The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1205: Encounter on the road

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The train from Badisa to the Sacred Mountain in the south is an old-fashioned steam locomotive more than a hundred years ago. This locomotive is twice as fast as the common locomotive in the world of Vinylon, and has an extra steam cylinder, in order to be able to withstand Living the weight of this old steam locomotive, this locomotive uses a four-track railway, and each track is larger and thicker than the normal external track.

At the beginning, it was because this kind of steam locomotive was too bulky and the driving speed was not fast, so a smaller and stronger locomotive was developed.

However, this shortcoming in the eyes of others has become an advantage when placed in the wilderness of Mozambique. It is also the main reason why this railway and even other railways in the wilderness still use this locomotive and four-track railway.

Although the speed of this locomotive is slow, the pulling force is very large. It can pull one hundred and fifty of the largest carriages and trailers full of various goods. This record has not been able to break this record of pulling force. Half of the record cannot be broken.

The other is that this kind of locomotive is very sturdy. After more than a hundred years, it is still in good condition and has very little failure. It has three sets of linkage systems. As long as the cylinder is not damaged, even a set of linkage system failures will not affect the use. There is an axe-type impact hammer specially installed in the front section of the locomotive to break open objects in the way. This unique equipment can make the train unimpeded in the wasteland, which is full of various dangers.

At present, most of these trains are used to pull ore, wood and other valuable things produced in the wasteland. There are no dedicated passenger carriages. After all, each time the train is started, a large amount of fuel is required, and the cost is far from simple. Passenger transport can make up for it, so most of them are passenger carriages that are improved by hanging two open-air trailer carriages at the end of the train. Not many passengers are transported. Naturally, such carriages are not comfortable, and because they are Because of the open air, it can only be rained on a rainy day. If it is okay in the upper carriage, if it is in the lower carriage, then only the sewage flowing down from Lin can be used.

Sylvia and Leo would naturally not be willing to squeeze the open-air passenger carriages behind them. They paid some money and sat in the driver’s rest carriage behind the locomotive, although half of the carriages here are used to store charcoal as fuel. Yes, the environment is not very good, but at least there is a place to shelter from wind and rain, which is not bad for people like Leo and Sylvia who are used to eating and sleeping.

There are a total of 17 stations on the route of this train, including Badisa and the southern sacred mountain. Except for the two top stations of Badisa and the southern sacred mountain, the train will not stop midway. It will not stop even when passing through the site.

It’s just that they will slow down the train as much as possible at the station. Passengers who get off the train can jump directly into the haystacks specially provided on both sides of the station. They are basically not injured. Passengers on the train can be specially built at the station. Get on the platform, grab the handle of the slow-moving carriage and jump into the car.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no accidents when getting on and off the train. After all, if the people who survived in the wasteland did not have agile skills, they would have been buried in the belly of the beast, and those who rolled into the train wheels due to some unforeseen accidents The unlucky ones can only blame them for bad luck.

"Damn weather, so heavy rain, I hope nothing will happen ahead." The shift train driver shook off the rain while sitting by the stove cursingly, not caring about Leo and Hill sitting across from him. Via, directly picked up a piece of ground potato that was being baked on the stove and ate it.

"Is this kind of weather prone to accidents?" Leo asked with a frown, looking at the storm outside the car.

If the ocean weather is unpredictable and there are traces to follow, then the changes in the weather in the wasteland are completely irregular. Ten minutes ago, the weather was still sunny, quiet and peaceful, but now it suddenly turned into heavy rain. , The wind is raging.

Each of the trees on both sides of the railway is fifty meters high, and the trunks need to be hugged by eight or nine people. It looks like this kind of thick and tall trees are now bent under the strong wind. After the waist, even the leaves on the tree were blown away, leaving only the bare branches and trunks.

"Of course it's easy to happen, but it doesn't matter..." The driver stretched out his hand and patted the car and said, "This guy is strong. Even if something goes wrong before, it can be easily solved."

Perhaps to prove the driver's words, after the train passed a turn, he saw several huge trees collapsed on top of each other and pressed on the railway track.

Facing the trees blocking the road, the driver in the cockpit shakes the warning rope to inform the people behind the train, while shoveling a few shovel fuel in the King’s boiler, speeding up the car, and moving towards the one blocking the road. The fallen tree slammed past.

Only heard a loud noise from the front section of the train, and the body vibrated slightly, and then saw the tree trunks that had been smashed into two sections flying into the jungle on both sides of the railway, causing a lot of movement.

"How about it, awesome! This guy directly killed a mutant monster that stood in the way at the beginning. The monster is very huge, like a hill, but it was still crushed by half of our body by our big guy." Said proudly.

"Are there many mutant monsters on the road?" Leo asked again.

"Much!" The driver took out an iron hip flask from the small cabinet next to it, opened the lid, poured a glass, and then motioned to Leo. Seeing Leo didn't want it, he was about to put it back, but it was still stuffed in the end. In his pocket, he continued: "Now I have just left the edge of the city, because the hunters in the city regularly clean up the surrounding monsters, and the number is not very large. After a while, they will go deep into the wasteland, and the monsters will increase. It's the guys in the wasteland. Those guys know how powerful the train is and will avoid it when they hear the movement, but those monsters will directly hit the train. Then you just need to sit in the carriage and it will be fine. Don't stretch out curiously. Get out."

Perhaps it was to prove the driver's words, after the train got into a jungle, some mutant monsters rushed out of the jungle one after another and crashed into a carriage full of cargo behind.

Although the collisions of these monsters were very powerful, they even shook the train, but in the face of the thickened armor at both ends of the train and the weight of the train itself, their impact force was obviously far from enough, and the armor followed the impact. The barbed mechanism that popped out easily ripped their bodies. Some of them might not have died yet, but they had completely lost their combat power. Some predators in the jungle would solve them.

On the subsequent road, the number of monster impacts encountered increased, and the driver became nervous as much as possible. There was no mood to talk to Leo, and even before the shift was changed, he had already gone to the locomotive. In the cab, although they explained to Leo that they were worried that one person in the cab would be too busy, they actually felt that the cab was safer. After all, the hardest part of the train is the locomotive, and if the rear If something happened to the carriage, the locomotive could disconnect the connection and escape alone.

Just after the driver left, Sylvia, who hadn't spoken since just now, suddenly spoke and said: "I feel the breath of the abyss."

"The breath of the abyss?" Leo was stunned, and carefully felt the energy fluctuations around him.

However, the energy generated by the weather outside was too frantic, and he couldn't perceive more specific energy details at all.

However, Leo didn't doubt Sylvia's perception. She had fully grasped the power of the abyssal dragon's bloodline, and she could be regarded as a half-abyss creature, and she was naturally particularly sensitive to the power of the abyss.

Sylvia stood up from his seat at this time, walked outside the cabin, on the small platform at the junction of the two carriages, and then looked up at the pitch-black sky, which was constantly flashing across the lightning sky, and said: "The source is in the clouds. "

Leiou also walked out and looked up after hearing the words, but this time he used spiritual vision and stimulated the power of the real eye, and his extraordinary vision also made it easy for him to see the situation inside the dark cloud.

I saw two huge monsters fighting in the dark clouds. One monster Leo once encountered a bone butterfly that was injured by him, while the other monster Leo didn't recognize it, although the shape looked a little enlarged. It is dozens of times longer than that of a bird, but the body that is covered with pustules and continuously drops black oily substance is obviously very different from the body of any bird.

The aura of the abyss certainly did not emanate from the bone butterfly. Leo, who had fought the bone butterfly face-to-face, knew exactly what the energy fluctuations emitted from the bone butterfly, and the other monster was undoubtedly a mutant monster, but from the mutant monster. It seems that this is the first time I have seen the breath of abyssal power.

"Do you know what that is?" Leo asked.

"I don't know!" Sylvia shook her head and said, "But if you can fight the bone butterfly head-on, obviously this monster should also be that kind of disaster-level strategic monster." As she said, she turned her head and looked around. The jungle where mutated monsters emerged said: "The power generated after their battle is integrated into the rain, and the rain stimulates the mutation of the creatures. If it is not stopped, it may not be long before a tide of monsters will form here."

"Yeah! Let me come!" Leo heard the words, did not say much, turned around and jumped onto the train car, and walked a distance towards the rear car, and came to the train car full of logs, standing Above a pile of logs.

With the emergence of Leo, some monsters seemed to take Leo as prey, trying to rush up and eat Leo, but their power was obviously not enough, not only could not shake the car in motion, even the outer layer of the car fell down. The hook armor plate was unstoppable, and without exception, it was torn apart.

Although the surrounding armor plates can withstand the monster's impact, Leo did not take it lightly. He still carefully took out a few rune traps, activated them, and threw them to various places around him to prevent mutant monsters from rushing into the carriage.

After completing the protective arrangements, Leo began to use the Soul Crystallization Gun, because he needed to increase the strength of the Soul Crystallization Gun to reach the strategic level of psionic skills, plus some unskilled use, so it took a period of time to accumulate energy.

The reason why he didn’t use a more proficient and effective thunder gun, apart from the wasteland’s influence on psychic powers, which made the use of psionic skills a lot more difficult, and the soul crystal gun can be used with other powers. The most important thing is that I have tried lightning guns to attack bones of butterflies.

He knows very well that although the thunder gun can damage a monster of the strength of a bone butterfly, it is not enough to cause fatal damage to it. After being attacked by the thunder gun, he can still have enough power to escape far enough, so he wants to Try the power after upgrading the Soul Crystallization Gun to a strategic level psionic skill.

As he continued to push his power to operate in the way of the spell module of the Soul Crystallization Gun, two dark purple crystals that looked very deep gradually appeared in the palms of his hands.

These two crystals are suspended in Leo's palm, constantly rotating. Each time they rotate, the volume increases by one part, and the surface also has an outward crystalline edge.

When the crystal has grown to the size equivalent to half of Leo's body, the surface of the crystal has become like two maces, UU read www. uukanshu. com is full of spiky crystal edges of various sizes, and this seemingly hideous shape does not make people feel frightened, on the contrary, each crystal edge emits a different dazzling light, allowing the whole soul to crystallize the gun. It looks very gorgeous, and anyone who sees it has a feeling that the soul will fall into it.

Feeling that the Soul Crystallization Spear had been charged to the same extent, Leo spotted the two monsters fighting in the sky, and swung the Soul Crystallization Spear in his hand towards them.

The two soul crystal spears came out instantly, like two sharp off-string arrows rushing into the sky, and while flying, some crystals like fragments were continuously peeled off from its body, scattered in the air, forming A star-like pike looks extremely beautiful.

Those crystalline fragments are not only good-looking, but also like the propelling flames at the end of the rocket, continuously urging the soul crystallizing gun to accelerate. It took less than ten breaths before the two soul crystallizing guns have rushed in. When they arrived in the airspace between the two warring parties, before the two monsters could react, they plunged directly into the bodies of the two monsters.

The mention of these two soul crystal guns is nothing more than toothpicks to two monsters as huge as a hill, but the power contained in the crystal guns is far from being measurable by their size. When they penetrate the target, they crystallize. The power in the gun burst out instantly.

The two monsters that were fighting to the death the moment before seemed to be frozen in their bodies, motionless, and then the monster's body crystallized at an extremely fast speed from the inside to the outside, and the time of a few breaths was complete. It turned into two crystalline monsters, and then shattered into countless crystalline debris under the bombardment of several lightning bolts in the dark cloud. The light formed by these crystalline debris illuminates the entire dark cloud into various colors, like a miracle.

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