The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1219: Food for weapons

Sylvia looked at Leo with a shocked face, and the look in her eyes seemed to say to Leo, are you telling a joke?

It’s no wonder that Sylvia is like this, because she has always thought that the tower wizard has long been extinct, because over the years she has also been collecting all kinds of information about the tower wizard, and the result is the real last high. After the tower wizard, the wilderness wizard disappeared in the depths of the wilderness, there is no more information about the tower wizard in the world.

Although Leo has long stated that he is not the heir of the tower wizard, it is not wrong for Sylvia to be called the last tower wizard, because no one in the world seems to know better than Leo Knowledge of the tower wizard.

However, Leo now told him that in the wasteland, a well-known figure turned out to be the true heir to the tower wizard, which made her wonder what to say for a while.

After stunned for a long time, she asked in confusion, "Are you sure?"

Leo didn't answer, just nodded.

"How could he be a tower wizard?" Sylvia asked again.

Leo told Sylvia what Carson Sanjes himself said.

"Benjamin Thad is the disciple of the Wizard of the Wild?" Sylvia seemed to hear a news that shocked her even more.

Seeing Sylvia's look, Leo asked: "Is there anything weird about this Benjamin Thad?"

Silvia explained: "Back then, the Church of the Lord of the Sky launched a pure movement on the mainland of Mozambique. This movement can be regarded as a witch hunt in disguise. Later, because of the political situation in the mainland of Mozambique, this event The movement eventually lasted less than half a year before it stopped, but even if it was only half a year, many people from the underground world died in this movement. The initiator of this movement was Benjamin Thad, and he was also because of this. The movement was pursued and killed by various underground organizations in the mainland of Mozambique. Finally, by selling some of the secret information of the Church of the Lord of the Sky, it was able to obtain the asylum of the shamanism. After that, he stayed on the sacred mountain of shamanism until he died.

Hearing Sylvia's words, Leo also felt incredible, because he never thought that Benjamin Thad was such a person, and he also understood why Sylvia had such an expression.

Who would have thought that a person who was famous for being an anti-witcher and who was hunted and killed for his entire life would be the orthodox heir of the last tower wizard and wilderness wizard. To be honest, if Sylvia hadn't told him, he I am afraid I would not believe this to be true.

Sylvia showed a stunned look again, and said: "It's no wonder that the Church of the Lord of the Sky will remove him from the Saints' Hall back then, because of this reason."

Leo wondered: "Why did the Church of the Lord of the Sky trust this Benjamin Thad so much back then?"

"Because he is the arbiter sent by the Church of the Lord of the Sky to the Orthodox Court, and an arbiter who was canonized during his lifetime." Silvia explained: "The reason why you haven't heard his name is probably because he was The delisting is related. I also accidentally saw his deeds from a list of saints in the Orthodox Church that has not been destroyed. Now thinking about it, it should be that the Church of the Lord of the Sky discovered that their saint turned out to be a high man. Since the tower wizard's move cannot punish the other party, it completely erases all traces of the other party's past."

"An interesting person, if he is not dead, I would like to know him." Leo smiled, and then asked in a consultative manner: "Do you think that Carson Sangers suddenly came to me to show his identity, but Because I have the name of the last tower wizard?"

Sylvia shook her head and said, "If he really values ​​the name and identity of the tower wizard, he will not deliberately hide it for so many years. I am afraid it has already been announced. I think he should be There are other purposes." As she said, she paused again, thought for a moment, and said: "In addition, you have to be careful with the tower wizard books he brought out. I think there may be a problem with it."

Leo nodded and agreed with Sylvia's reminder. Carson Sanjes' performance just now made him suspicious. The other party will definitely cause him trouble, and this trouble is the one. The book, even that book Carson Sanjes himself felt troubled, so he was so sure that he could embarrass him, but he was not worried at all, but more interested, after all, this book is even a tower. Books that wizards and heirs find tricky are extremely valuable for him.

Nothing unusual happened in the subsequent banquet. After Tucks touched a soft nail, the Yiwen Society did not try to contact Leo again. Leo was not worried about this, although the content of the conversation with Tucks just now Not a lot, but Leo already knows a lot of useful information.

For example, the Anomaly Society seems to know what happened in the mine ruins, and there seems to be a way to find the missing old Rembrandt and other Anomaly Society members who had disappeared at the time, but they may not have full confidence in using this The method, or they lacked an important item to use this method, they suspected that Leo had taken this item, and then there would be a tentative inquiry just now.

If the old Rembrandt had just disappeared, Leo might have agreed to help the other person when the other party spoke, but now Leo’s thinking is different, and he also feels that since the old Rembrandt is still alive for so many years, so too There is no shortage of so few days, he intends to wait patiently for the second contact between Yiwen Society and him.

At the banquet, the long-term purchase of food from the depths of the wasteland has already had results. Although the majority of the wasteland tribes are hunting tribes and few farming tribes, the wasteland has abundant rain and fertile land, combined with some advanced planting techniques. Basically all cultivated land can achieve three crops a year, even with the assistance of shaman, four crops or five crops are possible, so grain production is not a problem. The emergence of Sylvia can just help them digest the excess. food.

However, the Wasteland Tribes don’t want any money. What they want are all kinds of weapons and equipment produced by the Dodd Group. Even when they heard Sylvia said that transportation would be difficult and the goods might be intercepted by the Northern Tribal Alliance, they They also took the initiative to hand over the transportation of goods to them, and the Dodd Group only needs to prepare enough goods.

Since the wasteland tribes have shown such sincerity, Sylvia will naturally not push back the benefits obtained, so at that time a contract was drafted. Under the witness of everyone, the shaman of the holy mountain will use justice in the name Presided over the signing and signed contracts with the four farming tribes present.

Although these four tribes are small tribes with a population of less than 5,000 people, the food production of these tribes is enough to alleviate the food shortage crisis caused by the United Kingdom. As long as a few more similar contracts are signed, the food shortage will be caused. The adverse effects of will also be completely smoothed out.

In fact, the wasteland tribes present are not only four tribes willing to sign this kind of food for weapons and equipment contracts with Sylvia, because for the Southern Tribal Alliance, high-quality weapons are hard currency, whether they are used by themselves or sold. The hidden tribes across the Dajiao River can make a lot of money.

It is a pity that except for the four wasteland tribes present, they are hunting tribes. Although they also grow food, their food production is only enough for their own consumption and there is not much excess food to trade.

However, although they envied the gains of the four tribes, they did not think about changing their tribal form and turning into a farming tribe, because during the colonial period, those colonists were those who wanted to capture the wasteland tribes and sold them. Being a slave to the plantation owner, it is a shame for most tribes to engage in planting. No matter what kind of planting, only a few tribes who have been engaged in farming in the past will not be looked down upon.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the tribes in the banquet, except for the four farming tribes, if the other tribes dare to change their tribal form and engage in planting industry, it will not take long for this tribe to disintegrate and fall apart, and then be destroyed by the surrounding tribes. Annexed.

Even if these tribes cannot conduct direct transactions with Sylvia, they can still benefit from these four farming tribes through other methods. After all, being a trafficker can also obtain huge benefits, and Sylvia also revealed It is also necessary to sign several contracts similar to the exchange of food for weapons, so that the tribes participating in this banquet have the opportunity to dismiss other farming tribes in advance, and then can join the transaction with another identity.

As a result, after the banquet was over, the various tribes who participated in the banquet immediately used their people in the southern sacred mountain to go to the farming tribes around the sacred mountain to act as lobbyists for Sylvia to buy food.

Sylvia is naturally happy to see her success. This is also the main reason she will choose to participate in this banquet. She wants to take advantage of the people from the Southern Tribal Alliance to personally come to the Southern Wilderness and the United States to ban food. Before Ling was linked together, she signed a few contracts to guarantee the bottom. When the tribal alliance reacted and decided that the price was too high, she had the confidence to deal with it.

Sure enough, on the second day of the banquet, the few farming tribes that had signed the contract found the Dodd Group's office in the second ring city, hoping to amend the contract.

Undoubtedly, they should have awakened from the huge benefits, and found that the contract they signed should be able to get greater benefits, so driven by greed, let them run to test the possibility of modifying the contract.

It’s a pity that Sylvia has already thought of this, so at last night’s banquet, he did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to hire a holy mountain shaman to join this contract, which means that the four contracts signed yesterday. All have been certified by the holy mountain, unless they betray the holy mountain, they will not be able to modify or give up the contract.

Although these four tribes are very unwilling, but there is no way, Sylvia will fill all the loopholes, and will not give them any loopholes.

After that, the other farming tribes that arrived made some exaggerated demands. Sylvia ignored them, but left them to the side and went to the southern sacred mountain with Leo to meet the real tower wizard. Heir.

Obviously Carson Sanjes was more anxious about communicating with Leo. Originally Leo planned to spend a few days around the southern sacred mountain with Sylvia, but Carson Sanjes’s people the next day At noon, he had already come to the door to take Leo to the southern sacred mountain.

Sylvia was just planning to give all the tribes concerned about the food-for-weapon trade a non-urgent attitude at this time, so he directly rejected all interview requests and set off with Leo to the southern sacred mountain.

Although the only person Carson Sanjes invited was Leo, Sylvia was not in his eyes, but at Leo’s insistence, Carson Sanjes’s men had no choice but to bring Two people together.

When leaving the office, Sylvia also played a careful thought, so that many representatives of the rejected tribe saw her and Leo boarded in the car with the Carson Sanjes badge. Gives the illusion that she is working with Carson Sanjes.

However, her approach is very rough, and there should be many people who will see her tricks, but even if they do, it doesn’t matter, because those tribes can’t be completely sure that Carson Sanjes is not. Will become a collaborator of the Dodd Group, and they are still unable to conduct any verification, because Carson Sanjes would never see them. Even if he knew about this, he might not even bother to give any explanation. This is his Character dictates.

The carriage with the Carson Sanjes badge travels very fast. Because the shaman of the holy mountain has an exclusive lane in the surrounding city, if people who are not the shaman of the holy mountain drive into the exclusive Lanes will be severely punished, and in the exclusive lanes, other holy mountain shamans will take the initiative to avoid Carson Sanjes’s carriages and make way for them, so they can walk all the way. It was very smooth, and soon came to the foot of the southern sacred mountain.

The southern sacred mountain used to be a place where shaman apprentices studied, and it was also a place for old shamans to take care of their lives. Compared with the northern sacred mountain, it is a lot worse in terms of majesty, but the environment is much better than the northern sacred mountain. , A large number of plants are spreading all over the mountain. These plants grow according to the shaman’s idea under the action of special forces, and eventually grow into tree houses that are completely integrated into nature. Even the road to the mountain is made of intertwined tree roots. , There is no artificial building in the entire southern sacred mountain.

However, Leo did not care about the architecture of the southern sacred mountain. He was more concerned about the huge power contained in the southern sacred mountain. The strength of this power once made Leo feel that an Omega-class higher life form was hidden in the southern sacred mountain. .

At the moment when he approached here, Leo felt that most of the power in his body, including psionic energy, was suppressed to death, unable to move. On the contrary, the devouring force produced by the chaotic stomach pouch seemed to have been received. Some kind of stimulus became very active, and even absorbed the discrete energy around him through Leo's breathing.

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