The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1232: Unexpected situation

Facing the person who suddenly broke into the carriage, Leo didn’t do anything. He just looked at the other side up and down. The reason why he didn’t do it was not because of the obvious energy fluctuations in the other side, nor because the other side was a sacred mountain shaman. Dress up, but because Sylvia stopped him for the first time.

Sylvia looked at the person in front of her and said blankly: "Walker, haven't the lessons I taught you deep enough? You dare to appear in front of me."

The intruder's face became very ugly, it seemed that Sylvia's words hit his sore spot, but he still suppressed his emotions and showed Sylvia a branch with green leaves held in his chest. , Said: "I don't use the name Walker anymore. Now my identity is the fourth-eyed great shaman of the northern sacred mountain."

Sylvia showed a slightly surprised look on her face when she heard the words, but she soon returned to normal, still saying without any emotions: "You said that this is to use the name of the northern tribal alliance and the northern sacred mountain. Come to deal with me?"

"Huh! I'm not as boring and careful as you think," the fourth-eyed big shaman snorted coldly, and said: "I did lose back then. I have nothing to say about it, if I really want to target you. , You don’t need to do it directly, you just need to promote the cooperation between the Northern Tribal Alliance and the American Kingdom, and restrict the Southern Tribal Alliance from supplying enough food to your forces.”

Sylvia raised her eyebrows and asked, "In that case, why did you suddenly come and break into my car?"

"Did you do the Green Manor?" The fourth-eyed big shaman asked straightforwardly.

Sylvia was about to deny it, but was stopped by Leo. Then Leo did not hide, nodded and said, "If you are talking about the collapse of the auction house, it has something to do with us."

Seeing Leo confessed directly, the big shaman at the fourth eye was also taken aback for a while, and then asked: "Did you take the things in there?"

Leo nodded and confessed, and continued: "We did take some things, but those things did not belong to the Northern Tribal Alliance, nor the Northern Sacred Mountain. They belonged to the Kanter family back then, and now they are nothing more than unowned things. ."

The big shaman at the fourth eye argued: "But now the owner of the Green Manor is us, and the things inside are ours."

Leo nodded again, then smiled and said, "You have some truth, since you said something is yours, then tell me what it is?"

At the fourth glance, the big shaman was stunned, and didn't know how to answer, because he didn't know what was in the Green Manor. The information he saw was only that there was something hidden there, and then he felt that the thing was. A very important thing, I finally found it in search of feelings.

Regarding the situation encountered now, he did not expect at all. In the situation he had considered before coming, there was no such situation as he encountered now. He felt that after questioning Leo and Sylvia, the other party would definitely deny it. , And then they will fight against this incident, he will lose and escape, and then use this incident to mobilize the northern tribal alliance and the northern holy mountain to put pressure on Sylvia and Leo’s Dodd group, and eventually recover it. Things.

However, now Sylvia and Leo not only did not deny it, but admitted it readily, which was completely beyond his expectation, and the tricky problems later made him even more embarrassed.

"Don't you even know what your own things are?" Sylvia teased at this moment: "Then what do you want me to give you back?" Then, she took it out of her pocket. An already worthless **** copper coin was placed on the table and said: "I say this is what we got there, how can you refute us?"

Being ridiculed by Sylvia in this way, but the big shaman at the fourth eye could not refute it, and the depression in his heart was completely written on his face.

At this time, the siren sounded before the train drove, and with a slight vibration, the train slowly left Lulukan and headed for the next station.

"Don't worry," Leo pointed to the bed against the wall in the carriage, and said, "You can sit there and think slowly, and when you think of what that thing in your mouth is and where it comes from, tell me. As long as the comparison is correct, I will return the things to you.” As he said, he pointed to the **** copper coin that Sylvia put on the table, and added: “Otherwise, take this copper coin and leave. ! If you have time, think about how to improve your own strength, and don't always put your mind on other people's things."

The Fourth Eye Shaman had never encountered such an embarrassing situation as it is now. The reactions of Leo and Sylvia were completely beyond his expectations, and his countermeasures were completely impossible to implement.

But on the other hand, he also found that even if Leo and Sylvia's reactions were as he expected, he could not successfully implement the countermeasures he had thought of in advance, because Leo and Sylvia's strengths were completely beyond. He had predicted.

Although he expected that Sylvia's strength would definitely improve over the years, he did not expect that the improvement would be so big, much stronger than he expected. When he entered the carriage just now, Sylvia gave him The feeling is threat, a threat directly related to life, which means that Sylvia has the ability to kill him.

If it was just Sylvia, he wouldn't have too many thoughts. The problem is that besides Sylvia, there is another Leo, and what's more weird is that Leo didn't give him any feeling. , He couldn’t tell by intuition whether Leo was a threat to him.

In a situation like this, there are only two possibilities. One is that Leo is just an ordinary person, and there is no threat to him. Obviously this possibility is wrong, then there is only the second possibility, that is, Lei Ou's strength far exceeds his perception of danger, which means that he is just like an ordinary person in front of Leo.

Although the fourth-eyed big shaman did not want to believe that the gap between Leo and him was the second possibility, it was indeed the only explanation that could make sense.

"Half-god!" The big shaman at the fourth eye immediately showed an incredible idea that made him feel unbelievable. Although he didn't want to believe that it was true, he couldn't find other suitable answers to explain Lei. The situation in Europe.

The fourth-eyed great shaman has never seen a real demigod, but when he became the fourth-eyed great shaman, the first-sighted great shaman personally took him into the ancestral graveyard behind the holy mountain, where He saw a lot of things that he felt so magical so far, and among these things, the one that made him feel the most magical was a head, a head of a demigod.

As for the origin of this demigod head, the great shaman is not clear at first glance, but knows that this head is a demigod head, and that head gives the feeling of the fourth eye great shaman, just like seeing Leo now. , Obviously possesses extraordinary power, but it feels like an ordinary person.

It’s no secret that there is a demigod in the world of Velen. The queen of Deliat is a recognized demigod, but after all, it is too far away from the mainland of Mosang. It is like something that happened in another world. Who Can you imagine that a demigod will suddenly appear in front of you?

But now this kind of emergency happened in front of the fourth-eyed big shaman. Leo is now the demigod who actually appeared in front of him. This makes the fourth-eyed big shaman feel at a loss, and also in his mind. Become empty, don't know what to do next.

After a while, the train whistle again awakened the fourth-eyed shaman from a daze. Only then did he feel that his current behavior was a bit silly, so he cleared up his emotions and sat on the opposite chair. .

"Your Excellency Leo is already a demigod?" The fourth-eyed big shaman couldn't help asking with intense curiosity.

"Demigod?" Leo thought for a while after hearing this, and said: "My situation is a bit special, and it cannot be distinguished by the system of the world of Velon. It can only be said that I can be regarded as a demigod, but not a demigod."

"Can be counted as a demigod, not a demigod?" The fourth-eyed big shaman did not understand Leo's circumstance for a while, because Leo used French, which made him think whether he had an interpreter. error.

Sylvia on the side gave Leo a clearer explanation just right, saying: "He means that he has the power of a demigod, but he is not a demigod."

Although I don't understand why Leo said this, the big shaman at the fourth eye can already be sure. Leo admitted that his strength can be comparable to a demigod, which can be regarded as confirming his guess.

In this way, the preparations he made before will now be revoked, and the strength of Sylvia or the Dodd Group must be reassessed, the difference between a power with a demigod and a power without a demigod. It's not just one more person, the gap in their overall power can be said to be vastly different.

The northern sacred mountain may clashed head-on with the Dodd group for its own sacred mountain great shaman, but it will never offend a demigod Dodd group for him, let alone him, even other sacred mountain shamans The same is true, this is the deterrent of a demigod.

As for the mysterious thing in the Greenery Manor, he has completely stopped thinking about it, because he doesn't think he has the ability to take anything from a demigod wizard, not to mention that even if Leo is not a demigod, he still doesn't know that. He also didn't have any reason to let Leo return it.

Although he no longer had any thoughts about that thing, the big shaman at the fourth eye still couldn't help being curious about what it was, because they seemed to be right from the performance of Leo and Sylvia. That thing is very important, even at the risk of the food supply being cut off, to offend the northern sacred mountain.

His intense curiosity suppressed his concerns about Leo’s identity, and he couldn’t help asking: “Mr. Leo, what exactly you took from the Greenery Manor Auction House, can you show me?” With that said, Leo misunderstood, and added: "I don't have any ideas about that thing anymore, I'm just purely curious."

Leo looked at the big shaman at the fourth eye and was silent for a while, then took the stone out of his pocket and placed it in front of the big shaman at the fourth eye.

The big shaman was completely stunned at the fourth eye. He couldn't think that Leo would take out an ordinary stone, so he immediately felt that Leo was teasing himself at this time, and his face also showed dissatisfaction and anger.

"Take it and take a look for yourself." Because the fourth-eyed shaman did not hide his emotions, Sylvia easily guessed his thoughts, so he said: "The eyes are sometimes deceptive. Don’t be fascinated by the illusion."

Hearing Sylvia's words, the big shaman at the fourth eye hesitated for a while, and he reached out and took the stone in Leo's hand.

Although he didn't think Leo would do anything to him, he still made some precautions, but these precautions obviously did not play any role, Leo easily let him take the stone over.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to see what was special about this stone that would make Leo and Sylvia take so seriously, he immediately felt the power of a shaman totem rune in his palm. It faded quickly, and soon disappeared completely, and the totem tattoo related to it also disappeared.

Because it happened too suddenly and too quickly, the fourth-eyed big shaman didn't have time to react, and he didn't even figure out what was going on until the totem rune disappeared.

However, the power of the second totem rune in his hand was diminishing soon, and he realized that all of this should be related to the stone in his hand, so he immediately threw the stone away.

Sure enough, at the moment he dropped the stone, the power of the totem rune did not disappear, but the totem's aura dimmed a lot, indicating that the totem rune had been greatly damaged.

"Can it absorb the power of the shaman totem?" The fourth-eyed big shaman asked Leo immediately. UU reading

"It is not to absorb the power of the shaman totem, but to absorb all the power." Leo corrected the other party's statement, then bent over and picked up the stone.

"Absorb all power!" The fourth-eyed big shaman was extremely shocked. Although he was not very clear about what he could do with this thing, he could already feel the preciousness of this thing, at least in all the strange things he knew. Among them, none of them can do this kind of thing.

"Can you tell me about the origin of this thing?" Leo suddenly asked to the fourth-eyed big shaman who was still thinking.

The big shaman also recovered from the fourth eye, hesitated a bit, wondering if it should be said.

Leo and Sylvia on the side didn't show any eagerness to know, they just sat on the opposite side, talking about some chores.

After a while, the Fourth Eye Shaman recovered from his thoughts and seemed to have made a decision. He said: "All the information about this thing is left over from the previous Fourth Eye. Letters, those letters are specifically addressed to me."

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