"Impossible, he can't wear the crown of thorns." Leo thought about it for a while before he refused Bai Lu without hesitation.

Sylvia was a little relieved when she heard the words. To be honest, she was really hesitant just now whether she should agree to Tolan, because the white deer represented the blessing of the Black Forest and gave Tolan the crown of thorns, whether it was The role of concealment, or the role of the name, is too big.

With a little manipulation, she can make the kingdom of Bodo that hastily established itself firmly. She does not need to buy slaves to increase the population of the Kingdom of Bodo. Anyone who hears the blessing of the White Deer will take the initiative to take refuge. Come here, because the White Deer Blessing represents orthodoxy, even the Church of the Lord of the Sky cannot deny this matter.

If this kind of thing were placed on Sylvia herself, Sylvia would definitely agree to it without hesitation, because she would never use the power contained in the Crown of Thorns, so the side effects would not exist.

But Toran is different. Although Toran is not an ordinary person, through Sylvia's teaching and the wizard's potion left by Leo, he also has a certain degree of bloodline power, which is barely a purchase. The world of the transcendent.

But Toran’s power is not strong. Once facing other transcendents, he will definitely need to borrow other powers, and the crown of thorns that can summon powerful creatures from Hessian is his best weapon, plus the charm of the crown of thorns itself. Power, Sylvia suspected that if the Crown of Thorns were to fall into Tolan's hands, it would not take five years for Toran to be robbed of all his life by the Crown of Thorns.

It's just that the effect of the Crown of Thorns was too great. She was lost for a while and made her hesitate. Now Leo responded quickly, and she also woke up and nodded in agreement.

In this regard, Bai Lu did not say anything, it seems that Leo will make such a decision entirely in his expectation.

However, he still had some regrets in his eyes, and said with a deep meaning: "It's a pity. I always feel that choosing your family as the owner of the crown of thorns is far better than choosing someone else."

This sentence sounds okay, but Leo and Sylvia are both very sensitive people. After hearing Bai Lu's words, they immediately had a nearly identical association in their minds.

Sylvia couldn't help asking: "Has the Black Forest elected the new owner of the Crown of Thorns?"

Bai Lu didn't answer, but just smiled, and went back to his golden stage to get down.

Although she didn't get the exact answer, Sylvia couldn't help but continue to ask: "Is that person in the mainland of Mozambique?"

Bai Lu still did not answer, but his sight shifted to the north.

Seeing Bai Lu's performance that was not even a hint, Leo and Sylvia couldn't help but glance at each other.

Although Bai Lu did not say anything, Leo and Sylvia have already understood what Bai Lu meant. Obviously, in the near future, a person wearing a crown of thorns will re-emerge in the Velen continent. This person may reunify the Velon continent. Create a new dynasty.

For the two of them, this is not a good thing, but it is not a bad thing either.

In their opinion, even if the Continent of Velen has gone through such a long period of turmoil and its civilization has already degraded for hundreds of years, the foundation of the Continent of Velen is still there, not to mention the support of the Black Forest. The return of an extremely strong posture, when the time comes, even the depths of the mainland of Mozambique will more or less be affected by some adverse effects.

But similarly, if there is a new dynasty in the Weilun mainland, it will definitely attract the attention of the whole world. Everyone will definitely pay attention to this new dynasty, and will also focus on preventing the establishment of the new dynasty. The Flange Empire, the strongest empire in the world of Vinylon, has disappeared. No country wants to see another strongest empire on top of its head, especially in countries like the U.S. Kingdom. So with the emergence of this new dynasty, the Kingdom of Bodo It will be able to retreat to the second line and have the time and space for stable development.

After thinking about it for a while, Leo said, "Although you can't give Tolan a blessing, I still hope you can participate in Tolan's coronation ceremony, even if you just stand by and watch."

"Yes." Bai Lu did not refuse, nodded, and then he said again: "If I were you, it would be better to go to the church of the lady in the lake, maybe you can get a good response."

"Lady in the lake?" Sylvia frowned slightly and said, "But because of the relationship between the lady in the lake and the Kingdom of England, he..."

Bai Lu reminded: "Have you forgotten that the state religion of the English Kingdom is the Poseidon Church."

After Bai Lu’s reminder, the two of them remembered the incident. In the past, they had subconsciously ignored the story about the Lady in the Lake in the English Kingdom and the folk belief in the Lady in the Lake. The thing is that the relationship between the Ladies Church in Lake and the Royal Family of England is not very good. The Poseidon Church was also launched by the Royal Family of England to counter the influence of the Ladies Church in the Lake in the nobles.

And now, although the Ladies Church in Huzhong is spread all over the world, there is no official country that has established Ladies Church in Huzhong as the state religion. I don't know if this happened unintentionally or was caused deliberately by some force.

Although the Ladies Church in Huzhong’s restraint on the world of Vinylon is far from comparable to that of Bailu, its influence is much greater than that of the emerging Bailu church, and only a few churches such as the Lord of the Sky can match it. Therefore, if the Ladies Church in Huzhong becomes the state religion of the Kingdom of Bodo, its short-term effect will be higher than that of the Bailu Church.

"But what about you?" Leo thought for a while and couldn't help asking in confusion, "If the Ladies Church in Huzhong becomes the state religion, what about your Bailu Church?"

Facing this question, Bai Lu did not answer, but just smiled.

At this moment, Sylvia seemed to realize something and turned to look north, and Leo saw Sylvia's movements in his eyes and seemed to understand.

Obviously the new dynasty that will appear on the continent of Velen in the future will be the final belonging of the White Deer Church, which makes both of them feel a little unhappy, as if the children they gave birth to eventually become someone else's.

Bai Lu seemed to have seen through the two people's ideas, and gave a statement equivalent to a promise, saying: "Don't worry, no matter how the world situation changes, some things will not change."

The slightly solemn expressions on Leo and Sylvia's faces also eased a bit. Sylvia also seemed to have made a decision. He gestured to Leo, then saluted the White Deer and retired, and then led the people away from the Deer Garden Temple. , It seemed that he was going to the Ladies' Church Church in Huzhong, located in Hope City.

Seeing Sylvia leave, Bai Lu hummed dissatisfiedly: "It's really an unflattering woman, she doesn't even have the intention to cover up. If I were a little stingy, I would definitely hate her behavior just now. ."

Leo did not give any response to Bai Lu's complaint, because he remembered another thing at this time, and then took out the stone and the book he had obtained from the wasteland and placed it in front of Bai Lu and asked: "Master Bailu, do you know what these two things are?"

At first, Bai Lu glanced at these two things unconcernedly, but soon it seemed to perceive something, with an expression of incomparable surprise on its face, and moved its head close to the stone and the book carefully. After looking at it, the expression on his face also became serious. It took a while before he asked Leo: "Where did you get these two things?"

Although Leo knew the magic of these two things a long time ago, when he saw the change of Bai Lu's expression, he faintly felt that his evaluation of these two things might be low.

Facing Bai Lu’s question, Leo told Bai Lu how he got what he wanted to see here. When he heard that the book was from the Wizard of the Tower, Bai Lu’s face showed such a look, but in After learning that the stone came from a slave auction house, he showed a confused expression.

However, after hearing that the shaman of the northern holy mountain was chasing Leo because of this stone, the expression on Bai Lu's face gradually turned into contemplation.

Leo didn't interrupt Bai Lu's contemplation, but just sat beside him and waited quietly.

It took a long time for Bai Lu to recover from his contemplation, and then the dryads on both sides of him signaled and told them to leave, and followed him to cast a spell to turn the temple into an isolated domain. Then he said: "My lord, although He is the lord of the Black Forest, but he can’t fully control everything in the Black Forest. There are places in the Black Forest that my lord can’t reach either.”

Leo pointed to the stone and the book subconsciously, and said, "Are they from out of reach?"

Bai Lu nodded and said, "Those places are forbidden places for me. I can't touch those places, so I don't know much about those places. I can only determine that the stone should come from through some known characteristics. In those places, and the book has a passage to one of the forbidden places."

Leo picked up the stone and looked at it, and asked, "Does any stone that flows from that place possess this magical power?"

"Of course not." Bai Lu shook his head and said: "This stone is not an ordinary stone. This stone is the remains of a powerful god, a powerful **** in a forbidden world."

"The remains of the gods?" Leo was stunned, and then took a closer look. He really couldn't see how this stone had anything to do with the gods, but he still chose to believe in Bailu's words, after all, compared to just having a stone. To be able to eliminate all the magical effects of power, the remains of the gods are more in line with common sense.

Bai Lu paused for a while, and then said: "Generally the gods that appear in the forbidden area are the outer gods from the endless chaotic starry sky."

Leo was stunned when he heard the words, as if thinking of something, and said: "Is the forbidden land of the Black Forest only because of the outer gods?"

Bai Lu did not answer this question, but his attitude had already given Leo the answer, and then he seemed unwilling to say more about the stone, and instead put the topic on the book with a certain world channel, and said: "I It is guessed that this book should be the result of many years of research on the tower, and the final whereabouts of the tower wizard is also related to this book."

Leo said in a puzzled way: "Didn't all the tower wizards fall in the wasteland?"

"How is that possible." Bai Lu looked at Leo with a strange look, seeming to wonder how Leo would say such a stupid question, and said: "You think about the owners of those high towers. No one's strength is weaker than you, and it is impossible to enter the depths of the wasteland with your strength to be life-threatening, not to mention them."

Leo said: "They may have left this world from the edge of the world in the depths of the wasteland."

"If that's the case, I must know where they are going." Bai Lu answered Leo's question with a very certain tone, and then said: "The tower is always looking for a way to leave the Black Forest. They think that the black The forest is a cage, imprisoning them, and the outside of the Black Forest is a free world, so no matter what kind of witchcraft in the tower, opening up space rifts and capturing space debris are their core skills."

At this time, Leo thought of the passage from Vinaya Port to several stable subspace debris, and couldn't help but wonder: "The tower wizards are just human beings in the world of Velen. Even if they have a powerful power, their perceptions are not. With limitations, how can they master such a high level of spatial knowledge?"

"Yes, the tower wizards are all humans in this world, but the people who created the tower are not, and the things left over are not the products of this world~www.ltnovel.com~ Bailu explained it, and then if there is a deep meaning He looked at Leo and said, "Just like you, you are not only from this world, but not from this world." "

Leo was not too surprised by the fact that Bai Lu saw his true situation. After all, the various behaviors and cognitions he showed were very different from those in this world, let alone Bai Lu, even if it was a little bit. People close to him may be able to see a trace of abnormality, but no one can be completely sure like Bailu.

However, Leo is more concerned about another thing at this moment. This is the creator of the tower referred to by Bai Lu. If Leo does not understand it wrongly, the creator of the tower referred to by Bai Lu may also come from a certain People of cosmic civilization may even be people from the Earth Federation. After all, if they are not humans, they would be targeted as monsters when they were seen by people in the past, and there would be no tall towers.

"Is he a human?" Leo made a guess in his heart, in order to avoid making mistakes, he still asked like a white deer.

"In a sense, it's a human being." Bai Lu did not give a definite answer, but when he said this, he looked at Leo.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Leo's mind at this time, and he asked in a deep voice, "Am I him?"

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