The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1265: Tond's discovery

"The mysterious world under steampunk (!

Also because of this incident, the once extremely hot New World Civilization has cooled down in an instant. Many scholars and experts who are famous for this subject have been ruined, and even affected other related subjects. This incident has also become the laughingstock of the entire world until It took many years for the bad influences to gradually dissipate, and disciplines such as archaeology, folklore, and religion were accepted again by various colleges and universities.

However, to this day New World Civilization is still a taboo. The mainstream academic community still does not recognize the existence of any civilization in the New World before the migration of the Old World. Anyone who mentions the civilization of the New World will be regarded as a heresy to be defeated, because the academic world has already Can't bear the farce of fake civilization at once.

Although Tond Bruce was not a firm supporter of the civilization of the New World, he also believed that civilization existed in the New World before the Great Migration, and that civilization suddenly disappeared because of unknown reasons.

The reason why he thinks this is because when he was studying folklore in his early years, he found some ruins of dilapidated man-made buildings in some remote areas. Although the locals said that those buildings were settlements left by early explorers and migrants, but He could tell from the style of those buildings that these architectural relics did not belong to any kind of Old World civilization style.

And more importantly, there are some legends in all the areas where he has discovered such relics. The content of these legends is strange and there is no similarity, but what is strange is that these legends all mention a name. For the mysterious existence of Guge, he will suddenly appear after a certain stage of the legendary story, and then sing a long poem out loud.

This is not something worthy of attention. Folklore basically has some things in common. They may all be derived from the same legend. Someone hears this legend and thinks that some content sounds good, so they use themselves. Inside the legendary story.

For example, there are hundreds of versions of the most classic mouse-seeker legend in the Old World. Almost every country has its own mouse-seeker legend, and the content is somewhat similar.

But the problem is that the content of these legends containing the mysterious existence of Gu Ge are all different, only the mysterious existence of Gu Ge is the same, and the long poems sung by Gu Ge are also completely different, but they are coherent, and the areas where these legends are spread are all separated. It's far away, and the furthest one is almost separated by dozens of countries, and the people living in those areas are all different in ethnicity or the native place of the Old World.

And the strangest thing is that only those areas where there are man-made architectural relics have such legends circulating. Once you leave that area, even if it is the same country or the same nation, there is no legend related to it.

This discovery aroused great interest in Tond Bruce. For this reason, he also tried to write a research project report, hoping to obtain financial support from relevant associations and colleges, but this matter involved the New World civilization, and ultimately did not by.

However, he did not give up. In the absence of external financial support, he did not hesitate to take out the prize money he had accumulated over the years, and go to those areas to collect information at his own expense. In the end, he would go to all the areas where such legends have spread. After that, I collected all the long poems sung by the legendary Gu Ge.

At this time, he discovered that these long poems were actually a coherent poem. The content of this poem was how a great civilization went from prosperity to decline. Eventually, the survivors left this world and entered the world called Dreamland.

This discovery convinced Tond Bruce that the civilization mentioned in this long poem was the lost civilization of the New World. For this reason, he once again went to the area closest to the Haute Federation, hoping to discover more from the remnants of man-made buildings in that area. Many clues.

But it turned out that the remains of that area were completely destroyed by the local government under the name of a certain project, and the people who originally lived here were also dispersed and moved to other places.

Originally Tond Bruce thought this was just an exception, but later he discovered that other areas where such legends were spread also encountered the same situation. What is even more bizarre is that all his relevant research materials disappeared overnight. , And no one knows how it disappeared. Even if he called the police, he was only told that there was no trace of theft. This made him more and more sure that he should have discovered some secrets of the world, and someone was covering up these secrets. .

Although the downturn in his career over the years is largely related to the doctrine that folklore is marginal and unpopular, the incident may have had some influence back then.

However, he did not give up relevant research on this, and has still been secretly collecting clues about the Tonian civilization over the years, but unfortunately there are few clues related to it.

He knew a stone mural related to the Tonian civilization in the Monte Manor a long time ago. He wanted to see it with his own eyes. Unfortunately, even if the Monte Manor was abandoned, it still belongs to a private domain. The security work in the Great North Point area is also very important. Strictly, even a thief cannot sneak in, let alone a weak scholar like him.

Today’s banquet fulfilled his long-cherished wish for many years, allowing him to see the slate mural, and at the same time, he easily judged from the content painted on it that this slate mural indeed belongs to the Tonian civilization. Among the patterns painted on the stone slabs, he found several things mentioned in Gu Ge's long poems.

Although the Gu Ge long poems are only text descriptions, the details of the descriptions of those things are so detailed that he can immediately associate them with just one glance, as if he had seen them before.

After seeing a piece of evidence that can prove the real existence of Tonian civilization, Tond Bruce was so excited that he completely forgot where he was and who he was talking to. He heard someone call Tonian civilization. After it was a pseudo-civilization, he immediately refuted it.

However, after saying this, he immediately regretted it again. He was worried that Leo Dodd thought he was a researcher of the New World civilization, and then regarded him as an academic liar. In that case, those he prepared I am afraid that the research project documents are really in vain.

However, when Tond Bruce was uneasy, Leo did not argue with him whether the Tonian civilization was a pseudo-civilization, nor did he further discuss the content of the slate murals, but turned his head. He looked at the briefcase on the side and said, "Mr. Professor, what's in these briefcases?"

"Huh?" Todd Bruce didn't react for a while, was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his opportunity was coming, and hurriedly picked up the briefcase on the ground, and said in a panic: "These are all yours, uh. No, it’s some of my research project documents. These days, I have sorted out the past dozens of days, oh no, some research projects of decades, hope, hope..."

Halfway through, Todd Bruce didn't know what to say for a while. He couldn't say it directly, such as asking the other party to invest money in his research project, so his face became a little embarrassed.

"Can I see it?" Leo asked calmly without caring about the other party's state.

"Yes, you can, of course!" Tond Bruce hurriedly took out the files, and then handed them all to Leo.

Leo took the file, walked to the desk aside, put the file on the table, turned on the light, and then said to the butler standing at the door: "You can leave first. If the lady asks me, just say I have something. ."

"I see, sir." The butler nodded, went out, and closed the door.

"Sit a while, and wait until I finish reading the documents." Leo pointed to the sofa not far away, gestured to Todd Bruce, then took out a document and looked through it seriously.

Tond Bruce walked to the sofa, sat on it restrained, and looked nervously at the desk. Although it is not clear whether Leo will become an investor in his research project, Leo can take his research project seriously. The documents have already made him happy, because over the years, even the director of the college who specializes in project investment has never looked at the project documents he submitted so seriously.

These documents involve more than a dozen different research projects. Tond Bruce is a scholar and researcher who doesn’t know how to invest, so the research project documents he wrote are more like some kind of academic report. All the content inside is made up of a large number of boring technical terms. Such content will not generate any desire to invest after reading it. It may even be impossible to help the file without reading the first page. Sweep them all into the trash can.

However, for Leo, the academic writing in Todd Bruce is very much in line with his taste, and he can also obtain a lot of useful information from it.

Although the document was boring and difficult to understand, it was not too difficult for Leo. He quickly read it through and completely remembered and understood the content.

After closing the document, he said to Todd Bruce: "Your research projects include not only folklore studies, but also archeology, sociology, religious studies, and occult studies. It is very complicated. You Does one person have the energy to study so many projects?"

"Of course not." Todd Bruce replied quickly: "But if I have enough funding, I can recruit enough research groups. I only need to be responsible for the research direction and analyze the data. I don't need to do everything personally. Intervene.” As he said, he added: “You should have seen my resume. I once had the experience of being in charge of seven research groups at the same time, and the seven research groups have achieved results.”

"But those seven research groups are just one subject, not involving so many subjects." Leo retorted, beckoning the other party not to say more, and directly asked: "If I am willing to invest in your projects, you need How much money?"

Todd Bruce thought about it seriously, then raised his hand and said: "Forty thousand Oats, I only need 40,000 Oats."

"Forty thousand Oats? That means there are only more than two thousand Oats per project." Leo frowned and said, "Is the money enough?"

Todd Bruce could see that Leo already had investment intentions, and worried that his price was too high to make the other party give up the investment, so he quickly replied: "No, not a lot! Just save some money, it's enough."

Leo thought for a while, and said: "Forty thousand Oats is too little. I can provide you with 400,000 Oats. If necessary, I can add them later."

"Huh?" Todd Bruce was completely stunned. He suddenly had the illusion that he was dreaming. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he might have drawn a mouth heavily to his face to confirm whether he was really in it. dream.

Leo added: "But the money is also conditional, that is, I want to account for 90% of the project shares, and I have the right to access all research materials, including the power that cannot be published."

For Leo’s request, Tond Bruce hesitated. First of all, the proportion of shares in research projects must be high. Investors can only get 60% at most in normal research projects. There are a few special projects with unknown prospects. For new discipline projects, investors can also get about 70%, but 90%, and 90% of all research projects, which obviously far exceeds those conventions.

What's more, the research projects he brought are not the kind of projects with unknown prospects, but all projects with appreciable value. Now he is only one step away from the final results. As long as there is sufficient capital investment, they If they can conduct on-site inspections, they may collect enough physical evidence to support the results of the project, so Leo’s investment will basically not be too risky.

The more important point is that Leo wants to have the power to access all research materials. This is obviously the most unacceptable, because by convention, investors can only access research materials related to the project. Reference materials and other materials have no right to read, and the ownership of those things belongs to the project leader.

Although Leo’s conditions are very attractive, the additional requirements are very excessive. Tond Bruce instinctively wants to refuse such a request. UU Reading ends this conversation.

But in the end he suppressed the urge to refuse and seriously considered whether this request was acceptable, because he knew very well that if this opportunity was lost, it would be unclear whether there would be a chance to reappear next time, and he did not. Confidence can spend more than ten years waiting for the next opportunity.

After thinking about it again and again, Tond Bruce still failed to make up his mind to agree to Leo’s conditions, but said with a serious expression: "Sorry, Leo, this decision is very difficult to make. I need to go back and think about it. You reply."

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting for your reply." Leo did not urge the other party to make a decision, but reorganized the documents in his hand, put it back in the briefcase, and handed it back to Tom Bruce, saying.

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