The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1207: Obtrusive castle

"You should calm down, this is just the heart of an Abyssal Demon." Leo looked at Sylvia, his voice using a certain psychic vibration frequency, and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Sylvia's situation does not seem to be very right. Although she has stopped using her power and the illusion of the abyssal dragon above her head has also disappeared, some of the characteristics of her body have not disappeared, and the eyes are still The eyes and neck of the abyss dragon also have the **** skin of the abyss dragon.

Especially when Sylvia looked at the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon in her hand, the look in her eyes was completely different from what she used to be, and she felt like an Abyssal Demon Dragon seeing treasure.

The reputation of the abyssal dragon for greedy wealth in the abyss is a well-known thing. Almost all the abyssal dragons that are killed are attracted by the bait set by the hunter and fall into the trap. They The thirst for treasure has penetrated into the soul, and the treasures that can be seen by them are not ordinary treasures, let alone some vulgar items such as gems. Only the truly rare and powerful treasures will drive them crazy , Obviously, a gem formed by the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon has almost absolute attraction to the Abyssal Demon Dragon.

Although Sylvia is not an abyssal dragon, she can also control her own bloodline, but because of the heart of the abyssal dragon, the bloodline of the abyssal dragon in her body produces an almost instinctive reaction, and this reaction is directly feedback. After talking to Sylvia, her mind changed a little.

However, as Leo calmed her with a psychic skill that stabilized the spirit, Sylvia quickly got rid of the influence of the blood origin power on her. As she closed her eyes slightly, she took a few deep breaths. The characteristics of those abyssal dragons also quickly faded back to their original state. When they opened their eyes, their eyeballs turned into normal eyeballs. Although the heart of the abyssal monsters in his hand still showed the look he liked, it was not as enthusiastic as before. , The overall feeling is like a woman saw a piece of jewelry.

"I'm fine!" Sylvia took a deep breath and passed the Abyssal Dragon Heart in his hand to Leo, and said: "Leave it to you to save it!"

Leo reached out and wanted to take away the Great Abyssal Demon's heart, but he took it but couldn't pick it up. Looking down, Sylvia's fingers were still tightly sandwiched by the Great Abyssal Demon's heart. Jing Shi had no idea of ​​letting go.

Leo frowned, then smashed Sylvia's fingers and took away the Great Abyssal Demon heart. At the moment when it was taken away, Sylvia instinctively wanted to take it back again, but in the end She still controlled her behavior and put her hand back.

"You are in a terrible state." Leo looked at the heart spar of the Abyssal Demon in his hand, then looked at Sylvia, and said with a serious expression: "You are unknowingly receiving your blood power. The effect was not discovered before, perhaps because there is not enough precious things to cause the instinctive consciousness in the bloodline. Now the heart of the Abyssal Demon just evokes your bloodline." As he said, he was slightly grateful and said: "But It’s not too late to find out. It shouldn’t be difficult to completely eliminate the influence of the original consciousness of the bloodline with your ability."

Sylvia also showed a serious expression, and said in a deep voice: "Although I know you are right, I can't tell whether the fanatical affection for these things is due to the influence of the bloodline power, or the original one. Thoughts.” She said, she was silent for a while, and said: “It seems that when I return to New Port, I should put aside everything and find a quiet place to take a good rest.”

Leo didn’t comment on Sylvia’s thoughts. He took out a string of rune necklaces he made from the storage space, buckled down a gem of the same size as the Great Abyss Demon Heart, and placed the Great Abyss Demon Heart on it. , And then brought Sylvia and said: "Whether it is the influence of blood or your own thoughts, this is part of your own nature, there is no need to suppress it, just a little restraint and let it go."

Sylvia looked at the rune necklace she was wearing under her neck, and her eyes fell on the heart crystal of the Abyssal Demon. Although her eyes were still full of affection, they were weaker than before. less.

Seeing that Sylvia had recovered a lot, Leo asked, "Are we going back to the railroad track now and following the railroad track, or looking for another way?"

Sylvia pulled her gaze back from the necklace, then looked around, as if she had found something, pointed towards the far side of the swamp, and said, "Is there a castle there?"

"Castle?" Leo was taken aback, and followed the direction of Sylvia's fingers. Although it is now a torrential rain, the sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and the surroundings are as dark as the night, Leo can still rely on his own spirit. Visual ability to see things far away clearly.

As Sylvia said, the edge of the marsh lake in the distance is indeed a castle, and depending on the style of the castle, it is still the kind of horn fort from the era of the French knights. This kind of horn for the early siege is very good. However, with the advancing of the times and the emergence of new methods of warfare, the defensive effect of the corner castle has deteriorated day by day, and has finally been completely eliminated.

Although the corner castles were eliminated, a large number of corner castles were built in the era of knights in the French Empire. Some of them have been demolished and rebuilt, and the other part has been turned into private estates of nobles, but more corner castles have been abandoned. Therefore, there are a large number of corner castle ruins in Velen Continent. Most of the bricks and stones on the ground of the ruins have been used for other purposes by the locals. Only a few abandoned corner castles near sparsely populated areas are still well preserved.

If you are in the Velen Continent at this moment, you would not be surprised to see such a corner fort, but the problem is that this is the wasteland of the mainland of Mozambique. It is really impressive that a corner fort representing the ancient ways of war appeared here. Some accidents.

"That's a corner castle!" Leo told Sylvia what he saw.

Sylvia was also stunned when he heard the words, and said: "Could it be built by the early colonists?"

"Impossible!" Leo shook his head and said: "The era when the corner castle was completely abandoned is hundreds of years away from the beginning of the colonial era of the mainland. Apart from architects who like ancient architectural styles, few people know about the corner. The construction method and specifications of the fort. And what is the use of building a corner fort in the wasteland to defend the Knights’ attack? It’s not funny, even if the height of the fort is doubled, those who are good at Mossan Wasteland Warriors of various abilities can also climb over the walls of the corner fort and enter directly inside, so the corner fort does not have any defensive effect at all."

Sylvia also nodded in agreement with Leo’s opinion, and then said: “It’s useless to think too much here. Let’s take a look and see what we can find. Moreover, the Abyssal Demon was beaten to a single breath. But he chose to run here to recover. Maybe it’s not a random piece of land. Only when this place gives him enough sense of security, he will be willing to come here to hide and recover from suspended animation. Maybe we can find the abyss monster from that castle. Some clues about it."

Leo didn't say anything more, and nodded in agreement with Sylvia's proposal.

The two did not bypass the swamp lake to the corner fort by the lake, but directly stepped on the mud of the swamp lake and quickly moved towards the corner fort.

It didn't take long for the two of them to have almost crossed the entire swamp lake and came to the corner of the horn.

This corner fort is very complete. The completeness here is not literally complete, but a truly intact corner fort. I am afraid that there is no such a complete corner fort on the continent of Velen, and the construction style of the corner fort is still The style of the early days of the Cavaliers was a pentagonal fort at that time. Later, it was mostly nine-cornered, thirteen-pointed, and eighteen-pointed fortresses. Basically, the pentagonal fortresses with the worst defenses were not built.

The area of ​​this horn fort is not very large, just equivalent to a normal sentry castle, but the materials used in the construction of the horn fort are very solid, all of which are cut and polished rocks. Obviously, when it was built, it should be for defense. The foreign enemy attacked and the pitted war traces on the wall of the corner fort showed that the corner fort had experienced many wars.

There is no doubt that such an ancient horn fortress that has been fighting for a long time appears in the wilderness of the Mossan continent, standing alone on the edge of a swamp lake, which makes people feel extremely abrupt and incomparable.

The two walked half a circle around the corner fort, and came to the main entrance of the corner fort.

Sylvia then looked up at a half-damaged badge on the front entrance of the Horn Fort, then froze, and said, "Is it the badge of the Fabius family?"

"The Fabius family?" Leo hesitated for a moment, and quickly searched for related information in his mind, and then showed a surprised look on his face, confirmingly asked: "It's the black crown Fabius. The Uth family?"

"Yes!" Sylvia nodded.

Anyone who studies the history of the French Empire will definitely study those famous families in the history of the empire, and the Fabius family is a hurdle that cannot be circumvented, because the chivalry code that circulates the entire world of Velen is compiled and revised by the Fabius family Yes, they are not only the guardians of the French and even the entire Vinylon World Knight Code, but also one of the royal families of the French Empire.

The Fabius family had the title of shadow emperor and black crown when they were strongest. Even the patriarch of the Fabius family at that time arrogantly added a crown to his family's badge to show his dignity.

Just like those careerist families in the history of the French Empire, the Fabius family cannot escape the end of extinction. Ironically, as the guardian of the chivalry code and one of the initiators of chivalry, Fabius All members of the family were ultimately executed for the crime of conspiracy, a felony against chivalry, and even the family crest was destroyed from the noble crests archives of the French Empire. Only some ancient family books record it. About the Fabius family.

It was not until the French Empire entered the academic era that some historians of the Empire reorganized the history of the Fabius family and incorporated it into the history of the French Empire.

After learning about the Fabius family, the corner fort with the Fabius family crest in front of us is even more weird, because the French royal family hated the Fabius family very much and almost destroyed it. All things related to Fabius, so even in the continent of Velen, it is difficult to find a complete fortress of the Fabius family. At most, you can only find some foundations in the manor of certain nobles. It used to be Fabius. Renovated building of the family fortress.

But now there is a complete Fabius family fortress in the wilderness of Mosang. Anyone who understands the situation will think that this is impossible.

Hundreds of years after the demise of the Fabius family, the talents of the Velen continent crossed the ocean and came to the continent of Mossan, entering the colonial era. Even if the Fabius family survived and came to this continent, They will never spend money and manpower irrationally to build such a useless corner fort in such a dangerous place.

The most important point is that it is not too far away from Badisha. It belongs to an area closely controlled by the early colonists. UU Reading www.uukanshu. In order to prevent people from the wasteland tribes from attacking, the colonial armies of Badisha will regularly patrol the surroundings. Therefore, such a huge castle is absolutely impossible to avoid the eyes of the colonial armies. It will definitely be recorded by the colonizers. It will definitely become a very popular local news or rumors.

However, none of these are present, which is obviously unreasonable.

Just when Leo was wondering why this corner fort appeared here, Sylvia seemed to have discovered again, pointed at the bottom of the corner fort wall, and prompted: "Look over there."

Leo looked in the direction of his finger, only to see some plants growing in the cracks of the castle stone, there seemed to be nothing worth noting.

It’s just that after Leo pondered for a while, he quickly understood why Sylvia pointed out that he was showing him there. Plants, those seemingly ordinary plants that grow in the crevices of stones, are the biggest problem, because Those plants will never appear in the wasteland, only in the Black Forest of Velen Continent.

Leo and Sylvia lived in the Black Forest for a period of time and knew that some plants were unique to the Black Forest. They were affected by the Black Forest environment. Once they left the Black Forest, they would gradually die.

The plants that Leo and Sylvia have seen growing in the crevices of stones are such a plant. The plant is called the cardinal, and its shape is somewhat similar to a kind of elves called cardinals in the Black Forest. It can be eaten directly, it can be used to detoxify, or it can be refined by alchemy to make other potions. Now Leo’s storage space contains several bottles of potions originally made in the Black Forest with this plant added.

"This castle comes from the Black Forest!" So when it was confirmed that the plant was a cardinal, Leo turned to Sylvia.

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