races with upper abyssal bloodlines. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"Is it from the abyss?" Leo quickly made a guess about the habits of the abyss dragon.

But Sylvia shook her head and said, "It shouldn't be from the abyss. If you have time, go and take a look."

"I see." Leo thought of some information he had previously obtained from the investigators of the Ministry of Education, and said, "Will the Baptist church have anything to do with this?"

"Why do you think so?" Sylvia asked.

So Leo told Sylvia what had just happened, and mentioned that every time the Baptist Church’s baptism ceremony took place at Lake Beluk, and the location was different, it didn’t feel like something was going on. Formal religious ceremonies are like looking for something in Beluk Lake through religious rituals.

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia also nodded, agreeing with her guess, and said: “Whether they came for things in the lake or not, they must know Lake Beluk very well. There must be some information. You can go there at some time to see if you can find out what you can investigate."

"I know how to do it." Leo nodded, and soon had a plan in his mind.

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