"It's been a long time, two!" Leo greeted them actively.

Lawrence nodded slightly at Leo, but did not respond.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Leo." Jean Valjean responded.

Then Leo was not polite, and directly pointed out the topic: "I came here this time for two purposes. One purpose is to visit the laboratory to see what needs to be added and modified, and by the way, see if it can help. You solve some difficult projects that have not progressed. Another purpose is to ask you if Rupert Fitz is still alive."

After hearing Leo's words, Lawrence's face did not change much, but the slight flickering of his eyes had revealed something, while Jean Valjean looked a little flustered and cast his eyes on Lawrence from time to time.

Emily, who was standing next to Leo heard the words, stunned for a moment, then her face became extremely gloomy, and she stepped forward two steps, walked to the front place, and scanned the two of them back and forth with an extremely severe gaze. In addition, a very sharp wave of power radiated slightly from his body. This wave of power instantly enveloped the entire platform and expanded to the entire mountaintop laboratory.

Leo couldn't help but look at Emily at this time, because Emily's power performance surprised him a bit.

He had previously found out that Emily's witch power was not prominent in Sylvia's first witch group through spiritual nets and other means, and was not even comparable to the top ten in terms of the magnitude of energy fluctuations.

However, now he found that his judgment was wrong. Although Emily’s power is not particularly strong, her power is very special. It can create an energy field similar to the field of psychic energy, and her power in this energy field It did not weaken due to the expansion, and still maintained the initial energy fluctuations, which means that her strength is constant. If her mental power is strong enough, she may be able to create an energy field covering the entire world. She is like a **** in the energy field.

Obviously, Sylvia should also know Emily’s power characteristics, so she was sent to be one of the top managers of the laboratory, because as long as she opened the energy field, everything that happened in the laboratory All are under her control, including some accidents caused by failed experiments.

And now, the reason why she behaved so angry is probably because of Leo’s questioning, which made her realize that her control of the laboratory is not absolute, and the other two colleagues actually have contact with the outside world under her supervision. This made her feel her negligence.

At this moment, Emily's actions made the surrounding atmosphere tense. Although the guards in the laboratory not far away did not hear what was said here because of the distance, they knew what might have happened here, and they hesitated. Do you want to go forward and do something, but in the end they chose to stand still, and they didn't even glance at this side. They knew very well that this kind of high-level matter was not qualified for them to intervene.

Although Lawrence still seemed very calm, he also knew that some things could not be kept secret, because with his knowledge of Sylvia, since Leo had come over to ask in person, it meant that this matter was in Sylvia. The fact is already in Ya's mind, Leo didn't come here to know the answer, but to decide what to do with the matter based on their response.

In the face of this situation, the only solution he could think of was to answer honestly, after all, this matter did not harm the Dodd Group in any way, and he did not betray Sylvia.

"He's still alive." After thinking about it, Lawrence replied calmly: "It's just that we didn't live very well. Jean Valjean and I didn't do anything for him, but because of our past relationship, we helped him make a body and Just prepared some potions."

Jean Valjean on the side was relieved as well, and nodded in cooperation, saying: "Yes, we have had a good time here, and we didn't even want to leave here in the past."

"Let's go! Let's find a place to talk about this specifically." Leo didn't show any thoughts, but gestured to Emily, and then walked towards the laboratory.

Seeing this, Emily also regained her strength and followed, but she glared at each other when she passed by, while Lawrence and Jean Valjean smiled bitterly and quickly followed.

Although Leo came to this laboratory for the first time, he was not unfamiliar with it here, because the structure of this laboratory was built entirely with reference to the laboratory construction plan in his notes, and even each laboratory The layout of functions has not been modified, so even without Emily leading the way, he easily found the conference room in the laboratory.

After arriving in the conference room, Leo asked Emily to fetch the relevant materials of all the experimental projects carried out at the beginning of the laboratory, and then signaled Lawrence and Jean Valjean to continue the topic just now.

On the way to the conference room, Lawrence had already figured out what to explain, so after hearing Leo's instructions, he naturally said the whole thing.

In fact, Lawrence and Valjean thought that Rupert Fitz was dead at first, because they had witnessed how Rupert Fitz and his guards were given by a group of mutant monsters like a tide. Engulfed, in their view, only the gods can survive in that situation.

Later, Lawrence and Valjean came to the mainland of Mozambique with the fugitives, and were invited by Sylvia to join the Dodd Group as important positions in the laboratory.

Until three years ago, when the two went to Hope City to attend a regular meeting, they met Rupert Fitz's cronies and learned that Rupert Fitz was not dead.

At that time, they were very suspicious of the news, and it was not until they met Rupert Fitz himself that they confirmed the fact that Rupert Fitz was still alive.

It’s just that Rupert Fitz’s current state is very bad. He is just like Old Rembrandt, and even worse than Old Rembrandt. Not only the lower body is lost, but most of his upper body organs are lost. Only by relying on some special mechanical devices, medicines and magic arts can the body function normally.

He came to Lawrence and Valjean for the purpose of not wanting them to be his internal counterparts in the Dodd Group, nor did he want them to leave the Dodd Group and join his current power, but just want them to use more The German Group's current technology helped him make a body.

At that time, both Lawrence and Valjean made leap-forward technological breakthroughs in their respective fields. For example, Lawrence used his own blood magic to restore the cloning technology and cell regeneration technology mentioned in Leo's notes almost perfectly. He even cloned A common squirrel in the forest, although the squirrel only survived for a few days, this creative effect still caused a great sensation in the laboratory.

Even though the related news was blocked immediately, it was more or less leaked. Even this incident attracted the attention of the Church of True God and sent people to inquire about related matters, but they were all leaked by Sylvie. Ya stopped back.

As for Jean Valjean’s mechanical manufacturing, he also made breakthroughs. For example, he also found inspiration in Leo’s idea of ​​steam-powered weapons to create steam-powered armor similar to Star Wars, and conducted actual combat tests. , And ordinary warriors wearing steam-powered armor can kill dozens of mutant monsters one-on-one in battle, and their combat power even surpasses ordinary offensive transcendents.

However, this type of armor also has defects, and it is a huge defect. One is that the parts are complex and are not resistant to wear. Usually, after one use, nearly 80% of the gear parts on the armor will be worn to the point where it can hardly be used again, even in In the process of use, it fell apart directly, and the current metallurgical level of the Dodd Group could not produce mechanical parts that could cope with such high-intensity operation.

Another shortcoming is that there is no heat dissipation device that is effective enough. In that actual combat performance, there was only one steam armored soldier who really died in the hands of the mutant monster, and most of the others were directly vaporized by the heat that cannot be dissipated inside the armor. The state of death was very tragic. Even in the roar of countless mutant monsters, they could hear their screams before they died. For a long time, these screams became Jean Valjean's nightmare.

Just like Lawrence’s creation, Jean Valjean’s steam-powered armor test also failed to completely block the news, and it spread.

Obviously Rupert Fitz should have heard these two news, so he came to find two people, hoping that they could help him make a body.

Although the two are no longer under Rupert Fitz's men, Rupert Fitz did not treat them badly before, and they had some kindness, so they were not easy to refuse.

More importantly, Rupert Fitz can provide some precious materials that the two have longed for. Although the Dodd Group has also searched for these materials in the past, they have never found them. This also makes the two of them work on certain projects. Research has stagnated. Now that Rupert Fitz can provide these materials, their research projects can also make progress. In their view, this is also good for the Dodd Group, so they also He agreed to help Rupert Fitz build a body.

It is not difficult to make the body that Rupert Fitz needs. The real difficulty lies in the body organs, muscle skin needs and armor bones made by Jean Valjean through blood magic. Fusion together, this is the biggest difficulty they encountered.

There are also two difficulties. When Rupert Fitz provided Lawrence with the body tissue, he also provided another unknown biological tissue. He wanted Lawrence to fuse the two tissues together to form a new kind of tissue. Tissue, and then use this new body tissue to cultivate a body's muscles and internal organs.

As for Jean Valjean, he asked him to use an unknown metal ball to replace the steam power of the armor, and this unknown metal ball is far from the steam engine designed by Jean Valjean in terms of structure and power output. He wants to replace steam. Power machine is very difficult.

However, these difficulties were resolved in the end, because Rupert Fitz’s staff also had some people who had already devised various schemes to provide references for the two of them, and the two of them also used these references to provide references. Some related technologies solved the problems encountered and finally completed the body tissues Rupert Fitz needed.

After handing over the body to Rupert Fitz, their contact with Rupert Fitz was not severed. In the past few years, there have been some contacts, but each contact is an exchange of technology, but Lawrence and Ran Ajan also knows the importance of the matter. The technologies used for communication are all technologies that the Dodd Group can disclose, and no secrets in the laboratory are involved. At the same time, they have also obtained some useful things from these almost exchanges, and then help themselves. The project has made some breakthrough developments.

It is precisely because they did not see the harm of this kind of technical communication that they did not think it was a bad thing in their hearts, and did not actively cut off contact. Until now, they were questioned by Leo and realized that this matter might be. some problems.

After listening to the narratives of the two, Leo did not express doubts about what the two said, nor did he repeatedly determine the truth of the matter. Instead, he was silent for a moment and asked: "You gave Rupert back then. ·Are the records of Fitz’s body creation and the research data exchanged over the years still there?

Valjean and Lawrence glanced at each other, nodded, and replied almost at the same time: "They are all still there."

Leo said, "Bring them over and show me."

The two did not ask why, they turned around and walked out of the meeting room. When they left the meeting room, they happened to see Emily who had brought a box of research project materials to him, and was stunned by Emily. Gone a glance.

This made the two of them laugh wryly~www.ltnovel.com~ knowing that even if they pass the Leo level, they will be targeted by Emily in the future. After all, the two are actually under the supervision of Emily, the security chief. She has to bear certain responsibilities for making such a big trouble. Even if Sylvia and Leo will not be held accountable, the anger and shame in her heart will not be less, which caused her to be so dereliction of duty. The culprit will naturally not be let off by her.

However, even if they knew that Emily would definitely be targeted in the future, and they might not be able to get as much trust as Sylvia as before, they still did not think about leaving the Dodd Group.

The life in this laboratory over the years has made them accustomed to the current environment. They only need to submit an experimental project report if they want to conduct any experiment here, and they don’t need to think too much about everything after that, no matter it is Experiment assistants, experiment materials, etc. will be properly prepared according to their ideas. In their minds, the current life is the most suitable life for them.

Even if other forces are willing to give them more power and more funds, they will not leave the Dodd Group, because they know that the cooperation of laboratories, laboratory assistants, and the accumulation of various related technologies is far from money to make up for. Yes, they leave here to rebuild a laboratory that fully cooperates with them, it will only waste a lot of time, and the final effect may not be satisfactory.

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