The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1264: New World Civilization

"The mysterious world under steampunk (!

After nightfall, Tond Bruce put on the gown prepared for him by the owner of the Belmont Manor, took a briefcase full of research project documents, and drove in the carriage towards the Great North Point area.

"Mr. Professor, don't you prepare a female companion?" asked the servant who was in charge of receiving him in the car.

"Female companion?" The first thing in Tond Bruce's mind was his ex-wife, but he quickly shook his head.

The servant added: "If you have your own partner, you can be together, and if you don't have my master, you can also arrange one for you."

Todd Bruce shook his head and said, "No, no need! I don't need a female partner."

Seeing that Todd Bruce was like this, the servant didn't say much anymore, just sat quietly opposite.

The quiet carriage makes people feel a little uncomfortable. In order to alleviate this discomfort, Tond Bruce can only retrieve the documents from the briefcase and organize them again and again. At the same time, he prays in his heart that the carriage can reach its goal as soon as possible. Ground.

Compared with the train, the speed of the carriage was obviously a bit slow, and the carriage did not travel outside the Belmont Manor until the sky darkened.

At this time, Belmont Manor was already very noisy, and many fireworks were set off in the manor to light up the sky, so that people outside the manor could also feel the excitement of the banquet.

Because of the increase in carriages, the speed of the carriage has slowed down a lot. It took ten minutes to walk from the outer wall of Belmont Manor to the gate of the manor. As the gate appeared outside the window of the carriage, the carriage stopped and the servants in the carriage stopped. After getting off the bus, he lowered the pedals for Tond Bruce, opened the door, and then handed the invitation letter to the butler by the door. The butler read the invitation letter and read out Todd Bruce's name and job title at the academy.

Tond Bruce could feel the weird gazes of people around him looking at him, and he could also guess that these people might have doubts about why they would invite a folklore professor. He took a deep breath and did not look at the people around him. Under the guidance of the servant, he walked into the manor and walked along the avenue to the garden of the manor.

Belmont Manor or former Monte Manor is also a very famous manor in Beluk City. The reason why it is famous is not only because of the case that year, but also because this manor is the largest manor in Beluk City, and the garden is completely It is one of the most famous private gardens in the entire New World, built after imitating the jewel garden of the Landau Empire Summer Palace in the Old World.

It's a pity that as the manor is abandoned, this garden has not been taken care of. It has been abandoned a long time ago. Even if it is renovated now, it is difficult to compare with the garden scenery of the year.

Although Tond Bruce is not an architect, he has also studied this garden, because there is a complete bukandoushi in the garden. There is only one piece of bukandoushi in the new world, and there are not many in the old one. It is a study of the old one. The best material for Bukan folk beliefs on the mainland.

After entering the garden, the first thing that brought Todd Bruce into his eyes was a bronze statue. At a glance, he could see that these statues were not newly cast, but old statues were refurbished, and he could also see that these statues should be Religious belief statues in the early migration period. At that time, because of the discovery of a large number of copper and tin ore at many migration points, and the extremely mature smelting technology, the **** statues used in religious beliefs were changed from stone sculptures to easier to manufacture and lower cost. Bronze statue.

Although a lot of such bronze statues were produced in the past, there are still not many life-size bronze statues, so their value is quite high, but these valuable bronze statues are now being taken by the new owner of the manor. The decorations are ordinary decorations placed in the garden. Either the owner of the manor does not understand the preciousness of these bronze statues, or the value of these bronze statues is the same as the decorations in the eyes of the owner of the manor.

Among the guests in the garden, there are not many people who know the value of the bronze statues. Compared with these cold statues, they are concerned about the fireworks that are set off now, as well as several circuses specially invited to perform from neighboring cities. More interested, the atmosphere of the entire estate became very lively during the fireworks and performances. Exquisite food and mellow wine were delivered to every guest of the estate in the tray of the servants of the estate. Everyone was taking advantage of this banquet. To deepen mutual relations, make new partners, etc. I have to say that such a lively and luxurious banquet is also very rare in Beluk City.

Originally, Tond Bruce was going to say hello to the owner of the manor just like the other invited guests, but when he saw the garden fountain in the distance, the manor and his wife were surrounded by a large number of Beluk city dignitaries, he hesitated. In the end, he didn't step forward, but picked up the wine glasses on the waiter's tray. While drinking, he walked towards the main house of the villa.

The inferiority mentality made him dare not walk over, pushing other people away to greet the owner of the manor, and he also found that he was thinking too well about things. He only knew that he who was engaged in research did not know how to promote his research projects. He felt Even if I stand in front of the manor owner and his wife now, I am afraid it is difficult to take out my project documents from the leather bag and show them to the manor owner.

Tond Bruce felt that he might be here in vain, but he was a bit unwilling, so in order to make his trip worthwhile, he decided to go to the main house of the villa and see if he could find him the second one to attend the banquet. Purpose, to fulfill my long-cherished wish for many years.

Although the main house is guarded by guards, guests are not restricted from entering. Only a few rooms on the third and second floors are guarded, and no one else is allowed to enter. Guests in other rooms can use it at will.

According to the information about the Monte Manor villa in his own memory, Tond Bruce came directly to the former study of the villa. Although the villa has undergone extensive reconstruction and renovation, the functions of some houses have changed, but the study is only a few intact The room that has been preserved here is really well preserved. From bookshelves, books, carpets, tables and chairs, and all the decorations are preserved. The previous engineering team just cleaned it up and gave books and bookshelves. Wait for some moldy and decayed places to be partially replaced.

When the Monte family built this study room, they also thought about fire prevention, moisture resistance, etc. The materials used in the construction of the study room were all anti-corrosive special woods. After so many years, these woods, except for a small amount of mildew and decay, Most of the other positions are well maintained and do not need to be replaced or repaired.

Because of this, after entering the room, Todd Bruce soon discovered what he wanted to see, a slate mural inlaid in the middle of a bookcase wall.

Tond Bruce walked quickly to the slate mural, took out the notebook and pen from his pocket, leaned in front of the slate mural, and carefully looked at the content on the mural, because the light was a bit dim, so he had to take it from the side. Set up a gas lamp and put it on the shelf next to it.

When he painted the entire mural in its entirety, he couldn't help but sighed and said: "This thing should not be privately collected, it should be placed in a public museum for the public to watch, and for scholars to study it."

"You make sense, I will consider this proposal." Just as Tond Bruce's voice fell, another voice sounded behind him.

Tond Bruce was taken aback. He quickly turned around and looked behind him. When he saw the person talking behind him, he saluted the other person in embarrassment and introduced himself: "Hello, Leo Do Your Excellency, I’m Tond Bruce, Professor of Folklore at City College."

"I know that I personally wrote your invitation letter." Leo smiled and said: "I read your article on the relationship between folklore, religion and ancient civilization published in the folklore magazine, and I feel it is necessary to know about it. A scholar like you."

After Tond Bruce heard Leo’s words, he couldn’t help showing an obvious embarrassment. The article Leo mentioned was purely when he was ashamed. In order to be able to deceive a little money, he pieced it together and wrote it together. A research report, all the content in that report is conjecture, there is no substantive evidence.

After the article was posted, he regretted it, because in his eyes the article was too bad and would make him a laughing stock in the academic world. Originally, he thought that the article would not pass the review, but he did not expect it to be That article was published unexpectedly, and it was still published in the second edition. Since then, academia has given him the title of a visionary, which has also become a stain on his academics.

He didn't think Leo mentioned this incident just to laugh at him, but regarded Leo as the rich people who came to him for this article.

Although that article once made him the object of ridicule by folklore scholars, for those who do not understand folklore, his article is very attractive, so that some wealthy people even took the publication The magazine for that article came to the door and expressed its willingness to provide investment funds for the projects mentioned in the article.

This was a complete windfall for him. At the time, he agreed without even thinking about it, and it took two days to write a research project plan and obtain the first research funding.

However, the good times didn't last long. Soon the opinions of the academic circles on this article also flowed out of the circle. The investors believed that they had been cheated, so they did not hesitate to withdraw their capital, and the project was naturally abandoned.

Now think about it, he hasn't received investment in a project in these years. Perhaps it is not only related to the fact that folklore is a marginal academic, but is related to this project investment called a fraud.

Thinking of this, he hesitated for a while, looked at the briefcase on the chair just now, and finally did not take out those research projects from the briefcase, although he also knew that now is a very good time to sell himself. If this opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to redeem it, but the complex emotions in his heart prevent him from taking out the documents, and he doesn't even have the courage to start selling.

"Don't be nervous, I mentioned that article is not meant to laugh at you, but I really think that some of the conjectures made in it are reasonable." Leo patted the other party on the shoulder, seeing that the other party did not relax because of this, and moved away. Topic, pointing to the stone mural that the other party looked at just now, and asking: "Can you explain to me what this mural says?"

Speaking of what he was interested in, Tond Bruce was no longer nervous. He explained seriously: "This stone mural is engraved with the scene of the life of the Tonya."

"Tonia? It's the pseudo-New World civilization." Leo thought for a while and said.

"No, the Tonian civilization is real, but someone deliberately hid it." Tom Bruce immediately retorted, without the timidity and tension just now.

Leo didn't say anything, but took a serious look at the slate mural.

Leo has read about the Tonian civilization in some historical books, but almost all of the books say that this civilization is just a scholar among the migrants in the past, in order to be able to cheat money from the rich and powerful. A scam.

People who migrated from the Old World in the early days believed that the New World had such a large area and rich products, so they felt that there should be other humans in the New World, and those humans might have built some civilizations.

Therefore, the initial actions of the colonies in the early New World appeared to be cautious, for fear of conflicts with humans and civilizations in the New World. In addition to strengthening the camps at the landing site, external expansion was limited to opening up some farmland and so on.

Until a team of scholars went deep into the interior of the New World, after two years of exploration, they said that there were no traces of human survival in the New World, nor any man-made objects. Therefore, the New World does not exist any humans, and it is a real virgin land. .

Because of this, the migrants' development of the New World officially began.

It was not until decades later that members of the scholar team passed away one after another. The last scholar suddenly mentioned before his death that the new world they announced that year had no traces of human existence is actually fake. In fact, they found some man-made objects, only However, in order to allow the migrants to open up their hands and feet to open up the land, a lie was fabricated.

Although this incident attracted the attention of some people at the time, because the scholar said this in a state of dying before he was about to die, most people still thought that the scholar was delirious before he died. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is talking nonsense, because if there is a New World civilization, after so many years of development, why other people have not found clues related to the New World civilization.

Originally, this incident subsided with the death of the last scholar of the expedition team, but after a few years, some people successively stated that some ancient man-made objects that had nothing to do with the civilization of the Old World had been discovered, and that these man-made objects were likely to be The New World Civilization, and also named the New World Civilization after the name of the head of the expedition team at that time, called the Tonya Civilization.

This incident caused a lot of enthusiasm that year, and even the countries of the Old World were alarmed. A large number of scholars were sent to explore the New World, but in the end they discovered that these so-called New World civilization artifacts were actually forged by later generations. Yes, this also makes the Tonya civilization known as a scam, or pseudo-civilization.

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