The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1202: Empty ruins

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The two did not stop at the entrance of the ruins, and went directly to the interior of the ruins. Compared with the outside, the interior of the ruins was much more spacious because the interior of the ruins was a small town, a small town almost completely destroyed into ruins.

At first glance, it seems that the builders of this small town hollowed out the underground and built this small town. However, if you look closely, you can find that the small town and this underground cave are not one at all. It can be seen from the junction of the town ground. Although the two are perfectly integrated, it looks like a rough stone that has been excavated and polished, but in fact the materials of the two are different, one is similar to sandstone. The other is the associated rock of tungsten ore. These two kinds of rocks cannot appear on the same stone according to common sense.

Similar situations abound in the edge of the town, which makes this ruined town look incompatible with the entire cave.

Another point is that the houses in many places on the edge of the town are cut off, half of which are normal houses, and the other half is a rock wall.

If you only rely on the rock wall as a wall of the house and save building materials, the other parts of the house are in good condition, but the problem is that most of the truncated parts of these houses can be seen as one room. The complete house was cut off.

All kinds of circumstances made Leo quickly made a judgment. This ruined town was not built after digging out the rock at all, but a town that did not belong to this world was directly squeezed in by a certain spatial displacement force. In the underground of the wasteland, and this force also forcibly merged the two together, just like welding, and finally formed the weird situation now.

"Did you find anything?" Sylvia looked around, then asked Leo again.

Leo told Sylvia about his findings, and then added: "This town is not a human town, and the reason for the town's destruction was war. There was at least one airspace near the town. The orbital energy cannon attacked the ground. Although the energy cannon did not directly attack the town, the shock wave created by the energy cannon destroyed the entire town.” After speaking, he pointed to the surrounding areas that collapsed in the same momentum and the ground was all Fragmented ruins, said: "This kind of destruction scene is a typical energy cannon shock wave destruction scene."

Sylvia didn’t know what the Orbital Energy Cannon was. He could only judge from the content that it should be a very powerful weapon. The shock wave created by the side effects alone could destroy a small town. If you hit it directly, Perhaps the town can be erased directly.

Although Sylvia was very curious about the orbital energy cannon, she also knew that it might be very complicated. Even Leo explained that she might not be able to understand it, so she did not continue to worry about the orbital energy cannon, but asked Another discovery Leo said: "What do you mean when this town is not a town built by humans? Is this town built by monsters?"

"It can't be said to be a monster. To be correct, it should be a low-level civilized universe creature." Leo walked to a small piece of ruin next to him, squatted down and picked up a fuchsia rock, toward Sylvie Yadi went over and said, "This is the body of a cosmic creature. His name is Lightly Rockman. It is a very special cosmic life. When the body is alive, it is an organism. Once it dies, it will change in a short time. Rock formation. Their civilization is only a low-level civilization, but because they are very good at finding ores, many pioneers and explorers of medium civilizations like to hire these Lightly rock people to investigate the mineral resources of the resource star."

Although Leo tried his best to make his explanation simple and easy to understand, and also used a lot of words in the French language to replace the Commonwealth, Sylvia still half understood and half understood. Just know that the town builder is a kind of creature called rock man, usually like a human, will turn into rock after death, and is very good at mining and the like.

"There is such a weird race!" Sylvia exclaimed, and then looked at the rock in her hand. Although Leo knew from Leo's mouth that this rock was transformed by the dead body of a certain creature, she Still did not see the essential difference between this rock and other rocks.

"Let's go there and see, maybe we can find something." Leo pointed to a cleared area on the edge of the town ruins and said.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen tents erected on the open space, and there were also sundries such as bonfire pits and storage bins outside the tents, which should have been left by the group of explorers of Old Rembrandt.

The two quickly walked over and searched the camp. Just like the situation at the entrance, almost everything in the camp was packed and taken away by the people who set up the camp at the time. Nothing of value was left behind.

"They didn't have to explore this place before the accident, did they leave?" Sylvia was a little skeptical when she saw the sight.

"It should not be." Leo shook his head, pointed to some obvious marks around, and said: "They were in a hurry and panic when they left. Some people fell and trampled here, and many people also fell." As she spoke, she saw her picking up a few jewelry-like items from the ground, and said: "Even if such valuable jewelry was dropped, I didn't even pick it up. If the people in the camp left before the incident, it would be impossible to be so flustered. , Only after the incident, will I be so alarmed."

"If it hadn't left before the incident, where did their people and their excavation go?" Sylvia asked in a puzzled manner, then looked around and said, "Is there any hidden exit here? "

"Hidden exit?" Leo hesitated, opened the spirit net to check the surroundings, and then the surrounding rocks were all integrated. Except for the entrance, there were no other exits, and the rocks blocking the way were also He opened it with a spell, and there was no sign of rock collapse after excavation.

However, Leo did not completely deny Sylvia's guess. He gestured to Sylvia, then pointed to the obvious footprints on the dust on the ground, and followed the footprints towards the ruined town. The side edge walked over.

Soon they came to the end of their footprints. There was a bare rock. From the traces on the ground, it was supposed to be a road. However, the ruined town was cut off later, and the road was also cut off. The town was sent here together.

"Look." Leo pointed to the trace on the edge of the rock.

Sylvia leaned over and took a look, and found an anomaly. There were only a few footprints. There was nothing wrong with the footprints, but the problem was that there were only half of these footprints. The heel was clearly printed on the ground, and the sole of the foot Part of it has become a rock. There are still a lot of such footprints at the roots of the rock. After looking at it, it feels as if the rock is just an illusion. Those who were trapped here have penetrated into the rock from the channel behind the rock. left.

With this thought, Sylvia reached out and touched the rock in front of her, feeling the same as a normal rock, and then hit the rock with the power of her witch, spreading her power, and the power was fed back. The result is that there are normal underground ore behind the rocks, nothing unusual.

"What's going on?" Sylvia was a little dazed.

"There should have been an exit here, but the exit disappeared and turned into a rock underground." Leo briefly said his thoughts, and then looked at both sides along the rocks in front of him and saw those on both sides. The ruined house that was cut off said: "This place shouldn't be what we see now. The ruins of the town should have been more complete." He said, he asked Sylvia again: "What you collected Does the relevant information mention the situation here?"

Sylvia shook her head and said: "The excavation here is the most secret thing of the Yiwen Society. Even the Shaman Sacred Mountain and the United Kingdom as participants are only funders and facilitators, not the main ones. Participants of, all the things they unearthed were sealed up and sent to the secret headquarters of the Yiwen Society. Where are all the research materials. If you want to understand what happened here, you can only find the secret headquarters of the Yiwen Society. Row."

Leo questioned: "I remember that you were also a high-level member of the Institute of Ability, right?"

Sylvia explained: “Yes, but I’m just a bachelor’s degree from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I’m not a member of the core circle. People in the core circle will not hold any important positions in any political groups, national polities, or religious forces. Only the scholars and explorers who are qualified to enter the core circle."

After listening to Sylvia’s explanation, Leo checked the surroundings again, sighed, and said, “Let’s go! There is nothing worth exploring here. Even the things left in the ruins have already been destroyed. Cleared away, we will need to visit the secret headquarters of the Yiwen Society in the future."

Sylvia also looked around and nodded: "I agree, I really want to go there and take a look."

The two turned and walked out of the ruins of this underground town, and re-entered into the mine tunnel. At this time, Leo suddenly showed a little surprised look, and his footsteps paused slightly. Sylvia naturally noticed it. Asked: "What's wrong?"

"The first rune trap I dropped was cracked." Leo explained.

"Has been cracked?" Sylvia was also a little surprised. She had personally experienced Leo's re-improved rune trap. She knew how powerful and effective this rune trap was, even if she wanted to crack it. Rune traps also take some effort and time, and now there is someone at the other end of the mine tunnel that took Leo’s rune traps in less time than her, which made her feel incredible, and in her mind After a quick search, I wanted to find the corresponding object in the Yiwen Society.

"Joe Beluk!" Sylvia soon found a person with the same ability in his memory and said.

"Joe Beluk? That legendary puzzle solver?" After being reminded, Leo also quickly found some information about this man, and asked: "He is still alive? By all accounts, he should be over three hundred years old. Right?"

Leo was deeply impressed by Joe Beluk, because he was the first public member of the Society of Unknowns, and because of his publicity, countries all over the world knew that the people of all countries in the world also conceal such a huge and powerful force. For some time, the Orthodox court accused the Yiwen Society as heretics because of certain doctrines against the gods published by the Yiwen Society for crusade.

Joe Beluk, the only publicly-identified member of the Hearing Society, has naturally become the main target of the crusade, and he is very legendary in escaping from arrests and suppressions.

It’s fine if it’s a person with extraordinary powers, but Joe Beluk is just an ordinary person, and an ordinary person has escaped the arrests of the Orthodox Court adjudicator again and again, which makes Joe Beluk even more special.

However, what is most famous about Joe Beluk is not his ability to escape, but his ability to solve puzzles. According to the relevant information that Leo saw from Old Rembrandt, Joe Beluk once solved three There are more than a thousand mysteries that have plagued various scholars. These mysteries include unsolved textual mysteries of ancient civilizations, UU Reading also have knowledge mysteries related to extraordinary powers, etc., of which almost one fifth The content is related to the tower wizard.

As early as three hundred years ago, Joe Beluk had assisted certain countries in cracking a dozen special items related to the tower wizard. So even if Joe Beluk was not a tower wizard, he was The knowledge mastered should also have an extremely deep grasp.

Although Leo’s rune traps were created by him after merging other knowledge, the core part still did not break away from the framework of the tower wizard.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics, but I heard that he temporarily extended his lifespan through a certain method. I don't know what the specific method is." Sylvia explained why Joe Beluk, who went for 300 years, is still alive. , And then added: "It may not be him, but the Yiwen Society attaches great importance to his health and safety, and should not send him to the original place. If something happens, it will be a great deal to Yiwen Society. Irreparable loss."

"The second rune trap has been cracked again." Leo felt again at this time and prompted.

"So fast?" Sylvia was shocked, because the cracking speed was too fast.

"There is no need to be surprised. The second rune trap is similar to the first one. If the first one can be cracked, then the second one can be cracked without taking too much time." Leo didn't have the rune made by himself. Annoyed when the trap was cracked, he looked interested and said: "Let's wait here for a while! I want to see the next few rune traps, how long will it take him to crack."

"Are the two rune traps different?" Sylvia asked.

"It's not the same, it's all different." Leo smiled and replied.

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