The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1224: Slave merchant

Bebelante is the junction of the North-South Alliance. Although the North-South Alliance does not have a clear border like outside countries, the North-South Alliance has set up 17 border cities, and Bebelante is one of the borders. city.

Bebelante itself is not a city with special characteristics. Just like most other cities in the wasteland, Bebelante was also a city established by early colonists. The reason why the city was established here is because the generation was entrenched at that time. There were several large tribes with a population of tens of thousands. The colonists at that time used the contradictions between these large tribes to provoke their wars, and then bit by bit to seize the wealth of their tribes for countless years. , Even after each tribal war ended, the warriors of those tribes were turned into slaves by purchasing prisoners of war.

In less than ten years, these large tribes with a history of thousands of years have completely disappeared, and the people of the tribe have become slaves. Only the broken tribal ruins are telling people who traveled here about the prosperity of the year. .

After the large tribes were annexed by the colonists, there was no value here, and the city of Beberante was abandoned by the colonists at that time.

After that, because there were no mineral resources around and deviating from the main road, Beberante was left abandoned in this way. It was not until the construction of the North-South Avenue that it was rebuilt and became one of the border cities.

As to why the originally straight north-south avenue had to make a bend in Bebelante, it was a lot of difficulty in construction and cost a lot of money. People at the time did not understand it well, until the northern sacred mountain leaked in recent years. Some information has revealed the mystery. It is actually very simple. One of the people responsible for designing the route of the North-South Avenue was a descendant of the tribe near Beberante. He hoped that his ancestors' land could regenerate, so he was selfish. Modified the route and made a turn here.

However, this kind of selfish approach actually found a huge treasure hidden in Bebelante for many years and has not been discovered. This treasure is the blood orchid growing in the valley near Bebelante.

This kind of blood orchid is the material needed to make some kind of high-level shaman potion. This kind of flower is extremely harsh to the growth environment. If it is a little unsatisfactory, it will stop growing, and even wither and die.

In the past, when the great shaman of the holy mountain needed to make this kind of shaman potion, they could only exchange it from the hidden tribe on the other side of the Dajiao River. The inconvenience was very much, and the more troublesome was that there would be some accidents during transportation. The accident caused some losses, and several rituals that required this shaman potion had to be postponed or cancelled because of the lack of blood orchid materials.

After a large number of blood orchids were found in the valley near Beberante, the holy mountain immediately paid special attention and care to them. Not only the northern holy mountains sent people to station here, but the southern holy mountains also sent several large The shaman resides here, and because of the actions of the sacred mountains in the north and south, many idle warriors from the tribe have also come here to ask for a living, which makes this place gradually become prosperous. It can be regarded as a disguised form. The wish of the avenue designer.

While the civilized society in the outside world completely banned any slave trade, this city, which was deeply affected by the slave trade of colonists, still had legal slave trade, but the slaves here were not limited to tribal people. Few people from other countries who became slaves because of debts, prisoners of war or criminals.

After the foggy years, many systems in civilized society have changed. The most changed system is the criminal imprisonment system. Governments of various countries are naturally unwilling to spend a lot of their manpower and material resources to support a group of criminals, so there are only two criminals. There are two ways to go, one is to go directly to the battlefield and become a member of the vanguard army directly facing the first wave of attacks by mutant monsters, and the other is to send them to the wasteland and sell them as slaves to the tribe.

Although the slave trade has been banned within and between countries, some loopholes in laws and regulations can still be used to trade slaves with wasteland tribes. At first, only some death row prisoners were traded here as slaves, but then debtors and prisoners of war Misdemeanors, thieves, etc. have also been traded here.

For those who have been traded sincere slaves, they are naturally very angry at their situation, but they are also very helpless, because they chose to become a slave. In their opinion, joining the vanguard can be said to be a death Undoubtedly, basically no prisoner can become a slave to the dignitaries of the wasteland tribe when the vanguard has lived to the end of his sentence. Naturally, he is much safer than those who joined the vanguard, although he encountered a A bad master will also make his life difficult, but compared to the vanguard army, which is bound to die, this kind of life difficulty is not worth mentioning.

Henry Jones is an Englishman and a wanted criminal at the same time. He is also a common wanted criminal in 13 countries including the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of America, and the Kingdom of Deliat. These countries have accumulated on him. The bounty has reached an astonishing height. Every year, countless hunters hope to get all the bounty in that bounty pool by hunting him, but as a result, these hunters eventually become a decoration in his manor.

The reason why he is wanted by so many countries is mainly because of his lifelong career, the largest slave trading network covering almost the entire Vinylon civilization.

Although after the foggy years, because of the barriers of various continents, the slave trading organization under his control was out of control, and his career fell apart, but with the wealth and manpower accumulated over the years, he was still able to stabilize the business in Mozambique. It was in this era of rampant mutant monsters that his slave trade could still be maintained.

However, as the countries of the Mozambican continent began to implement extremely strict military control in order to fight against the tide of mutant monsters, Henry Jones’ hideout was dug up one by one, and the forged identities were dismantled one by one, plus the internal organization of his own The traitor betrayed him, which forced him to abandon most of his career and escape to the wasteland.

However, even if he fled to the wasteland, he still did not give up his slavery business. Instead, he made a new career in Bebelante, a wasteland border city, even though this career was more than what he had created in the past. The difference is not a star or a half, but it is also the basis for him to be able to stand on the wasteland. If he loses this career, his fate will not be much better than the decorations made of hunter human skins in his manor.

In the eyes of others, because the people who colonized the wasteland at the beginning were the English people, and then the people who engaged in the slave trade in Mozambique were mainly English people. A large number of tribes that have existed in the wasteland for thousands of years are all because of the English people. People are hunted and killed, so the entire wilderness tribe is extremely disgusted and hated against the English people.

Therefore, an Inger was engaged in slave trade in the Mossan Wasteland, and the slaves bought and sold were mainly tribal people. This would definitely arouse hostility from the wasteland tribe and even targeted attacks by the wasteland tribe.

This is a universal idea. Almost everyone knows Henry Jones when he knows that his business is the slave trade.

But in the eyes of Henry Jones, this idea is very superficial, or even completely wrong, because only a handful of tribes in the Mossan Wasteland really hate the English Kingdom and the English people, and most other tribes only like People who treat other kingdoms treat the English kingdom and the English people the same way, and there will be no outstanding hatred.

This is mainly because people in the outside world who don’t understand the wasteland tribes always regard all the tribes in the wasteland as a whole. The actual situation is completely different. The reason for this misconception is that, except because of conventional misconceptions In addition, more importantly, the sacred mountain of the wasteland gave the outside civilization an illusion.

To a large extent, the tribes of the wasteland are a single city-state, equal to other tribes, without belonging, and not one.

The relationship between the tribe and the tribe is far less close than that seen by outsiders. In fact, many of the desert tribes are dead enemies. The reason why they can also run to the holy mountain to participate in the various ceremonies of the holy mountain. , Not only because of the influence of the Shaman of the Holy Mountain, more importantly, they are unable to swallow their dead enemies in one go.

Some of these tribes that have been enemies with each other have fought for thousands of years. For these tribes, the damage caused by the British Kingdom during the colonial period is simply not worth mentioning, so they are not too much to the British like Henry Jones. A lot of hatred, at best, it will only use this hate rumors to lower the price when dealing with Henry Jones.

Moreover, the emergence of slave merchants like Henry Jones has also solved some prisoner-of-war problems for these tribes, allowing them to sell prisoners of war within a short period of time after a battle, and obtain huge benefits that are sufficient to compensate for war losses.

Therefore, after Henry Jones gained a foothold and became one of Beberante’s largest slave merchants, he hardly needed to find the supply himself. Some tribes would directly come to him and hand over a batch of prisoners of war to him. .

When the conflict between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe of the Southern Tribal Alliance was spread to Bebelante, Henry Jones immediately paid attention to it, because he saw a huge business opportunity from this matter. He even used one of his long-deposited tokens to contact another mixed-blood tribe participating in this conflict war, intending to start the post-war POW transaction from the mixed-blood tribe.

The relationship between Henry Jones’ slave trade and the mixed-race tribes has always been very good. The mixed-race tribes used Henry Jones to buy the mixed-race tribes who appeared in the slave market a long time ago to strengthen their own ethnic group. And Henry Jones Through the conflict between the mixed-race tribe and other tribes, the prisoners of war slaves were bought on a large scale and sold to other tribes. The cooperation between the two can be said to be extremely close. He believes that this time he can also get good news from the mixed-race tribe.

However, what surprised him was that he received a very formal letter of rejection from a mixed-race tribe. Excluding the polite words in this letter, there was only one actual content, and that was to ask him not to interfere. Regarding the POW transaction between the Silvermoon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe.

This formal letter of rejection surprised Henry Jones, because this was something that had never happened before. Although he felt it was a bit weird, he did not intend to go into it, but chose to follow the letter. The suggestion of not intervening in the POW transaction between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe was one of the reasons why he was able to live to the present, controlling his curiosity and desire.

However, although he is not prepared to intervene in the POW transaction of the two main protagonists of the conflict war, this does not mean that he will completely abandon the other benefits that this conflict can create. For example, other small tribes attached to the two tribes seem to be not restricting. Among them, the prisoners of war between these small tribes are the target he is considering now, and the spoils of war are also a source of interest. In short, even if he does not intervene in the largest prisoner of war transaction, he can also earn from this conflict war. earned a lot.

Just when Henry Jones was considering whether he should go to the Southern Tribal Alliance himself, a supervisor he arranged for the trading house suddenly hurried to his manor and told him that someone wanted to see him.

Henry Jones was a little puzzled, because the supervisor knew his temper very well and shouldn't bother him with trivial things, so the person who wanted to see him must be some important person.

So Henry Jones asked about the person’s identity, and after the supervisor said the person’s name, Henry Jones’ face immediately showed a serious and disgusting expression, because countless past experiences reminded him that that person The appearance of is absolutely no good thing, after the few meetings in the past, UU reading he will encounter some unlucky things inexplicably.

According to Henry Jones, he would and would never meet this person, but he knew very well how much he would lose if he really did it according to this idea. After all, he now has the second point of interest. Need to rely on each other to support.

Henry Jones wore a relatively confirmed dress and hurried to the VIP room of the trading house, then pushed the door and walked in. After seeing the man standing by the window sill, he immediately stepped forward respectfully and said hello: "Madam , I didn’t expect that you would come to Bebelante in person. Your presence has made this dark corner of me radiant. Although this is not my city, I am still familiar with it. I am very willing to take it. Let the lady visit this beautiful city."

"Beautiful?" The other party pointed to the slaves waiting to be sold outside the window sill, and said slightly mockingly: "Are you talking about this kind of sight? Maybe it is beautiful to you."

Facing the other person's ridicule, Henry Jones could only deal with it with a smile, without rebutting, on the contrary, as if turning off the topic, he looked at another person on the side and said, "This must be the gentleman, right?"

"Leo Dodd!" The opponent nodded to Henry Jones, and then said abruptly: "Are you a wizard?"

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