The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1203: The Unfamiliar Society

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The result Leo expected to see did not happen. The person who easily broke the first two rune traps was completely trapped in the third rune trap.

For this result, it can be regarded as Leo's expectation, because the basic framework of the first two rune traps and the runes used are some of the techniques and simple Turing roots of the tower wizard of Velen World.

But the third one is the rune trap he created by combining the spell knowledge of other worlds and the extraordinary system. It is completely different from the knowledge structure of the world of Velen. It is naturally impossible to analyze the third rune trap according to the knowledge structure of the world of Velen. success.

Although Sylvia could not perceive what happened to Leo's rune trap, she could still see some clues from Leo's expression.

Leo suddenly said: "Let's go! There is no need to wait any longer, he can't break the rune trap."

After speaking, he stepped forward and continued to walk up the mine tunnel, and Sylvia followed.

Soon Leo and Sylvia returned to the place where the rune traps were arranged. Leo easily cancelled the rune traps one by one, until he said that when the third rune trap was recovered, they were trapped in the rune. Only a dozen people in the trap rushed out, and collided with each other, fell to the ground, you crushed me, I crushed you in a mess.

After Leo glanced over these people, his face showed a little disappointed look, because he didn't see the old people among the dozens of people, all of them were young people, only two of them had slightly special clothes. People are only slightly older.

These people seem to be still immersed in the illusion created by the rune trap. Even if the rune trap is lifted and recovered, they still regard their companions as monster enemies in the illusion, and they beat each other effortlessly. Soon these originals were restored. Most of the intact people were directly knocked out by a few stronger ones among them.

Until then, the few people who were still standing recovered, and looked blankly at the comrades who fell to the ground around them, completely wondering what happened here.

One of the young people who had shaved their heads and tattooed some patterns on their scalp was the first to wake up, and looked at Leo and Sylvia in a panic, and with the faint light of the fire in his hands, he could clearly see their Appearance.

The bald young man was about to question Leo and Sylvia, and at the same time, the questioning sound awakened the companions who were still in a daze, but he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Sylvia in surprise. When I reached my lips, the questioning words instantly turned into surprised questions, saying: "Ms. Sylvia, why are you here?"

Although Sylvia is not a member of the core circle, she still holds a high position in the Anomaly Society. In particular, most of the members of the Alien Society in the Weilun continent regard Sylvia as a leader.

When the mutated monster wave happened that year, many members of the Yiwen Society were trapped in the city where the monsters were rampant, and there was no time to escape. Sylvia sent someone to take the risk to rescue these people. Some of them chose to stay in the new Bodo area when Sylvia and the Yiwen Society fell out, while the other part was taken away by the Yiwen Society.

The bald young man recognized Sylvia only by the faint light of fire, and he must have had close contact with Sylvia.

Sylvia also thought of this, and looked at the bald young man a little bit, and said in surprise: "Are you little Thomas of Unter?"

"Yes, it's me," the bald young man paid respect to Sylvia, ignoring the surroundings, "It's been a long time, Ms. Sylvia! How are Irene and Toran?"

At this time, the people in the other Anomaly Society around were also sober. After hearing Sylvia's name, they all showed a look of surprise and alertness, and ignored those companions who fell to the ground and fell into a coma. Quickly gathered beside the bald youth and protected the bald youth in the middle. From this we can see how the bald youth stands among them.

Sylvia did not immediately answer the bald youth’s inquiry, nor did he pay attention to the other people’s actions. Instead, she turned her head and introduced Leo: “This is little Thomas, and his father Thomas Nut is a member of the Society of Abnormalities. When I was a child, because his father was not around, I took care of him and lived with Irene and Tolan." After the introduction, her eyes fell on the bald youth, especially the badge worn by the youth, and said: "I didn’t expect The little guy back then is now a member of the core circle of the Society of Unknowns. Your father should be very happy, right?"

Little Thomas sighed slightly and said, "Father passed away years ago."

Sylvia froze for a moment, and sighed slightly without saying anything.

Leo on the side looked at Thomas at this moment, his eyes fell on the patterns tattooed on the head, and asked: "You cracked my two rune traps before?"

After Leo spoke, everyone's attention shifted from Sylvia to him, but their faces were puzzled and they didn't know who Leo was.

It's just that Thomas seemed to think of something with a shocked look on his face, looked at Leo with a trace of abnormal emotion, and asked in confirmation: "Your Excellency is Leo Dodd?"

Leo nodded.

At this time, the other people around me remembered Leo’s identity, and looked at each other, as if giving up resistance, their tight bodies were relaxed, and the positions of their respective standing seemed a lot more casual. .

Only one Sylvia has made it difficult for them to deal with, and now with a tower wizard, if the two really want to deal with them, they will not even have the opportunity to resist, even if they use the last resort. They might not be able to escape from the hands of the two of them, and it would be difficult even to cause a little harm to them.

Undoubtedly, in this situation, their only choice is to give up resistance and let Sylvia be at the mercy of Sylvia, hoping that Sylvia can let them go when he was still a colleague of the Institute of Dissent.

Obviously, because Sylvia and the Yiwen Society fell out, and the various suppressive behaviors against the Yiwen Society over the years, the inside of the Yiwen Society has placed Sylvia, a former member, as an enemy. , So when Sylvia appeared in the ruins of this prehistoric civilization that is very important to the Society of Unknowns, what they thought was that Sylvia came to **** everything in the ruins and then wipe out the people who blocked her.

However, the thoughts of these people were not taken to heart by Sylvia and Leo. They both cared more about Thomas's answer.

"Yes, I cracked it." Little Thomas replied, taking out the two rune traps that had been destroyed by the backlash from his pocket, and wanted to return it to Leo.

"These two things are no longer useful, you want to keep them for yourself!" Leo shook his head, then pointed to the pattern on Thomas's forehead, and said: "That should be the sacred motto of the true eye, right? "

Little Thomas was stunned, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and admitted: "Yes."

Leo obtained a lot of information about the true eye from the divine power of the true eye, but the information was of no use to him, so he did not take it seriously, but for ordinary people, the information contained Some content can give ordinary people the power similar to the real eye.

For example, the sacred proverb of the true eye is one of the methods. Those who have the sacred proverb of the true eye can use the power of the proverb to obtain part of the power of the true eye within a certain period of time.

Obviously little Thomas should have used the power of the real eye to see through the forbidden enclave he made using rune traps, and then found a way to break the traps with the knowledge he mastered.

"The core material of the sacred proverb of the true eye needs to use the flesh and blood of the true eye, which is the flesh and blood of the true eye." Leo didn't care about how Thomas broke his rune trap, but more. Concerned about another thing, he asked again: "You dug out the Eye of Truth in the outskirts of Miria?"

Little Thomas knew that lying was useless, so he honestly admitted, "Yes, it was the excavation ceremony hosted by the teacher."

Leiou said in a deep voice, "The Society of Unknown Sentences is really not to be underestimated. I used to think that the Eye of Reality was either poached by the medical school or the work of the French Empire. I really didn't doubt that the Society of Unknown Sentences. In my impression, the Yiwen Society has always been a loose organization of scholars, without much execution and organization."

Sylvia was also a little surprised at this time, because she also did not expect that it was the work of the Society of Absurdities, and her face became gloomy a lot, because she was near the city of Miria at the time, and also It should be the most capable member of the Yiwen Society to participate in the excavation ceremony, but she did not receive any news from the beginning to the end. It can be seen that the Yiwen Society did not return any trust to her from the beginning to the end. She was from beginning to end. It's just an outsider.

"Who is your teacher?" Sylvia said this question, and her tone was not as close as before, and she became very cold.

Little Thomas felt Sylvia’s emotional changes. Although he didn’t know why Sylvia suddenly changed, his past experience told him that he shouldn’t be clever now, so he answered very honestly and quickly: “It’s Joe Bay. Mr. Luke."

"That old undead guy actually accepts students?" Sylvia was a little surprised, and pointed to the sacred proverb of True Eye on Thomas's head, and said: "That's what he got you tattooed on."

Little Thomas replied truthfully: "I became a teacher and student because of the sacred motto of gaining the true eye."

Although the young Thomas answered calmly and simply, both Leo and Sylvia were able to see other hidden content from this answer.

The flesh and blood of the gods, even the specially processed flesh and blood of the gods, cannot be touched by ordinary people, let alone getting tattooed into the body. Even if it succeeds in the end, the process must be extremely dangerous, and this method must be implemented. The person who is not just Thomas, if those participants are not successful, then waiting for them will be death, even more painful and tragic consequences than death.

Sylvia asked extremely angrily: "When did the Institute of Abnormalities become like the lunatics of the life school in the medical school to use this forbidden technique regardless of the consequences?"

Although her question was addressed to the few people in front of her, in fact, it was more like questioning those in the core circle of the Institute of Foreign Knowledge.

Faced with this kind of questioning, Thomas did not answer, not because he didn't know the answer, but because he couldn't answer.

Sylvia didn’t say anything, she just walked past these people who learned to learn about the anomaly, and Leo followed, although he was a little curious about Thomas’s state now, wondering how the other party resolved the rejection. , What happened to the body, etc., but now is obviously not a good time to study these things.

At this time, a person from the Institute of Unexpected Knowledge couldn't help but ask: "What's in this ruin..."

Sylvia said without turning her head back: "It's all in my hands. If you want those things, let the senior management of the core circle of the Yiwen Society come to see me."

Leo listened to Sylvia's words, couldn't help but smile, and didn't say anything. After all, Sylvia's doing this just echoed his thoughts. He also wanted to meet the people in the core circle of the Society of Dissidents, UU看书www. and get information about this ruin from people in the core circle of the Yiwen Society, and see if you can find out what happened to the old man Rembrandt.

Just as Leo and Sylvia walked out of the mine tunnel, these people from the Institute of Abnormalities were stunned for a while, and then, at the signal of Thomas, each rescued the unconscious people who fell on the ground.

Because of the influence of hallucinations, their attacking companions were very heavy. Several people have died from serious injuries. Most of the others have not had much combat effectiveness due to their injuries. They sat on the ground with a frustrated expression and looked at them. The companion who was dying in a coma, didn't know what to say.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Why don't you stop them from leaving?"

"Prevent them from leaving? Are you crazy? Do you want us all to die here?" Faced with this accusation, the few people who were sober from the beginning responded without hesitation: "Do you know who the two are? One is Sylvia Belmont, the leader of the First Witch Order, and Leo Dodd, the last tower wizard, let alone us people, even those above don’t dare to face both of them. Any unnecessary actions."

The man knew that his question had aroused public anger, so he didn't speak to refute, and the mine tunnel became quiet again.

After a while, someone asked little Thomas, "Your Excellency Thomas, what do you do now?"

Little Thomas sighed and said, "Report truthfully! This is not our fault. The above will not blame us."

"Where are the ruins in there?" someone asked again.

Little Thomas gave the man angrily and said, "Didn't you hear what Ms. Sylvia said? She has taken everything in there. If you want to go in, go in by yourself!"

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