The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1204: Conquer or explore

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Although there were some obstacles in the process of leaving the mine, but for Leo and Sylvia, these obstacles were not even a threat. They were easily resolved by them. The two of them left the mine directly and entered. Badisa Town.

Sylvia was not in a hurry to leave, but proposed to live in the city for a few days and wait for the next train to arrive, and then leave by train.

Regarding this, Leo had no objection. He knew very well that the reason why Sylvia did not rush to leave was more to wait for the little Thomas to pass the news to the core circle of the Yiwen Society and wait for the people in the core circle of the Yiwen Society. Come.

The two quickly found the only hotel in Badisa City and rented a room on the top of the mountain with a view of half of Badisa City and Dajiaojiang.

After the meal, Sylvia asked for two bathtubs from the hotel people, moved the bathtub to the balcony, filled it with water, and put in the liquid medicine made by Leo. While enjoying the scenery outside, she was comfortable with Leo. In the bath.

Leo suddenly asked at this moment: "What is the purpose of the establishment of the Yiwen Society?"

Sylvia explained: "If it were before, I would say that the purpose of the Yiwen Society is to collect all kinds of lost knowledge and promote academic exchanges without borders and beliefs. But now... I don't think I understand Yiwen at all. What is the society? I don’t know if the previous Yiwen Society was just a disguise, or if it has only changed over the years."

Leo was silent for a while, and said, "I think it has changed over the years."

Sylvia looked at Leo with a questioning look in her eyes.

Leo explained and said: "Old Rembrandt should be a member of the core circle. If the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​used people to do experiments in the past, then Old Man Rembrandt would definitely withdraw from the Institute of Foreign Languages."

"Maybe Old Rembrandt is also one of the participants?" Sylvia retorted.

Leo looked at Sylvia without arguing.

Sylvia continued: "You and Old Rembrandt have been together for such a short time, and how much do you know about Old Rembrandt? I know too many people from the Institute of Abnormalities. They used to be serious, serious, and rational. What? People may undergo a sudden change, but that will only be a rare case. It is impossible that most members of a force will have a personality change one day. It is only possible that they used to be disguised, and now there is no need to disguise. ."

Although Leo disagreed with Sylvia's views on Old Rembrandt, he did not refute it, because Sylvia's words were not aimless, but based.

Sylvia did not continue to say anything about whether the old man Rembrandt was disguised. Instead, he said curiously: "However, compared to what has become of the Anomaly Society, I am more curious about the ruins. What on earth is there that is so valued by the Yixun Society, hesitate to dig out the collapsed mine a little bit, but also to dig out the remains again."

"It should be some kind of industrial equipment or something." Leo quickly answered, "The ruins should be a residential area built by Lightley rock people in terms of architectural form. Most of these residential areas are It is temporary. The equipment used for mining will also be parked in this area. After the official residential area is built, the Lightley Rock people will relocate all the equipment to the official residential area, and this area will be It has become a storage place for equipment. Now it seems that this temporary residential area should have been relocated to make a living, otherwise it would be impossible for Yanren to have so few corpses after being attacked by an energy cannon."

Although Sylvia can understand the meaning of the term industrial equipment in Leo’s mouth, she will not equate the industrial equipment in Leo’s mouth with those of the Dodd Group. She is very clear about the industrial equipment. The capacity of the equipment must far exceed the industrial equipment of Vinylon World.

"Is the industrial equipment easy to operate?" Sylvia asked again.

Leo shook his head and said: "For me, the operation is very simple, but for others, it may be difficult. Unless you have mastered most of the relevant knowledge, you will find a complete device and want to turn it on. It's very difficult, let alone operate it to do things."

"Since Yiwen has learned so much attention to the contents of the ruins, it should be possible for them to know how to use those equipment," Sylvia hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Is there anyone who might have mastered the kind you mentioned? know how?"

"Of course there is." Leo quickly responded, saying: "Someone has mastered the knowledge of cosmic civilization and used it very well. You know that person."

"Choose the king." Sylvia quickly understood who Leo was referring to, and then she seemed to realize something. She couldn't help but straighten up when she was lying in the bathtub and said: "Saran It may also be a member of the Yiwen Society, and it may be a person in the core circle. In this way, the Yiwen Society is likely to have mastered the use of prehistoric civilization devices." She turned her head and asked: "Those equipped Could it be used in war?"

Leo was stunned, recalled for a moment, nodded, and said: "Most industrial equipment can be used in warfare. With a little improvement, it can serve as a low-level weapon."

Leo is not talking nonsense, but there are actual battles. In his memory of several conflicts between marginal colonies and appearance civilizations, in order to be able to support the support of the Earth Federation fleet under the attack of alien civilizations, the colony planet at that time All agricultural and industrial installations have been transformed into various heavy armed armors.

Although compared with the military armaments of the cosmic civilization, the power of the various devices of these civil reforms is really mediocre, and they are basically cannon fodder on the battlefield, but in a world where Vinylon’s industrial level is just in its infancy, those can All kinds of devices modified into low-level weapons obviously existed like artifacts, and they were basically invincible.

You don’t need too much, you only need to modify ten ordinary agricultural harvesters to become heavy impact tanks. Then all the walls of the Vinylon world will be as fragile as paper under the impact of such tanks, unless extraordinary power is used. Penetrate the armor and attack the people inside the tank, otherwise no weapon in the world of Vinylon will be able to withstand this kind of civilian reform weapon.

"Do they want to use these equipment to wage war and rule the world?" Sylvia asked boldly.

"Impossible!" Leo shook his head and said, "Although those equipments are irresistible to ordinary people, but for people with the strength of you and me, these equipments are not indestructible. Don't forget this. There are gods in the world, and there is no need for the gods to act directly, just a **** surrender from the church, and these equipment may be completely destroyed." Then he said casually like a joke: "In my opinion, not so much They are planning to rule the world. It is better to say that they want to use these equipment to explore the wasteland. You must know that these equipment may be a little too close to the battle, but if you open a way in the wasteland and build a fortress, it should not be a problem."

Although Leo was just jokingly guessing at random, Sylvia fell into contemplation as if she had been inspired.

"You don't really think that the Society of Unexpected Knowledge is trying to explore the wasteland?" Leo couldn't help but say seeing Sylvia like this.

"It's not impossible." Sylvia explained: "The secrets of the wasteland have always attracted the Anomaly Society, and even the tower wizards. However, all those who went deep into the wasteland never came out again. If I were the decision-making member of the Institute of Abnormalities and wanted to explore the wasteland with all my strength, I would definitely change my strategy. Instead of just organizing some expeditions to go deep into the wasteland as in the past, I would build a fortress every step of the way. Connect with a steam train and advance step by step toward the depths of the wasteland. It's just that this approach will consume a lot of financial resources, manpower, and time, but if you have the equipment to help you say..."

Leo took over Sylvia's words and said: "If you use those devices to open up and build, a city like Badisa can be built in up to four days, and the railroad tracks that take one year can be laid in one day."

Sylvia also showed a look of surprise when she heard the words. She did not expect that the device Leo said would be so powerful, which made her more affirmed of her guess.

In the next few days, Leo and Sylvia stayed in the city of Badisa, wandering around the city like two traveling people, buying some local items.

The people in the city were puzzled by Leo and Sylvia, because in the current world, monsters attacked people at any time, and some people would go deep into the wasteland to travel. This is too abnormal.

It is precisely because of the abnormality that most of the gangsters in the city dare not provoke them. They know very well that the people who can come to the wasteland alone are not ordinary people.

In the past few days, the mutant monsters in the jungle launched an attack, but compared to Odoline’s monster group, the mutant monsters in the depths of the wasteland are much worse in terms of quantity and intensity. When the mutant monsters attacked the city, O and Sylvia saw how the supernatural creatures in the wasteland slaughtered the mutant monsters.

When the mutant monster ignores everything and only knows to hit the walls of Badisha, some extraordinary creatures the size of a leopard trail behind the mutant monster. These extraordinary creatures can create a kind of freezing gas with an effect almost liquid nitrogen. This freezing gas It can easily freeze any mutant monsters of any shape, and then these mutant monsters will be shattered by the hammer of the super creature's tail.

These extraordinary creatures were obviously not the first time to besiege mutant monsters. They skillfully and effectively killed those mutant monsters alone in the jungle. In the end, an offensive and defensive battle came down, and a small number of mutant monsters died on the wall. Most of the remaining tribe warriors’ attacks were killed by extraordinary creatures.

This also proves from one aspect that it is the supernatural creatures hiding here that dominate the wasteland, not these mutant monsters that mutate due to accidents.

The people in Badisha City are obviously used to this kind of mutant monster attacks. Even the shaman in the city has specially created corresponding warning spells. When the monsters gather outside the city, they have been noticed by the established people. When it arrives, this gives the people in the city enough time to prepare for defense.

Although all kinds of defense preparations were very timely, and there were also extraordinary creatures hunting and killing mutant monsters behind, but the tribal warriors of Badisa still inevitably suffered casualties, and the number was quite large, most of them were killed by the toxins on the monsters .

This is also the biggest difference between the mutant monsters in the wasteland and the outside mutant monsters. Although some outside mutant monsters also have the ability to spray acid and poison mist when they mutate, most of these mutations are just a case. However, most of the mutant monsters in the wasteland carry various toxins on their bodies. Some monsters can spray these toxins, and some monsters mix the toxins in the blood and splash them on the attacker while being injured. Some even explode suddenly after death, spraying venom everywhere.

Even though the tribal warriors who participated in the battle wore various antidotes configured by the shaman in the city, most of the dead died because the poison was too fast to take them.

After a little statistics, after an attack, 37 tribal warriors who participated in the defense died on the spot. More than a dozen people on were seriously injured and disabled for various reasons, making it almost impossible to go to the battlefield again.

Although the total number of people is only more than 50 people, it is a big loss for a city like Badisa. You can hear people discussing whether to move to another city from time to time on the street. .

However, the Silvermoon tribe that controls Badisha seems to attach great importance to the city of Badisha. On the same day, some tribal warriors have been sent to Badisha to make up for the loss and stabilize the people's hearts.

In that battle, Leo and Sylvia were just bystanders and did not participate in any battle.

However, after the battle, Sylvia captured an extraordinary creature that was evacuating, and discovered that the reason why these extraordinary creatures help humans besieged the mutant monster is because they like to eat certain organs and sarcomas in the body of the mutant monster. Variation organization of the class.

Leo was able to sense that these organs and mutated tissues all emit a kind of energy wave, which should be the condensate produced by the residual energy that caused the biological mutation, so he also speculated that these extraordinary creatures can eat these mutated energy condensate to promote The evolution of the body, of course, may also cause the body to mutate.

After that, Sylvia and Leo went to the excavation site to check the situation to see if the appearance of the mutant monster group had an impact on the people of the Yiwen Society, but they were surprised because there was already a person here. It's all gone.

Not only were there no people, but even the digging tools were taken away. It seemed that on the day Leo and Sylvia left, they had already given up digging and exploring here, packed their things and left.

And this approach also frustrated Sylvia's plan to wait for the senior members of the core circle of the Institute of Abnormalities in Badisha.

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