The first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the top of the distant mountain, through the towering forest, through the thick city wall, and shining on the top of the obelisk in the City of Hope. The morning clock placed on the top began to shake under the mechanical push. Get up, and emit a clear and loud bell, awakening the whole city from its deep sleep.

The entire city immediately fell into a carnival. Today is the coronation ceremony of King Toran I. The Kingdom of Bodo will also become an official kingdom today. For this reason, the government of the Kingdom of Bodo is on holiday except for the necessary departments and the army. And all food and wine are free during these three days to celebrate the coronation of Toran I.

The envoys of various countries also rushed to the Star Palace where the coronation ceremony was held in the early morning. The court attendants who had been waiting there brought the envoys of various countries to the positions prepared for them. These positions were carefully arranged, respectively. They are ranked according to their influence, affinity and overall strength.

After the envoys of various countries took their seats, they couldn’t help but look at a position at the front of the observatory. The situation there was a bit abnormal. There were obviously more than a dozen positions, but only one person was sitting there, and the people sitting there seemed to be in the mood. It was very bad, his face was tied tightly, as if someone owed him a big debt and didn't pay it back. Everyone looked vicious.

As the largest country on the continent of Mozambique, even though the relationship between the Kingdom of America and the Kingdom of Bodo is very bad, it can be said to be a hostile state, the Kingdom of Bodo still leaves a seat for the Kingdom of the U.S. in accordance with etiquette.

The ceremonial officials in charge of the coronation ceremony never thought that the United States would send people to participate in the coronation ceremony when preparing their seats, just to show the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Porto in front of the envoys of various countries, but what people never thought was that the United States was actually An envoy was sent. Although there was only one envoy, his status was very high. He was Prince Will, the second in line in the United States, and was also one of the few powerful army commanders in the United States.

Not only was the Kingdom of Bodo a little overwhelmed by the move of the Kingdom of America, but also the envoys of other countries were also surprised. They subconsciously came to observe Prince Will for the homage, and the actual purpose was to be part of the coronation ceremony. Make things happen and make the Kingdom of Bodo suffer fertility losses.

The envoys of various countries would think of this, and the ceremonial officials of the Kingdom of Bodo naturally thought of this. They were very worried about this, so they notified the general who was in charge of the coronation ceremony. For this reason, the general immediately sent several teams of patrols in charge of security. , And deployed additional manpower around the seats of the United States of America, in order to control the situation as soon as possible in case of an accident, so as to avoid the accidental termination of the coronation ceremony.

As the envoy of the United States of America, Prince Will of course felt the unabashedly increased surveillance manpower around him, and he also understood what the security guards thought. For this, he felt that Wo Huo's mood had become worse. , He even had the idea of ​​doing tricks and messing up at the coronation ceremony.

However, this kind of thought can only flash in his mind. Although he is reckless, impulsive, and arbitrary, he is not a fool. If he really makes trouble during the coronation ceremony of Toran I, Ihill Via's character is absolutely impossible for him to leave Hope City alive.

Although the fire in his stomach cannot be vented here, he has already remembered in his heart the person who caused him to be sent here to be humiliated. When he returns home, he will make that person regret everything he has done. Even if he has a high position in the United States.

However, the focus on him did not last long, and soon the envoys from the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Deliat became the center of attention.

The Kingdom of Inge is now the true maritime hegemon. The country that the entire world of Vinylon can contend with at sea no longer exists. The previous Kingdom of Sigma thought that it was at sea when the mutant monster appeared, so it did not prepare for it in advance and was mutated. The monster was caught off guard, and several important ports have fallen. Only a few cities such as the capital have not been breached. Now it can be said to be overwhelmed, and it is even more impossible to send any fleet to compete with the Kingdom of England for maritime supremacy.

Even recently, there was a news that the Kingdom of Sigma had been incorporated into the Kingdom of England, on condition that the Kingdom of England would help them clean up the mutant monsters in the country.

If this news is just ordinary news circulating on the market, no one will believe the authenticity of this news, but the problem is that the party who sent the news is the Poseidon Church, which is also regarded as the state religion by the Kingdom of Sigma, then the news is very great. It might be true.

If the Kingdom of England really annexed the Kingdom of Sigma, then the Kingdom of England would inevitably become a maritime hegemon in the absolute sense, and the Kingdom of England would be eligible to be transformed into the Empire of England.

As a country that may achieve great empires in the future, coupled with the ocean that controls the world of Vinylon, it is reasonable for the English Kingdom to be watched by everyone, and the reason why many small countries even come to attend the ceremony is to take the opportunity to join the Kingdom of England. Build a good relationship and pave the way for future maritime trade.

If the English Kingdom is so important in the hearts of the envoys of the countries of the mainland of Mozambique, the reason is not only the power of the English Kingdom itself, but also the benefits of maritime trade, then the Kingdom of Deliat is purely power, because from various rumors. Look, the Kingdom of Deliat is likely to unify the entire Minsk continent and become the second empire that truly unifies one continent after the French Empire.

The ice kingdom Deliat is a mysterious and remote country for most countries in Mozambique. Even the vast majority of people in the mainland of Mozambique think that ice and snow is the name of this kingdom because it has never snowed in Mozambique. Naturally, I don’t know what snow is.

After all the news about the Snow Kingdom reached the mainland of Mozambique, it would be heard by the people of the continent as a myth. Especially after the queen of the Snow Kingdom publicly announced that she had become a demigod, it confirmed that this was a fairy tale, and No one thinks that the Snow Queen is a demigod.

For the people of Mozambique, the only thing that is enviable in the Ice Kingdom is that there has never been a wave of mutant monsters there. The life there is no different from before the foggy year. For those who are sensible before the foggy year In other words, it is an era in which one can walk safely on the earth, and it is also an era of peace, although this peace requires quotation marks.

However, in the past few years, the ice kingdom Deliat, who had always stayed in his own country without any movement, has moved frequently. First, the cities and territories bordering it have announced their separation from their respective countries and joined the ice kingdom.

According to the past practice, these mutineers will definitely be eliminated by the army of the Savile Kingdom and the Marris Kingdom, and all those who lead the mutineers will be put to death.

But now the main armies of the two kingdoms are trapped in the capital and some important cities, and the endless mutated monsters have occupied all the energy of these armies, not to mention Deliat, which is already the strongest in Minsk. The kingdom is now, and with Deliat’s military strength, it is possible to easily defeat and even encircle the exhausted armies of the two countries.

On the one hand, there was no consumption in the foggy year, and the national strength was completely preserved after all, and it has a powerful country with a leap-forward improvement. On the other hand, there are two heavy losses in the foggy year, and they have been exhausted for more than two decades. It is no exaggeration to say that if the Kingdom of Deliat launches an expedition to the south, it will take at most one year to completely annex the entire Minsk continent.

But the Kingdom of Deliat did not do that, because for Deliat now, the biggest obstacle is not the broken regimes and armies of the two kingdoms, but the two churches deeply rooted in the two kingdoms. The Church of the King of the Hill and the Church of the Lord of All Things.

Although the Church of the Lord of the Sky is called the First Church of Vinylon by the world, it also claims to be so, but even the fanatical believers of the Lord of the Sky know very well that it is not counted as church influence, only in terms of the strength of the church itself. The two ancient churches, the King of the Hill and the Church of the Lord of All Things, are not much worse than the Church of the Lord of the Sky.

These two churches are like two giant mountains, blocking all those trying to unify the Minsk mainland. Some people joked that even if the knight king is resurrected, there is probably no way to complete the unification of Minsk under the suppression of the two churches. The great cause of the mainland.

However, this situation seems to have changed. Not long ago, news came that the Church of Lady Bingxue, the Church of the King of the Hill, and the Church of the Lord of All Things had a semi-public religious meeting to discuss the contents of the previous part. Most of them were the three churches cooperating with the elimination of mutant monsters. The content of this part was made public, and the content of the latter was about the possibility of the merger of the three kingdoms, but this part was not made public.

However, judging from the subsequent exchanges between the three major churches and the deployment of some armies of the Marais Kingdom and the Savile Kingdom, it seems that the three major churches have reached a certain consensus during this meeting, and this consensus is likely to be the Snow Kingdom. Deliat annexed the two major southern countries to form a single continental empire.

The ice kingdom Deliat may be too far away for the people and countries of Mozambique, and there is no deterrent, but for a Minsk continental empire, even if that empire is on the other side of the ocean, its deterrence is still enough to make The countries of the continent of Mozambique are nervous, especially the master of this empire is still a demigod that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Therefore, when the envoys of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Deliat were led to their positions, some countries from the mainland of Mozambique gathered to talk to them and conduct some untimely diplomatic exchanges.

After the envoys of various countries were placed on their seats, it didn’t take long for the envoys sent by the various churches in the world of Velen to be brought into the Star Palace one after another. The Lord of the Sky, the King of the Hill, the Lord of All Life and Death, and the White Deer, etc. Waiting for the church to come to the Star Palace one after another.

The most noticed among this group of people is the White Deer Church. The reason why it has attracted attention is not only because the White Deer Church is a new church, and its emergence is extremely legendary. It is also related to the mysterious Black Forest, and more importantly. Among the messengers of the White Deer Church, there are two very strange existences, the two tree demons.

Although the tree deer has the lower body of a deer, the upper body of a human, and a pile of huge antlers, the appearance is extremely strange, but for those who have seen various mutant monsters, this strange appearance is not the focus of their attention. The place where they focused on the tree monster’s graceful figure and beautiful face. Even the devout believers who practice asceticism could not help but become breathing when they saw these two beautiful alien races with open breasts. After getting up quickly, many people have the illusion that the surrounding air becomes thinner and breathing is a little bit difficult.

However, everyone in the audience also knows to converge and control. Before making a joke, they turned their attention to other places and controlled their instinctive emotions. Some knowledgeable and sophisticated diplomats also quickly returned to normal, and they At this time, a problem was discovered. Among the churches present, there was a lack of a very important church Ladies in the Lake.

Although in Hope City and the surrounding Bodo region, the White Deer Church is the church with the largest number of believers, but the Lady of the Lake Church is not much worse than the White Deer Church, because Sylvia, the controller of the Dodd Group, is the Lady of the Lake. Sylvia also serves as the priest of the Ladies Church in the Lake, and UU Reading also has a certain influence in the Ladies Church in the Lake.

Although the protagonist of this coronation ceremony is Toran I, not Queen Sylvia, the relationship between the Ladies Church in the Lake and Toran I is also good. Tolan I spent most of his childhood at the White Hart Church, The Ladies’ Church in Huzhong and the headquarters of the Dodd Group moved back and forth, so King Tolan I’s attitude towards Ladies’ Church in Huzhong was no worse than that of the White Deer Church. How could Ladies’ Church in Huzhong send important figures to participate This is the second grand event.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Leo Dodd and Sylvia Belmont in costumes, surrounded by a large number of court attendants, entered the Palace of Stars, and walked directly to the front of the Crystal Throne. Sit down in their respective seats.

After the two sat down, they didn’t talk, they just waited quietly. The conversation in the Star Palace gradually became quieter and eventually disappeared. The envoys and messengers all sat back to their positions, and everyone was waiting. The beginning of the coronation ceremony.

After a long time, as a loud horn sounded outside the Palace of Stars, the pope of the Ladies Church in the lake was holding a colorful crystal crown with a piece of animal skin that radiated sacred light. Surrounded by the solemn and solemn church ceremonies, he slowly walked into the Palace of Stars, and everyone who witnessed it all understood why the Lady Lake Church did not sit with them.

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