The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1248: White Deer's Conditions

Leo stayed in the laboratory for a day and then left. The project directors and scholars in the laboratory were reluctant to give up on this, because Leo helped them solve the problems that had troubled them for several years or even more than ten years. The problem, it is no exaggeration to say that in the next few months, various projects in the laboratory will have a leap-forward breakthrough, and even final results will appear. This will be an overall strength for the Dodd Group or the Kingdom of Bodo. The leap.

However, compared to the gains of the project directors and scholars in the laboratory, Leo did not get the answers he wanted from this trip to the laboratory. The Blood Wizard and Valjean did not contact Rupert Fitz After getting a new body, Rupert Fitz deliberately disconnected from the two of them. It seems that he met Leo or Sylvia would track him down through the two, even in the laboratory. , And did not leave an eye and ear.

Through various materials, Leo found five people among the past staff in the laboratory that are most likely Rupert Fitz’s eyes and ears, but those five people were all behind Rupert Fitz’s body. , And died because of various experimental accidents. Obviously, this is a trace of Rupert Fitz's reasoning for himself.

If it was before, Leo wouldn’t care too much about Rupert Fitz’s hidden power, because the strength and purpose of this power have nothing to do with him, but now the Kingdom of Bodo is established, His descendants have become kings, so standing at the height of a country, such a force with unclear intentions hidden in the dark is not a good thing anyway.

So when he was in the laboratory, Leo had already considered finding out Rupert Fitz’s secret power before leaving Velen with Sylvia and going to other worlds to help her promote to a demigod, even if he could not be Eliminate, but also to figure out his intentions.

After leaving the laboratory, Leo did not immediately return to Luyuan, but took a detour to the valley where he found the universal recorder in his hand to see if he could find anything valuable.

However, the results made him feel a little disappointed. After discovering the universal recorder, Sylvia’s people should have carried out a carpet search of the entire valley, and basically all the valuable things that could be found were taken away. And judging from some subtle traces, after Sylvia's people left, there should be other forces who have searched the valley several times.

In the end, although there are still some spacecraft fragments that have not been found, these debris fragments are of no value to Leo, because these fragments are armor fragments of the spacecraft, and the larger fragments have already been picked up. , Now these are some small fragments that are not easy to find, the largest of which is no more than the size of a fingernail, and there is basically no way to re-smelt these fragments at the current industrial level, so these fragments are not only used as materials for research, no more No other value.

However, the debris found in the valley and the analysis of the valley shape confirmed Leo’s previous guess that the valley was indeed produced when a spacecraft crashed, and judging from the fragmentation degree of the spacecraft, the spacecraft I'm afraid it was already disintegrated in the air, and what fell here was just a larger fragment.

Judging from the material of the armor fragments, this spaceship should not be a battleship either, because most of the metal fragments he found were a kind of civil inner armor resistant to energy rays, mainly for transport spacecraft for intermediate cosmic civilization.

After finding no other valuable things, Leo left the valley and helped the patrol team to solve some mutant monsters that appeared in the Bran Forest.

Because of the role of the universal recorder energy monitoring module, Sylvia was able to know the location of the mutant monster group in advance through the energy changes produced by the small-scale mutant monsters when they gathered, and sent a patrol team to encircle and suppress.

Although there are other reasons for similar energy fluctuations, such as gathering thunderclouds, violent activities of extraordinary creatures, etc., without an analysis system for analysis, these energy fluctuations will cause some false alarms, but compared to silent A large number of mutant monster groups appeared in a certain place without interest to destroy the town, and the manpower and material resources consumed by such false alarms seemed insignificant.

This also makes the patrols and fixed sentries of the Kingdom of Bodo far more than other kingdoms, because each critical fixed sentry and the patrol of each area can quickly assemble into effective combat after receiving police information. Power, destroy those mutant monsters.

Bran Forest was originally a forest with mutated monsters in an endless stream. When Sylvia was building the laboratory, she also arranged a team of 5,000 elite fighters to be stationed near the laboratory. However, since the White Deer appeared in Bran Forest, and a deer garden was built on the edge of the forest. The number of mutant monsters that appeared here decreased rapidly. Usually, only a single mutant monster appeared. Even if they were gathered in groups, the number was much smaller than other mutant monster groups.

Inversely proportional to the decrease of mutant monsters, the deer herd in the forest has increased a lot, and the breeds of each deer herd are different. Some are even extinct breeds in the world of Velen, but no matter what kind of deer herd, the body The size and temperament of the deer can not be compared with the deer in the deer garden.

However, if you compare the deer in the Deer Park with the deer in the Black Forest, they are probably a lot worse. It is not the difference in body shape. The difference lies in the soul and wisdom. The deer in the Black Forest are intelligent creatures, while the deer in the Deer Park are just The beast is nothing, it may be difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the two, but the gap is still obvious in Leo's eyes.

Therefore, when Leo returned to Luyuan and saw a herd of deer in the deer park playing on the edge of a nearby lake, he immediately noticed that there were a few black forest deer in that herd, which made him think of a possibility.

Sure enough, when he came to the Luyuan Temple, the clergy of the White Deer Church in the Luyuan Temple stayed outside the temple with great respect. Worship at the temple.

After Leo arrived, the Holy Soldier of the White Hart Church guarding the door did not stop him either.

After entering the temple, I saw the white deer lying on the golden platform specially built for him. There were a few tree demons standing beside him, and Sylvia was sitting on the side. The two were talking about something.

Compared with the vague and powerful feeling that Bailu gave Leo 20 years ago, Leo can now clearly feel the power of Bailu, and can also feel the gap between each other, which also represents The White Deer probably hasn't really become a higher life form of Omega.

It's just that from the perspective of his promise to create his own church, he is not far from that level, so he is close to the door, and maybe he wants to use the power of the church to complete this last step.

If this is the case, the situation of the White Deer Church is very important to him, and the relationship between the White Deer Church and the Dodd Group is so close, the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo will naturally affect him, so he is at this time It is reasonable to appear here, and even Leo guessed that he should still appear at the enthronement ceremony.

When Leo entered the deer garden, Bai Lu naturally sensed Leo, and was a little surprised at Leo's current situation, so that Leo came to the temple, and the look of surprise in his eyes did not fade.

During Leo’s life in the Black Forest, he had a deep communication with Leo. At the beginning, he just felt that Leo’s body was very special, and it was able to accommodate various powers. The original owner is an enemy, but these forces will not conflict with each other, let alone any backlash.

At that time, he was still curious to leave his mark in Leo's body, just wanting to observe what changes would happen when his power entered Leo's body. As a result, his mark lost control after entering Leo's body. I can feel that the mark still exists, and I can't do anything else.

However, before the imprint control was lost, he still received some information from the imprint, that is, the powers from different existences in Leo seemed to be not Leo’s core power, and Leo’s core power was a kind of He also. The only mysterious power that he has not touched before is that the power has great potential.

This is why even if Leo is not in the world of Vinylon, he will still maintain a good relationship with Sylvia, and even serve as the backing of the Dodd group in religion, because he believes Leo will definitely come back and in a stronger state .

It now appears that his original judgment was not wrong. Leo did return to Velen in a stronger state, and judging from Leo’s current state of strength, he has also come to a level close to the gods. It’s just Leo. This demigod is a bit special and seems to be different from the demigods he knows, so he judged that this should be related to Leo's core power.

"Long time no see! Leo Dodd." Bai Lu took the initiative to stand up from the golden platform and said to Leo.

"Say hello to you, Lord Bai Lu." Leo stepped forward and saluted Bai Lu.

Although both are demigods and belong to the same level of beings, there is a huge difference in their power, just like a newborn baby and a battle-tested adult warrior, so Leo knows himself very well. The position will not be arrogant because of becoming a seventh-level psionicist.

White Deer was obviously also very satisfied with Leo's attitude, and then said to Sylvia: "I will attend that little guy's enthronement ceremony, and then I will give him blessings on behalf of the Black Forest."

"Thank you very much." Sylvia also smiled on her face.

You must know that the White Deer on behalf of the Black Forest sent blessings for the coronation of a king. This kind of thing is a very symbolic thing in the world of Vinylon. You must know that the last person to receive this blessing was the King of Knights, who created the French dynasty. People with glorious history.

Although Sylvia does not think that Tolan can be compared with the existence of the Knight King, the blessing of the White Deer undoubtedly has an extremely important stabilizing effect on the emerging kingdom of Bodo Kingdom, which is composed of various refugees. At least it can make the entire kingdom no matter what. The Bodos who have already joined, or those who have joined recently, have greatly enhanced their sense of belonging.

"Don't be too happy," Bai Lu said with a sly and personal smile suddenly: "If you want to get my blessing, you must wear the crown of thorns of the Black Forest."

Hearing what Bai Lu said, Sylvia was stunned, and said in doubt: "Isn't the crown of thorns ruined?"

Bai Lu said solemnly: "The crown of thorns of the French Empire is ruined, but the kingdom of Bodo has just grown out."

Sylvia fell silent, and turned to look at Leo.

Leo also found some information about the Crown of Thorns at this time, and frowned.

From the White Deer, the Knight King not only received the blessing of the Black Forest, the permission to enter and exit the Black Forest freely, but also a crown of thorns that represented the king's power.

However, among the various materials that Leo saw, the content of the crown of thorns was recorded the least, because the crown of thorns was destroyed by fire because of a royal chaos in the early period of the second dynasty of France. The information related to the crown was also sealed or destroyed by the royal family of France. In the end, some unreliable legends circulated.

However, even those legends can judge the role of the crown of thorns from some clues. The biggest role is to control the creatures of the black forest. According to the legend, when the royal family of France encountered danger several times, it was summoned through the crown of thorns. The extraordinary creatures of the Black Forest come to help, and almost all stories involving the Crown of Thorns mention this.

It stands to reason that this should be a very useful function for the owner of the Crown of Thorns, because it represents the owner of the Crown of Thorns carrying a powerful bodyguard with him.

However, UU reading can easily tell from Sylvia’s expression that the crown of thorns is obviously not as simple as Leo thought. I’m afraid there is a danger in the crown of thorns that he doesn’t know. Sylvia had concerns.

Sylvia seemed to read what he thought from Leo's expression, so she took the initiative to tell the full content of the crown of thorns.

As Leo judged, the Crown of Thorns is indeed an extraordinary creature that can summon and control the Black Forest, and the type of extraordinary creatures summoned will be determined according to how much the owner of the Crown of Thorns pays. If there is enough effort, then the black will be summoned. The gods of the forest are not a problem, just like the church's surrender ceremony.

The crown of thorns user needs to pay a price to complete the summoning. This is not the biggest flaw of the crown of thorns. There are two real flaws of the crown of thorns. One is that the user of the crown of thorns needs to return to the black forest for a trial. The talents of the trial can continue to hold the crown of thorns, and in the historical dynasty of Fran, four emperors died in the trial. Among them is the knight king's son and later King Arushus.

The second flaw is even more worrying, that is, after using the Crown of Thorns for a certain number of times, the user's body and mind will have problems, and even go crazy. This is how the mad kings of the early French Empire came.

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