Although the tribal warriors hired by the Silvermoon Tribe are just ordinary warriors in each tribe, because the truly powerful warriors have been digested by the tribe themselves, only those warriors that the tribes look down on will leave their tribes and run to them. The most prosperous and prosperous southern sacred mountain surrounds the city to discuss life.

However, even so, these fighters are all qualified fighters. The quality may be average, but the number is large enough. Even if they are defeated, it is absolutely impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

Therefore, when the news spread, everyone believed that this was a deliberate rumor made by the Tinder Tribe, in order to blow the morale of the Silver Moon Tribe.

However, as the follow-up news came through, everyone was silent for an instant, because the annihilation of the mercenary army was a fact, not a rumor. As for the cause of the annihilation, everyone thought that this was the luck of the mercenary army. It was bad. Before preparing to attack the city, it happened to encounter a wave of mutant monsters. The mercenary group directly fought against the wave of mutant monsters in the wild.

As you can imagine, there is no city wall to defend against the waves of attacks by mutant monsters, let alone the mercenary regiments formed by these ordinary fighters. Even if those who have mastered extraordinary powers form an army, I am afraid it will be difficult to counteract the tide of emergence. Mutant monster.

In the end, the Legion that the Silvermoon Tribe paid a high price to hire did not cause any damage to the Tinder Tribe’s Sobans City and died in the jungle outside Sobans City.

Although, after the news spread, some people thought that Sobans City could not save it and did not send those tribal warriors into the city to avoid the tide of mutant monsters. The approach was too cold and indirectly accused the Tinder tribe for not considering itself as a southern tribe. The members of the alliance, that's why they watched these southern tribe warriors die under the attack of mutant monsters.

This statement has been approved by many people. After all, the Tinder Tribe offended many tribes when it joined the Southern Tribal Alliance. In recent years, it has fallen out with neighboring tribes because of some interests. In the past, it was because the Silver Moon tribe was behind it. So, people can't find a chance to start. Now that the Tinder Tribe has fallen out with the Silver Moon Tribe, and has lost this backing, those hostile tribes naturally don't miss any chance to fall into trouble.

In addition to those tribes that were hostile in the past, some tribes have attacked the Tinder tribe because their tribal warriors joined this mercenary group and died in the tide of mutant monsters.

They don’t really value the tribal warriors, they just feel that the warriors of their tribe are too humiliated. If they die on the frontal battlefield with the Tinder tribe, they may not have any complaints, but they are blocked by the Tinder tribe. Outside the city, dying in the tide of mutant monsters, this way of death is a shame to them, not only the shame of the warrior, but also the shame of the tribe.

It’s just that not all tribes agree with the Tinder tribe’s saying that the Tinder tribe is too cold. They think that since the mercenary group went outside the city of Sobans to attack the city of Sobans, then they and the Tinder tribe are enemies, Sobans. Naturally, the city is not obliged to save its enemies. What's more, if the mercenary group is put into the city, then if the mercenary group suddenly attacked the city, the city of Sobans would not have the power to resist, so Sobans City’s approach is The most reasonable approach.

However, no matter what they discussed, they always revolved around the annihilation of the mercenary regiment, what is the next step for the Silvermoon tribe, how will the tinder tribe use this news to expand its advantages, etc., although this time the mercenary regiment is annihilated, But the vast majority of the tribes of the Southern Tribal Alliance still believe that the Silvermoon Tribe will be the ultimate winner, because the Silvermoon Tribe has not received any losses except for some benefits.

Although in these discussions, some people also mentioned that this mutated monster wave appeared weird. Perhaps it was caused by the Tinder tribe Sobans City through some method, which is to use the mutated monster wave to destroy the invading mercenaries, but This statement was quickly submerged in other discussions and did not attract anyone's attention.

Because almost everyone knows that mutant monsters are uncontrollable, even the shamans of the holy mountain can only infer the number and approximate location of mutant monsters hidden in the forest by observing the state of various creatures around them, and then infer the mutation. The time period for the monster tide to qualify.

If the Tinder tribe can accurately control the time and place where the mutant monsters emerge, and even control the number of mutant monsters, then the Tinder tribe will not be in its current position. It may have conquered the entire North and South Alliance and become a wasteland. The unique king of the tribe, it is not difficult even to conquer the civilized world outside the wasteland.

However, compared to the ideas of the tribesmen, Leo and Sylvia who heard the news all agreed that the emergence of this mutant monster wave is really related to Sobans, but neither of them is very sure. How does Si do this, but their intuition tells them that Yiwen Society may have played a role in this matter.

This incident did not have much impact on Leo and Sylvia. The only impact is that the market for weapons seems to have been elevated a lot because of this war, and the great shaman of the Silver Moon tribe who is permanently stationed on the holy mountain also personally When I came to the office of the Dodd Group, I met Sylvia. The purpose was to get better weapons from Sylvia. It seemed that they were ready to do a big job.

Sylvia did not immediately agree to the party. It was not that she did not want to conclude the deal, but because she had no stock on hand.

Although the weapons and equipment produced from the new Bodo headquarters have already begun to be shipped, it still takes at least one month to be delivered to the Southern Tribal Alliance. This is still not blocked by anyone on the road, and there are no accidents. If there is another accident on the road, then this time must be delayed.

And now, the various goods that the Dodd Group stores in the warehouses in the southern sacred mountain are only enough to complete the arms-for-food trade with the farming tribes, and it is impossible to provide an additional batch of weapons and equipment. To the Silver Moon Tribe.

Seeing this situation, the big shamans of the Silvermoon Tribe can only take second place and find other weapon suppliers, although the quality of the weapons provided by those people cannot be compared with the weapons of the Dodd Group, and most of them They are all cold weapons and old models of crossbows, but they are better than nothing. They can at least meet the minimum requirements of tribal warriors.

"I think this is a bit weird." Sylvia said to Leo with a serious face after the big shaman of the Silver Moon tribe left.

Leo thought for a while and confirmed: "Are you saying that the Southern Tribal Alliance needs too much weapons?"

Sylvia nodded and said, "Think about the contract we negotiated, plus the orders mentioned by the Silvermoon Tribe. These weapons transactions are already the total amount of weapons transactions for the Southern Tribal Alliance in the past ten years. , This is not counting the weapon trade volume of the Tinder tribe, the mixed-blood tribe, and some other neutral tribes. If you count it like this, it can be said that everyone in the southern tribal alliance has at least two weapons in their hands. The skirmishes and skirmishes are more like the entire southern tribal alliance preparing for war."

Leo heard the words, pondered for a moment, and said, "Do you think this is the Southern Tribal Alliance, under the guise of the conflict between the Silver Moon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe, secretly preparing to start a big war?"

Sylvia nodded and said, "I think so."

Leo frowned and issued a different opinion: "But the problem is that the Silvermoon Tribe and the Tinder Tribe are not fake. The Southern Tribal Alliance is preparing for a foreign war under this situation. It seems..."

Sylvia interrupted Leo and gave another guess: "What if the Southern Tribal Alliance is not launching an external war, but is preparing for an internal war?"

Leo froze for a moment when he heard the words, and then thought about it carefully. Although he still thought that Sylvia's guess was wrong, he couldn't deny the possibility.

For a long time, the Southern Tribal Alliance has had an idea of ​​nation-building. This is mainly because the Northern Tribal Alliance has established several tribal-themed countries at the border with the United States and other countries. Although these countries are not very powerful, at best It can be regarded as a city-state country, but its benefits are also visible to the naked eye. The biggest advantage is that trade with the outside world will be carried out in the form of a country. In this way, gaining benefits in trade is far more than that of a single tribe. The final profit is much more.

Like Sylvia’s previous arms-for-food trade contracts with various farming tribes, if a unified state agency negotiates, rather than individual tribes holding back each other, then these farming tribes will eventually gain Profit is definitely much bigger than it is now.

However, no matter how good the idea of ​​establishing a nation was and how great the benefits were, it was still rejected by the vast majority of the tribes in the Southern Tribal Alliance for reasons such as violation of tradition.

No one said that these tribes are conservative. After all, the foundation of the Southern Tribal Alliance is to return to tradition. Obviously, if a country is really established, then tribal traditions will naturally be impossible to talk about. In that case, it is better to reintegrate into the north. Tribal alliance.

It is precisely because of the core purpose of the Southern Tribal Alliance that Leo believes that Sylvia’s guess is wrong. In his opinion, at least until the real crisis that can affect the survival of the Southern Tribal Alliance appears. The Southern Tribal Alliance cannot truly be unified into one country.

Sylvia also seemed to have thought of the loopholes in her speculation. Instead of arguing with Leo, she imagined: “Could it be that someone thinks that the conflict between the Silvermoon and Tinder tribe is not big enough and wants to fight the conflict. A tribal war that expanded to other tribes and caused more casualties."

Leo didn't respond, but just nodded slightly. Although this idea was a bit whimsical, it was much more reliable than the previous one to build a country.

But Leo still thinks it is impossible, because as long as there is a southern holy mountain, the various battles and conflicts of the southern tribal alliance will not develop into a melee of the entire tribal alliance.

Leo and Sylvia did not spend too much time on this question. They could not figure out the answer to this question, so they stopped thinking about it. After all, this matter has little to do with them, even if the Southern Tribal Alliance is comprehensive After the civil war, they had no plans to intervene. They would only stand in a neutral position and sell all kinds of weapons to both sides. No matter what the final situation is, they are all winners, but the gains of this winner are big or small.

Although Leo and Sylvia did not intend to intervene in the Southern Tribal Alliance, some people did not want to see Leo and Sylvia living so easily. They wanted to find something to do for them.

The office of the Dodd Group in the Southern Tribal Alliance is not only engaged in large-scale weapons and industrial product transactions, but also in the acquisition and auction business, because people living in the wasteland can always get a priceless piece inadvertently For example, a tribal child once caught a golden insect and made it into a specimen. As a result, this golden insect was completely extinct on other continents and was also very rare in the wasteland. It has only a very high collection value, and it is also a material that must be used in a special ceremony.

In the end, this insect specimen was bought by the people of the Dodd Group auction house. After returning to the headquarters, Sylvia gave it as a gift to an underground power, and harvested a lot of much-needed resources from that underground power.

Things like these kinds of low-cost acquisitions and high returns abound, so Sylvia also attaches great importance to the wasteland auction. The people who are sent to the town are all knowledgeable and extraordinary. Although it belongs to the office in name, the power is completely independent in fact.

As always, a gem was purchased at auction. Sylvia and Leo also saw that They felt that this gem had no other value besides being very beautiful, so they put it The gems were put in the auction house and auctioned in exchange for other things of value to the Dodd Group.

As a result, at the auction, someone discovered that this gem turned out to be a sacred stone in the temple of the Silver Moon tribe. Although this sacred stone does not have any unusual power, it has other symbolic meanings. It is based on a hero of the Silver Moon tribe. Symbolic.

After discovering this, the person who presided over the auction at that time was about to end the auction. No matter how slow, people would feel that this incident was a provocation to the Silver Moon tribe.

But in the end, the Tinder Tribe bought the things before the auction ended, and as if they had been prepared, they directly delivered the bid items to complete the transaction, and took away the temple sacred stones of the Silver Moon Tribe.

When news of the auction reached Sylvia and Leo’s ears, the great shaman of the Silvermoon tribe also came directly to inquire about the matter. Faced with the reproach, Sylvia did not explain directly letting the silver The big shaman of the Moon tribe gets out, and then asks the office to issue an announcement not to provide any weapons and other resources to the Silver Moon tribe, the Tinder tribe, and all other tribes participating in this conflict and war.

After making the announcement, she and Leo left the southern sacred mountain, ignoring the announcement that caused the dispute.

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