The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1218: Times have changed

Not long after Carson Sanjes left, the banquet began. The guests who were talking around returned to the very large table, and under the leadership of the attendants, they sat down, and the host Gapata started it. The wine glass said some scenes, and then began to enjoy the food on the table. The guests also found some topics and talked while eating, so that the banquet was not so dull.

Sylvia and Leo are at the front end of the dining table, not far from Gapata's position, and belong to the seats that are qualified to sit by local dignitaries.

This also made the surrounding guests who did not know Sylvia very curious about their identities, and as Sylvia’s identity was revealed, she gradually became the center of the banquet, and many people took the initiative to contact her. Some are because of Sylvia's adventures in the wasteland, and more are directed at the Dodd Group controlled by Sylvia.

Compared to the popular Sylvia, Leo, who has been silent from the beginning of the banquet, is very inconspicuous. This makes most people think that Leo may just be found by Sylvia. It’s always weird for a person to accompany to a banquet.

However, for those who know Leo’s identity, Leo’s status and importance in their minds are not much worse than Sylvia, but they can’t find a suitable reason and opportunity to go with Leo. contact.

However, soon someone began to try to contact Leo. This person was one of the members of the Anomaly Society who was talking with Sylvia just now. It seems that he is not very old, probably in his thirties. Obviously mixed-race characteristics, it is not difficult to see from the attitudes of others around him, even if he is a member of the Institute of Abnormalities, not many people are willing to associate with him.

This person stood up directly, walked to Leo's side, and then motioned to the person next to Leo to give his seat.

This behavior seemed to others to be extremely rude. The person who was asked to get his seat also felt that he was offended and was about to get angry, but was caught by his companion next to him. He whispered a word, and motioned to the members of the Society of Anomalies who were talking with others not far away.

The man immediately had concerns and went silent for a while, suppressed his anger, stood up, and silently gave way to a position.

Although this episode did not arouse the attention of others at the banquet, it contained another meaning in Leo’s eyes, that is, the Yiwen Society is no longer just one to study various academics and spread various knowledge. It is loosely organized for the Lord, but a power organization that has begun to develop toward secular forces, and it should have established a lot of power in the wasteland tribe, otherwise, there will be no mixed-race tribesman because of a strange story. Learned the identity, but was scrupulous by a tribal power.

"Mr. Leo, my name is Tux." After the man sat down, he directly introduced himself to Leo: "I am now a bachelor of clericalism from the Institute of Abnormalities. I used to study at Old Rembrandt. I heard him mention you before."

Leo didn’t care that the other party mentioned Old Rembrandt because he could not prove it at all, and there was no need to confirm it, because whether he had studied with Old Rembrandt had no influence on him, even if it was Lun. The students or relatives of Elder Browne are equally unlikely to cause any mentality and ideological influence on him.

Compared to studying this thing with Old Rembrandt, Leo was interested in another thing that he revealed and said: "Clerical Bachelor? Did the members of the Unknown Society also start to divide their positions? I remember that all members of the Yiwen Society are equal, and the relationship between each other is peers who learn and communicate together, and there is even no such person as the president. What is the bachelor of clericalism? Is it me? Was the previously known Yiyan Society fake, or does the Mozan Wasteland’s Yiyan Society have another set of rules?"

Tucks did not show any timidity or atrophy because of Leo's questioning, but raised his head slightly and said: "The times have changed, and the rules of the past are no longer adapted to the current times. Don't you think so? If If it is really still operating according to the rules of the past era, then there should not be an industrial monster as large as a country like the Dodd Group on the Mozambican continent."

Leo was noncommittal about the answer, but went straight to the subject and asked: "Then what is the purpose of the changed Institute of Abnormalities?"

"Let the world return to civilization." Tucks said proudly.

"Civilization?" Leo smiled disdainfully as if he had heard a joke, and said: "So what is civilization? Who defines what is civilization? Does the Unknown Society?"

"No one can define civilization, including us" Tucks was very eloquent and quickly responded, and after answering, he seemed to feel that the answer was not enough to express his thoughts, and continued to add: "But in this world No one is more qualified to define civilization than we are."

After hearing the contradictory-sounding answer from the other party, Leo smiled again, but this time it was no longer disdainful and contemptuous, just smiled.

"Is there anything wrong with you talking to me so proactively?" Leo didn't seem to want to go around the other side, and asked straightforwardly.

Tucks thought for a while, and said, "I came to contact your Excellency to ask you what you saw in the ruins in the Badisa mine not long ago, and what you experienced?" Then he paused. , And seemed to be worried about not being persuasive enough, so I added: "We have been looking for the whereabouts of the old man Rembrandt. If you find something there, you may be able to help us find him."

"Find the whereabouts of Old Rembrandt?" Leo turned his head to stare at Tucks, and asked: "After so many years, do you think he is still alive?"

Tucks replied affirmatively: "Yes, we can be pretty sure he is still alive."

Leo could see that the other party did not lie, which also made him realize that there must be something left on Old Rembrandt’s body by the Institute of Abundance Back then, and that thing could respond to the life and death of Old Rembrandt. Otherwise, the other party Will not be so sure.

Leo asked again: "When you talked to Sylvia just now, did she not tell you what happened at that time?"

"No." While Tucks answered, he also bypassed Leo and looked at Sylvia who was sitting next to him and was talking to a certain tribal power.

"Neither did I." Leo also replied: "We found nothing there. The scene your people saw later is the scene we saw."

Tucks frowned, obviously not believing Leo's words, and said: "Your Excellency Leo, I believe you also hope that Elder Rembrandt can come back smoothly, you..."

Before Tux finished speaking, Leo interrupted the other person and asked, "I believe what you just said. Why can't you believe what I said?"

Tucks was silent for a while, did not respond, just stood up, saluted Leo, and then turned back to his previous seat.

"He is a student of Dutares, and he is the most outstanding student. He became a full member of the Anomaly Society at the age of seventeen." At this time, Sylvia ended the conversation with a certain tribal power. Turning his head to look at Tux who returned to his position, he said: "He did study at Old Rembrandt, but he was very young at the time, and he was an apprentice with Dutales. Go to the ruins of Badisa and sort out the objects excavated from the ruins. I suspect that when the ruins happened, he might be on the scene, just on the ground."

"Dutares? That one million gold pounds?" Leo didn't care about Tux's affairs, but was interested in another person and confirmed.

Sylvia nodded and said, "Yes, that's the one million gold pound."

Leo said with some doubts: "How could his students appear here? Do you know that the shamanism of the wasteland hates him?"

Among the materials in Leo’s memory bank, Dutales’s information is very complete. It can be said that he is the most complete member of the Anomaly Society. Not only does he have detailed information on Dutales’ life, but almost every Vinylon’s world A person who relies on bounty to eat has a detailed information related to it.

This Dutales is an Englishman and a professor of folklore at the English National College. The reason why he was able to become a member of the Society of Foreign Languages ​​is not only because he has deep research on the folklore of various countries in the world, but also because he is The Victorian world has the deepest academic authority on shamanism. From the perspective of the doctrine and philosophy of shamanism alone, even the great shaman of shamanism is far from being comparable to Dutares.

Although it cannot be said that the Shamanism craze in the English Kingdom was initiated by Dutares, it was he who pushed it to the peak.

Dutales believes that the core of shamanism is a variety of mysterious rituals full of primitive beliefs. Therefore, when he conducts academic research, he restores a large number of shamanistic rituals that have been abandoned in the past, and even created some new ones that are very in line with the mentality of the people at the time. Rituals, it can be said that more than half of the shaman rituals popular in the Kingdom of England at that time came from his academic research.

In some respects, Dutares did popularize the shamanism of the wasteland tribes to the people of the world of Velen, so that people no longer reject shamanism because of ignorance, but at the same time, some of his actions are also corrupting the shamanism in the world. Images, such as the shamanistic rituals he restored and created, are full of all kinds of unethical behaviors, and some even involve blood sacrifices that are regarded as heretics.

In the end, Dutales' academic thesis caused some incidents. These incidents involved the English royal family and many dignitaries. As a result, Dutales was deprived of the title of professor and knight, exiled from the Kingdom of England, and was in exile. At the same time, the black market also put up a reward for Dutares, and more than one force and person offered the reward. The sum of all the rewards amounted to a million pounds, which was the most rewarded person at the time, so he was in the underground world. There is also a name of million gold pounds.

However, although he was expelled from various institutions, the Yiwen Society did not abandon him, but instead protected him, so the black market reward has never been completed.

Among the rewards offered on the black market, the Shamanism of the Wasteland tribe also took up a part. Although I don’t know which tribe came from, the shamanism of the Wasteland tribe’s hatred and hatred of Dutares is recognized. Almost everyone agrees. Dutares definitely did not dare to go to the wasteland, if he did, he would be sacrificed by the shaman.

However, it now seems obvious that the bounty hunters outside are thinking wrong. This place, regarded as a forbidden place for Dutales, is the hiding place for Dutales, and it seems that he is not the kind of incognito hiding. , And even participated in various research and expedition activities of the Yiwen Society in the wasteland.

"In the past, the Society of Unknowns paid a high price for the protection of Dutales. The shaman sacred mountain in the wasteland gave up the responsibility for Dutales' desecration. Dutales must also use his research to cooperate with Shamanism. Some doctrinal supplements and revisions of the Doctrines.” Sylvia explained briefly, and said: “Although many people think that the price is not worth paying, no one expresses objection. After all, no one can guarantee that they will be smooth. , If something happens one day, I also hope to get help from the organization."

Leo asked again: "The influence of the Yiwen Society in the Wasteland Tribe should be great now, will it affect you?"

Sylvia shook her head, and UU reading said: "I don't know for the time being. Although my relationship with the learned society has broken down, I haven't become an enemy yet. They won't provoke me." , She seemed to have thought of something, and approached Leo and asked curiously: "What was your Carson Sanjes talking about just now?"

"Do you know Carson Sanjes?" Leo asked.

"Of course I do." Sylvia nodded and said: "Carson Sanjes is the name he said to the outside world. His tribe's name is Takuta, which translates to Everlasting Light in French. He is the Holy This generation of sacred mountain fire keeper selected by the mountain’s fire keeper tribe. However, as the wasteland tribe split from north to south, the sacred mountain was also divided into north and south. Originally, he should stay in the sacred mountain in the north and continue to guard the fire of the sacred mountain. Decided to come to the southern sacred mountain, and separated a flower from the sacred mountain fire in the northern sacred mountain, and placed it in the southern sacred mountain, which became the origin of the sacred fire here. This incident was a big trouble in the wasteland tribe at the time, and the fire guards The tribe had to re-select a fireman who was stationed on the holy mountain in the north, and the matter subsided temporarily, and the fireman was divided into the north and the south. However, this incident allowed Carson Sanjes to obtain it from the holy mountain in the south. With considerable prestige and power, from a certain perspective, his power and influence in the Southern Tribal Alliance is even greater than that of the great shamans of the Holy Mountain."

Leo said after hearing this, "Do you know that Carson Sanders is a tower wizard, and a real tower wizard, besides being the fire keeper of the holy mountain."

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