The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1231: Book to another world

"This is the entrance to a world." Leo calmly looked at the unstable space fissure floating in the air in front of him, and then tried to open and close the mysterious book he obtained from Carson Sanjes. Together, the space cracks in the air also disappeared and appeared, said.

"How did they do it?" Sylvia also opened and closed the book a few times curiously, questioning.

"I don't know." Leo shook his head, then added another sentence, "I don't know yet."

As Leo said, everything in front of him makes Leo feel very magical, even if he has experienced so many things and seen so many things before, even the gods have faced it personally, but you can see this book After what the book showed, he still felt incredible, because he never thought that someone could stabilize a space gap and seal the space gap in an ordinary book.

After discovering that the stone obtained from the Greenery Manor could absorb the banned power attached to the book, Leo had been carefully observing the situation of the book of the tower wizard, and when the train arrived at Brotiro, He also noticed for the first time that the outermost banned power on the book had been completely absorbed.

It was inevitable that the stone continued to absorb the power in the book, destroying the structure of the wizard's ban on the book itself. Leo removed the stone in time, and then checked the situation of the book.

The Turing roots and magic circles of the tower wizards on the book cover showed no signs of damage or corrosion. On the contrary, because of the loss of the interference of the banning power, Leo was able to easily find some hidden in them through the spiritual net. The secret techniques discovered have further accelerated the progress of cracking these magic circles.

It’s just that Leo’s current focus is no longer on the banning circle, because he found that with the disappearance of the first banning power, this book that he could not open before, can already be opened easily, and After opening, a gap in space that was large enough for Leo to pass through appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of him and Sylvia.

When the space rift appeared, both Leo and Sylvia were surprised and realized that the space rift was related to this book. It was just that when the train arrived, the flight attendants had come to each carriage to inform the passengers that the train needed to be in Brotiro. After a day off, the staff at the railway station will lead the passengers to plan hotel rest and so on. The surrounding environment is not suitable for studying the secrets of this book.

Afterwards, Leo and Sylvia did not have the train station staff to go to the designated hotel. Instead, they asked about the opening time of the train tomorrow, and directly rented a suite in a hotel next to the train station.

The room chosen by the two is on the outside of the hotel, next to it is the repairing space of the train, there is a lot of noise when working there, so this is a very bad room for ordinary people, but it is very good for two people Because of the noise, the surrounding rooms are not rented. Even if they make any noise here, they will not attract anyone's attention.

After settled down, Leo couldn't wait to take out the book again, and then repeatedly tried to open and close, and then determined that the book can be opened very stably to get the space rift, and even more amazing is the space rift. Neither appearance nor disappearance caused any abnormal energy fluctuations.

At first, Lei You thought it was his mental network scanning that made a mistake, and then asked Sylvia to use the universal recorder on his wrist to collect energy information, but found that his perception was not wrong, and the space was cracked. The appearance and disappearance did not show any abnormal energy fluctuations, as if this space rift was just an illusion.

Later, Leo and Sylvia tried to test whether the space fissure was just an illusion using the physical objects and the extraordinary powers they possessed. The result did not disappoint them. The space fissures are indeed real, and the stones thrown into the space fissures. Disappeared in front of them, and then can be pulled back by the tied stone. Extraordinary powers such as Leo’s spiritual net and Sylvia’s puppet tentacles can enter the space rift and let them perceive the situation there. .

As Leo said, the space rift is a new world. According to some environmental data and energy fluctuations sensed by the spiritual network, it can be determined that the energy there is not particularly active. Extraordinary power entering that world seems to be suppressed. The same, the functions are all greatly reduced.

In addition, the air pollution over there is a bit serious, and the mental network can capture a lot of dust particles in the air, and it feels like a smelter that is operating day and night.

Sylvia dug a piece of soil from that world through her own puppet tentacles, and analyzed the soil through a universal recorder, and found that the soil was not much different from the soil in the normal world, except that there was a little more industrial dust. .

As a result, the two of them can basically be sure that the world opposite the space fissure is definitely a world with a very developed industry, otherwise it is impossible to have so many abnormally formed industrial dust particles.

Although the two of them were very curious about what happened over there, they didn't think about entering the world over there now to check the situation. This is not just because they are not ready yet, but the more important thing is that this spatial fissure is not stable. Just now in the process of trying to explore the world over there, there will always be some flashes in this space fissure without warning. If two people pass through this space fissure, there will be a flashing suddenly, then both of them will be both. It may be directly cut into pieces by the space power contained in it, or even directly crushed into dust.

Therefore, it is impossible for the two of them to go to that world to explore until the space fissure is completely stabilized and the method to return from the opposite world is mastered.

After slightly grasping the situation of the space rift, the two of them turned their attention to the book that created the space rift.

When he was on the train before, Leo had already checked the book. At this moment, the book can be opened completely, and every page can be turned. The handwriting on the page is very clear and very new. You can even smell it. A faint smell of ink, as if it had just been printed.

In the book, apart from being able to sense the energy fluctuations of the high tower wizard's forbidden circle, there is no more power. If you don't get the space rift, this is an ordinary book.

The content of this book is not obscure and mysterious knowledge. It is just a collection of poems from the second dynasty of France. It records the poems of seven early poets of the second dynasty of France. Most of the content is some. A collection of poems praising virtue.

Sylvia recognized this collection of poems at a glance. She also had one in the collection of the manor of the French Empire, and she also looked through it. Except for the different cover, the contents are the same, but the layout is different. , It should not be the same set of molds used.

This collection of poems was a common collection of poems during the Second Dynasty. It was still published until the later Third Dynasty. It can be said to be one of the books designated by the French Empire. It is just that each publication will be based on the region and publishing work. Different molds are used in different workshops.

Sylvia is not an expert in this area, but in the Dodd Group there are scholars who specialize in the study of ancient books. Those scholars should be able to analyze when this book of poems containing spatial rifts was published through the difference in typesetting.

Although the reason is not clear, Leo can tell from the state of the page that this book should have been affected by the force of the space fissure, so that its state has always been maintained in its original state, which means that the book was made into this The time of the space fissure strange thing is not long after the book was printed. If this time can be found, it may be able to help Leo find out who made the book.

Leo has obtained a lot of information about the tower from the books of the apprentice of the tower wizard, and learned about the situation of the tower wizard in the past. Among these tower wizards, there are only a handful of people who really master space-related abilities. As long as the time is determined, it is basically possible to determine who made the book, and then find out some clues about this space rift from his life.

After having the research direction, Leo and Sylvia did not continue to study the book, because the current environment is not a suitable environment for such research, and Leo did not continue to use the stone to absorb the ban on the book. Strength, but preparing to wait to return to the new Bodo area, and continue after being prepared.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the space rift contained in the book itself. Leo was able to store this book in his storage space before, but now he can’t do it anymore, so he can only Put this book in your backpack.

In the ensuing time, the two of them wandered around the town of Brotiro like two ordinary travelers.

Brotiro is not a city, and there is no stone wall around it. There is only a circle of wooden walls that don’t seem to be very reliable. The total number of people living here is only over 1,000. Most of them are next to the railway. The workers at the steam train maintenance plant are a town built specifically for the maintenance of steam trains on the North-South Avenue line.

Perhaps because the number of people in this town is very small, or perhaps because the border city built by a large tribe of 100,000 people north of Brotiro is more attractive than here. In short, every mutated monster that erupts nearby will be more attractive. Passing around this town, only a few mutant monsters will attack this town. With the shamans and tribal warriors stationed in the repair shop, they are enough to deal with these monsters, so the people living here are considered safe.

However, even if it is safe, the residents of the town will stay at home after nightfall and will not walk outside.

This is mainly because the walls of the town are too short. Even if there are no mutant monsters, the ferocious beasts inhabiting the surrounding dense forests can cross the walls and enter the town to attack the townspeople here.

In the evening, a wild beast rushed into the town to attack the lone worker. Fortunately, the lone worker was bitten by the wild beast and was dragged away when he met a tribal warrior on patrol. The beast on the spot was killed, but the worker also lost an arm and lost his job in the repair shop.

When Leo and Sylvia boarded the Night Crow train that had been overhauled and came to the dining car for breakfast, the senior passengers who boarded the train earlier had gathered in the dining car and talked about the beast attack that occurred last night. event.

It's just that they are not talking about the attack itself, but whether the repair shop should fire the injured worker.

If this happened in other countries, especially industrial countries, these people might not discuss it because they knew the result and felt that it was a matter of course. The factory owner is evil. , Workers are pitiful, this kind of thing is natural.

But this incident is very weird when placed in the wilderness tribe, because this kind of school is completely contrary to the tradition of the wilderness tribe. Some people even claim that the northern tribal alliance is just wearing the skin of a tribe, and it is in fact with the outside world. There is no difference between those countries, this is a betrayal of tribal traditions and so on.

There is no doubt that the person who said this is obviously a tribal traditionalist, and such arguments and statements are not uncommon among the wasteland tribes. The wasteland tribes are divided into the North and South Alliance. It can also be said that this is because this concept is amplified the result of.

Although the disagreement about observing the tribal traditions has begun to calm down with the establishment of the North-South Alliance. It is no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning, and there will be a big battle at any time, but the relevant discussions have never ended. has a lot of similar discussions in the North and South tribes. The people in the discussion no longer care whether the content of the discussion is right or wrong. They are more concerned about whether they can win the discussion.

Therefore, when Leo and Sylvia finished their meal in the dining car, the discussion was not over. Not only people from the Wasteland tribes participated in the discussion, but even the passengers from outside the Wasteland were added. It seems that As if a battle would break out at any time, the train side also sent some manpower to the dining car, ready to intervene when the two sides start their hands.

It’s just that these people are obviously not ready to be kicked out of the car because of the fight. Although they are blushing and shaking their fists constantly, they look vicious, but none of them actually acted at the other party, on the contrary. When the sirens sounded before the train started, they all stopped talking in unison, and then dispersed like a rehearsed stage play, and returned to their cars.

The train staff preparing in the dining car were accustomed to everything in front of them. They didn't say anything. After tidying up, they returned to their posts and began to prepare for the start of the train.

After a while, the train started slowly and started to leave Brotiro, heading towards the next stop Lulukan. At the same time, a human-faced bird was flying from a row of peaks near Lulukan. After seeing Lu Lukan in the distance, he flew towards the outskirts of the city.

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