On a small hill near the southern end of the Wasteland North-South Avenue, there is a simple wooden building with a very primitive style. The appearance of the wooden building should have been used as a post in the early days.

However, because there are no fortifications around, once a wave of mutant monsters erupts, this place will not be able to withstand the attacks of any mutant monsters, so it was soon abandoned, and now it has become a temporary place for people who have not had time to enter the city before night A place to stay.

Because it is daytime, this wooden building is empty. Only the top of the building can see a room on North-South Avenue. A few people are standing by the window, watching a carriage slowly driving on the North-South Avenue in front. A solemn expression appeared on all of them.

"Do they already know our plan?" one of the people dressed as an old scholar asked to himself.

"Maybe I was aware of it, but I probably don't know what we want to do." Another middle-aged man dressed similarly to the Shaman of the Wasteland Tribe responded, then frowned, and said: "You think they really don't Take things from that ruin?"

The old scholar replied: "I don't know this, but even if there is something, Sylvia's character will not be handed over, not to mention there is a tower wizard who has achieved demigod achievement beside her supporting it. Now."

"He is not a tower wizard." At this moment, a man in a cloak and hood next to him corrected him. Although this man did not remove the hood, if Leo and Sylvia were here, it would be inevitable. He could be heard from his voice as Carson Sanjes, the fire-keeper of the Southern Holy Mountain.

"Do you think there is any difference between him and the tower wizard?" Another woman who hid herself in a cloak seemed to like to confront Carson Sanjay and immediately retorted.

Carson Sangers was silent for a while, repeated the previous words, and said: "He is not a tower wizard."

"The world doesn't think so." The woman stimulated the other side again.

When Carson Sanjay wanted to say something, he was interrupted by the middle-aged man on the side. The middle-aged man said solemnly: "Whether he is a tower wizard or not, he and Sylvia are both It is a powerful variable. With the addition of these two variables, the success rate of our plan will be so high. Now we lack Rain Dodd and Sylvia Belmont to promote the plan. , I’m afraid the eventual direction of things will not proceed in the direction we envisioned."

Everyone on the scene immediately fell silent. They had been preparing for this plan for a long time, and they were waiting for a suitable variable that had nothing to do with them to join in. Now that the variable has come, the plan has begun to be promoted as predicted, and everything is ready. The work has been stimulated, just waiting for the variables to enter the position in the plan, they can wait for the final desired result.

But the result is the same as the uncertainty of the variable. This variable is not played according to the card. Just half a foot into the plan, he just set off the table and left without giving people any chance to react. Like now, even if they have caught up with Sylvia and Leo's carriage, they can only watch each other leave quietly, and can't do anything.

"We stop them and lead them to..." At this time, a tribal warrior dressed as a traditional tribal hunter with scars on his face who hadn't spoken before gave a suggestion in the common language of the holy mountain with a strong accent. Is there anything else to say? The strange eyes of the people around him made him feel something wrong, and he said with some doubts: "Is there something wrong with me?"

The old scholar said in a deep voice: "You have been on the other side of the river for too long, and you are out of touch with the world. You forgot how powerful a demigod is. If we deliberately introduce him into the plan, he may no longer be a variable. I will rely on his power to control the overall situation. I don’t think that the current barren people can resist his attacks. With Sylvia at that time, I suspect that the benefits of our plans for these years will eventually become theirs."

"Is he really a demigod? Can you make a mistake?" The tribal warrior was still a little unwilling to believe, questioning.

"As far as I know, the bone butterfly was injured by him, and the things on the swamp side based on time calculation may also be related to him. Although the mixed-blood tribe cannot always use the power of the swamp castle as we expected, but The time to end was too short, it was so short that it almost affected our plan," Carson Sanjay answered the tribe warrior, and looked at the old scholar, middle-aged shaman and hidden woman with a little dissatisfaction. Said: "I have said that any plan should not deliberately increase variables. Leo Dodd and Sylvia have already happened so many things before they formally intervene in the plan. If they really enter the plan, they may not be able to return. What accidents will happen. In my opinion, it is a good thing for them to leave."

The middle-aged shaman looked at Carson Sanjes displeasedly, and said: "But the problem now is that if there is no one variable to guide, the Silvermoon tribe has a high chance of losing this conflict and war. Tribe annexation. In that case, our previous plan really failed. Our plan is not to create an absolutely powerful tribe that does not follow tradition."

"Should we choose a few of our own as variables?" the woman suggested.

"No." The others rejected the proposal almost unanimously.

The old man explained: "A few of us must not be involved in anything in the plan, let alone go directly in to promote the plan. You must know that the eyes on the sacred mountains in the north and south are not just names, they represent the entire wasteland tribe. As long as they find some clues, they can find us out. "Speaking, he repeated and emphasized very seriously: "So we absolutely cannot have any connection with the plan."

The woman asked: "Since we can't directly intervene, we can only rely on variables to promote the plan. Now that the appropriate variables have left, what should we do now? We can't watch things get out of control, right?"

Everyone was silent again. Obviously they had anticipated various situations in advance, and even considered the various decisions that Sylvia's character would make, but they did not expect that as a variable, Sylvia would choose to directly lift the table. Leaving, this kind of decision is completely inconsistent with Sylvia's character. It can only be said that Leo, the variable that suddenly joined in, also affected Sylvia's variable.

At this time, the previous tribal hunter suggested again: "Should we have a big wave of mutant monsters?"

Hearing this proposal, everyone's sights couldn't help but fall on the tribal hunter, but what they saw from their sights was not a denial of the tribal hunter, but instead seemed to urge the other party to speak out the follow-up thoughts.

However, the tribe hunter obviously didn't have any follow-up thoughts, so he said awkwardly: "I just talked casually, I didn't think so much at all."

"Although it's just casual talk, it's the best way to deal with it now." The old man sighed and said: "I didn't expect that the back hand I left behind would be used now."

The middle-aged shaman couldn’t wait to say: “Since this is the case, prepare as soon as possible, just to take advantage of the fact that the silver moon tribe mercenary army was destroyed by the mutated monster tide and the influence of this event has not subsided, and then launch an abnormal mutant monster tide in the wasteland, too No one will doubt it."

After making a decision, several people discussed a few more words, each left the small building, and soon dispersed in the woods downstairs.

Carson Sanjes, the last one to leave the small building, suddenly stopped and looked towards the North-South Avenue. He seemed to feel something, but soon he shook his head again, thinking that he might be an illusion. Then he put himself in the costume of a tribal hunter, disguised himself, and walked towards the holy mountain in the south. He wanted to return to the holy mountain before he was discovered.

In fact, Carson Sanjes didn't perceive it wrongly. He didn't know that his every move in the small building and the conversations of the surrounding people were all heard by Leo and Sylvia.

In fact, when Carson Sanjes and the others were at the party, they also made some protective measures. Whether it was extraordinary powers, wizards' magic circles, or various shielding strange objects, they were isolated from their surroundings and they were not allowed to spy on them. Opportunity, so they will talk about things without scruples.

But their vision and ability obviously limited their protective means, and also gave other people a loophole, such as Leo and Sylvia.

In fact, Leo and Sylvia did not expect such a big windfall. Leo only secretly left a miniature on Carson Sanjes while communicating with Carson Sanjes that day. Spy.

This kind of miniature spy device is assembled from some parts that can be used in the spacecraft wreckage collected by Sylvia. The function of the spy device is very simple. There are only two types, one is positioning and the other is eavesdropping. , The size is the same dust, attached to the opponent’s hair, it can locate and eavesdrop on the target through the specific frequency on the universal recorder.

Originally, Leo only wanted to know the location of Carson Sanjes’s residence, to see if he could sneak into Carson Sanjes’s residence and peek at the books left by the wilderness wizard.

But what he didn't expect was that Carson Sanjes was a member of another secret force, and when talking with his men in his residence, he mentioned that the Silvermoon Tribe bought weapons from Sylvia. thing.

Although it sounds like a casual mention, Sylvia felt that there might be something tricky, so regardless of any influence, she lifted the table, and then left the southern tribal alliance, the right and wrong circle, and jumped out of the trap. Get out.

Just now, although Carson Sanjes and others made some arrangements, their arrangements could not block the signal from the snoopers, so their conversations were all written by Leo and Hill sitting on the carriage. Via heard it, this also made Sylvia understand that the decision she made was correct.

"That woman's voice sounds familiar." Leo turned off the recorder as he watched Carson Sanjes's position on the Universal Recorder pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain, and then said thoughtfully.

"Of course I am familiar, she should be Saran Meyer." Sylvia said very confidently.

Leo asked in doubt: "The king, Saran? Isn't she in the kingdom of Marris? How did she get to the wasteland?"

"It's very simple. She can't stay there anymore, she can only run to the original place." Sylvia sneered with disdain, and added: "Although the power of the ice queen is concentrated in Davilia , But her influence over the years is not limited to Davilia. She can almost influence the political situation of the entire Minsk continent. Even the Church of the King of the Hill and the Church of the Lord of All Things will not appear if the gods do not appear. Compared with her. In this case, the power and influence that can be controlled by Saran is very small. She has always been a proactive person, and of course she will find a suitable escape route, but now there is no escape route that can provide her to play. Much, the virgin land of Wasteland is the most suitable one."

At this point, Sylvia's expression has also become a lot more serious. Although she is not afraid of choosing the king Saran, she does not want to conflict with the other party, because she is very clear about the conflict with the king Saran. People who know how many hole cards they hide will be passive in conflict, and their reputation in the Witches is better than her. If the two conflict, even if they win in the end, I am afraid it will be a miserable victory.

"Don't worry, we are no longer in their plan." Leo could see what Sylvia was thinking in his heart, relieved, and then changed the subject and asked: "What about the identities of other people? Can you? Do you recognize it from the sound?"

Sylvia recalled for a moment, and said: "The people of the two tribes couldn't hear it, but the voice of the old man sounded very much like that of Locke Talos, the chief deacon of the Anomaly Society."

Leiou wondered: "Deacon in chief? When did the Yiwen Society have this position?"

“~www.ltnovel.com~, established more than ten years ago, Sylvia showed a look of disdain, and said: “Thanks to these perverse changes, many people have quit the Yiwen Society and joined our group. This is a good thing for us. "

Leo asked again: "Why haven't I heard of the name Lock Talos? He shouldn't be a particularly famous academic authority?"

"Of course not, that guy is just an opportunist who is proficient in speculation! He was pushed to the position of deacon chief only because there was no suitable candidate, and the prestigious person in that position was not interested in that position. It’s really a joke that I just want to bury my head in research and finally make such a fellow who is not even considered a scholar become the head of the organization with the most authoritative scholars in the world."

After hearing this, Leo pondered for a while, and said, "I'm a little curious about what they are planning, what about you?"

Sylvia was silent for a moment, shook her head, and said, "We don't have to intervene in their affairs. Let's go at our own pace! No matter what their plan is, as long as there is no internal problem, they will It is impossible to shake our group."

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