The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1206: Abyssal Demon Heart

"They have been wiped out?" Sylvia asked impatiently when Leo returned to the carriage.

Although Sylvia knew very well that Leo was powerful, she was still surprised when she saw two natural disaster-class mutant monsters die under Leo at the same time, and she even couldn't believe it.

She has personally experienced the disasters created by natural disaster-level mutant monsters, and has also participated in the attacks of natural disaster-level mutant monsters. She is very clear about how powerful, how dangerous, and difficult to destroy this level of mutant monsters.

According to statistics, only two of the natural disaster-level mutant monsters that have appeared were truly and completely killed, and the cost of killing them was extremely high, so now Leo seems to have solved the two natural disaster-level easily in front of her. The mutant monster really gave her the illusion of dreaming.

"No!" However, Leo shook his head, looked up at the airspace where the two natural disaster-level mutant monsters were before, and said: "I just injured them severely. They were before the power of the Soul Crystallization Spear completely erupted. Give up most of the body and escape the scope of the crystallizing gun."

Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Leo's answer. Compared to previous guesses, the result of this heavy-damaged natural disaster-grade mutant monster is now easier to accept.

"Are you interested in catching monsters?" Leo suddenly asked Sylvia.

Sylvia was stunned, and soon came to realize, "Do you know where the two mutant monsters escaped?"

Leo explained: "The whereabouts of the Bone Butterflies are not clear. The guy is very proficient in escaping. Before the Crystallization Spear left a position on it, he escaped. But the other mutant monster with the breath of abyssal power did not. So good luck, the power of the Soul Crystallization Gun rubbed it, leaving a mark on its body and soul. I can sense its location, and it shouldn’t be difficult to find it.”

Sylvia thought for a while, then made a decision: "In that case, what are you waiting for, let's go! I also want to experience the fun of hunting natural disaster-level mutant monsters."

After finishing speaking, before Leo could react, she jumped directly from the train, and while jumping down, raised her hand and waved at a rushing mutant monster, a ball of flame instantly fell on the mutant monster. Body, burn it to ashes.

Seeing this, Leo jumped off the train, and, along with Sylvia, entered the jungle beside the railway and moved quickly towards the direction he sensed.

The movement that erupted in the sky just now was naturally seen by the people on the train, but they thought it was a movement caused by a mutant monster. After all, two mutant monsters that were so big were hanging in the air, and it was difficult to not see it, so They all hid carefully in the carriages. Even the passengers in the uncovered carriages at the end of the train huddled together, covering their heads with a poncho to block their vision, and they should also bring a little false sense of security.

However, fortunately, the two mutant monsters fighting in the air did cause a large number of creatures below to mutate, and the culprit who attacked the train. Now the culprit has been solved, and the mutation situation of the creatures below has gradually subsided. The steam train The number of attacks also decreased, and within a moment, it stopped completely.

After things calmed down, the drivers who were mostly inside the locomotive got out of it with lingering fear. After seeing that there was no danger on both sides of the train, they ran back into the rest compartment.

When he saw that the carriage was empty, he couldn't help but sighed, and then murmured with regret. Obviously he thought that a monster ran into the carriage and took Leo and Sylvia.

After Leo and Sylvia left the train, they walked towards the northwest, and soon walked out of a jungle and entered a swamp.

Unlike the situation in the jungle just now, the swamp, which should have the breath of countless creatures, can't feel any breath of life at this moment. The surrounding mud, moss, and bushes hide the bodies of countless snakes, insects, rats and ants. They seem to be at the same time. He died suddenly without any injuries on the surface.

When Sylvia sensed something was wrong, she quickly found the dead bodies of two snakes in a crack in a rock, checked it a little, and turned to Leo and asked, "Is that monster mostly in this swamp? Why can't I feel any abnormal power?"

"It's there." Leo pointed directly to a large quagmire lake in front, and said: "It first hides all the power of its body through a special method, and then hides in the quagmire through a method of suspended animation, recovering its injuries. If it weren't for the soul crystallized gun power left on it, I am afraid I would not be able to find where it is hiding."

While talking, the two came to the quagmire lake. Although the surface of the quagmire lake looked calm and nothing unusual, the lake was already full of all kinds of swamp creatures that had just died, even some. The mutant monsters also died inside.

Perhaps because he was already close to the mutant monster, Sylvia could vaguely feel the power of the abyss from the quagmire lake.

Leo gestured to Sylvia, and then jumped directly into the quagmire lake. Sylvia also gathered her strength on the shore to prevent any accidents, she could make timely remedies.

However, Sylvia's vigilance was obviously superfluous. As the surface of the quagmire lake surged, he saw Leoto floating from the quagmire, and then stepped on the surface of the quagmire lake. , Walked to the shore and put this huge egg on the ground.

While using spells to clean up the mud on his body, Leo explained the current situation and said: "It suffered more injuries than I expected. After all, this mutant monster cannot be compared with the bone butterfly. The body of the bone butterfly It can be discarded at will. The only loss is strength. Its body has cut off most of it, which has severely affected its life source. Now it is desperate, abandoning all defenses, and completely enters a state of suspended animation, waiting for recovery..." said Then, he saw that Sylvia looked at the egg with something wrong, and he questioned: "Do you know what this is?"

"Not only I know, you should also know." Sylvia said with a serious expression, "This is the heart of the Abyssal Demon."

"Abyss Demon?" Lei Ou was stunned for a moment, and the memory he had obtained from the Abyss Snake immediately appeared in his mind. After finding the relevant information, the expression on his face also became serious.

The Abyssal Demon is not an abyssal race, but a very special class of abyssal creatures. Any abyssal creature can become an Abyssal Demon, as long as it can obtain the blessing of the abyss's origin, and survive the ascension ceremony and subsequent **** battles. , You can become the Abyssal Demon.

Although becoming the abyss demon does not mean that you have become the strongest existence in the abyss, the abyss demon represents an identity, an identity of the abyss, where the abyss begins to corrode and invade a certain world. When a world that is heading towards the end is pulled into the abyss, an abyssal demon will emerge, and the abyssal demon will command all the abyssal creatures and invade that world.

This is why Sylvia and Leo will show serious expressions, because if this egg is the heart of the Abyssal Demon, then it also means that the previous mutant monster is the Abyssal Demon, and it also means that the Abyss is now Fully invade this world.

"Something's wrong!" Leo then said in a puzzled manner: "If it is really the Great Demon of the Abyss, then it should be at the frontier of invasion surrounded by countless abyssal creatures, such as the abyss in the Black Forest. It may be alone in the wasteland now, and it has also become a mutant monster. In addition, the abyssal power on it is pure, but it is too weak, and it is far from the power of the abyssal monster."

Sylvia also nodded, agreeing with Leo's opinion, but instead of giving up her previous guess, she circled the egg and chanted as if she was casting a spell. After writing some incantations that sounded extremely harsh, she immediately saw the power of a magic dragon with a strong abyssal aura pouring into the egg.

Subsequently, the egg-shaped rock surface began to change. From the material of the rock, it became like an extra layer of leather, and there was also an extra layer of symbols with twisted patterns on the surface.

This twisted pattern does not contain or radiate any power, but it is a power in itself, allowing the body of the person who sees this pattern to involuntarily produce a trace of abyssal power. This trace of abyssal power is not strong, but it is very secret. The body of the generator is completely fused, and it is impossible to find out by any method, unless it is a person who is very sensitive to the power of the abyss to detect something wrong.

However, if this trace of abyssal power is not cleared in time, it will gradually turn into the origin of the abyss, and the owner who corrodes the body a little bit will eventually make it abyssal.

Whether it is Leo or Sylvia, the power of the abyss is not weaker than that of any upper abyss creature. Naturally, it is easy to feel the generation of the abyss power, and it is also easy to swallow and digest it. .

And that distorted pattern quickly dissipated after receiving no follow-up support, and the egg also changed back to its original appearance.

"It's the abyss pattern." Sylvia said with certainty: "I guess it is correct. This egg is the heart of the abyss demon."

"Why did it become the way it is now?" Leo did not refute, because he knew that the abyss pattern was a special corrupting power of the abyss demon. It could be said to be a gift from the origin of the abyss, which is also a condition for the determination of the abyss demon. One, it's just that the doubts in his heart not only have not diminished, but have increased.

We must know that according to the memory of the Great Abyssal Serpent, the Great Abyssal Demon is not only the commander of the invading army of the Abyss, but also the front-end combat power of the Abyss. Any Great Demon of the Abyss always stands on the front line of the battlefield of the Abyss from its appearance to its destruction and directly faces a world. So the Great Abyssal Demon either succeeded in destroying a world, assimilated with the world, as the world fell into the abyss and became the master of the abyss, or the invasion was blocked by the power of the world and died in the world. Under counterattack.

In the memory of the Great Snake of the Abyss, there has never been a Great Demon of the Abyss that can survive an invasion completely, either assimilate or perish, and there is no third way to choose.

But now the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon that appeared in front of Leo and Sylvia showed them the third situation. Obviously, the Great Abyssal Demon was already very weak, somehow hiding in the wasteland, and then being The power of the gray mist eroded into a mutant monster, and was finally severely injured by Leo again, and had to use this method of nearly nine deaths to save his life.

Although the Abyssal Demon can be said to be the most evil existence in the universe, it is not worthy of any sympathy, but thinking of the miserable situation of the Abyssal Demon, Leo and Sylvia have an inexplicable sorrow.

"I also want to know how it became what it is now." Silvia muttered.

"Is there a way to save it?" Leo asked.

Sylvia was silent for a while and said, "I will try it, but it may not succeed."

"It doesn't matter if it is unsuccessful, there is no loss anyway." Leo responded.

So Sylvia signaled Leo to walk away, and then stood in front of the egg, and then began to gather the power of the abyssal dragon in the body to stimulate the body's original bloodline.

As she turned her power into action, some **** scales appeared on her neck, behind her ears, and cheeks, and her eyes turned into purplish red vertical pupil eyeballs that are unique to the Abyssal Dragon.

At the same time, an extremely ferocious phantom of the abyssal dragon was gradually formed on top of her head as the power radiated. At the moment when the phantom of the abyssal dragon was formed, the crystalline serpent in Leo's arm seemed to be affected by some The stimulus spontaneously exuded power similar to the abyssal serpent, and also formed a crystalline serpent on top of Leo's head.

At the same time that the aura of power that existed in the two upper-level abysses burst out, the heart of the abyss demon also began to glow with dark red light as if it had been stimulated, and there were a lot of abyss patterns in the light.

However, before the consciousness of the Abyssal Demon recovered from the suspended animation, Leo and Sylvia shot at the same time. Leo first triggered the residual power of the soul crystal gun hidden in the heart, this power against the soul. , Effortlessly dispelled the trace of consciousness remaining in the heart.

Before the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon that controlled consciousness had time to explode all the out-of-control power, an abyssal dragon flame that could melt everything gushed out of Sylvia's body and fell on the egg-shaped heart. The egg-shaped heart, which was originally three people high, also shrank rapidly in the burning of the flame, and the uncontrollable force in the heart returned to the heart under the squeeze of the flame.

When the heart turned into a gem-sized crystal, Sylvia stopped exerting her power, and then couldn't wait to hold the heart crystal in her hand and watched it repeatedly, showing a satisfied smile on her tired face.

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