The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1247: Rupert Fitz

Over the years, the laboratory has accumulated a lot of various project documents and materials, even if Leo wanted to read it completely, it took almost half a day.

Although the projects in the laboratory are complicated, it is very simple for Leo to sort them out, because with the exception of a few experimental projects, most of the other experimental projects are based on Leo’s vision in the Black Castle. In practice, although many experimental projects have been biased because they did not describe them in detail in the notes, they are still within the scope of his imagined notes on the whole.

Because of this, Leo was able to quickly find out the deviations of some projects and the key points of some projects. Almost at the same time he read the relevant information, he had already completed the instructions.

When Leo was looking at the documents, Emily also led some project managers to see Leo here. Her purpose was to let these people know Leo and avoid some unnecessary problems when Leo came here alone in the future. misunderstanding.

However, Leo was not very interested in getting to know these people. After he learned about the projects that these project managers were in charge of, he immediately discussed with them various problems and solutions in their respective projects.

Rather than discussing, Leo directly pointed out how to improve the project, how to solve the problems encountered in the experiment, etc., basically Leo was alone in the description.

At first, these project directors disagreed with Leo’s words, because in their opinion, even Sylvia couldn’t understand the project they were in charge of better than themselves, but soon this disapproval disappeared completely. , Because as Leo’s narrative deepened, they realized how superficial their understanding of the project in charge was, and even the subsequent development and changes of the project were shown to them little by little with Leo’s words, as if Leo has completed all experimental projects in general.

Although they were very confused about why Leo was so familiar with the project, at this moment, they had no thoughts about other things. They all took out paper and pen and quickly recorded what Leo said. One content.

Lawrence and Jean Valjean also sorted out the materials very early and sent them to the conference room. Originally, they saw Leo talking to some project directors in the laboratory and thought they were ordering something for Sylvia. He was about to leave, only after hearing a few sentences, he realized that he had made a mistake. Leo was obviously teaching the failure reason and solution of one of the failed projects.

This laboratory has set up a lot of experimental projects from the beginning, and the manpower is not enough. People like Lawrence and Jean Valjean usually take part in several experimental projects and also act as consultants for some experimental projects. The experimental project will find them if they encounter problems. If they can't solve it, then the experimental project will be shelved. This situation has not improved until a group of scholars cultivated by the Dodd Group have matured in recent years.

Although both Lawrence and Valjean can be called masters in their respective fields, as long as the experimental projects involving their respective fields encounter problems, they can basically find a solution, and only experimental projects that can’t find a solution will be shelved. Since then, there have been more than a dozen such experimental projects over the past two decades, and some experimental projects even bother them.

For example, the experimental project Lawrence heard about was one of the experimental projects that made him worry about it. This experimental project was related to his blood witchcraft, and the purpose of the experiment was to create a blood oxygen agent.

Leo's notes are an improvement made with reference to the seventh energy efficiency injection of the Earth Federation. The improved ideas, methods and final effects are all recorded in the notes.

Sylvia saw from the notes that this blood oxygenation agent can help the user stay awake for a long time, and can also adjust the body state and other functions, and feels the commercial value of this injection, so the laboratory This kind of injection was found in the first batch of experimental projects after completion.

With the help of blood wizards, the manufacture of blood oxygenation agents has become very easy, but a big problem occurred in the final product, that is, after a normal person uses blood oxygenation agents about four times, the body will have abnormal phenomena. One of the most obvious is the rapid aging of users, and it is irreversible aging.

After discovering the problem, Lawrence also thought about finding a solution, but in the end he still couldn't find a solution, and the experimental project was shelved.

Although Lawrence was not in charge of this project, he was just a part-time consultant, but this was the first experimental project in his hands that was put on hold, so he always kept this project in mind, and would try every time he got a new inspiration. I tried to restart the project, but it ended in failure every time.

Now Leo was just teaching the solution to this project, how could he not be tempted, so he took back the steps he was about to leave, and stood beside Leo and listened quietly, at the same time confirming whether the method was feasible in his heart.

As for Jean Valjean, the situation was similar to him, and he was very concerned about the shelving experiment project Leo was teaching, and he was also involved in the discussion afterwards.

After Leo has read the various experimental projects accumulated in the laboratory for so many years, most of the shelved experimental projects have new solutions and can be restarted at any time, and Leo’s reputation in the laboratory is also short. The culmination was reached in a short period of half a day, and almost all project directors later proposed in writing to let Leo be the director of the laboratory.

Only Lawrence and Valjean and a few people who knew Leo's identity did not participate in this matter, because they knew that this kind of proposal was impossible to pass, and Leo could not stay in one place for a long time.

After solving the problems in the laboratory, Leo turned his attention to the materials that Lawrence and Valjean had brought over, all of which were Rupert Fitz's body manufacturing records.

Looking at the number of these materials, it is naturally not comparable to the materials of the previous laboratory projects, but the content of these materials is even more fascinating for Leo, because he actually saw a kind of manufacturing similar to the early third-type biochemical man of the Earth Federation. Process.

In order to make up for the shortage of combat personnel and reduce the casualties of explorers, the Earth Federation basically began to produce biochemical humans after the required technology was mature, and the early biochemical humans were more like a kind of bionic robot, artificial muscles, With artificial skin, plus bionic bone armor and internal organs, most of the entire body is made of metal.

Knowing that the third type of biochemical human has changed from a bionic robot to a bionic human due to the technological intervention of alien civilization. Except for the skeleton accident, most of the body's tissues have been replaced with human nurturing organs.

This is the case of Rupert Fitz’s body that Leo has seen from the data. Most of the body’s bones are mechanical, but muscles, skin, and some internal organs are all cultivated organs of the human body. In addition, nerves and blood vessels It was provided by him himself, and according to Lawrence's analysis, it should be derived from some kind of extraordinary creature.

However, what Leo focused on most in the data was actually the core part of the body, that is, the unknown metal ball in the heart.

Unfortunately, the unknown metal ball was not recorded in detail in the data, only the size of the metal ball was recorded, because Rupert Fitz only asked Jean Valjean to leave a metal ball the same size in the heart. He is the core of power, and all the circuits related to the energy required for body operation are concentrated in this part, and the later installation problems are solved by him.

Although there is not much about this unknown metal ball, the size and appearance recorded by Jean Valjean is enough for Leo to infer what this unknown metal ball is.

According to Leo's understanding, this unknown metal ball should be the energy core of a certain silicon-based life in the universe. This core can work almost eternally, so it is also the best core material for making various types of perpetual motion machines.

That silicon-based life civilization has become the target of various hunters in the universe because of its energy core, so that the Supreme Council had to issue the most stringent decree to protect this silicon-based life civilization, and finally even leave this civilization in it. The star field where the Supreme Council is located, is responsible for the maintenance of various facilities of the Supreme Council.

What puzzles Leo is how Rupert Fitz mastered the use of this energy core. You must know that if you want to use and transform this energy core to a minimum, the owner’s civilization technology must at least reach Intermediate civilization, and not all intermediate civilizations can do it. For example, the Earth Federation does not have the appropriate technology to utilize this energy core.

However, Rupert Fitz actually uses this energy core to provide energy for his new body, which means that he must have mastered the use of this energy core, which really makes Leo feel a little confused.

Although there has been a precedent for choosing the king of Saran, people in this world can master the use of various equipment of the universe through knowledge instillation and other means, but that is only the use of equipment. Without basic knowledge, It is basically impossible to analyze the operating principle of the equipment, so Leo can only think that while Rupert Fitz found this energy core, he also obtained a set of equipment that can use this energy core and mastered it. Otherwise, the body he built with this energy core is just a useless empty shell.

"Have you ever asked him how to use the manufactured body?" Leo covered the last document in his hand and put it back in the box, then asked Lawrence and Jean Valjean to the side.

"No," Lawrence replied.

"Yes." Jean Valjean gave a different answer

The two of them looked at Jean Valjean at the same time.

"Did you not ask?" Valjean looked at Lawrence with some puzzlement.

Lawrence said calmly: "Sometimes too strong curiosity can be dangerous, even me."

Jean Valjean curled his lips indifferently, and then said: "He didn't say specifically how to operate, but said that one thing is needed to be able to use it. That thing is in the depths of the wasteland, on the edge of the world."

"In the depths of the wasteland? The edge of the world?" Lawrence frowned and said, "It seems that he is not only physically disabled, but also his brain is disabled. Even the oldest wasteland tribes dare not enter the deepest part of the wasteland. Even the tower wizard went in and disappeared one by one, not to mention him."

While speaking, Lawrence couldn't help but look at Leo, as if he was a little worried about what he had just said about the tower wizard.

However, Leo ignored Lawrence’s use of the tower wizard as a background board. Not to mention that he was not a tower wizard. Even if he did, he would not care about it. He was more concerned about if what Jean Valjean said was Really, then it is very likely that Rupert Fitz has successfully replaced his body and returned from the wasteland.

Leo couldn’t help but feel a little curious about Rupert Fitz. He initially thought that Rupert Fitz was a very ambitious and vengeful businessman, and possessed advanced ideas and ideas that surpassed everyone in this world. .

Although Leo respects such people, he does not pay too much attention to them, because in Leo’s view, he and Rupert Fitz are like walking on two routes leading to different directions. There can be too many intersections between the two people above.

But now he found out that he was wrong. There are obviously some big secrets in Rupert Fitz. These secrets may even involve various civilizations in the universe. This also makes him doubt Rupert Fitz. Could it be another member of the cosmic civilization resurrected in the world of Vinylon?

Because Rupert Fitz’s demonstrated ability, knowledge, and behavior were too weird and too advanced, his series of reforms in the United Kingdom of France simply raised the political system of the United Kingdom by nearly one or two. It means that the most advanced country in the world of Vinylon will need to develop for one or two hundred years before it can develop the various systems that Rupert Fitz implemented in the United Kingdom of France more than two decades ago.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for the foggy year, the mutant monsters would become the masters of the world. With the development momentum brought by the advanced system of the United Kingdom of France, it would only take less than 20 years at most, and the strength would be enough. It grew to the point of completely annexing the Empire of France, and reunified the continent of Velen.

Now Rupert Fitz has changed his body. There is even the technology of interstellar civilization in the new body. Even he himself may have mastered some advanced technology and powerful devices of interstellar civilization, so with Apartment Four, He needs to know about Rupert Fitz, and if there is a chance, he should meet him.

"Do you have a way to get in touch with his mother?" Leo asked the two of them after pondering for a moment.

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