The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1208: Mitrius' Book of Fear

Although I was a little surprised that the castle that was supposed to be in the Black Forest would appear in the wilderness of Mossan, neither Leo nor Sylvia had any doubts before, because if you look at the real situation in the Black Forest If the whole world of Vinylon is only part of the Black Forest World Tree, then the wasteland is naturally a part of the Black Forest. The only difference is that the Black Forest is completely enclosed, and the wasteland principle is an open Black Forest.

Although due to some restrictions by the laws of the Black Forest, things in the Black Forest cannot appear outside the Black Forest, but from the situation of the White Deer, it is clear that this law is either loosened or extended indefinitely. It can be said to be the Black Forest of the Velen Continent, but it can also be counted as the entire Black Forest World Tree. In this way, the White Deer can appear in the Black Forest of the Velen Continent in the Kingdom of England and in the continent of Mosang.

In this way, it is naturally not incomprehensible that this corner fort that originally belonged to the Black Forest appeared here.

"Since the corner castle was moved over from the Black Forest, then..." Sylvia had some thoughts at this time, looked at the heart spar of the Great Abyssal Demon, and said: "Then the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon will Wasn't it also transferred from the Black Forest?"

"It's possible." Leo didn't say too sure, but responded vaguely.

Although the Black Forest can be said to be the core area of ​​the abyss invasion, according to Leo’s understanding, there are at least two abyssal rifts hidden in the Black Forest. One is Lanxi where Leo and Sylvia have been to, and the other The place is deeper in the Black Forest, guarded by the deer of the Black Forest.

So it’s not impossible for the Abyssal Demon to appear in the Black Forest and die in the Black Forest. It is just one thing that makes people wonder, that is, no matter how the heart of the Abyssal Demon is not valued by the existence of the Black Forest, it should not be taken It is the right thing to throw it around. This thing will either be completely destroyed or banned for preservation. It should definitely not be thrown into the Mozan Wasteland, where it might resurrect the Abyssal Demon.

Leo expressed her doubts, and Sylvia also showed a dazed look on her face when she heard it, and then pointed to the corner castle and said: "Should we go in and see? Maybe we can find something. clue?"

Hearing Sylvia's suggestion, Leo thought for a while and nodded in agreement, and took a step forward, walking to the front door of the corner castle and pushing the door open.

The defense of the corner fort is not only reflected in its unique sharp corner shape and thick wall, the gate of the corner fort is also a stone gate made by a special method. In terms of defense, it is much stronger than ordinary gates, and because of the gates There are many defensive holes on the top and surrounding walls for shooting arrows and throwing fire into the fire, so even if the siege army attacked the city wall, it was still unable to penetrate the city gate.

However, the damage rate of this kind of city gate is as famous as its defensive power. Basically, this kind of city gate can only last for a month or two at most, and the gate axis of the city gate will be damaged and maintenance is very troublesome.

However, what surprised Leo was that he had already planned that the gate was damaged, so he used some effort when pushing the gate, but the gate moved very smoothly along with his thrust. The two sides opened, and a semicircle was drawn, and it hit the wall on both sides, making two loud noises, breaking the surrounding silence.

This scene could not help Leo’s surprise, and it also made Sylvia feel puzzled. She stepped forward quickly and walked to the door shaft to take a look. She soon found out that the door shaft was very new and probably changed. In less than ten days, the wear on it was not serious, and even the name and number of the craftsman branded on by the door shaft-making craftsman were not worn away.

While Sylvia told Leo of her discovery, Leo's sight fell on the inside of the corner castle.

Because the corner fort is mainly built as a fortification, the interior of the corner fort is very simple. It is centered on the square in front of the gate, surrounded by barracks, conference hall, blacksmith shop, granary, etc. in turn, two above the conference hall opposite the gate. The floor is the residence of the city lord.

Under normal circumstances, only the guards, servants, and his family of the castle owner live in the castle. Only when there is a war, the villages attached to the castle will lead the villagers to take refuge in the castle. The nearby garrison will also Settled in the corner fort to assist in the defense, and then set up temporary tents on the square to provide shelter for the refugees.

The corner fort that appeared in the eyes of Leo and Sylvia at the moment is not as dilapidated as the outer wall seems, but as new as the shaft of the gate. The surrounding houses have not collapsed due to disrepair, and the walls have not been damaged for years. There were large areas of moss and vines growing without anyone taking care of them, and there was no grass growing in the cracks in the stone slabs on the square. Looking at the past, it will give people a feeling that this corner fort was still used not long ago. a feeling of.

"Look separately." Sylvia saw what was in front of her, and turned her head to suggest to Leo.

"Yeah!" Leo nodded in agreement, and then reminded: "There is something weird here, you have to be careful."

"Got it." Sylvia responded, and then walked straight to the chamber.

Seeing that Sylvia had chosen the chamber, Leo looked around, then turned and walked to the granary on the side.

Just like most castles, Cape Fort also pays special attention to the construction of granaries. In this small area of ​​the entire Cape Fort, there are a total of four granaries of different sizes. The food stored here is enough to provide five thousand people for half a year. .

Because of the emergence of those abnormal situations before, Leo also has some psychological preparations for the abnormal situations that may appear in the granary. After going up to a granary, opening the granaries, and looking inside, he just said flatly. In this way, the warehouse door is closed.

As Leo expected, the grain in the granary was not decayed and was still well preserved, just like new grain that had only been put in the warehouse some time ago.

Afterwards, Leo went to several other granaries. The situation was similar. Only one small granary was the stale grain, and all the grains in the granary were dried fruits, rice and wheat that were only produced in the past in the Vinylon mainland. After hundreds of years In the past, these dried fruits, rice and wheat, as the main food, have long been improved, and they are different in size and shape from the past.

After seeing these granaries, Leo can basically be sure that these granaries are granaries hundreds of years ago, but time seems to have stagnated on these granaries, so everything has remained for hundreds of years. Before.

After that, Leo inspected the barracks, pack animal camps, and servant rooms in turn, and found that the furnishings and daily necessities there were still the same as they were hundreds of years ago. Even on the dining tables in these places, you can still see Processed foods that have completely decomposed.

After coming out of the last servant’s house, Leo happened to see Sylvia coming out of the chamber door, but Sylvia seemed to have discovered something, her face was very worried, and she was still holding one in her hand. This thick book.

Leo walked over, and did not immediately ask about Sylvia's discovery, but told Sylvia of his discovery, and Sylvia heard Leo's mention here as if all the time seemed to stagnate. Later, there was a slight stunned expression on his face, and then he handed the book in his hand to Leo and motioned him to take a look.

Leo took the book and looked through it. The text in the book is Old French, which should have been revised for the second time. In these languages, there are not only a large number of local languages ​​of the Black Forest tribes at the time. , And the grammar has not been normalized, it seems very chaotic.

However, these languages, which are difficult for others to read, are not a painful thing for Leo. He easily read the entire book again.

This book was written by a man named Mitreus. Judging from the form of the name, it should be from the early days of the Cavaliers. What he wrote seems to be a dream story, and what is interesting is this dream story. It is not a one-time ending, but a part of it every day, which means that the content recorded in this book is a dream story that lasts for nearly a hundred days.

The content of the dream is very simple, that is, Mitreus killed a friend of his by mistake, feeling guilty, so he dreamed of his friend one night, and the friend did not blame him, but took him to tour the world after death. He recorded in detail what he saw and heard in his dreams.

If you see this book elsewhere, Leo will undoubtedly treat this book as a very good novel, because it is very simple, unless it is someone with special abilities, it is impossible for anyone to remember clearly It’s even more impossible to write down anything you see in your dreams. Therefore, the description of the afterlife in this book is more like a kind of fable, to educate people at that time to do good deeds. Don't do evil.

But now that I saw this book that I might have written by myself, Leo could feel the author’s emotions between the lines, and the fear revealed between the lines. Obviously these recorded contents seemed frightening. The author himself.

But the problem is that these recorded contents are not too scary. Compared with some folk fairy tales, these contents can be said to be quite peaceful, and they can even be used as children's books, let alone no. It will make adults feel scared, even if children read it or write it down, they should not be scared.

But this content is completely contrary to the mood of the author when he wrote it, which is really puzzling, especially the last chapter, which looks like it is finished. The author has completed the transformation of his mind and has put down his past guilt, and At the end of the journey and seeing the gods, it can be said to be a very happy ending.

But in the end, the author wrote these few words abruptly, and from the distorted notes, it can be seen that the author's emotions at that time have reached the extreme, reaching the edge of collapse.

"A very weird handwritten book." Leo gave an evaluation of the book, and then asked Sylvia in confusion: "What did you find in this book?"

Hearing Leo's question, Sylvia was also a little surprised, and said: "Have you never heard of Mithreus' Book of Fear?"

"Metrius' Book of Fear?" Leo was a little dazed. After searching the database quickly, he shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. Is this book famous?"

"I was a little surprised that you didn't even know this book?" Sylvia couldn't help but smile when she saw Leo really didn't know the Book of Fear of Mitreus, and said, "I didn't expect you to be in this world. Something you don't know?"

Leo curled his lips and said, "There are so many things I don't know about in this world. What's so surprising about this."

"Indeed, there are really no surprises, but you have impressed me too deeply. You can find a solution to everything you encounter, giving me the illusion that you are omniscient and omnipotent." Hill Via smiled, and then did not continue the topic, but moved to the business, pointing to the book in Leo's hand, and explained: "Before the madman's thirteen ancient gods knowledge appeared, UU read secretly. Terius’ Book of Fear is a book jointly recognized by the True God Church of the Orthodox Court and the Underground Cthulhu Church. There are rumors that some of the content of the madman’s thirteen ancient gods’ knowledge comes from Metreus’ Book of Fear."

"Since there is still such a thing?" Leo showed a stunned look, and then asked again: "Since it is called the Book of Fear, the content should be very scary, but the book in my hand does not seem to be scared at all. ."

"I am also a little confused," Sylvia agreed with Leo, saying: "After I got this manuscript at the time and saw Mitreus's name, I immediately thought of Mitreus's The book of fear, except for a few accidents, the content of this book is hard to make people feel scared, so I also have some doubts whether the content of this book is a book of fear at all?" At this point, she suddenly paused. , Continued: "But after hearing the results of your inspection just now, I think that even if this book is not the Book of Fear, it may have something to do with the Book of Fear, because I remember a file in the Orthodox Court mentioned that some ancient A disaster triggered by the Book of Fear broke out in a village. All the villagers died in that disaster. Afterwards, the village was closed. Later, the Orthodox Court sent people to investigate and found that the village was still exactly the same as when it was banned. It's almost as if time has stagnated in that village as you just described."

"So this is Mitreus' Book of Fear?" Leo looked at the book in his hand again. He was really confused, because he could not feel any extraordinary energy fluctuations from this book. The surrounding corner castles can’t feel any abnormalities either, but he also knows that he can’t fully believe his own perception. There are still many powers in the world that cannot be discovered through perception. Maybe this book is like that. A source of power.

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