The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1233: The limits of the world

"The fourth-eyed great shaman of the previous generation seemed to be called Pakusasa, a great shaman of the Purple Tribe. Before becoming the fourth-eyed great shaman, he had the title of Journey to the Forest. It is said that as long as it is in the forest, the forest It can provide him with endless power.” Sylvia quickly told Leo the information of the fourth-eyed great shaman in the northern holy mountain of the previous generation, and then moved towards the current fourth-eyed great shaman. Suspiciously said: "I felt a little weird when you said you were the fourth-eyed great shaman just now, because I remember well that the previous fourth-eyed great shaman was not very old, and he practiced The way of nature should be able to make him very healthy and live a long life..."

"He died by an accident." The big shaman at the fourth eye briefly explained, as if he didn't want to say too much about this matter, as if it involved some secrets of the northern sacred mountain, and turned the topic back to Those letters left to him or to the next fourth-eyed big shaman said: "In those letters there is a mention of a mysterious thing in the Greenery Manor, but it does not mention what it is. , Just to mention that this thing may be important."

"Purple tribe?" Leo seemed to think of something at this time, and said: "I remember that the predecessor of the purple tribe was the Taga tribe in the wasteland. The tribe that captured and destroyed Bebelante was the Taga tribe. In addition, Beibei was rebuilt. Rante’s people seem to be the gatekeepers of Pakusasa, which means that the Green Manor should be rebuilt by him, so it is not surprising that he knows that there is such a thing in the Green Manor."

Sylvia said with some confusion: "Since he knows there is such a thing, why doesn't he take it away? Instead, put it in the manor?"

"This is easy to understand, because this thing is a great threat to him, or to all people who use totem runes as their main shaman power." Leo pointed to the fourth eye, the big shaman's hand just disappeared. The position of the shaman rune of the Shaman said: "If I remember correctly, no matter the holy mountains of the north and south, or the holy mountains of the wasteland in the past, the fourth-eyed great shaman is not like other great shamans against the power of totem runes. It’s a part-time cultivator. They all use totem runes as their main strength. Think about it, the fourth-eyed big shaman found this thing, and he held it in his hand and immediately happened the same thing as before. Can't destroy this thing, what will he do at this time?"

Sylvia took Leo’s words, followed his thoughts, and deduced: “If he takes things with him, he will definitely guard against the bad effects of this thing on him at all times, and in his capacity, I’m afraid in the holy mountain. Many people will stare at him all the time. Sooner or later someone will find this thing. Then, this thing will be lost and become his Achilles heel. So he needs to put things in a place that he can control. , And through some methods to hide the outside exploration of that thing, and there must be enough reasons to arrange a large number of guards in that place, so he will put this thing back to the original green manor, and then transform the green manor into someone to guard Auction house."

"No wonder he sent so many people to stay at the Greenery Manor." At this time, the fourth-eyed big shaman also thought of something and said to himself, and then he wondered: "If this thing is so important, why doesn't he Leave me a clear message?"

"I think it may be that leaving clear information is in danger of leaking. He should dictate to his successor." Sylvia looked at the fourth big shaman thoughtfully and said: "If I guess If you’re right, your predecessor should have died suddenly, and his sudden arrival would not be enough to leave any last words."

Hearing Sylvia’s words, the face of the Fourth Eye Shaman looked a little ugly, but he did not refute Sylvia’s speculation. Obviously he was tacitly acquiescing to the death of the former Fourth Eye Shaman. A secret that is not known to outsiders.

Leo asked, "Can you show me the letters and other materials left by the former Fourth Eye Shaman? Maybe I can find out the origin of this thing."

"This..." The fourth-eyed big shaman hesitated, he was also very curious about the origin of the stone, even if he knew that he could not get it back from Leo's hands, but the fourth-eyed big shaman stayed behind. Those things are very unsuitable for outsiders, especially people like Leo and Sylvia. If the things recorded in it leak out, then any tribe in the wasteland will be enough to cause annihilation.

At this moment, he regretted that he was chasing Leo and Sylvia under the influence of intuition this time. If he did not catch up with the two, he would not fall into the current dilemma, which made him doubt that he might be mistaken. The dangerous intuition was to tell him not to chase, but he understood it in the opposite direction, and the danger was more likely to come from Leo, but he thought it was the stone.

Although the stone is also a great threat to him, it can be said that it has a strong restraint effect on him, but if this thing is not touched, it will not affect him, and even if touched, he will also Being able to get rid of influence through disengagement, so this kind of restraint is limited.

But Leo, who is sitting on the opposite side, is a more dangerous existence than this stone. If Leo is really a demigod as he guessed, then unless it is relying on the holy mountain and other holy mountain great shamans. Otherwise, he would not be able to compete with Leo in front of him, and now faced with the request of such a powerful existence, it would be difficult for him to refuse.

However, after thinking for a while, the fourth-eyed big shaman forcibly endured his fear of Leo’s strength, tactfully rejected Leo’s request, and said: “The materials left over did not mention anything about this thing. If there is any information, I don’t know anything about it."

When he rejected Leo, he was prepared to irritate Leo. Even if he died in Leo’s hands, he could not take out the information, because the information was not related to him alone. The entire wasteland tribe.

However, just as the big shaman at the fourth eye was waiting to endure Leo's dissatisfaction and anger like a criminal waiting to be sentenced, Leo appeared very calm, nodded, and said casually: "If this is the case, then forget it. "

Although this sentence was just an understatement for Leo, it was a relief to the fourth-eyed big shaman. He could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief. The pressure of God made the right choice.

However, at the same time, he also felt that if he continued to stay, he might not be able to continue to bear the pressure and would do something wrong, so he did not give Leo and Sylvia a chance to speak again, stood up directly and looked for it casually. For one reason, he walked out of the carriage, opened the door as if fleeing, and jumped out of the still moving train.

The unexpected behavior of the big shaman at the fourth eye also surprised Leo and Sylvia, then they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

They can understand why the fourth-eyed great shaman would do this, and as the fourth-eyed great shaman guessed, they do have some questions they want to ask each other, but these questions are not left with the fourth-eyed great shaman. I want to ask about other things, such as Yiwen Society.

It's just that the other party was obviously shocked by Leo's identity as a demi-god wizard, and didn't dare to stay too much. This would make such a sudden move.

"You really frightened him." Sylvia said after smiling.

Leo said indifferently: "It's okay to pass my message through his mouth, so that the Dodd Group's activities in the northern tribal alliance will be much easier."

"Demigod?" Sylvia took Leo's arm and said with some envy: "When can I become a demigod?"

"It won't be long." Leo turned to look at Sylvia, pointing out: "You should feel it too."

"Really?" Sylvia was a little surprised, then thought about it, and said: "It turned out that it was not an illusion. It seems that my restrictions are really loose."

Leo nodded and said, "The communication between the Southern Sacred Mountain and Carson Sanjes is very rewarding. You should be able to make a breakthrough soon." He hesitated a little while saying that. : "However, I do not recommend that you break through in this world."

"Why?" Sylvia asked.

"You haven't reached my current level, and you don't feel the rejection of this world." Leo said very solemnly: "Although this repulsive force is not very big now, it is very obvious, and it is like the kind of shamanism holy mountain. Where the world’s natural paths are integrated, the rejection of me is even stronger, and it has basically restricted all my power."

"You are not the only one who feels the restriction, I also feel the restriction in the southern sacred mountain." Sylvia said.

"But your power is not completely limited, and my power is completely limited. This is obviously related to my current level of power." Leo retorted Sylvia's statement, then motioned her not to speak, and Continue to say: "If you think about it, if the demigod really has no limits in this world, why the demigod of Deliat has only stayed in Deliat for so many years. I believe that with her strength It’s not difficult for Deliat’s military power to go all the way south to break through the Kingdom of Marris and the Kingdom of Savile. As long as they don’t work on the Church of the Hill King and Lord of All Things, I believe that the two gods will not be interested in one. Xinxing Demigod takes action, so she has full confidence in unifying the Minsk continent, but why doesn’t she do it? There is only one possibility that she can’t leave her parish. Once she leaves, then she will definitely be affected by the world. Restrictions, not only demigods, but also gods."

Sylvia asked again: "What does it have to do with me not breaking through in this world?"

"Don't forget, your power comes from your bloodline, and your bloodline comes from the abyss." Leo showed a little worry on his face and said: "I can feel that if you break through the limits in this world and become half God, something very bad may happen."

Sylvia did not ask any more, in fact, there is no need to ask again, because this inexplicable sense of danger has appeared since the southern sacred mountain, but this feeling is very slight, she thought that this feeling might be derived from Yu may encounter attacks on the road, etc., and now Leo’s words make her realize that this sense of danger may originate from herself.

"What should we do?" Sylvia asked, pondering for a moment.

Leo heard the words, took out the book that contained the space rift, and said, "Here is a suitable place."

Sylvia hesitated for a while, and said with a little worry: "But we don't know if the world over there is really safe? We don't know if we can come back there, and the more important point is Even if we can go there, what is the time difference between the two worlds? If we went to the world over there, it has been decades since we came back here..." She said that she looked at Leo with a bit of grievance. , Said: "What about the Dodd Group? What about Tolan and Erin?"

Leo said solemnly: "So we need to be prepared before we leave, at least so that even if we leave, there will be no problems with the Dodd Group, Tolan, Erin and others will not be dangerous."

Sylvia didn’t say anything, she was just thinking about the countermeasures quietly. Obviously she knew Leo’s words were right. If you don’t want any accidents, leaving the world to break through the limits and becoming a demigod is the right approach. So before that, she needs to be fully prepared.

A little bit of time passed, Leo did not disturb Sylvia's thinking, UU reading www. just sat quietly and continued to sort out all the knowledge gained.

As the train passed through three towns, stopped at two stations, and gradually left the wasteland and began to enter the edge of the wasteland, Sylvia recovered from her meditation and headed towards Leo headlessly. Said: "Next you may be very busy, you will need to take a lot of shots, and your tower should be built as soon as possible." After that, she hesitated for a while and asked: "Is there a way to join us? People who are not rebellious?"

Leo thought for a while, and said: "Yes, but it is not long-term. Sooner or later, it will fail. Once it fails, the backlash will be very serious."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia shook her head and rejected one of the plans she had thought of. Then she sighed slightly and said: “Let’s do it step by step. If my plan is really completed, at least Lan and Irene will have no problems with their generation. As for the future, it depends on their own abilities!"

Leo didn't question Sylvia's specific implementation method, and he didn't need to know those things, as long as Sylvia needed it, he could take action.

Such a plan that affects the entire continent of Mozambique and even the world situation of Vinylon took shape in such an ordinary train carriage.

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