The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1263: Fringe folklore

Although Leo has knowledge of gun manufacturing far beyond this world, he does not intend to make subversive improvements to guns, such as reducing the barrel, making special bullets, adding rifling, and so on. He still follows the gun manufacturing habits of this world. Re-manufacturing some firearms, but he slightly improved the decoration of the firearms, so that the appearance of the firearms becomes more gorgeous without affecting their use, and it makes people feel like high-end goods at first glance.

   The guns in this world are very bulky. If you add decorations, they are even heavier. So unless it is the decorations placed in the display cabinet, the appearance of the firearms that can be used are all very simple.

Although Leo’s current physical state does not need to worry about strength at all, even the cannons that need to be hauled by trains can be picked up and used at will, but he does not just let the weight of the guns exist. He is making his own. When shooting guns, the metal smelting formula was improved, and a ferroalloy was created, which reduced the weight of the metal by one-third, and increased the hardness and toughness by nearly half.

Although Sylvia is more expert in things like this infiltrating the upper class, Leo does not intend to stand by and watch. After learning about Boj Hans’ hobbies, he already has a countermeasure in his mind. Those gorgeous firearms that are different from the gun styles of this world are just a stepping stone, and the metal that makes these firearms is the highlight.

Sylvia visited Leo once in the middle of the journey. After seeing those guns with exaggerated barrels and gorgeous appearance, she couldn't help but laugh. Although she is not an expert in gun manufacturing, she can see the appearance of this gun. It is against common sense.

   However, after listening to Leo's ideas, she also agreed, and in order to match Leo's ideas, she quickly acquired a small smelter in Beluk City to prepare for the future.

Sylvia’s purchase of a smelter has also attracted the attention of the dignitaries in Beluk City, but in their opinion it is a good thing, because they have bought real estate here and bought a business here, so this It means that Leo and Sylvia are ready to live here, and the huge wealth they hold will naturally be used in Beluk City, which can make Beluk City more prosperous.

   So in the matter of Sylvia's purchase of a smelter, they also gave Sylvia a great help, reducing some of the troubles that many foreigners would encounter when buying a business.

   However, compared to Sylvia's purchase of a smelter, the big figures in Beluk are more concerned about the preparation of the Belmont Manor banquet.

Judging from the collected information, the preparations for the banquet are proceeding in an orderly manner. Almost all the dignitaries who can be invited in Beluk City have invited them, and many scholars and celebrities have also sent invitation letters. , This can be said to be a rare gathering of celebrities in Beiruk.

The Belmont Manor banquet has also become a hot topic in Beiruk recently. Everyone is talking about how grand the banquet will be. According to the procurement catalog of Belmont Manor, the scale of the banquet is comparable to that of the Federal Republic. The marriage banquet of the House family and the fourth Hans family is comparable.

   Some newspapers who were also curious about this banquet sent their staff to squat around the Belmont Manor, wanting to see what was prepared inside.

However, the Belmont family’s security is very well done, leaving them no chance at all. Anyone who tried to break into the Belmont Manor was caught by the security staff the moment they entered the manor and sent directly. In the city police station, it is impossible to get out in a short time.

However, even so, some people still used some special methods to spy on the preparation of the Belmont Manor banquet. This special method is to simply set up a high recommended shelf outside the manor, and then climb to the top of the shelf and cross the courtyard wall. And the woods on the edge, I saw some open areas of the manor.

  According to the reports of these reporters, the Belmont Manor was not only specially arranged for the banquet with various gorgeous and ancient bronze sculptures, but also a crystal palace was built and electric lights were installed.

Although the Crystal Palace has not been used yet, everyone who has seen it can infer that when the electric light is turned on at night, the light of the electric light shuttles and scatters in the Crystal Palace, which will inevitably illuminate the entire manor and make all the people in it look like a person. Just like during the day, I won't encounter some misunderstandings and embarrassment caused by the dim environment at other dinners.

Soon the time for the invitation letter came. Sylvia hired almost all the horse-drawn carriages in Beluk City, dedicated to picking up and dropping guests. Even though many people have their own horse-drawn carriages, more people, especially scholars and society No celebrities have their own carriages.

When these people were still thinking about how to go to the banquet during the day, the carriage hired by Sylvia was already waiting at their door, which gave them an inexplicable sense of comfort and a preconceived affection for the owner of Belmont Manor. .

Tond Bruce is a professor of folklore at Beluk City University. He mainly studies the folklore knowledge of various countries in the world. The evolutionary history framework of folklore established in his early years has become the basic framework for folklore research in all countries in the world. He gained great prestige and became an authority in the study of folklore in the world.

   It’s just that, even though he has such great achievements and prestige, his life has not improved much because of this.

Folklore is a marginal subject in the colleges of various countries, and the resources available from the colleges are very small. There are not many wealthy people in the private sector. They are willing to fund folklore, a discipline that only inputs but has no output. The vast majority of folklore researchers Most of them will concurrently study religious studies, so that they can earn two salaries and barely support the expenses of the family.

But pure folklore scholars like Tond Bruce are extremely difficult to live, but compared to the folklore researchers at the bottom, Tond Bruce is not bad, after all, in addition to his daily salary, every There is also a research award from the Folklore Association, which allows him to support himself even if he does not take part-time jobs in the religion he hates most.

However, his good days have come to an end recently. Because his wife divorced him, the court sentenced him to pay a certain amount of alimony to his wife every month, and the amount of alimony was almost equal to two-thirds of him. After he paid alimony, let alone engage in folklore research, I am afraid that even normal life may be very difficult.

The dilemma of life also made him have to consider the advice of his colleagues and go to the religious studies part-time job, but if he does this, then his beliefs that he has adhered to for many years may be completely destroyed as a result, and his aversion to religion It became a joke.

   Just when Tond Bruce was hesitating at home whether he should go to religious studies, the invitation letter from Belmont Manor was carefully sent to him by the manor servant.

   Looking at the exquisite invitation letter in his hand, Todd Bruce had an incredible expression on his face.

   The banquet at Belmont Manor has been the hottest topic in the entire city of Beluk during the recent period. When everyone is talking about how grand the banquet will be, they are also concerned about who gets the invitation letter.

Because this banquet is not only aimed at the powerful and powerful in Beluk City, but also a large number of scholars and celebrities. Every time someone in the college gets an invitation letter, it will cause a lot of turmoil. This invitation letter even to a certain extent It has also become the academic proof of those people.

   Todd Bruce also imagined that he was getting an invitation, but this was only a fantasy. In fact, he thought that it was impossible for him to get an invitation.

   This is mainly because folklore is too unpopular. It ranks at the bottom of the college's unpopular courses all the year round. Even the college has begun to discuss whether it is necessary to continue to allow folklore to exist in the past two years.

Therefore, when he got the invitation letter from Belmont Manor, his first thought was not that someone got an invitation letter for his own good luck, but that he was wondering if someone was deliberately fixing him. He didn’t realize it until after repeated confirmations. I really got the invitation to the banquet.

This gave him a new idea immediately. He thought that most of the people attending the banquet were not rich or noble, and these people were not usually seen by marginal scholars like him. If he could say at the banquet If some dignitaries are used to provide funding for his research projects, his current dilemma will be easily solved, and he does not need to think about violating his beliefs and doing part-time religious studies.

Thinking of this, he immediately put down all the things in his hands, specially prepared for the banquet, even took out the only deposit, bought a suitable dress, and went to the hairdresser to get his hair, beard, etc. I sorted them out to make myself look neater.

   On the day of the banquet, he originally planned to take the city train to the Great North Point area earlier, where he waited until the beginning of the evening banquet before going in, so as not to be late due to some accidents.

But what he didn't expect was that the servant of Belmont Manor, who sent the invitation letter just before he left the house, was waiting at the door. There was also a carriage with him. After seeing him, the servant immediately came forward and said that this day will be Served him by the side, and prepared his dress on the carriage.

Although the dress he himself bought was personally bought, compared to the dress provided to him by the owner of Belmont Manor, the material, fabric, cut, and style far surpassed the dress he bought himself. He feels embarrassed that even the fit and comfort level after putting it on are much better than what he bought himself, as if it was tailor-made for him, which made him treat the owner of the Belmont Manor who had not yet met. Suddenly liked it.

Now that there is a special carriage, Todd Bruce no longer needs to rush to the Great North Point area to wait for the night to come. He returned to his office in the college in the carriage, and after the carriage entered the college, it immediately attracted a lot of people. Attention, because the badge hung on the carriage is exactly the badge pattern of Belmont Manor, which made them quickly recognize that the carriage is a carriage exclusively for invited guests, and they also wondered about the guests on the carriage. who is it.

It's just that when they saw the carriage parked in front of the humble little house of folklore, and when Todd Bruce stepped off the carriage, all of them were dumbfounded as if they had seen something incredible. Obviously they and Todd · Bruce's own views are the same. Folklore professors cannot be the invitees.

The surprised expressions on the faces of the people around were naturally seen by Tond Bruce. I don’t know why he suddenly developed a strong feeling of pride in his heart. This emotion even exceeds that when he went to the New World Folklore Association. The feeling of pride when you get the lifetime achievement award.

   didn't know whether it was a psychological reason or a physical change. He suddenly felt that his footsteps seemed to have become a lot lighter, as if he was about to fly.

These emotional changes were not revealed by him, nor did he look at the people around him more. He was just instructing the servants of Belmont Manor to wait outside, then stepped into the folklore school and came to his office. , Closed the door, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

He didn't know why he had to laugh, but he just thought it was a pleasure to laugh like this. After he laughed, he calmed down again, then he thought about it seriously, and quickly searched through the file cabinet in the office, UU reading has extracted more than a dozen folders from a large number of files that have been sealed for many years.

These folders are some of the research projects he made before. At that time, he was still ambitious about folklore. He hoped that through the research of these projects, he could obtain results that would attract the world's attention. Unfortunately, the college was unwilling to provide anything. A research fund, even if the research funding he needs for these projects is only a fraction of a research project in religious studies.

   In the end, all the documents he prepared were received in the folder and stored in the filing cabinet.

   Now he feels that his opportunity has come. These research projects may be able to be taken out again, and the person who makes him feel hopeful is the owner of Belmont Manor.

He no longer put his hope of obtaining research funds on the nobles in Beluk City, because he felt that even if the ideas of those nobles must be the same as the academy, otherwise, his own folklore research would not be possible. No one has paid attention to it for so many years, so it is obvious that the chance of success is very low to continue to start from those powerful.

On the contrary, it is a pair of foreigners, the owner of Belmont Manor. Judging from their respect and attention to themselves, the other party is obviously also interested in folklore, and the other party also has a lot of funds on hand, as long as they can come up with enough attractive research projects. , Then the success rate of getting research funds from the other party will be very high.


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