The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1217: True Tower Wizard

"Leo Dodd?" A stranger walked up to Leo, called Leo's name, and waited for a while, as if waiting for Leo to respond.

Leo looked at each other up and down. The person in front of him was not very old, about 30 years old. Although his appearance was similar to that of a tribe, his skin color was a little lighter, unlike a standard wasteland tribe. The same is the dark brown complexion.

In addition to the different skin color, the temperament of this person is also different from that of the wasteland tribe. Although he and other tribes around are wearing a mixed dress that blends the wasteland tribe style and the Velen aristocratic style, this dress is worn on him. On his body, he looked more normal than most of the other people, and he didn't look a little weird like others.

However, these are not the focus of Leo’s attention. When Leo looked at the opponent, he felt a powerful energy in the opponent's body. If this energy is converted into psionic energy, it is almost equivalent to a sixth-level psionicist. Compared to Sylvia, it was only a tiny bit behind.

More importantly, this energy fluctuation is very similar to the wizard power Leo knew. If there is no accident, the person in front of him is a wizard, and more likely a wizard with inheritance.

Seeing that Leo was only looking at himself and did not give any response, this man couldn't help showing an unpleasant look on his face, but this look only flashed by, and he sat down on the chair opposite Leo as he was familiar. He raised his head slightly to make himself as strong as possible, and then as if to introduce himself, he said, "Carson Sanjays, this is the name my teacher gave me. Forgot to say, my teacher is Benjamin Thad, he is the only student of the Wild Wizard and the true heir to the Tower Wizard."

Hearing what the other party said, Leo couldn't help but was stunned. Although he had also thought of tower wizards leaving a legacy in the wasteland, after all, so many generations of tower wizards disappeared after entering the wasteland, but he did not expect It happened so soon, and the other party took the initiative to send it to the door.

Leo has no doubts about whether the opponent is the heir of the tower wizard, not only because of the incomparably pure wizarding energy in the opponent, but also because some of the jewelry worn on the opponent's body is a very regular wizard wonder, and Magical wonders with obvious towering wizardry techniques.

These wizarding wonders are very new. It can be seen that the production time is only five or six years at most. If there is no accident, it should be the wizarding wonders made by Carson Sanjes.

Even if the opponent is not a real high-tower wizard, it is not wrong for him to regard himself as a high-tower wizard with such profound wizard knowledge and mastering such a powerful wizard power.

"What's the matter? Mr. Carson Sanjes." Facing the other party's self-reported door, Leo, the fake tower wizard, appeared calm and asked back.

Facing Leo's rhetorical question, the other party opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Not long ago, he knew from other populations that the famous Sylvia had come to the southern sacred mountain, and Sylvia’s spouse Leo Dodd was also with her. The first thought that came to his mind at the time was Go to Leo Dodd, speak out your identity aloud, expose the liar impersonating the tower wizard, and then reveal the true identity of the other person in front of everyone.

Therefore, he rarely participated in such banquets. He managed to find an invitation letter for himself. He came to the banquet garden early and waited for the arrival of the goal. During the waiting period, he also imagined more than a dozen generals What will happen, and also imagine a large number of countermeasures and ways to question the other party.

Those preparations are useless now, because Leo did not show any panic, instead he asked himself what was wrong with a calm face. This reaction completely exceeded his expectations, and all his preparations were frustrated. .

After being overwhelmed for a while, he realized that there was something wrong with him. He quickly cleared up his emotions and let go of all the preparations he had thought of before. Then he questioned Leo with a serious face: "Your Excellency is called As the last tower wizard, as far as I know, besides my teacher, the wilderness wizard has no other students, and there are no other tower wizards. What's your explanation?"

"Why should I explain?" Leo shrugged and said, "You also said that I am called the last tower wizard. These are all people said, and the mouth is on someone else, and I can't stop it. , I have never admitted that I am a tower wizard. If you want to pursue it, shouldn’t you go to the person who said these things? What use is it to find me as a passive victim?"

Carson Sanjes was bewildered by Leo’s answer. He obviously had an excellent background. The people who had contacted him before were all righteers of the wasteland tribes. Although they still maintain tribal tribes in their living customs. Customs, but in their behavior, they will imitate the civilized aristocrats of the outside world, sometimes even more aristocratic than the aristocrats, even if it is sophistry, it will not be so direct.

And Leo’s straightforward answer made his subsequent remarks useless, because the other party had already admitted that he was not the last tower wizard, these names were imposed on him by others, so he continued to question There is no reason.

Judging by rational thinking, Leo is right. He is not the creator of the title of the last tower wizard. This title was imposed by others, and he himself has not admitted to being a tower wizard. He must be held accountable. If you are responsible, you shouldn’t be looking for him, but somehow Carson Sanders felt that something was wrong and it shouldn’t be that way, so that he didn’t turn his mind for a while, froze in place and fell into thinking. .

Seeing that the heir to the real tower wizard was in a dilemma by his simple sophistry. Leo couldn't help shook his head. Although he didn't have a deep conversation with this person, judging from the current situation, the true heir to the tower wizard should be an academic wizard, and he is the one who has little contact with the outside world. , An academic who doesn't know how to deal with people and is so sophisticated.

When the other party was thinking, Leo didn't say anything to interrupt him, but just sat quietly aside as before.

After a while, a tribal magnate who wore a lot of gems and gold on his body came over, took a look at Leo, and immediately turned his attention to Carson Sanjes next to him, showing a pleasing smile. Said: "Mr. Sanjes, why are you sitting here? Everyone knows that you are also here for the banquet, and can't wait to meet you."

This person’s words disrupted Carson Sanjes’s thinking and made him feel a little unhappy, but he was still able to control his emotions, so that the unhappiness in his heart was not revealed, and then said very decently: "Sorry The reason why I came to the banquet this time was to meet His Excellency Leo Dodd, so I did not intend to have too much communication with other people. Please also ask Your Excellency Gapata to help me reject those people."

Hearing Carson Sanjes's words, the tribal dignitaries couldn't help but stunned, then turned his head and looked at Leo, his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

Carson Sanjes took the initiative to participate in this Chaka tribe’s banquet, which really caused quite a stir, because everyone who knew Carson Sanjes knew that he had left the sacred mountain only a few times. The number of times is even rarer, which makes even if someone wants to flatter him, they will not find a chance, and no matter what the purpose of his participation in the banquet this time, it is an opportunity for those who want to flatter him. , So many people came for this banquet.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Carson Sanjay arrived at the banquet garden very early, and stayed in the room prepared for him, without giving anything to those who wanted to befriend him. Chances are, it wasn't until someone said that he had left the room and came to the banquet venue. All those who received the news came to the banquet venue that was still being set up, looking for his whereabouts.

As the host of the banquet, Gapata has an innate advantage. He quickly found Carson Sanjes through his servants and took the initiative to talk with him, but what he never thought was that he was in the southern Saint. Mountain has a special identity and status, Carson Sanjes will leave the sacred mountain to attend a banquet for an unfamiliar outsider, which makes him very curious about the outsider.

However, what puzzled him was that no matter how he recalled the information of those outsiders who were famous in the southern sacred mountain or even the entire southern tribal alliance, he did not find a outsider who matched the person before him.

At this moment, a subordinate like a secretary on the side suddenly leaned forward and whispered a few words in Gapata's ear. Gapata immediately showed a daze on his face, and at the same time he looked at Leo's sight. There was more surprise and curiosity.

Sylvia's reputation in the wasteland is very big. These reputations are not only because of the Dodd Group, but also because of Sylvia's adventures in the wasteland that year. As the host of the banquet, Gapata is also very concerned. The news of the Dodd Group, especially in this period.

When the Yiwen Society found him for a banquet place, he naturally knew that Sylvia had also come to the southern sacred mountain, but he was not in a hurry to contact Sylvia because there were many people staring at him. If you rush into contact with Sylvia, you will have some bad associations.

Therefore, Gapata only learned a little about the fact that Sylvia came to the banquet, and did not know the people who accompanied Sylvia to the banquet.

And now after reminding him, he realized who Leo Dodd was. This surprised him, because he knew that Leo Dodd had been missing for many years, and he didn't expect to appear suddenly. At the same time It reminded him why Carson Sanjes would make an exception to leave the holy mountain and come to his banquet, and he also realized that he should not stay here anymore, after all, he was rashly involved in the conflict between the two tower wizards. Contradiction is definitely a very stupid thing.

Just when Gapata was about to find a reason to leave, Carson Sanjes stood up and said to Leo: "I hope we can talk with the opportunity, whether you are a real tower wizard or not. "

"What good do I have?" Leo did not agree, nor refused, but asked instead.

Carson Sanjes frowned, his unhappiness was no longer concealed. When he was about to refute Leo's request, Leo said: "Equivalent exchange, as a tower wizard, I forgot the tower and so on. The principle of price exchange, you tower wizard is not very competent."

Leo’s words fell, and Carson Sanders’ face was not only displeased, but also a little more angry, but in the end he endured his emotions and said: "What do you have Exchange terms?"

"Let me pick a book about the tower!" Leo quickly gave a suggestion.

"Impossible." Carson Sanders refused the offer without hesitation, then looked at Leo with a slight disdain, and said: "It seems that this is why you are called the tower wizard, you All the tower knowledge learned was obtained through this technique."

"It's just an equivalent exchange." Leo said indifferently.

Carson Sanders met Leo for the first time. He felt that he was always at a disadvantage. If he continued to talk, there would be no change. So he decided to end this conversation and wait until his mentality adjusted. After finishing the response, confront Leo again.

Therefore, he didn't mention the next meeting again, so he took steps to leave, but after two steps, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something. suddenly stopped, then turned to look at Leo, and said: "You can't choose at will, I can only provide you with a book."

Seeing Carson Sanders suddenly changed his mind, Leo was a little startled, without thinking, he nodded and said, "As long as it is a tower book."

"Don't worry, it's definitely the tower's book." Carson Sanders smiled deeply and continued: "I will send someone to find you then, I hope you can be prepared."

When he finished speaking, he turned his head and continued to walk outside, ignoring the people who had come forward to cheat on the road.

Seeing that Carson Sanders was gone, Gapata didn't stay there any longer. After saying a few polite words, she went to greet other guests, not at all irritated by Carson Sanders' sudden departure.

At this moment Leo thoughtfully looked at the disappearance of Carson Sanders at the end of the porch. Although Carson Sanders didn’t reveal much in his words just now, he could feel that the other party mentioned it. The book of the tower of the tower is definitely not a good thing, and there may be some unknown danger.

Not only was Leo not worried about this, but he was even more interested. He hoped that this book could bring him some fun.

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