The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1227: Greenery Manor

The mine auction house of the Northern Tribal Alliance is located in the green manor northwest of Bebelante, next to the city wall of Bebelante. This manor is not only the largest building in Bebelante, but also Bebelante. The worst-preserved building. When Beberante was rebuilt, except for the barely usable foundation, the other main buildings were rebuilt at all.

The reason why this manor is so badly damaged is that when the tribesmen drove away the colonists and re-occupied the city, angry tribes spontaneously destroyed the manor completely, from the walls, roofs, and foundations of the manor. All of the cornerstones were smashed into pieces, as if he couldn't express his hatred without completely destroying this place.

The original owner of the Greenery Manor was the Kanter family. Vargas Kanter, the founder of this family, was a naval officer of the Sigma Kingdom, but he fell into the water accidentally and was caught by the pirates during an encirclement and suppression operation. In order to save his life, he had to join the ranks of pirates and became a pirate wandering the coastline of the mainland of Mozambique.

In the beginning, Vargas Kanter was only forced to rob along with the pirates, but as he saw the harvest after robbing merchant ships, his mentality gradually changed, and finally he designed a plot in an encounter. The captain and chief mate at the time, and then settled the navigator in the fight, eventually forced the people on the pirate ship to recognize his captain status.

Because after losing the captain, chief mate, and navigator, the only person on board who has the ability to navigate is Vargas Kanter. If Vargas Kanter does not act, then the people on this ship don’t say anything. Robbery continues at sea, I am afraid it will be difficult to even return to the shore.

In the following years, Vargos led the pirates on this ship to rob at sea. By virtue of his former identity as a naval officer of the Sigma Kingdom, he was familiar with all the commercial routes and ships of the Kingdom of Sigma. He gained almost every robbery. Huge, a fleet was built in a short time. Even if he was not the most powerful pirate at the time, he was definitely the richest pirate.

It was precisely because he was too rich that other pirate colleagues regarded him as a thorn in the eye and secretly sold his whereabouts to the naval fleet of the Sigma Kingdom, which eventually made his pirate fleet be encircled.

It was just that his luck played a role again. Just when he was about to be wiped out, a sea storm suddenly appeared and swept the entire sea area. He finally led the remaining men to escape the ring of encirclement.

Although he escaped the encirclement and suppression, Vargas did not feel fortunate because he knew that this time he would fall into the trap was sold by other pirates, and now that he is in trouble, other pirates will not let go this time. He missed his chance, so he did not go to the pirate islands after escaping the siege, but directly found a bay to board the mainland of Mozambique, and then led his men and accumulated wealth, all the way south, into the wasteland. At that time, Bebelan settled down and became a slave merchant.

At first, Vargos was just an ordinary slave merchant. He bought slaves from others and sold them. But then he might think that the life of a slave merchant was too monotonous, so while maintaining the slave trade, he also Some strong slaves of his own were picked out, and then built a slave arena in his own manor, and gradually grew, making it one of the characteristics of Bebelante, and many people even risked being caught on the road. In the danger of an attack by the wasteland tribe, it is also necessary to go to Beberante to watch a battle between the lives of slaves.

Later, the Kanter family regarded operating the slave arena as their main business. The slave arenas that appeared during the colonial period of the wasteland were almost all run by their family. The champions who won in the arena would be sent to Beibei. Rand’s Greenery Manor will come for a general event, and the final winner will be free and will be able to get a large bonus.

At that time, the people of the Mossan wilderness tribes hated these arena, because the famous warriors of countless tribes died in the arena in the onlookers. This way of death completely violates the natural punishment of shamanism, and there is no honor at all. At all.

Those gladiator champions who won the final victory would eventually be cast aside by their tribe even if they were free. In the end, without exception, they all chose to walk into the depths of the wasteland and never came out again.

It is precisely because of the tribe’s hatred of the arena that when Beberante was captured by the tribes, the first thing the people who invaded the city did not occupy important political and military areas such as the governor’s mansion and barracks. He ran to the Greenery Manor and led people to smash it into ruins.

However, according to the original intentions of these people, they even hoped to replace the manor with members of the Kanter family and become the object of their anger. But the Kantor family was very clever, and when they found that something was wrong, they abandoned everything that was inconvenient to carry. The belongings, escaped from Beberante, escaped from the wasteland, took a boat to the Minsk mainland and hid. So far no one can be sure whether anyone in their family is still alive.

When the Green Manor was rebuilt, it was necessary to re-bury the foundation, so the foundation stone that had been smashed was dug out, but what people did not expect was that after digging the foundation stone of the arena, a huge secret room was discovered. , And this secret room is full of bones. Judging from the items left on the bones, these bones should be slaves at the time. Roughly calculating the number, there are almost a thousand.

If only the bones are found, after all, Bebelante is the city of slaves, and there are countless bones buried in the land here, not to mention the special place like the green manor, even the ordinary slave owner’s manor. There are hundreds of bones.

The reason that really caught the attention of the people of the tribe and alerted the northern sacred mountain was that the bones were not stacked randomly, but were placed deliberately according to certain rules, like an evil ritual.

Afterwards, the holy mountain shaman who took over here learned from some of the human skin notes left here that the Kanter family back then were cultists, and the object of their beliefs was the famous mother of the people.

For a long time, they have been using a slave duel to cover up their evil ritual of sacrifice of living people. They also rely on the gift of the evil god, so that the Kanter family's slave business and gladiatorial business can always go smoothly, even a competitor. No.

However, like the true gods, the evil gods have begun to move away from this world, and the colonial era of the entire world has come to an end at this time. At that time, the Kanter family had already foreseen the decline of Beberante, so they wanted to perform the last **** descending ceremony. Through this ceremony, the enlightenment of the mother of the people was obtained, and a new path was opened for the Kanter family.

As a result, it is not known whether the Kanter family received the revelation of the mother of the people, but the holy mountain shaman who dealt with the matter at that time has repeatedly checked and determined that there is no longer any evil force here, and the Northern Tribal Alliance is relieved to put it here. Rebuilt and used as an office for them.

I don’t know if it’s because of the evil taste of the Northern Tribal Alliance, or for other reasons. The original arena has now been converted into a trade fair, and the mine auction is set up in that underground bone secret room. What people feel speechless is that the bones have not been cleaned up, but are neatly placed in this huge underground chamber. Everyone who comes here can clearly see each victim through the torch on the wall. Bones.

As representatives of the Dodd Group, Sylvia and Leo took them directly to the auction house after arriving at the Greenery Manor. At this time, some miscellaneous auctions were underway as a warm-up for the mine auction.

Because of the re-expansion, the original secret room has been turned into an underground hall. The bones found here were inlaid on the wall as decorations, and the stone pillars supporting the dome were also covered with plaster. Although there are torches all around, every corner of the hall is illuminated by light, but anyone who comes in here will feel an inexplicable chill, and feel that this place is not like an auction house, but more like some kind of The bone palace of evil gods.

Most of the people who can be invited over are regular visitors. They have become accustomed to the horrifying sight before them. They have not acted too abnormally, but there are also some new efforts to make themselves look normal, but they look at them from time to time. The eyes of the bones around had already revealed their inner panic.

The arrival of Sylvia and Leo did not attract too many people's attention. Most people were paying attention to the auction items. A few people looked at them with a little surprise, apparently recognizing them. coming.

"Obviously he is a victim of slavery, but now he maintains the slave trade in this city." Sylvia sat down and looked at the content currently being auctioned, with a look of disdain on her face, and said: "So For many years, the wasteland tribes are still regarded by the world as savage and dull. The reason is probably not only on other people, but they also have problems themselves."

Sylvia said this because the items being auctioned at the auction now are two tribal women. From the characteristics of the clothes on these two women, it can be seen that they should come from a man named Likali. tribe.

The word Likali has the meaning of beauty and beauty in the languages ​​of some northern regions. As its name suggests, the Likali tribe looks very handsome regardless of men and women. It not only conforms to the aesthetics of tribesmen, but also other countries outside the wilderness. People who see the Likali tribe will also think they are very beautiful.

It is precisely because of their beauty that the Likali tribe has been hunted by other tribes a long time ago, and it was even more serious during the colonial period. It almost made the Likali tribe annihilated, and the fate of the Likali tribe is still No change, they are still the target of hunting.

When Sylvia said these words, she did not cover up at all, nor did she lower her voice, and she used the language of the holy mountain that almost everyone in the room could understand, except for a few people present. , The others are all dignitaries of the Northern Tribal Alliance. When they heard these words, they all turned their heads and glared at Sylvia. Only the people who recognized Sylvia's identity just showed dissatisfaction, but But it did not show too intense emotions.

Seeing the angry gaze projected from the people around, Sylvia showed no concealment and looked at these people, while Leo just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, several tribal dignitaries stood up from their positions, seeming to want to come over and do something, but they just took a few steps, they were immediately stopped by the tribal warriors who maintained order at the auction site, and then they Seeing someone leaning over and whispering something to those people, the expressions on the faces of those people also changed according to what they heard, and the look in Sylvia's eyes again no longer seemed confident, even With a little more fear, he went back to his seat again.

As one of the top transcendents in the underground world, Sylvia's reputation is not only based on the strength of the Dodd Group, but also through battles.

In the eyes of outsiders, Sylvia’s move to the New Bodo region of the mainland of Mozambique and the establishment and development of the Dodd Group have always been smooth, as if they encountered no obstacles, but in fact the battle from the underground world has never stopped. However, there were more than three hundred transcendents and other enemies who died directly in the hands of Sylvia, many of whom were even senior clergy of the Church of the Lord of the Sky.

As for, UU reading www.uukanshu. In order to stabilize the Dodd Group’s business in the wasteland, Sylvia directly dispatched the newly established First Witch Group to enter the wasteland to secretly solve the tribes that caused trouble for the Dodd Group’s business. With the intervention of the Mountain Great Shaman, Sylvia retrieved the First Witch Group, but the panic caused by the First Witch Group is still spreading among the wasteland tribes.

Although the vast majority of people at the auction site have never confronted Sylvia head-on, the reputation of the First Witch Group still remains in the memory of some people, and as the founder of the First Witch Group As the chief witch, Sylvia has naturally become the object of fear.

For a while, the original lively auction scene became a lot quieter. Everyone didn't talk to each other anymore, just talked about it when bidding.

This scene was seen by the senior officials of the Northern Tribal Alliance who was in charge of the auction. Some were dumbfounded, and some regretted inviting the Dodd Group to participate in this auction. He originally only wanted to invite the head of the Dodd Group in Bebelante. , But it was unexpected that the person who came was Sylvia. He only hoped that there would be no problems at the mine auction later.

Time passed quickly, and as the last lot for warm-up was bought, the highlight of this auction, the mines that sold mining rights began to enter the eyes of everyone.

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