The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1228: Hidden object

The auction at the mine was going on normally, and there was no disturbance, and there was no intentional raising of prices. Before the auction started, the participants almost knew that those people would participate in this event. The auction is now, and even some participants have discussed some items in advance to avoid bidding each other's prices.

The participation of the Dodd Group is not surprising. Almost every similar auction will be attended by people from the Dodd Group in Bebelante, buying the mines they need at a reasonable price, but the emergence of Sylvia Unexpectedly, everyone thought in advance that the person attending was still from the Dodd Group office, and no one thought that Sylvia would actually be there in person.

Although Sylvia was determined to win those mines, he did not do anything too extraordinary. After all, the Dodd Group will still need to conduct various transactions here in the future. If he does too much, he will only give The subordinates in the local office added some trouble.

If the presence of Sylvia and Leo is considered an accident by the participants, then after the auction, the organizer temporarily announced the addition of fourteen mining rights to the auction, which is another accident. Everyone was caught off guard.

Because the fourteen mining rights that were suddenly added were completely outside of the participants’ plans, those participants who had negotiated earlier did not count these fourteen mining rights in their discussions at all. It also directly led to the complete nullification of all the previous discussions. Perhaps this is the effect that the Northern Tribal Alliance, as the organizer of the auction, wants to achieve.

Someone immediately proposed to postpone the auction for one day. The excuse was that there was not enough funds. But this excuse was rejected by the person in charge of the auction. He agreed that the participants had big IOUs and did not give any chance to start the auction directly. As a result, the auction started from the first mining right and fell into an unplanned price increase.

The auction uses tokens issued by the Northern Tribal Alliance itself. The reason for the tokens is that this currency has not yet been recognized by the entire northern tribes and can only be used in a few cities that are completely controlled by the northern sacred mountain.

In order to promote this currency, the Northern Tribal Alliance had to force those who participated in auctions and other transactions to exchange the resources in their hands for equivalent tokens, and then exchange them back when they left.

This move by the Northern Tribal Alliance seems to some people to be a satire on the outside civilized society, because the currency system of the outer civilized world is beginning to collapse, and people are practicing the most primitive bartering, but the wasteland tribes Efforts to build their own currency system, people can't help but have the illusion that civilization is shifting.

This currency promotion behavior of the Northern Tribal Alliance and the sudden move of the auction also caught Sylvia by surprise, because several of the fourteen additional mining rights were hers. The mines that I fancy are all high-quality mines that the Dodd Group needs, but now suddenly they appear all at once, and the funds she can call are not enough for her to take these mines, especially after she went to the Southern Tribal Alliance to negotiate. After the arms-for-food transaction, there are fewer additional funds that can be used. If it is used for strong actions, it may affect the normal operation of the Dodd Group.

After hearing Sylvia's problem, Leo on the side immediately waved to the attendant arranged by the auction house not far away, motioned him to come, and then asked the attendant to call the person in charge of the auction house.

Before long, the director of the auction house came to Sylvia and Leo's side, and after saluting them, he asked Leo: "Is there anything wrong? Mr. Leo."

"You should know who I am?" Leo asked an inexplicable question.

"Of course, the last tower wizard." The director of the auction house said truthfully: "As long as you are concerned about Ms. Sylvia, it is impossible for you to ignore Your Excellency."

"You know the potion I made?" Leo asked again.

Hearing Leo's words, the head of the auction house immediately lit up, as if he was aware of something, and quickly said: "Of course you know that the effects of your wizard's potion may only be the potion made by the great shaman of the holy mountain. Comparable."

"Are you kidding the potion made by the great shaman of the holy mountain?" Sylvia smiled disdainfully and questioned.

In the face of doubt, the director of the auction house did not refute, but showed an embarrassing but decent smile.

He knows very well that the so-called potions made by the great shaman of the holy mountain cannot be compared with the wizard potions made by Leo. Now only Sylvia still holds a certain amount of wizard potions, and these wizard potions are all taken by Sylvia. Come as a gift, and for people living in this turbulent era, owning a bottle of Leo’s wizard's potion is equivalent to one more life, so the underground world has always been eager for Leo's wizard's potion. .

It’s not that no one has thought about imitating Leo’s wizarding potions. For example, Shamanism and the Church of True God have done it. Although they all inspired some inspirations from wizard potions, they created their own potions, but in terms of efficacy, let alone Compared with the wizard's potion made by Leo later, even Leo's earliest wizard's potion sold on the black market in the English kingdom is not as good as that.

"There are five groups of potions here, their effects are..." Leo took out some wizard potions with different effects that he had made not long ago from the storage space, introduced the potions one by one, and then asked: "How much can these medicines be mortgaged?"

The director of the auction house didn’t even think about it. He directly reported the sum of the limit funds he and other directors could provide. He knew very well that if he could not take down these five groups of medicines now, he would wait for him to leave. Others will come back after discussing it, I'm afraid these groups of wizard potions already have a new owner.

After listening to the offer, Leo looked at Sylvia, waiting for her to make a judgment.

Sylvia also quickly estimated the value of the potion in her mind. She knew very well that the price set by the director of the auction house must be high, but it was not too high, and this amount of funds can just supplement her purchase of mining rights. Required, so he nodded and expressed his approval of the deal.

After seeing Sylvia nodded, Leo didn't ask the supervisor to issue any certification or other documents. He handed it over to the other party, and then returned to a state of silence.

Around, many people have seen Leo taking out the potion. Although they did not hear Leo's conversation with the director of the auction house, they all guessed what Leo was doing.

Although they were also greedy for Leo’s wizard’s potion, they did not intervene to grab something with the Northern Tribal Alliance. First, the price they offered might not be higher than the Northern Tribal Alliance’s bid, and the second was even if they grabbed something. Once you get it, I'm afraid it will also offend the Northern Tribal Alliance, and you will lose more than the gains.

With sufficient financial support, Sylvia quickly won three of the fourteen mines he valued, and the fourth one had an accident. The price increase was slightly higher than her expectation. In the end, When she was hesitant to raise the price, she was bought by others.

However, fortunately, there were no surprises in the mining rights of the several mines that were normally auctioned afterwards. After an auction, the Dodd Group represented by Sylvia received a total of six mining rights, including the mining rights. The shortest is only four months, and the longest is as long as five years.

After the official auction was over, everyone left one after another. Several of the auction participants approached Sylvia and Leo when they left, wanting to see if they could buy the wizard's potion from Leo.

But before they could speak, Sylvia refused. Sylvia knew the value of the wizard's potions Leo had on hand. If it weren't for the urgent need for funds, she would definitely not agree. Leo used the wizard's potion to exchange the tokens of the Northern Tribal Alliance, even if the bid was high.

After rejecting those people, the two left the auction house in a carriage and drove toward the Dodd Group's premises in Bebelante.

On the way Leo suddenly asked Sylvia, "Are you interested in going to the Greenery Manor again at night?"

"Why?" Sylvia looked at Leo puzzledly, and asked, "Did the guy just hint that you will have an auction tonight?"

"Of course not." Leo shook his head and said: "I felt something in the green manor, something that the shaman of the northern holy mountain did not find."

Sylvia was stunned when she heard the words, and suddenly thought of the past owner of the Green Manor, and guessed: "Is it something from the Cthulhu?"

Leo hesitated for a while, and he was not sure and said: "It is possible that the location is in the auction house just now. According to rumors, it is the place where the Kantor family performed the blood sacrifice ceremony of the evil god. Since the things appeared there, then More or less will have something to do with the evil god."

Sylvia pondered for a moment, and wondered: "Did the Kanter family not take things away? I remember that although the Kanter family fled suddenly, they were prepared and various assets were transferred in advance. If there is really any evil magical thing, they should take it away together when they leave."

Leo speculated: "It may be that people in the Kanter family didn't know that there was an evil miracle buried in their manor."

"There is a possibility. Several of the Kanter family's patriarchs were suddenly assassinated. It is possible that some secrets have not been passed down." Sylvia nodded slightly in agreement, and then asked again. : "What the **** is that thing, did you find out just now?"

Leo shook his head and said, "That thing has a self-hidden barrier. This barrier can imitate the surrounding energy fluctuations. If it hadn't been for some abnormal energy waves when I took out the potion, it would cause it to interact with the surrounding energy. The volatility is inconsistent, and maybe I can't find such a thing hidden underground."

When he said this, Leo couldn’t help but think of the process of discovering the mysterious item just now. After discovering the item, his attention completely shifted from the auction to the item. He tried various things. A way to perceive or stimulate that thing.

Although his rationality can be sure that the thing does exist, no matter whether it is his supernormal perception or spiritual network and other abilities, he can never find it. This dislocation between perception and cognition makes him both interesting and interesting. Very curious about this mysterious thing.

Back to the office of the Dodd Group, it was early evening. Sylvia dealt with the mining rights of several mines obtained at the auction, and ordered the people in the office to convene enough people for mining as soon as possible. The problem of shortage of manpower is very simple. Just go to Henry Jones. There is a quota of 100,000 people there. It is not a big deal to get people to be miners first.

Leo didn't do nothing. He took the book he got from Carson Sanjes and studied it again. Just like the mysterious things he discovered earlier, he was also curious about the content of this book.

Time soon entered the middle of the night. After Sylvia sent the last processed document to Sue through the universal recorder, she and Leo simply ate a little bit of food, and then met in front of everyone. Leo went back to the room and rested.

However, after returning to the room, Leo used a rune trap to create a small illusion in the room where the two of them were resting, and then he and Sylvia jumped out from the other window of the room and went around. The guard came to the street.

Although it has entered the middle of the night, the streets of Bebelante are still very lively, and many pubs are still open. The caravan mercenaries and adventurers who come and go here are drunk and dreaming in the pub.

You can see drunk people lying in a corner everywhere on the street. The patrol team from the city streets will drop these people one by one in the trailers in the team, and drag them to the temporary rest place in the city, waiting for the drink tomorrow. After waking up, they will be fined uniformly. This is something they are accustomed to. These fines are also part of their salary.

Under the effect of Leo’s illusion witchcraft, all the people around did not see Leo and Sylvia, but when they were close to them, they would choose to avoid because of the influence of an invisible force, but they They didn't feel any strangeness to their avoiding behavior, as if they felt that their avoiding behavior was a natural behavior.

In this way, Leo and Sylvia came to the Greenery Manor unimpeded all the way. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the daytime auction, the Greenery Manor entering late at night looked extremely deserted. In addition to the main building, there are many soldiers from the Northern Tribal Alliance going back and forth. Apart from the patrol, there were no people in the rest of the manor. The special underground auction house was a place they avoided. Obviously the bones still made them feel uncomfortable, even though the holy mountain shaman had already stated that there was no evil force. But psychological scruples cannot be resolved in one or two sentences.

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