"Do you think he will agree?" Sylvia asked Leo while putting away the potion on the table.

"Yes." Leo gave a very affirmative answer, saying: "He has no way to refuse, because his body has run out of time for him."

"His body?" Sylvia was stunned, looking at Leo puzzled.

Leo explained: "Do you know how he resisted the erosion of wizard power?"

"You already know his secret?" Sylvia's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought that if Leo really solved the secret of Henry Jones, then it would mean that she could also make more in the Dodd Group. The bloodline school wizard.

Leo nodded and said, "In fact, it's very simple to put it bluntly. Only extraordinary powers can fight against extraordinary powers."

Sylvia did not understand the words for a while, but she quickly reacted and asked in a confirming manner: "Is it the power of the gods?"

Leo nodded again, and said: "I feel the power of the lady in the lake in him. If I guess right, he has not only the Turing root magic circle of the bloodline school wizard, but also The sacred motto of the lady in the lake who has been blessed by the gods, he is using the power of the gods to weaken the influence of the wizard power on the mind."

"It seems that the effect seems to be good," Sylvia soon had some application strategies in his mind, and said: "We have a good relationship with the Ladies Church in the Lake, the Poseidon Church and the Black Forest White Deer, and we can also use them. The sacred motto to do this."

"You don't think there is no harm in this kind of thing, only good?" Leo rejected Sylvia's proposal, and said: "If you say that becoming a bloodmark school wizard gains to be an extraordinary person, what you pay is his own. Mind, then what is gained by using God’s sacred proverbs is that the mind can remain normal, so what does it pay?"

"Body?" Sylvia followed Leo's words before guessing.

Leo nodded and said: "I can feel that his body has been irreversibly alienated, and now he may be able to withstand this alienation, but if it continues, then the power of the gods and wizards will be in his body. There will be even more chaotic alienation in the body, and he will probably be worse than dead by then."

"Can you heal him?" Sylvia asked again.

"No." Leo answered truthfully, "If he can fully cooperate with my inspection, I should be able to formulate a medicine that slows the alienation, but it cannot cure it. If he does not cooperate with my inspection, my medicine can only be used at best. Relieve the pain during his alienation process."

Sylvia thought about it for a moment, and said, "Even this is not bad, at least it can maintain combat effectiveness for decades."

Although Henry Jones' bloodline school wizard had defects and future problems, Sylvia did not intend to give up. Instead, she was still optimistic about this kind of artificial wizard, and felt that she had to test the feasibility after returning.

Leo did not express any objection, but he was not interested in this matter, because even if the bloodstain school wizard succeeded, the power he could master was not very strong, and the effect of the mutation potion he researched was no better than the bloodstain school. How bad is the wizard, and it doesn't have such strong side effects.

For example, Henry Jones needs to maintain the fragile balance in the body, and needs to continuously obtain the divine blessings of the ladies in the lake, in exchange for the sacred proverbs of the ladies in the lake will not fail, and he needs to be strong enough, otherwise even if there are sacred proverbs It’s also useless. This kind of power will be affected by the church when it first appears, and it will also give the church too many opportunities to play tricks. So as long as you figure this out, Sylvia will never use this method. Create artificial wizards.

"Are you really going to buy two million slaves?" Leo didn't continue the question of the bloodmark school wizard, and instead asked another thing.

Hearing Leo’s question, Sylvia shrugged indifferently and said: “As long as he can get two million slaves, I naturally have a reason to refuse, regardless of the population of New Bodo The surrounding areas are already quite a lot, but if the Dodd Group’s expansion speed in my plan is followed, population will become a big problem. At that time, the surrounding kingdoms will definitely issue population restrictions like food restrictions. They will allow their population to flow into our territory again. Rather than think of a solution at that time, it is better to prepare in advance at the beginning."

The population problem is not just a problem in the new Bodo region. There are population problems in the entire Vinylon world. The wave of mutant monsters will bring a lot of casualties. The number of newborns cannot make up for the loss of adults. Over the years, the population of all countries and regions in the world has shown a downward trend.

It’s just that other life-and-death issues are more eye-catching. In addition, a large number of people have given up living in the suburbs and are concentrated in towns with walls. Not only does the population of the towns appear to be particularly crowded, they have not decreased. The illusion of a large population.

However, the illusion is an illusion after all, and it will be pierced sooner or later. When the time comes, the restrictions on the outflow of the population will become extremely strict, so Sylvia will want to borrow slaves from the wasteland to fill this population vacancy.

Although there are many hidden dangers in introducing population from the tribes in the wasteland to fill the vacancies. For example, the problems of the mixed tribes that the wasteland tribes have to face will surely appear in the new Bodo area in the future, but as far as the current problem is concerned, the population problem is The primary issue, as for other issues, wait for the population problem to be resolved before slowly dealing with it.

For Leo and Sylvia, their lifespan will be very long, and there will be enough time to stabilize the situation and solve problems.

The two only talked in the room for a while, and then left the exchange. When they left, they did not leave any information such as addresses. With Henry Jones's ability, they should be able to know where they are now.

The streets of Beberante were built by colonists at the time. Although they were abandoned for a long time and many places were damaged, the main body of the street, and even the buildings on both sides of the street, remained because of the extremely strong stone. Well preserved.

When the Beberante was rebuilt, the builders at the time wanted to destroy these streets, dig out all the stones, and rebuild the city, because these streets are not a good thing in the memory of the tribal people. People say that every gap in these streets is filled with the flesh and blood and resentment of tribesmen who became slaves.

However, when ideals face reality, no matter how great ideals are, they often have to make concessions to reality. After some calculations, the builders at that time found that the cost of overturning all reconstructions far exceeded expectations, even after reconstruction. The city may not be able to compare with Bebelante after years of being abandoned.

So in the end, the builders at that time had to compromise for reality and rebuilt the city directly on the abandoned Bebelante site, relying on the solid foundation and the main building body, at a very small cost.

What’s interesting is that the original builders wanted to rebuild the city into a trading city connecting the north and the south, giving the surrounding tribes a place to provide shelter, but it turned out to be counterproductive. Back to its original appearance, it has become the largest slave trading center in the entire continent of Mozambique, and it can even be said to be the slave trading center of the entire continent of Velen.

It's just that the slaves sold in Bebelante are no longer just tribal people, and a considerable number of them are civilized people from outside countries. It is even interesting that some of them are sold voluntarily as slaves.

Now the world is like the new Bodo region. Basically, everyone has a job. There are very few stable areas where everyone can eat. The vast majority of people are living precariously. The external situation, the situation in the wasteland, on the contrary, seems to be much more stable, at least the number and scale of the large wave of mutant monsters appearing in the wasteland is much smaller.

Someone once specifically ventured into the gradually forming wave of mutant monsters to find the cause. They found that even the wave of mutant monsters that appeared in the depths of the wasteland rarely attacked the wasteland tribe, unless the wasteland tribe just blocked their way forward, they usually Will pass through the endless forests of the wasteland, enter the kingdom areas of the mainland of Mozambique, and attack the cities there.

There are divergent opinions on the causes of this situation. Some people say that these mutant monsters are nature's backlash against mankind. It is caused by the destruction of nature by outside human industries. The mutant monsters do not take the initiative to attack the wasteland tribe because they respect nature and respect. Naturally, etc.

This statement has been recognized by many people. Almost all people who have sought refuge in the wasteland, whether they move to the northern tribal alliance of the wasteland, or those who go to the wasteland and sell themselves as slaves, believe this theory and believe that the wasteland is the last of humanity. The pure land.

However, for those in power in the outer kingdom, they all sneered at such claims, and the evidence is easy to find. For example, there are also some sudden outbreaks of mutant monster groups that will madly attack all surrounding tribes.

However, even if there is sufficient evidence to prove that the so-called natural retaliation theory is completely nonsense, for ordinary people, it is obvious that the credibility of those in power is not enough, and the number of people who choose to take refuge in the wasteland is increasing day by day.

Just like on the streets of Bebelante, the ratio of pedestrians passing by is basically one to one.

For those who fled from other kingdoms to take refuge in the wasteland, the place of residence is a big issue. Obviously, traditional tribal towns cannot be their choice. Their living habits simply cannot adapt to the traditional lifestyle of the tribe. The emerging cities built on the basis of colonial cities became their first choice.

Among the many tribal cities that have been refurbished from the old, cities like Bebelante that still retain a lot of colonial architecture and living habits are their best choice.

It is precisely because of the influx of people who fled here, the subsequent development of the city of Beberante completely violated the original intention of the original reconstruction. Merchants such as Henry Jones who engaged in slave trade were mostly non-tribal people. This also made many tribesmen think of the capture and enslavement of tribal natives by outsiders during the colonial period. Therefore, the relationship between local tribal natives and later fugitives has always been very bad, and conflicts continue.

Just now, on the four streets where Leo and Sylvia walked, they saw no less than six quarrels between tribesmen and outsiders. Although they were still in the quarrel stage, neither side showed any signs of action, but from the situation Look, if Bebelante’s authorities do not want to quell this confrontation, then sooner or later Bebelante will have something big.

However, for Sylvia, this is not what she wants to care about. Compared to whether Beberante will come to a race war, she is more concerned about whether Beberante has what she needs.

The reason why Sylvia and Leo would stay in Beberante was not only for Henry Jones, a slave merchant, but also for another reason, and that was for the mining fair here every six months.

Unlike areas outside the wasteland, the mining farms in the wasteland are not permanent even if the ownership is traded. Usually a brand new mining site only has a one-year mining period. If you count the time for miner recruitment, equipment placement, etc., the final real The mining time may be only a few months, with good luck for more than half a year, and bad luck for less than half a year.

For those mines that have been mined for a long time, such as the mine on the outskirts of Badisha, the mining time of each transaction at UU看书www.uukanshu.com is much longer, usually several years or even ten years. No matter how long it takes, it is not worthwhile if there is no mine to dig.

Therefore, even if the mining time of the new mining site is short, it is still the end of the attention of all ore traders, especially the wasteland mines are mostly open-pit mines, and only need to dig in the ground to dig out the ore, a few months Time will be able to pay back.

Before coming to the wasteland this time, Sylvia had received various intelligence from offices in various places in the wasteland. Among these intelligence, the information about the mining sites was the most important thing. After all, an industrial group like the Dodd Group, all kinds of The purchase, mining and storage of ore are the most important things.

In these information, three mining sites are mentioned. These three mining sites are open-pit mines that produce high-quality tungsten, tin and other ores. Two of them are auctioned again after expiration. This mining site has been auctioned for the third mining period. The value is slightly lower, but the mining time has been extended a lot. The remaining one is a newly discovered mining site, which is also an open-pit mine, which produces a kind of fuel used as fuel The uranium crystals of the catalyst are extremely valuable, and the mining time for one transaction is also extremely short, only half a year.

Although these three mining sites have their own advantages and disadvantages, Sylvia hopes to take them down, and the trade fair for these three mining sites happens to be in Bebelante, which is tomorrow noon.

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