The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1273: Education Department

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"Damn it, didn't I tell you not to come down?" Sylvia endured the pain in her body while looking at Leo with extreme dissatisfaction.

Perhaps it’s because of her bigger body. Leo, who was originally taller than her, looks much smaller, just like a dwarf, and although Leo’s basement has been expanded a bit, it’s more than ten times larger than her figure. She is still a little low, she can't even turn over now, and she is stuck between the floor and ceiling of the basement.

Although more than ten days have passed, she has gradually become accustomed to the pain in her body, but as the bloodline is getting closer to the end, what she feels is not only the pain in her body, but also a kind of killing instinct derived from the bloodline. This killing instinct no longer affects her state of mind all the time, giving her a strong urge to tear the earth apart, fly out of the basement, and wantonly destroy everything she sees.

"You made a lot of noise last night. I must come down to see the situation in the basement and strengthen the surrounding rune circle by the way." After Leo repaired a cracked rune, he turned his head and looked around. Sylvia on the ground.

At this moment, Sylvia has completely turned into an abyssal dragon. Not only has her body expanded many times, but her body is also covered with dark red scales, and the scales are also covered with various beautiful patterns. These You can also see the lava-like liquid flowing in the pattern, which looks very gorgeous.

Just as the beautiful scales and patterns on certain poisons make people forget their poisonousness, the scales on Sylvia also make people ignore the dangers contained therein. It is no exaggeration to say that an ordinary person sees these. The patterns on the scales may not take long to go crazy, because the power of the abyss contained therein is full of chaos and disorder, and they can stir anyone's brain into a pot of porridge like a stick that stirs a cauldron.

Although Sylvia is very concerned about his current form, thinking that he has become an ugly monster, Leo doesn't mind. If it is not for worrying that Sylvia will become angry, he will even use a universal recorder to give Hill Via took a few photos to commemorate.

Sylvia sighed slightly and did not say anything. She also knew that she was almost controlled by the desire to kill in her heart last night. If it weren't for the rune that Leo arranged in the basement to strengthen the basement, and it could distribute it. With a soothing force strong enough to make people calm down, she might have rushed out of the ground.

Although she was only an emotional catharsis, the turbulence was not small, just like an earthquake. Its scope not only included the entire Belmont Manor, but even the surrounding manors were also affected. Fortunately, the staff in the manor were early They have become accustomed to such big movements from time to time. At first, they may be surprised and flustered. They are not surprised. Only when they feel the vibration is particularly strong, they will leave the house and gather on a lawn spontaneously. Waiting for things to pass.

"I feel it will be over in a few days." Sylvia said seriously.

Leo shook his head and said seriously: "No, it's just that the bloodline promotion is over. Your control of your power after promotion has not ended. Only when you truly master your own power can your current form be able to change back."

"Damn it, **** it!" Sylvia didn't know what to say for a while, she could only curse, perhaps because she thought it was too boring, she stopped and asked instead: "What's going on outside now? How is it?"

Leo replied: "Is it in the manor? It's very peaceful. The dummy made for you perfectly imitates you. The people in the manor can't recognize you. They just know that your illness will take a while to recover completely. stand up."

"You should know that I'm not asking this." Sylvia glanced at Leo with her vertical pupils dissatisfied.

Leo smiled and said: "Nothing worth paying attention to has happened. The situation in Beluk City is very stable. The upper class is drunk and enthusiastic, while the lower class is still busy with life. The sales of special steel in our factory are very good. Fang’s second order has also arrived. However, they hope that we will not only sell steel, but that we can also solve the shape when smelting. Our steel is too hard. Even if they buy back the finished steel, Post-processing is also very difficult, which slows down their progress in changing outfits."

"Are you going to change the whole army at any cost? It's still in this peaceful era." Sylvia said disdainfully: "What peace-loving federal government is all deceiving ghosts. When the whole army is finished, it will be proficient. After the new equipment is installed, the Otter Federation may inevitably have a territorial expansion."

Leo also nodded in agreement.

"Are there any other interesting things?" Sylvia asked again.

Leo thought for a while and said, "Is it interesting that the city government of Beluk agrees to a Baptist church preaching in the city?"

“It’s not like the behavior of officials of the Haute federal government to allow the church to preach publicly. Although they will not actively suppress the church, they will not allow the church to preach publicly. They only agree to their existence as a secret church without any private property. Now, you must know that more than 70% of the land in the Otter Federation is the private property of the churches that preached here. Therefore, the first article in the Federal Magna Carta is that this is a country of one person, and God is not allowed to override others. Above." Sylvia said with some doubts: "The behavior of the city government of Beiruk is obviously contrary to the foundation of the Haute Federation. Hasn't it aroused opposition?"

"Of course I oppose it. Now the city council has begun impeaching several senior officials, including the mayor, and the court has also begun to institute administrative prosecutions against them." Leo said solemnly, "However, the city government doesn't seem to care about this. This kind of opposition, there is no plan to cancel the decree, and the federal government has not issued an act to prevent the implementation of this decree. It seems that this matter should not be as simple as it seems."

Sylvia questioned: "What is the origin of this Baptist church? It has such a big influence."

"I have been taking care of you in the manor during this period. I have not been out. The specific situation is not very clear. I only learned a little information from the servants at home." Leo shrugged helplessly and said: "I heard about this. The church is different from other churches in that they do not have a clear object of faith, that is, gods without faith. Their doctrine holds that humans are sinful, and these sins will continue to accumulate in the human body until they reach the limit before they erupt. They turn into sickness and bad luck to torture their owners. They feel that water is the source of life, and only the power of water can wash away the sins on their bodies, so every time they preach, they will completely immerse themselves in water."

After Sylvia heard this, she couldn't help laughing: "How does this sect fit the popular water origin theory so well?"

Leo nodded and said, "I felt the same way after hearing the missionary content of this church for the first time, and I heard that this church seemed to be born because of the origin of water. The preachers of this sect are being questioned by the parliament. At that time, the content of the origin of water was also used, and the people at the city college did not know how to refute it for a while."

Sylvia thought for a while, then asked, "Where are they baptizing?"

"Beruk Lake." Leo replied.

"I don't think it's easy." Sylvia quickly judged.

"Yeah." Leo agreed: "I think so too, but this matter has nothing to do with us. As long as we don't provoke us, we don't need to intervene. Someone will deal with them."

"Someone will deal with them? Who, the people from the city council?" Sylvia said disdainfully: "Those rich and powerful are just some guys who eat and wait to die. If they really want to deal with this church, they don't need to be so troublesome. It is enough to directly pass the opposition in the parliament and reject the official decree of the city government. Of course, if you do this, the city council and the city government will really turn their faces."

Leo asked: "When you were talking to your friends in the clubs and clubs, have you ever heard of a department called the Ministry of Education?"

Sylvia thought for a while and said, "Have you heard that is not a department under the Ministry of Education? It seems to be responsible for providing the most basic cultural education to prisoners."

Leo nodded and said: "Yes, that's the Ministry of Education, but its function under the Education Bureau is just a disguise. Its true function is actually the same as those special departments established by Vinylon countries in the world, specifically for some extraordinary forces. ."

"How do you know this?" Sylvia asked puzzled.

"There is so much noise in the manor, how can it be impossible to attract some people's attention." Leo smiled and said: "Two days ago, the Ministry of Education sent three people here to investigate the ghost time of the manor."

While speaking, Leo carefully told Sylvia what had happened two days ago.

Two days ago, Leo was reading a book about the history of countries in the Old World in his study. At that time, he was seeing a mountain country called Pangka that was hit by a blizzard that lasted for ten months. The people were all frozen to death without exception. The housekeeper suddenly knocked on the door and came in, saying that a government official was outside the manor and asked to enter the manor to investigate something.

At the beginning, Leo just thought that these government officials might just be some local dignitaries who wanted to build shotguns by himself, and falsified the identity of officials to visit him. After all, this kind of thing had happened several times before, and every time they were dismantled, they were all dismantled. Leo had driven away, so this time he was also going to drive away those people as well.

But then the butler handed him an identity document and investigation permit, but Leo was a little confused.

The first thing that made him somewhat puzzled was that the government officials turned out to be from the Ministry of Education, and those who had a little knowledge of the functions of the various government ministries should know that the Ministry of Education and the investigating case should be very clear that there is no direct connection between the two, and they can’t be involved in any way. go with.

In addition, the object of issuing these two certification documents turned out to be the justices of the Federal Supreme Court. The justices issued two certification documents to the Ministry of Education, asking them to come to a private estate in Beluk City to investigate certain matters. No matter how you look at it together, it feels weird.

Therefore, Leo did not immediately let those people into the manor, but sent someone to the city to find out the authenticity of the two documents.

Later, when the servant who went to the city came back, he not only brought back the confirmation from the chief judge of the city court, but also the chief of the city police department's intelligent explanation of the Ministry of Education.

At this time, Leo realized that this so-called Ministry of Education is not only the second education of mortals by the administrators, but also has some functions to deal with special matters, and the functions are very powerful, directly under the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government and the Federal Supreme Council. Speaker and Justice of the Supreme Court.

After understanding the situation, Leo let those people enter the manor, and those people didn’t know if they were blocked outside the manor for too long and they were resentful, or because the purpose of their original inspection was outside the villa. In short, they He just took out some things that looked like some kind of strange things, and checked around the manor, especially the artificial pavilions, and then turned and left.

This kind of anticlimactic move made Leo's rhetoric that these people search the villa useless, and he didn't even talk to these people. Afterwards, he inquired that these people did not leave, but continued to stay. Beluk City, and what is interesting is that the policewoman who had gone to the capital to explore Rand also returned to Beluk City at this time, and as the reception staff of the city police station, was responsible for receiving the people from the Ministry of Education.

After listening to Leo’s narration, Sylvia said: “It should be Solander who found something in the federal capital. That’s why they sent someone over there and arranged for her to come in and investigate together. UU看书www .uukā"

Leo said: "I think so too, but as long as they don't trouble me, I don't plan to intervene in this matter."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Sylvia smiled and said, "I guess they will come to the manor again soon. You'd better prepare."

In fact, Sylvia’s guess was correct. On the second day Leo and Sylvia had talked, the former Ministry of Education and Solander came to the outside of the manor again and told the housekeeper directly. Want to see Leo.

Leo did not let them enter the villa, but received a few people in the garden. After seeing them, Leo felt a little surprised, because all these people emitted a faint wave of abnormal energy, including The policewoman explored Rand, and these energy fluctuations did not come from those strange things, but from themselves.

In other words, these people from the Ministry of Education and Solander probably possess one or more abilities, just like the transcendents in the world of Velen, but their abilities may not be very strong, because they The energy fluctuations on his body are too weak, so weak that even the most ordinary transcendents in the world of Vinylon are far inferior.

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