The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1225: Bloodmark School Wizard

Although Henry Jones had anticipated that his hidden identity would be revealed before coming, and he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help panic after hearing Leo's hidden identity. a bit.

In the eyes of most people, Henry Jones is a powerful warrior with a little special ability, able to cope with most attacks. When encountering life and death crisis, he can often burst out of extraordinary potential through certain methods. Let your overall qualities such as strength and speed double or even several times.

It was with this special power and superb fighting skills that he was able to survive the fights in the underground world and start his own slave trading business.

Although in Henry Jones’ past experience, he has shown that sudden explosion potential many times, but there is still no conclusion as to whether he is extraordinary or not, and even the black market intelligence is vague, because like The ability to suddenly burst out potential that he showed can be achieved by ordinary people through some special potions.

However, only a few real friends of Henry Jones knew that he possessed some magical abilities and was an extraordinary person, but there was no one who knew that he was a wizard. Only he himself knew his true identity.

"He's a wizard?" Sylvia turned her head to look at Leo with some confusion, and then looked up and down Henry Jones. Although she knew Leo could not judge this matter wrong, she was still a little confused.

Sylvia has come into contact with a lot of wizards, whether it is the half-hanging wizards in the wizard's hall, or the blood wizard Lawrence, who is already worthy of the title, and even Leo, who is not much different from the tower wizard. The wizard, perhaps because of the more contact, she can feel a special temperament in the wizard, ordinary wizards have this temperament, Leo also has it, and even the previous Carson Sanjes has some.

Although she doesn't know how this temperament is produced, she can be sure that this temperament is unique to wizards, just like a clergyman who possesses divine arts, no matter how trivial they are, will have a sacred temperament.

But now Henry Jones looked like an old warrior with a big waist and a sturdy figure. There was no trace of a wizard at all, let alone his temperament.

"If I'm right, he should be a wizard of the Bloodmark School?" Leo answered Sylvia's confusion and said.

"Bloodmark School?" Sylvia, who was prompted, immediately remembered the relevant information about this school, and then looked at Henry Jones with some surprise, and said: "No wonder you can't see that you are a wizard, it turns out you are this A descendant of the school."

Henry Jones knew why Sylvia was surprised, he could only laugh at himself, without saying anything.

The appearance of the bloodmark school wizard is only a short period of thirty years. Its founder is not a wizard, but a clergyman from the Church of the Lord of All Things. This clergyman studied some of the confiscated After the wizard books, combined with the divine ceremonial justice very popular in the Church of the Lord of All Things at that time, the bloodmark school of wizards was created, and this kind of wizards appeared mainly for hunting wizards, cultists and witches. It can be said He was a loyal dog hunter of the Church of the Lord of All Things.

Because of this, since the day when the bloodmark school wizard appeared, they have never been recognized by the orthodox wizards, and even after their demise, no wizard wanted to retrieve this lost wizard secret.

The reason why the bloodline school has only existed for a short period of thirty years is because the artificially made wizards themselves have very fatal flaws. In addition to the extremely high lethality rate when they are manufactured, the successful bloodline school wizards also When using the special witchcraft on his body, his mind will be infected by the special power of witchcraft, gradually become crazy, and eventually become a bloodthirsty lunatic.

Thirty years can be said that the bloodmark school wizards can maintain the limit of their normal mind. At that time, the Church of the Lord of All Things Birth and Death, who had not noticed the defects of the bloodmark school wizard, was raided by the bloodmark school wizard out of control, causing countless deaths and injuries. Several high-ranking priests who might become the pope died in this disaster.

So when all the bloodmark school wizards were recovered and destroyed by the Church of the Lord of All Things Birth and Death, the method of creating such wizards was also destroyed.

Leo found information about the bloodmark school wizard from a notebook of a tower wizard. The tower wizard was obviously interested in this kind of bloodmark school wizard. He thought that if he could eliminate the impact on his mind, he might be able to Use this bloodline school wizard to create some warriors for safety and increase the wizard's protective power.

Therefore, there are a lot of relevant research materials recorded in that notebook, but the owner of the notebook obviously did not invest much energy in the research of the shamans of the Bloodmark School. Usually, he wrote down what he thought of, and then did one or two experiments and recorded it. It's over, and there is no systematic research sequence.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

Leo only memorized some of the contents and repeated the experiments mentioned in it. After he discovered the flaws of the bloodstripe school wizard, he did not continue because there were other things worth studying. The study went on.

What he did not expect was that he would actually see a living bloodmark school wizard in the border town of the wasteland, and he was still a bloodmark school wizard who had not been affected by his mind. This made him unable to help but mention this artificial wizard again. Some interest.

"From your experience, it is not difficult to guess that you have been a wizard of the Bloodmark School for at least forty years, but you are still normal and not crazy. How do you avoid the influence of wizard power on your mind?" Leo said Shi curiously asked the other person, but felt wrong, and added: "Of course, if you don't want to say it, there is no need to say it. I'm just a little curious."

Henry Jones said directly: "This is not a secret, the reason is actually very simple, that is, my will is strong enough to withstand this degree of influence."

"Is it firm will? Indeed, it is possible to do it." Leo nodded when he heard the words, and Sylvia also re-examined Henry Jones, and no longer simply regarded him as a slave merchant.

Some of Leo's experimental records on the bloodline school wizards were also left in the lighthouse of the Black Castle. These records, along with other materials, were taken by Sylvia to the New Bodo region.

When the blood wizard Lawrence came over, Sylvia also asked Lawrence to try to create a bloodline school wizard. The result was a failure, but she had read all the experimental data, so she knew about the bloodline school wizard. , Although not as good as Leo, but far more than the average person.

She knows that the bloodmark school wizard is a kind of artificial wizard. The method of making is very simple. It is to tattoo the Turing roots that can produce different powers on the body with a very special potion, and then tattoo a special wizard method. Array, connect these Turing radicals into a whole.

Apart from the different materials, this production method is almost the same as the construction of the wizard tower. It uses the Turing root and the wizard array to give extraordinary power to an object without any power. Therefore, the bloodline school wizard is also called humanoid. Wizard Tower.

There are three difficulties in the production method of the bloodmark school wizard. One is the choice of Turing radicals. Only when a suitable Turing radical is selected, will it not cause a backlash effect when the Turing radicals are stimulated because they are incompatible with themselves.

The second is the choice of materials for tattoos. Although the production method of this special medicine is the same, the final effect of the medicine will vary greatly due to the different material choices. Once the material is used incorrectly, let alone stimulate I have blood streaks. I am afraid that I have died of poisoning or allergic reaction when I got the tattoo.

As for the last one, the bloodmark school wizards will be spiritually attacked by their own wizard power anytime and anywhere. The vast majority of people will go crazy within ten years, and a few will be able to support twenty years, but can support 30 years according to the Lord of All Things. There is only one record in the church, and Henry Jones, who has been able to support it for more than 40 years, is still sober and has not done anything extraordinary, which can be said to be unprecedented.

Henry Jones said that all this is because his own will is strong enough to withstand the influence of these forces on the mind. Leo would not believe this, and Sylvia would not believe it either. In their opinion, perhaps Henry Jones’ will played some role, but there must be other reasons that really helped Henry Jones survive the spiritual erosion of more than 40 years.

However, even though they were curious about the secrets, Leo and Sylvia did not continue to ask. After all, this is related to the survival of the other party. If they continue to ask, either they will not get any answers, or they will completely turn their faces.

Sylvia did not continue to talk about the bloodmark school of wizards, but moved back to the topic, saying: "I am coming to you this time to buy some slaves from you."

Seeing that Sylvia did not continue to ask, Henry Jones was a little relieved, and then inadvertently looked at Leo on the side, then immediately turned back and asked: "How much do you want, I will prepare it for you immediately. "

"One hundred thousand." Sylvia quickly said a number.

Henry Jones immediately showed a look of shock, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "Don't make this kind of joke."

"I'm not kidding." Sylvia said to the other party very seriously: "This is only the first batch of people, and I will continue to buy more from you in the future, and it will end when it reaches at least two million or so. Said that we should have a fairly long period of cooperation."

Henry Jones was completely stunned. Looking at Sylvia's serious expression, he couldn't help but confirm again: "Are you really joking?"

"Do you think I came here to see you in person to joke?" Sylvia asked back.

"Of course not, of course not!" Henry Jones shook his head again and again, then stood up and walked back and forth in the house, seeming to be considering how to complete the population transaction that Sylvia said.

There is no doubt that the two million slave transactions, such a large number, is definitely the largest transaction he has ever made in his life. If he accumulates all the slave transactions in his past life, it should have almost just exceeded this number, and now According to Sylvia's words, she intends to complete the transaction of more than two million slaves in a few years. There are too many aspects involved in such a large transaction. A slight error in one link will affect it. To the transaction.

For example, how to find the supply of more than two million slaves, although the various tribes in the wasteland are endless, large tribes hundreds of thousands, millions of people, small tribes thousands of people, two million people It’s easy to make up the number, but the problem is that the number is made up, but he doesn’t have the courage to really grab two million tribal slaves. If he really does this, then he won’t say staying in Bebelante. , I'm afraid he won't even want to live on.

Secondly, there is the issue of the transportation of slaves. Obviously, the two million slaves cannot be taken by Sylvia from Beberante. He must be sent to the new Bodo area. Even if it is delivered in batches, it will at least be There were several thousand people, plus the guards who transported the slaves, and so on, there were five or six thousand people in a team.

In the past, as long as a team of five or six thousand people did not pass through major cities and only walked through some wild smuggling roads, it would not attract much attention, and the checkpoints on the road would be set up. UU看书 Hardly encounter any trouble.

But this approach is not working now. In order to defend against mutant monsters, there are checkpoints everywhere in various countries. It is impossible for five or six thousand people to walk past silently. Moreover, if they take the road in the wild, the movement of five or six thousand people will inevitably occur. It causes mutant monsters, and I am afraid that after reaching the new Bodo area, most of the number of people will be lost.

The other most important point is that his current power is far from what it was at the beginning. In the Northern Tribal Alliance, he may still have some to use, but after leaving the wasteland, the channels he left behind have long been invalidated. Now, let alone the controllers of those channels returning the resources in their hands to him, if he dares to appear under the hands of those who used to be, I am afraid that only betrayal and betrayal will be waiting.

After weighing the pros and cons, Henry Jones’s sanity has already made a decision, which is to reject the deal, but sanity is often not the main factor in a person’s decision, and the huge benefits that this transaction may bring have already aroused Henry Jones' greed made him want to ignore the rational decision.

Henry Jones, who was swaying in his heart, seemed to want to make a choice by weighing Sylvia's trading conditions, so after thinking for a moment, he seriously asked: "Madam, what are you going to use for trading? "

"The latest weapon produced by the Dodd Group, and the real wizard's potion." Sylvia gave the answer, and when Sylvia's voice fell, Leo on the side very cooperatively took out a bottle of wizard's potion. Put it on the table.

Henry Jones stared at the potion. After a while, he slowly said, "Give me two days, and after two days, I will give two more answers."

After speaking, he fled as if he ran out of the room, as if staying in the room for a while, he would fall completely into greed.

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